Steel and Mana

Chapter 176 – Conference (2)

When the following day arrived, and we entered the same conference room, it gave both of us a much more antagonistic, unfriendly vibe. No wonder because finally, I could lay my eyes upon Baron Vash Tobrok, and he didn't seem pleased to do the same. Old bastard. Scanning the room, right now, it was only us and the armored soldiers of the Countess, making sure there would be no problems, not with Tobrok's guards or with ours, who were still following us like our shadows.

"No greetings?" I asked, smiling directly at him, enjoying how his eyes twitched.

"You were already greeted by Countess Zimmermann."

"True, but aren't I a guest in your castle, Baron? I can understand that if you only nod at my Uncle, as both of you are of the same rank… But when did I get demoted?"

"Excuse me?" He asked back, his fingers balled up into a fist on his hand, followed by his face turning red while I could hear Elliot chuckle beside me.

"I see." I hummed, turning towards my Uncle, "I think the Baron here didn't attend to his studies as a kid. This is why I told you education is really important!"

"I agree, nephew. I made sure that kids in my territory attended public schools until they came to age. I can't have imbeciles running around, ruining things!"

"You-!" Tobrok gasped, his men also moving forward while Oleg and Pion stepped up, towering over them, ignoring the warning coughs of the Countess's soldiers.

"Baron Vash Tobrok." I answered, looking back at him with a cold gaze, uninterested in teasing him anymore, "I am a Viscount. Now greet me as a Viscount, or it will be my soldiers who grab your head and push you into a bow until you kiss the floor of your own castle."

"You dare speak to me in my OWN castle, you barbarian?!"

"Try me." I chuckled, but before it could escalate further, Matilda entered the room, looking at us, letting out a long sigh after understanding the situation from one glance.

"Let us all sit down and start the conference. There is no reason to drag this meeting out, it seems."

"There isn't." I agreed, bowing towards her before sitting down, and I was counting in my head, expecting the Baron to blow a casket and maybe fall over from a stroke. Sadly, it didn't happen.

At first, it was Matilda's turn to explain everything, recounting the events for both of us as if it wasn't us who were involved in this scuffle. Oh well, maybe there are times when the nobles don't even know they are at war with each other, huh?

"My Lady, it is highly suspicious that refugees are being herded away, and then they completely disappear. Just as decreed by a millennia-long history, we were obliged to investigate and protect our people from nobles who turn tyrants!"

"We agree." Elliot chimed in, turning every head toward us. "That is why we are considering invading the Black Lands, removing the Tobrok family, and letting Countess Zimmermann name a new bloodline to replace the current while we secure the land and maintain peace."

"What?!" Vash screamed, so high pitched, I thought his balls were squeezed by Yuri under the table.

"Baron Elliot is right." I agreed, speaking not to him but to the Countess, hitting a more respectful tone. "The Black Lands have been provoking us for months now. Not to mention, they indiscriminately push people into our region, which, as many know, is amongst the smallest within the Empire. Still, we took it in stride and accepted the people, keeping them under surveillance until we were sure there were no criminal elements among them. We are all aware that they are from a defeated land and still harbor great enmity towards us, Ishillians. Those who were visibly dangerous got branded and expelled or executed. We brought the records with us!" I stated firmly while Elliot put a binder forward, one that we had prepared previously. "Those who showed ample cooperation are now under the governance of my Uncle."

"You are welcome to come and inspect the villages, Countess." He nodded, showing great willingness for cooperation, quickly shutting down the Baron, who was about to argue that we were only saying this to please her and had forged evidence to back it up.

"This is unacceptable!" Vash finally exclaimed, barely able to regulate his breathing, "This blatant threat is enough reason for war!"

"War is not permitted!" Matilda shot back, raising her voice, surprising the old bastard while I just smiled, knowing that Kustov managed to intimidate the Earldom of the Silver Region, the Grand Duchy of Irgath. Nice work!

"It wouldn't be a war." I spoke confidently, "Just like what happened when they attacked our garrison, it would be a massacre. I'd like to avoid that if I can, but if it is a must, we can come in and mop up the dregs that are misleading their people, sacrificing them to propagate stupidity."

"That will be enough, Viscount Leon." Matilda expressed in a calm voice, raising one hand to hold back Vash, who'd had his outburst stuck in his throat.

"My apologies." I whispered, but everyone knew I wasn't sorry at all.

"We will resolve this now. Here." Looking at us three, she continued, "This order comes from the highest places, from the Royal Palace!"


Okay, that was a surprise. I watched as Baron Vash also flinched, suddenly understanding the crux of the issue and why the Countess herself came in person and seemed to be so adamant about settling this quickly and without the wait. On the other hand, I was trying to figure out if she was bluffing or not. It could be genuine, especially after Milan's situation. Hmmm…

"We agree." Elliot chimed in, placing his hands on the table, "We value our peace first and foremost as we must uphold our duty, and in the past years, that duty has become increasingly difficult. We can't afford to divert our attention to entertain some clowns."

"The borders will remain closed." I continued, declaring my thoughts, "Anyone trying to enter our land must be inspected before being granted access, no exceptions. Not until they are from Duke Kustov's or from the Royal family. If you disagree, go, ask Duke Kustov for a guarantee!"

