Steel and Mana

Chapter 215 – The Trap is Set

I was inside our factory, the one that was working to produce our very first locomotive. With our tools implementing magic runes, I was already thinking about renaming the process to rune-forging... With the enchanted equipment we possessed, constantly being tinkered with by Merlin and Sasha, it was as easy to fold metal sheets as if they were made of paper. Anyway, the reason I was called over was because the first iteration of the train engine was ready for testing.

They have already done the preliminary checks. This meant that the boiler was put under pressure, the safety valve and the cylinder and piston functionality were double-tested, ensuring they were working within parameters. I heard that they needed to manually adjust the safety valve because it began releasing steam way ahead of the boiler's true capabilities, which was an error in my calculations. It seems like the steel we were working with, forged in magical fire, was more durable than the ones in my old world. A welcomed 'problem' if anything.

What I was called over for was the first stationary engine test. The machine was fully assembled but has yet to be installed on the locomotive's body. If one thing I learned early is to constantly tests your builds at every step because assembling, dismantling, and re-assembling something gets annoying faster than you could say 'fuck' when something goes wrong.

Watching them shovel the coal made me smile, holding my kids in my hands, who were pointing and chirping like excited birdies. Because it would be noisy and probably scary, Yuri stayed home with Lancelot, but Arthur and Leyla would have been sulking for days if we hadn't brought them along.

"Moving, moving!" Leyla pointed as the massive boiler began generating steam, pressure began building, and then it started pushing through the moving parts, affecting the drive mechanism and spinning its wheels.

"It is moving, alright!" I nodded, trying to listen and watch to see if everything was working as it should. Sasha was walking around it, checking closely, ensuring that the power was effectively transferred from the pistons to the wheels hanging in the air, only asking questions when needed, and becoming a proper mechanic through the past years.

"Fast!" Arthur hummed, scratching his little chin like I used to do.

"If everything works out right, it could go at least 100 kilometers per hour." I told them as we watched the wheels start spinning like crazy.

"Very fast!" they exclaimed, fidgeting in my arms and getting even more eager to finally see it in action, "Noisy but fast!"

"It is noisy!" Sasha agreed with a proud grin as she approached us, "But there are no excessive vibration or mechanical issues with it. The build quality is as we expected, even better!"

"Of course, they are not amateurs anymore; they are Avalonians!" I laughed with pride, knowing that many eyes were on us, and for sure, they would listen to everything we said.

"How's the frame?" I asked the head engineer who was responsible for running the operation, standing a bit nervously next to me the whole time, hoping that nothing would go awry at the last moment.

"It is ready, My Sovereign!" After licking his parched lips, he began explaining, "We tested its structural integrity already, and we are confident that it would be able to handle the weight and stress that the engine will put it through. It shouldn't warp or deform, not from the motion nor from the heat!"

"Very good." Sasha answered in my stead, "You can move to the next phase and partially assemble the locomotive. The short track between here and the new lot we built would suffice. We will see how it runs under its own power and check the traction and movement."

"As you order!" He bowed towards us, waiting for further instructions.

"After it passes the tests, assemble it thoroughly, and we will do a load test. Make sure the secondary wagon is prepared and load it up with coal. We will check how well it runs, and we can increase the number of carts as we run the trials for stability, efficiency, and power output."

Just as I finished, the engine began whistling, filling the factory with its loud, sharp call, destined to become our region's most recognized sound.

"Choo-choo!" Leyla and Arthur laughed, clapping, already expecting the noise it would make. Since I showed them the drawings, they interrogated me about everything a train could do, wanting to ride it the moment it was ready. One day, I even became their train as they sat on my back while I crawled around the palace, making 'choo-choo' sounds, honking at my wives when they came checking the noise we were making.

"Soon~!" I grinned, giving a kiss to the two little energized bunnies because when we could ride it down to Lothlia, it would mean we had already caught the spies who were snooping around my kingdom.


"Ah, Miss Winefield, please, come in, come in!"

"Sorry for the interruption, Lord Goldie."

"Nah, nothing, it is nothing! What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asked, chuckling, sitting in his villa's dining room, having a lavish dinner, and inviting her to sit with him.

"No, nothing like that." Clara answered with a smile. She accepted the invitation and sat close to him, letting the maids put everything before her before reaching for one of the roasted pork chops on the table. "I was visiting the construction site, and seeing that it was about to be finished, I began thinking."

"I assume you have a question of its function?" Imar Goldie asked, unperturbed by her presence; in reality, he was expecting her to come much earlier.

"Yes. I can't help but wonder because it is the strangest thing I have ever partaken in creating. Even my workers are questioning its purpose, but I don't want their curiosity to make you or the baron think we are here to steal ideas."

"Totally understandable." Goldie nodded, reaching for his decorated bronze goblet, "It isn't a secret, as it will one day run down to the capital or even further beyond. Only time can tell, but the dream is to connect the world!"

"Connect... the world?" Clara's surprise was genuine. She had never expected such an answer, and it barely made sense. Why would anyone build it in someone else's country in the first place? And then what? They wouldn't let it, nor would they allow it to remain intact; they would destroy it the moment they got a chance. One thing was certain for Clara, though: Mirian Ishillia lost her mind and was to be eliminated.

"Yes. First, it will connect Avalon to Lothlia, and then we will continue expanding the railway all around the country!"

