Steel and Mana

Chapter 196 – Rebellious Baron (1)

While Yuri was grounded, I was doing a few rounds every day with the Princess, testing it to get a feel for it. It made me realize that even though the core parts were identical to the Lion, it wasn't the same feeling sitting in its cockpit. Father's machine felt more robust and sluggish, while Yuri's felt a bit lighter and more snappy. It isn't easy to put it into words as it was all based on nothing but feelings. If not for being the one who designed it, I would need ample time to get used to it and aim for the expected perfection. For now, the range I could handle was only 75% of what Yuri could do. This probably meant that if I put my dad into this machine, his effectiveness would fall drastically.

"I will have to add this to the manuals... New pilots will have to understand why is it that every mech is customized. If my guess is correct, there will never be two identical ones."

Mumbling, I was already thinking about my own. What kind of machine will I build for myself? One thing I was sure of was that it would be different from Yuri's, who wanted to be at the forefront, leading the charge. People need a certain type of affinity to be suitable for her in-your-face style of combat. I wasn't in that category of soldiers.

The more I thought about it, the more certain I became that I would need to build one that is most focused on providing support. Make a machine that oversees the operations it is partaking in. When Mirian revisits us, I will ask her to let me take a look at their Imaginary. The complete formation, that is. It is not something that could be used while driving or piloting a mech, as it would be too disorienting for the pilot. However, if I create a machine that is designed to stay behind the lines, remain stationary...

I just couldn't shake the idea out of my head. Back in my office that day, I was pulling another all-nighter, reviewing and adding to my previous designs. To provide fire support, just like a line of artillery would, I need to equip it with a multitude of cannons. We probably have to make some new variants that forgo close-range applications and wholly focus on shooting as far as we can. Maybe I could even recreate the weapon Scroc used to bring down my dear Kustov's ship and implement it into my machine. I still remember the formation, but recreating it... hmmmm. It would need to have not only one but at least two cores.

Looking at it all, the size of our current mechs would not be enough to fit everything in. I will need to increase its size... it would turn from a massive machine to a titan. The more I added, the more space I needed, and I ended up with a machine that was around 25 meters high, easily double the height of our current machines. But if I can successfully add Ishillia's Imaginary and Scorc's ultimate weapon, then we would have something that could be used to face other nations' trump cards. Or against monsters that we have yet to see...

"I wonder if people would say it is wasteful to make something like this or would think it is the coolest thing ever? Heh, in my old life, it would definitely be the former... but they didn't have magic. Or just didn't understand the rule of cool~!"


As the days passed and autumn came, Elliot's standing army also arrived at Avalon. Right now, Oleg was taking care of them, bringing out our entire force, accompanied by my Father and the Lion. They went through drills and training exercises, and after he deemed them ready, they would head to the Pass and experience what it sounds like when cannons roar, echoing between the mountains' walls. Elliot also visited us, observing a few practices before we reviewed Matilda's plans.

About a week ago, she sent a letter that her sons were working surprisingly well and began gathering all the rebellious forces of the Tobrok family. Her eldest even returned to lead the earldom's troops down, promising to bring back the baron and his family to kneel before Matilda. It seemed that we wouldn't have to lift a finger at all, and they would resolve it, having the perfect reason to oust the Tobrok family for good.

"Still," I said, pointing at the borders, "I want you to be mindful of any shenanigans. A cornered rat is dangerous and could try to bite. Keep up the border patrol as before. We may have endured the waves of refugees, but they could easily capitalize on a surprise attack if we lax on our caution."

"I agree. I was also thinking of reinforcing specific crossing points. Especially where the railroad will go through."

"I approve it, Uncle. I was thinking about building a reinforced border crossing with a garrison present at all times, ready for inspections, and with a lookout for CC. Plus, an emergency derailing system."

"What does that do?" He asked, looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"We can't ignore the fact that there could be people and forces who would try to steal a train or break through the borders using it after hijacking the whole. So, we would have an emergency solution in place that can be activated. It would derail the train, making it fall off the tracks, and our people can move in and capture the bastards—if they survive the crash, that is."

"Oh... Yeah, that does sound useful! I didn't think that anyone would try and steal it..."

"Maybe it wouldn't happen for a long time, but people can be daring. Especially if we have some mad bandits who decide to go and try to be daredevils."

"True, you can't bed them all!" He joked, making me chuckle, telling him the news that Yuri, in fact, was pregnant.

As we talked, I expected a calm and relaxing autumn, but that did not turn out to be the case.


"Father, I implore you! Don't do it!"

The pleading voice belonged to nobody else but Levy Tobrok. Since his experience with the army of Avalon and the utter defeat of his troops, he hadn't been the same. At least, that is what his father thought. In his eyes, his son has lost all of his bravery and, most importantly, his confidence in himself and in his family's strength.

