Steel and Mana

Chapter 164 – Undercurrents

When the following day arrived, and it was time to sit down and continue their meeting, all parties acted as if the previous attempt at it was nonexistent. Knowing the limits and attitude of the newest Empress of the Ishillia Empire, Kadosa IV and Ahnud V understood precisely when to push and retreat during the talks, trying to weaken Ishillia and Roblesia simultaneously.

This time around, Mirian was also a partner in their play, sometimes taking the initiative to be the aggressor, pushing for territorial gains from the three lambs waiting for slaughter. Of course, her demands were denied by the other Emperors, and in those moments, Nuen stepped in, finding a middle road for all of them.

The formal conference lasted three days straight, each one focusing on one of the countries whose leaders sat mutely at their table, listening to how others ruled over their actions, territories, and lives. It was a stifling feeling for each of them but also something they had lost any chance to influence.

"Are we settled then?" Nuen asked, wearing a kind smile, pushing a pair of documents forward, waiting for everybody present to sign them.


"I'm satisfied with the current version." Mirian answered, looking at the silent Ahnud, who was the most dissatisfied with the final agreements.

Everything happened just as Nuen predicted, playing along more with Mirian than against her and ending up as the overseer and guardian of the three kingdoms. Even though Ahnud made sure that Roblesia wouldn't be able to fully annex them, forcing multiple fail-safes into the document so the three could remain independent, it was still something that now elevated Roblesia into the same position as the three Empires sitting at the table.

Roblesia only needed time to rebuild his new 'territories' and consolidate their powers to let it show in the big picture. Once again, this could take decades because the three kingdoms owed Ishillia heavy reparations. A point that they could fulfill via gold or natural resources, but with Roblesia's backing, it could be done without bankrupting them. Which, in turn, would put them even more into the debt of Nuen IX, forever tying their kingdoms to her.

Both the Emperor of Geth and Sar were thinking the same idea: Ishillia, for the first time in its history, was looking for an ally and found it in the form of Roblesia. Was this pre-planned before the war even broke out? Did Ishillia instigate it in the first place, knowing it would play out like this? Or is this all of Mirian's doing? They couldn't tell, but they knew that with how things were evolving, Ishillia once again was a danger to their Empires. If not immediately, then in the next century or so.

"Our only advantage is time, for now." Kadosa exhaled after leaving the meeting and walking alone with Ahnud. Both of them thought about dozens of possible futures in which their descendants would have to meet their enemies on the battlefield.

"Our biggest problem is getting to Scorc and supplying the rebellion there with resources. We are cut off of them... If we could feed their flame and cause Ishillia a headache, that would be the best."

"Yes, we are hopeless in that regard. We may need to look towards the north and west to settle our differences there and try forming a coalition against Ishillia. We may be strong, my friend, but we would have trouble resisting how things look now. Especially if they work together with Roblesia."

"Don't forget the Theocracy." Ahnud warned him, "They may have a mediocre land-based military, but they would be a headache on the waters if war broke out. Their fleets are more advanced than ours."

"No matter." Kadosa shook his head. We will start announcing closer work between us and drag Moros into it."

"Haah... that will be another meeting with a headache."

"They are family." The Emperor of Geth chuckled, patting Ahnud's shoulder, "Times are changing; who knows what the future holds? It is best if we prepare for a storm, or we will be gone, like Vasa."

"That lineage is just a myth."

"Is it, though?" He asked back, gently touching the medallion on his chest. "I am not so sure about it..."


"Y-you can't be serious!" Mikan stuttered, playing nervously with her fingers, looking at me with her golden, enlarged eyes. We were sitting at the dinner table, everyone from the family present, discussing our day, waiting for the end of winter.

"I am dead serious, Mikki. I want you to be the voice of our future radio station. Why is it so hard to believe? Don't tell me you have stage fright because I refuse to accept it!"

"It's not that!" she explained at once. "It is something special, and it will be another staple of Avalon! It should be you or Sasha who speaks to everyone, not me!"