"..." Here it comes... Avalon. It was exactly what she came to ask about, and Goldie didn't miss the change in her eyes. He saw clearly how they snapped right at him, focusing and concentrating like cats when seeing a bird land at a pouncing distance.

"This reminds me... you have never been to Avalon before, have you?"

"No, Sir, I have not. I only heard about it after arriving in this city. But since then, everyone has been talking about this... almost mythical-sounding city! I can't help but run into its name at every corner, in every discussion, and in every tale. I wanted to ask people how to reach this marvelous city, but I have been running into dead ends... It seems Avalon is not as welcoming as the rumors tell it to be."

"Avalon is careful about who they deal with, but it isn't impossible to get into the city. You just need the connection and someone who vouches for you."

"It sounds... exclusive."

"Oh, it is, Lady Winefield!" Goldie answered with a proud chuckle, reaching into his velvet vest's inner pocket and pulling out a golden watch. Seeing his guest's eye dart to it, he just smiled, taking it off its chain and presenting it to her. "Take a look."

"I never saw a time-keeping device that was this compact." She whispered, honestly awed by the craftsmanship and intricate design. Not to mention, she was a witch, and she expected it to be magical... but she got nothing. It was a genuine, mechanical marvel! A watch that fits into her palm... This was something her master would love to have and study.

"It is just one thing you can get in Avalon, a trivial toy."


"Oh yes, indeed! I visited the city only once, but I can tell you that compared to it, Lothlia is but a meager town."

"You must jest, Lord Goldie!" Clara laughed, stroking the watch one last time before returning it to him.

"I am not. I am as honest as it comes!" He exclaimed, being as genuine as possible.

"Then why don't you move to Avalon? Are they... strict about it? Aren't we part of Ishillia just the same?"

"It is not about that, Lady Winefield." Goldie explained after raising a hand, stopping her from asking too many questions at once, "Even if I would move to Avalon, what should I do there? As merchants, our minds must be honed and sharp as a sword. Every region prefers and supports its guilds, and Avalon has its own personal mercantile operation under one banner. I can't lie; I am absolutely copying their methods, and since doing so, I have doubled my profit! But that doesn't mean I could prosper there."


"Oh yes, Miss Winefield. Doubled. I read it in one of their books," He waved his arm, pointing towards his bookshelves, filled with fresh-looking books and their colorful binds and spines. "Copying is the highest form of flattery. Now, if I move to Avalon, I would start with a disadvantage that I would never be able to overcome. Not because they wouldn't let me but because their merchants would not stop and wait for me to catch up! The world doesn't work like that, Miss Winefield..."

"You are painting a fascinating picture here, Lord Goldie; you are making my heart flutter with excitement!"

"Ahahaha! Glad to hear! I am just warning you that if you ever enter Avalon, don't rush into making decisions that would lead to short-term profit and long-term loss. We must remain focused on the future, or we will burn up in the present."

"So you stay here because by proxy you can establish yourself just the same as these... Avalonian merchants did it in their hometown?"

"Exactly." He answered with a laugh, taking a sip from his cup and raising it towards Clara, "Here, we started on the same footing, and I managed to rise above my comrades and competitors alike. Right now, I also carry a signed and stamped document authorizing me to carry Avalonian goods to Atuvia and sell them myself. I am something they call a licensed reseller! This also means I can buy Avalon's goods at a discounted price and still make a profit. Of course, for this, I had to work hard and prove my loyalty and trustfulness. Maybe, one day, you can do the same in your own home."

"You must be truly valued and loved then, Lord Goldie." Clara answered with a cute blush, flashing her eyelashes at the slightly plump merchant, making him flinch and shift his position on his chair.

"You flatter me, Miss Winefield... What I am trying to say, I can vouch for you. With your workers, we finished the station faster than we initially thought and could start laying down the tracks ahead of schedule. Such professionalism is something that is valued greatly around here."

"Please..." She giggled, covering her lips with her palm and looking seductively at Goldie. "Although... I wouldn't say no... for an offer~!"

"No merchant would," he answered, standing up after cleaning his hands with a wet handkerchief. "Of course, I will need to make some arrangements, but as we get close to the border, I can make it happen that we can visit Avalon—together, that is."

"I would love to tour that marvelous city with you, Lord Goldie!"

"Well... I can assure you, it will be a day you will never forget!"


It was deep into the night, and while most of Lothlia was asleep, Imar Goldie was wide awake, awaiting the shadow within the darkness to arrive and talk to him.

"Are the plans set into motion?" Traveled a woman's whisper straight into his ears, jolting him up straight in his favorite armchair. He knew someone just arrived behind him, coming through the open balcony... It wasn't the first time, and even after understanding that it was one of Avalon's secret agents, it still scared him to death every time it happened.

"Yes. It is happening just as Lord Elliot and the Mighty Sovereign asked for. She is expecting me to bring her into Avalon."

"Good. Here." He felt a slender hand caressing his chest, slipping an envelope into his lap. The touch was cold and erotic at the same time, and if not for him being so frightened, he may have enjoyed it. "Here are the papers; present them to her when the time is right. We will be watching... You are doing tremendous work, and neither Elliot nor our Sovereign will forget it."

"It is my duty..." He answered after gathering enough courage, but he received no answer. Forcing his neck to turn and looking behind himself; the room was already empty by then, making him wipe his sweaty forehead. "It is such a waste... Why would anyone try to go against Avalon? Haaah... Poor Miss Winefield. I will pray for her soul to find peace!"

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