Steel and Mana

Chapter 209 – Lancelot

It was getting warmer by the day, and after no more monsters came through, I finally moved back to Avalon. While Father with the Lion and with the bulk of the army stayed on high alert, I sent the Princess to the factory for repairs so we wouldn't overwhelm our workers at once. Mirian also left on the same day, heading back to the heart of the Empire... I just hoped she wouldn't be assassinated on the way or after arrival. If someone asked me, that was my biggest concern right now. The second matter was still not our skulking fox problem in Lothlia, aka the spies, but Matilda.

When I first heard she wanted to move to Avalon, I was baffled and slightly annoyed. I was expecting her to lead her province and be my experienced and trusty ally... I didn't want to have to deal with a new face, but it turns out I will have to! Ugh... As for who it will be, I don't know because it will be Mirian who appoints someone to oversee the Silver Region and their industry.

It was a mistake letting Matilda meet with the Empress and let them talk, and if I had not been there, I wouldn't have believed how well the two hit it off... What the actual fuck? I felt as if Mirian admired Matilda for being honest from the get-go. She was asking not for forgiveness for herself or for her sons but to let her be relieved of her noble duties... I think this was Mirian's first time hearing something like this from a noble's mouth, so she granted it to her on the spot. Before I had any chance to speak, Matilda was stripped of her noble rank and subsequently banished to Avalon. Well, thanks for asking my opinion? Geez...

"Cheer up!" Luna giggled, swimming closer to me in our indoor pool, noticing the change in my expression as I was thinking about it. True enough, I came here to relax in the hot water and to wash away my worries. I smiled at her in response, watching my wife pushing a floating tray with wine before her and saying, "I think Matilda just wants to mount Pion! Maybe her experience will be useful here!"

"Are you a mind-reader to know what I was thinking of?" I asked with a giggle as Yuri's head emerged from under the water before me.

"Maaan, you were pent up!" She laughed, interrupting us while wiping her mouth and grabbing one of the cups, "Thanks, Lucchy~!"

"Woah, woah, no wine for you!" I yelled, quickly snatching it out of her hand. My eyes were looking at her much more puffy breasts and round belly, before turning towards my little maid, "Luna, you didn't let her drink while I was away, did you?"

"No!" she answered in a hurried voice, shaking her head and glaring at Yuri. "I didn't! Sacchy would have spanked me, but not in a good way!"

"Tsk... They have been keeping a close eye on me." Yuri complained, crossing her arms, "I can't go take a shit without one of them 'accidentally' coming into the bathroom."

"Good." I nodded, tasting the wine, letting her stay sitting in my lap, grinding against me.

"Change! My turn!" Luna interrupted her, impatiently trying to push her out of the way and be the one who sat down on me first, "We agreed that you would get the foreplay; I do the main riding! I won the rock-paper-scissors game! Twice!"

"Tsk... Ooookaaay! Joykiller..." She mumbled, getting off and letting Luna swim before me while giggling, twisting, and turning her waist. "Too slow!" Yuri cackled, holding onto Luna's shoulders and pushing her down, which may have been a bit too much... Mainly because I saw Luna's eyes enlarge and roll back as her whole body tensed up and started spazzing. I can't lie; besides her surprise, the sudden feeling of her gripping onto me was heavenly.

"I think you broke her."

"Don't worry, Leocchy!" Yuri chortled, "She looks small but can take it all! She is simply starved, like all of us! Wakey-wakey!" with a twist of Luna's stiff nipples, her mismatched eyes came back into focus, her mouth opened and moaning with pleasure.

"S-sorry... It was, too... Intense! I won't black out again!" Luna moaned, drooling, as her waist began circling inside my lap.

"Make him finish quick, then it is my turn! We need to have fun before Sasha and Mikki come home! They are just as peeved and would not want to share..."

"Girls..." I interrupted them, doing nothing, just sitting there and being their flesh toy for the moment. "I am sitting right here, yeah? I can hear you."

"Yep, and you don't need to move! Isn't that great?" Yuri grinned, holding Luna's waist, making her stir her body even more intensely, drawing out louder and louder moans from between her lips, "You just enjoy it; we will do the rest like good little trained bitches in heat!"

"Bitcheeeeez~!" Luna repeated, her body still trembling over and over again.

"You mean, wives." I stated, feeling more and more aroused, especially seeing Yuri's sadistic and perverted grin.

"That's Sacchy~ We know our place, isn't that true, Lucchy?"

"Yeeeaaahhh?! There, there, it is poking theeeeereeeeee!" She yelled out, making Yuri hold her mouth and push her down again as I filled her little baby room to the brim. Her eyes didn't roll back this time, but they didn't remain focused either. After she calmed down a little, Yuri impatiently lifted her from my lap, pushing her up to the side of the pool before hastily changing places with her.

"Finally... my turn!" she moaned as she sat down and kissed me passionately. "I missed this..."