"Your voice is much better for radio." Sasha agreed, which was quickly echoed by everyone else, who was trying to encourage her to accept the position.

"And it is a weekly occasion, not for every day." I continued, enjoying Luna's cooking, which could turn any kind of monster meat into the most tender rib steak you have ever tried. No wonder that even my kids were demanding their own portions. "You practically live here now; you are part of the royal family in many citizens' eyes. So don't be nervous about it!"

"Hauh... Regardless..."

"You still have time to prepare!" Sasha chuckled, leaning over and stroking her head, "We are still manufacturing the radios, and they will only be ready by spring. You have time to decide what to include in your show."

"We could do plays!" Luna clapped, excited the moment she learned about the radios. She already wanted to hear others read her favorite books, so she just had to listen to them while lying on the couch. Something that would happen eventually, but I wanted to turn the radio into something... unique. Something that is not part of everyday life but an occasion that my people would look forward to.

"We could have sex live!" Yuri chimed in, making us all look at her. "What? I would listen to it."

"Not. Before. The. Kids." Sasha whispered, making her realize it, mouth a shallow 'sorry' while grinning.

"More!" Arthur clapped, his hands glistening from gravy like his sister's, but Sasha shook her head, refusing to give them more meat.

"That was already enough; it could be bad for your tummies!"

"No!" Leyla protested, also wanting to eat more, making me look at them with a sigh, not understanding how they could ditch boobs for monster meat. One can be enjoyed whenever while the other... well, you need a willing partner first.

"If I said enough, it is enough!" She repeated her verdict, this time with authority, putting a slice of cheesecake on their plates that they quickly began to devour, sitting on their booster seats, happily swinging their tiny legs. "Are every kid like them?" She asked, sighing, making my head shake.

"I bet not. Honestly, looking at them, I would say they are three to four years old and not only one...."

"Good genes." Mikan smiled happily, making me shrug, glancing at Yuri, who just stuck her tongue out before speaking.

"It may be good genes, but damn, they are picky in when they want to work."

"Guilty as charged!" I agreed, wiping my mouth, "I am also curious if the same will happen to Merlin and Elena."

"They first need to finally hold hands without panicking, not to mention kissing!" Yuri laughed, making Luna perk up and beginning to gossip.

"Oh, I saw them walking around, hand-holding. I think Elena is the more pushy one, but Merlin fumbles it every moment! He really needs some good advice, Leon."

"From me?" I grunted, looking at them, "I have no idea how I got all of you in the first place! Sasha was a lost kitten who I took in, Luna was a disowned kitten dropped into my lap, and here is Yuri, a feral kitten forcefully taken away."

"And then here is Mikan, a sick kitten who got healed!" Yuri caught on quickly, making the priestess blush, avoiding everyone's gazes at the table.

"Sooo... Merlin should open an animal shelter?" Luna asked, making Yuri grin.

"Fill it with pussies!"

"Oookay, enough!" I stepped in before it would get out of hand. "Let them do it naturally, okay? I know your instincts are burning to meddle in it, but please, don't. Let them go through the steps before we push them together and handcuff them."

"Speaking of handcuffs," Sasha said, putting down her wineglass. "We will need to keep our eyes peeled and build proper border crossing checkpoints."

"Did something happen?" Mikan asked, worried, while I nodded at my wife to continue.

"Elliot has sent word over that they already had troubles at his own borders. Refugees from Scorc are trying to get up here, farthest from the center of Ishillian authority. For now, they were all rounded up and made to turn around, but this is getting out of hand, fast."

"We will send soldiers over the moment spring arrives, and the beasts stop assaulting the castle." I nodded, agreeing, knowing that my uncle's letter was a subtle cry for help. "I am thinking of making Pion the mission's leader and also giving him the task of helping Elliot out with training his army."

"Won't it alert the other nobles in the vicinity?" Mikan asked, worried about what it could mean for us in the future.

"There is a possibility, but we can't afford to do nothing about it." I continued without worry, "We will help Elliot secure his borders, use the refugees as an excuse to build fortifications and checkpoints, and exercise greater control of our borders."