"…" Vash was frozen into his chair hearing it, beginning to realize it wasn't boasting nor false bravado. He really did put his hand into a hornet's nest. Or maybe he stuck something even more sensitive into it…

"I know." Matilda answered calmly, "I was directly visited by Milan Kustov and had a serious meeting with him. I am well aware of the hardship that the Frontier is facing, and as part of Ishillia, I do admire your braveries, facing enemies that none of us need to fear. All thanks to you."

"My heart flutters with happiness hearing your acknowledgment of our efforts, Countess Zimmerman." I smiled happily, bowing my head, now extra sure that Milan did an excellent job. I'll need to write him that he did it masterfully…

"My Lady…" Vash tried to say something, but she wasn't allowing it, ignoring his gaze and trembling lips.

"Countess," I began, smiling, "We are willing to let bygones be bygones. We are not unreasonable people, but for that, we also need a guarantee that it won't happen again."

"My words are the guarantee." She answered, but I wasn't backing down, not when I knew I had the stronger hand.

"We need coal to be imported into our land."

"Coal?" She asked back, making me smile, guessing they called it differently.

"Sorry, we call those black rocks that burn really well that. Our land is empty of them, but it would be helpful for us, especially in the winter when we need to fuel our fire, especially on the Wall, defrosting critical points in the harsh winter months."

"Who would burn that foul thing in their homes?" Vash snorted, but I didn't mind it.

"It is an important resource." Matilda answered, also ignoring him, "But we can divert a few seasonal carriages-"

"Monthly." I countered. "Nobody needs to divert anything. I have my own caravans and trained people who can come, collect it every month, and leave. Quick, efficient, no questions asked."

"Monthly?" she asked, raising her eyebrows because that was the frequency at which her region welcomed the constantly arriving shipments.

"We have our own industry." I nodded, ignoring Vash's grimace after hearing the word 'industry.' I loved the fact that I was still looked at as a barbarian. It made negotiating much easier. "We can't afford to wait for shipments from far away regions when armor and weapons need repairing or replacing. We have our own blacksmiths."

"Monthly is too much." After thinking it through, the Countess answered firmly, so I tried something else, even if it was pushing my luck.

"We are fine if we are given control of one mine. We will operate it ourselves."

"Preposterous!" Vash shouted, slapping the table, and this time, he was right, so Matilda also let her voice his frustration.

"Bi-monthly." She spoke after a minute-long silence. "I can't agree with your demand for a mine."

"Bi-monthly, at the same price that Your Ladyship pays to Baron Tobrok for it." Elliot stepped in.

"The same price?" Matilda visibly flinched while I answered, not giving her time.

"Yes, we can afford it. Your Ladyship just told us it is an important resource, so we are willing to pay the same price for it. We can guarantee you and Baron Tobrok that there won't be a piece of gold missing or any delays in payments. If there is, he can terminate the agreement!"

Seeing her grimace made me almost laugh. It didn't take much to know they were paying low prices for it, and by saying it was an important resource, she found herself in a conundrum. If she says we must pay more because of its importance, then why doesn't she do the same? Isn't she the ally, the grand supporter of the Tobrok family? Who knows, in the end, maybe I could become the supporter of the Tobrok family, stripping them away from her. The dukedom behind me is in contact with the royal family… I think I would come out on top if we would start playing politics.

"We can work out the details." She answered, letting out a long breath, "In exchange, all hostilities will stop. The refugee question will be solved at the borders, further away, as it has already become an issue for our newest province within the Empire. They are closing it down because the escaping people are endangering their productivity. I already heard that there is a decree coming soon, forcing every Scorcian to return to their homeland."

"I am open to cooperation if your Ladyship is the one overseeing it," I said after exchanging a glance with my Uncle.

"…" There was nothing that Vash could add to the conversation, forced to accept it with a silent nod. He tried looking at Matilda, but she ignored his gaze, looking straight ahead, a clear sign she was forcing him to acquiesce to the peace treaty.

"And, if we are already talking about deals!" With a bright smile, I exclaimed, "I am also interested in buying raw steel from your Ladyship!"

"Steel?" She asked back, intrigued.

"Well," I added sheepishly, scratching the side of my face, "The one footing the bill would be the Kustov family… It is their investment to tell you the truth."

"Selling to the Kustov family…" She repeated, leaning back and closing her eyes. Although I couldn't read her mind, I was very well aware that she was in a dilemma right now. She was selling them in the Capital and through a different duke… switching or just selling once to a different duke was a serious issue. "I can't promise anything yet. First, we will put the current issue to rest. Then… We can have another conference later on, deciding on future cooperation between our lands, Viscount Leon."

"As you wish, Lady Zimmermann." I agreed without putting up a fight or trying again. "I will always be ready for negotiations."

We are back!

Also, I'd like to thank my friend Kureous who featured my book on his story, so I feel like it is just to do the same!

The Unbeatable Game

Douglas hated his part-time job with a passion. As a college student, he worked at a fast food establishment, and as the days dragged on, he began to wonder if anything exciting would happen in his dull life. As if the skies heard his wish, an unexpected answer came in the form of a mysterious hole that appeared in the sky on his way home from work. Before he knew what was happening, his vision blacked out, and he found himself in a girl's body, holding a bow in his hands...

If you are into LitRPG & VRMMO-style stories, give it a shot. It's a fun read, with likable characters supporting the MC's journey and going from weak to strong in a setting that is no longer a game but hardcore mode turned into real life. There are plenty of action and character moments with a bit of yuri action sprinkled in, so... what is there not to love?


I had my birthday while on vacation, and my good friend Hans made this with all my stories’ MCs~

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