"Missed my dick or me?" I mumbled between two kisses and playful bites, finally deciding to move a little myself, holding onto her butt.

"You, of course..." she answered, blushing like a schoolgirl and pursing her lips. "Do me gently... the baby is already stirring; we can't move too much."

"You are a weird one!" I sighed, but as she said, we couldn't be rough, so I made sure I handled her as gently as possible, enjoying her sweet moans and embarrassed expression. "You say the most extreme shit out loud, but when we do something sensual, you are embarrassed... You are wired weirdly in the head, Yuribisaida."

"Hauh... I know... but you still love me for it... no?"

"Of course I do." I whispered into her ears, gently nibbling on her earlobe, "I love every one of you."

"Say it..."

"I love you, Yuri~!" As I said it, my breath hit her ear, and she shivered. I knew she had already climaxed, but I was far from feeling finished, thanks to Luna's previous intense workout. I just hoped I would have enough energy for Sasha and Mikan later on.


As spring was coming, the snow was melting, and I felt myself to be more and more giddy, and not just because there was work to be done. Yuri's pregnancy was nearing its end, and by the size of her tummy compared to Sasha's, we were sure she only had one baby sleeping inside. Maybe Arthur and Leyla were even more excited than us because they constantly asked to pat her belly, stroking it with big smiles on their faces. I was gratified to know they wouldn't be the jealous type of siblings, but I also wondered if they knew something I did not. They were telepathic... Or something like that. Weren't they?

"Kiddos!" I spoke up one afternoon as the two were sandwiching Yuri and their unborn sibling. "Why are you so adamant in holding your mom's belly?"

"He likes it!" Arthur answered proudly.

"He does!" Leyla confirmed it, making us all look at each other in our living room.

"He?" Sasha questioned in the end, watching the two.

"Um! What will be his name, Daddy?" Arthur asked as he looked at me, and I did believe them. If they say he will be a son of mine, he damn well will be. As for the name, I couldn't help but blurt out the first thing that came to mind.

"Well, if we have an Arthur, he needs his Lancelot."

"Ooooh, that is a cool-sounding name; I like it!" Yuri laughed, snapping her fingers, "Lancelot it is!"

"It sounds weird, but... not weirdly weird!" Luna agreed while Sasha and Mikan accepted it without any fuss.

"I wonder if he will be a wizard..." I mumbled, making my kids shake their heads.

"He doesn't respond to us." Leyla spoke fluently as the two had already mastered the language.

"He doesn't react to magic like Mom or Mom!" Arthur nodded, "But he will be strong! We can feel it!"

"It doesn't matter!" I chuckled, kneeling down before Yuri and kissing her tummy, "Magical or not, it means nothing."

And I meant it. I just wanted him to be healthy, and that would be enough for us.

While we waited for little Lancelot to come out, I also had to set this year's goals, which will be solely focused on our industry. So much so that I was thinking about the need to expand outwards. As my factories need to consistently produce the latest tech, I can't force them to keep making tractors or replacement parts for them... So, just as I talked with Mirian about it, I will need to license them out and build factories elsewhere. My first choice was, of course, Elliot. This is where the very first loophole will come into play because, on paper, he is still attached to me as the food source of the Frontier. We were not a separate entity yet... So, I am going to make Elliot build one or two factories that will be for producing the machines locally. Of course, his workers will need training, so I will make him gather people and send them over for training...

"After we dealt with our spy problem, that is." I mumbled, biting on the end of my quill, humming, and leaning back in my chair in my office.

They should start moving soon, using the arriving spring to try and come to my Avalon. The fact we are beginning to lay down the first railroad connecting Lothlia and my city will be the perfect job to lay a trap for them.

"Maybe I should establish a Mage Hunter task force... Haaah... So much to do, but so little time for it all!"

With a shake of my head, I pushed the rat problem to the back of my head and began allocating our resources before announcing it to my ministers to iron it out. My and Elliot's workers will build the railway, which will also be a training exercise for our soldiers. They need to learn how to fix or make it because if we are going to have campaigns where our supply lines are damaged, I need them to know how to repair them.

Then, my main factories will focus on two things. One will start making the very first train engine. The blueprint should not cause any issues, and with our tools, they will be able to make it without my or Sasha's intervention. As for the other, it was time to build Mirian's mech. It will be similar to the Lion, equipped with cannons, just as she wished for. I know she will try replicating it, but I am not stupid to just hand it over to her. So, I will have to tell Merlin to make changes to the core formation and include a failsafe. If it gets tampered with, I want one that breaks the thing, turning the whole mech into an oversized metal toy. Unlike ours, hers will not have a key or a tattoo to unlock it, so if I want, my people could steal it back. Plus, I was also worried that Mirian was smart enough to infer things from such a key component. I will make sure she can't repair it either, and she has to come to us for maintenance... For a price. We are allies... But not friends. If we become friends, well... that is for the future.

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