"It will be the Zimmermanns who are fighting against their mother. It will be the different factions within that army that do it; we are just going to... support our lords."

"You don't get it, Dad, this won't go well! Matilda Zimmermann was in Avalon! Her sons already told you that it is a ploy! Don't you see it?!"

"It is you who don't see it!" Vash Tobrok snorted, looking at his son with disappointment flashing in his eyes, "It is no longer a trick! The three idiots are doing it for real! We endured a lot and were treated as nothing for too long. It is the best opportunity to shake things up, my son! Why can't you see that?"

"Father, shaking the table too hard will cause everything to collapse. You can't disturb the foundation that the castle is built on!"

"What happened to you?" Vash sighed, shaking his head, "Go. Go back to your room, go to your favorite brothel... Just go and don't come back until you return as my son, not as this... wretch you have become!"


There was nothing to say anymore, and Levy knew that. Taking a last look at his father, he sighed before doing as he was told and left the castle. His steps didn't stop after entering the city and its dirty streets. His legs kept carrying him forward before arriving at the stables, getting a horse for himself, and riding towards the north. Nobody took notice of him as his previous clean-cut countenance had changed drastically in the past months. His hair became long and ruffled, and his growing beard presented the previously 'dashing' young baron as a ruffian.

However, it was this change that saved him because no one reported him leaving. He managed to not only slip out of his home city but also reach the crossing where he had previously lost against only 300 men. With a knot in his stomach and his head feeling dizzy, he approached the bridge, riding up to the soldiers standing guard, the setting sun painting everything in a hue of orange.


I was in the bathroom, bathing my twins, who were enjoying the fact they could blow massive bubbles after I showed them how, when Sasha entered with a serious look on her face.

"What happened?" I asked, looking up at her, sighing because I knew tonight's plans of having a little fun were in jeopardy.

"We received an emergency message from the borders, right where we once defeated the Black Lands. It is from the general from that time, Levy Tobrok, son of the current baron, Vash Tobrok."

"Huh... That's... not what I was expecting. Did he come alone?"

"He did, and he has some troubling news."

"Of course..." I moaned, turning back towards my kids and rubbing their heads. "Sorry, kiddos! Daddy has to go to work; we will have a fable night tomorrow, okay?"

"Nooooo~!" They both protested, pouting, as it was supposed to be me telling them some epic fable until they fell asleep. "Unfair!"

"Sorry, little ones, but I will make it up for you, okay? Promise!" I chuckled, kissing their foreheads, "Don't be crybabies! Play nice, and your mothers will pamper you~!"

"Exactly!" Sasha chuckled, taking my place, "Or you will be like Luna, who is also sulking! Her cheeks look like a squirrel, filled with nuts!"

It made not only them laugh but me, too, for a different reason. Sadly, that had to wait as I left, meeting up with Merlin and Oleg, who received the news first and rushed straight over to me. Sliding the CC Oleg was holding right into my personal radio, I could listen to their recorded conversation. It was the perfect idea to send a Recorder down because there was no chance that any information would be erroneously written down or modified if it was relayed this way. It wasn't widely spread yet, but interrogating high-ranking figures and taking advantage of our inventions was essential in times like this.

"I already sent the news away." Oleg saluted after I finished listening to the recording, "The army is ready whenever you deem necessary, and we have three separate agents on their way, heading towards Pion to warn them."

"Good job. Haaah... this is a bit unexpected. Matilda's sons can really be this stupid? Okay, okay... Oh well. Oleg!"

"Yes, My Sovereign!" He asked, standing straight.

"Take the army and give them a live training exercise before the winter. Crush the Black Lands and the forces of those three stooges. Merlin."


"Go with them. Take notes of our cannons and howitzers and their performance; I am planning on making a new version of the weapons, and I need data."

"It will be done, Sovereign!" He saluted just the same, "What to do with Vash Tobrok? And the Zimmermann boys?"

"Because Levy has come and made things clear, don't kill the old Vash if you can. We will replace him with Levy. If we have someone who knows the land and we can work with, it is much easier than spending resources on reestablishing everything from the ground up. Although, if his daddy plays the hero and dies, I won't shed a tear. As for the three sons? Try not to maim them, I guess? Matilda is an ally; let her deal with them after we return them to her..."

"This is going to be a headache." Oleg groaned, hearing my requests, rubbing his forehead.

"Tell me about it. This is turning out to be something that should be a soap opera, not reality."

"Soap opera?" They looked at each other, a bit confused, before Merlin asked, "Are they going to sing while taking a bath on stage?"

"If we capture them," I chuckled, looking at my Prime Minister, "We can make them do it."

Well, the previous competition was won in the end by Matilda with one vote~ MILF time then!

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