"I smell trouble..." Yuri murmured, closing her eyes, "And my tinglings are usually precise when it comes to the bedroom or danger. You do realize we are looking at a fire that has just started and will burn brightly..."

"I know. Refugees are one thing, but they are filled with hatred toward us, so of course, they won't be peaceful. Border disputes are going to be a daily occasion." I explained calmly, "That is why our army will help Elliot out while also speeding up the training of a regular army. Our troops will be the baseline of what counts as elite soldiers, so Elliot's regular forces don't need to be overturned, taking less resources and time to produce."

"Dorian has also sent word that they are ready to deliver the first armor sets, which will be shipped to our soldiers working at the borders." Sasha added, "Our hope is that they will determine possible terrorists and warn the other nobles in our vicinity not to get funny ideas into their heads."

"Which will only work for a short time." Yuri warned us, but we were well aware of the issue.

"Yes, but we just need time for Elliot to build up a maintainable army bolstered by our special forces. If the nobles will try to funnel these refugees towards us, thinking of dumping them onto the Frontier, they will be surprised. I am aware that they will explode sooner or later and create an armed conflict, but it is what it is! We are going to protect ourselves first and foremost. If they hate Ishillia, burn it down. I don't care... but don't try to come here and cause trouble in my home!"

"It is also an opportunity." With a small smile, Sasha asked, "Will Ishillia do something? Help the nobles who are under the pressure generated by the annexation of the Kingdom of Scorc and dealing with their countrymen? Or tell them to solve it by themselves?"

"Wait..." Yuri caught on first. Are you saying we will use this event to see if they rebel?"

"It is a long shot." I chuckled, nodding my head, "But why not try it? Which Ishillia would be easier to face? One that is united or one that is on the brink of a civil war? I know that most leaders always dream of getting more, more, and more. Conquering the world, holding it in their palms, and proclaiming themselves as a God King. Sorry, but I don't see it that way. There is always a limit to what you can control. There may be a figure who dreams big and subjugates more territory than anyone else before him... but then they die, and all of it falls apart. I'm content, my loves. If the only thing I will ever rule over is Avalon, I am fine with it."

"What if we make you into the Emperor of Ishillia?" Luna asked, her eyes sparkling as she looked at me, making me reach out and flick her forehead.

"I would refuse. Thanks, but no thanks. I will let someone else take over that headache! I am satisfied by lying in bed with you all than trying to hold together an oversized empire where everyone wants to stab me in the back."

No chapter tomorrow; sorry about that, but I have a doctor's appointment to go to and do a multitude of tests. (I have been suffering from ringing ears for weeks now, and it is getting worse. Anyway, we'll see what happens.)

To not leave you without something to read, I'd like to link you two isekai stories from two friends:

One is from Maury called Blossoming Spirit – Isekai Progression Fantasy (No System)

I think it has a unique approach with a unique concept towards not just magic but spirit creatures as a whole.

The second story is from Hans (who also made the cover art for S&M!). He is a returning writer who brings his stories back to SH after leaving it. The very first volume is still up and maintained by another user here, titled The Human Saint is Bored, so I was Summoned to Another World & now the second volume is also being published here: The Beastman Saint is H*rny, so I was Kidnapped to Another World 

His books also deal with kingdom-building, so I think you guys would like them.

If any of these stories are not to your taste, please don't be rude to the authors; they didn't ask for promotion. I am doing this because I am friends with them, and I want to give a helping hand where I can.

Well... now, I'm off. Hopefully, my issue will be resolved, or a cause will be found. If not, I will have to adjust to living with the screeching noise inside my head or go under more tests until everyone gives up. It is what it is.

But wait! There is more. There is? There is!

On Patreon, where the story is at the moment, Leon and co. are designing a Talk Show. Now, the first interview will be with Leon, and he is looking to let the people send in questions. If you are game, so am I, so here is what we will do! Think of yourself as a citizen of Avalon, and leave your question in the comments below! If you have any, that is... but if you do, then it will be featured in one of the future chapters! (Obviously, trolly or weird questions are going to be ignored.)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.