Steel and Mana

Chapter 226 – Hidden Trump Card

When the day of the first official train ride came, people came out of the city in droves to watch it leave our half-completed station. They were lined up on both sides of the track for at least three kilometers. I even saw some people walking around with a tray hanging from their neck, selling food and drinks. Now, this is what I like to see when my citizens see an opportunity, and they take it! They walked amongst the people, like hot-dog sellers in a ballpark, going along the train tracks, next to families holding their kids' hands, selling their goods. Maybe some will even get the idea to make toys of the train... Of course, they were not the only patrolling bodies; multiple of my soldiers also walked with them. They were overseeing the area, warning those who got a bit too close to the tracks, pulling them back into a safe distance. What I didn't need was an accident on this day…

In the meantime, Sasha and I were at the station, prepared to kick the event off. We were personally welcoming the lucky winners and giving them the shirts Dorian had made, a surprise they didn't expect. What was truly unexpected was that there was a young pair, turning this day into a truly unforgettable one. When the boy saw us, he did something I couldn't help but grin at. Without waiting, he produced a ring, kneeling down as he proposed to his girlfriend right before us, using our presence as the perfect witness to it.

This will make a perfect newspaper headline… I just wish we had photographs. I have to do something about that, although I only have the basics down. I know the theory behind how it works, but I have no real experience developing an image, what to use, or how to construct it. Putting that aside, it was a lovely sight to behold, and after she said yes, we both personally gave them our blessings.

With that happening, I was keen to discover their story, so I asked Mikan to investigate the pair. We could write a nice little piece about it, encouraging my people to find love and establish a loving family, further strengthening the feeling of community within Avalon.

Although that may not have been necessary, it was interesting to see how everyone cheered and clapped the moment the train slowly began moving, rattling out of the station and blowing its whistle as it picked up steam—literally. With four carts attached, it was long enough to showcase for anyone witnessing how strong it was. It picked up speed quickly and soon headed out of Avalon, going straight to Lothlia.

I knew that Elliot would be waiting for them there, showing his people the newest step in traveling and trading. After spending an afternoon in Lothlia, they were then going to return, and we would begin introducing a proper train schedule. My initial goal was to make it run back and forth with passengers every two days in the morning and afternoon.

Those who were allowed to come and go had to buy tickets and provide proof that they were citizens of Goldengrove or Avalon. With the train, I knew that it would give more opportunities for people to infiltrate, but if I had to pick between progress and worrying, I would choose the former. We have a good system going on, including the security measures, and I have confidence in my people to catch any unsavory figures wanting to sneak in.

Elliot told me that his merchants are the most interested people amongst those who are eager to ride the train, including Goldie, who did a solid job playing his part and will probably keep doing it. My Uncle and I agreed that he would be the ideal candidate to connect us to the western regions of Ishillia. We even discussed extending the railway towards their territory, with the cover story that Clara managed to convince my ministers to do so.

As for the train, I guess it would be an interesting invention enough that they would bite onto the bait and try to get their hands on it. They didn't know that I never intended the train to remain a secret. Of course, I wouldn't just gift it away, but I would start licensing the plans to those who were interested. As we agreed, I have already written the first contract, which was on its way to Mirian.

Watching the train disappear in the distance, I knew that I needed this to expand to every part of the world and start connecting us all. It would allow me to access the resources and materials I need. It would also help me be the first to learn if something was discovered that they didn't know how important it was yet. Earning money with it was just secondary. The sooner trains whizz back and forth, the better it is for me!

Also, I could spot talented people who will improve my designs and develop better ones. Maybe I could even poach them and bring them to Avalon. That way, I could always stay one step ahead of everyone, even if I decide to do nothing personally.


"Do you have something important to report, Otto?" Pascal asked as his subordinate appeared in a hazy, blue light, his spirit taking shape before the old Ishillian Emperor.

"Yes, Your Majesty! I have received some interesting yet troubling reports, getting a glimpse at what Mirian Ishillia is doing in the Frontier."

"Go on." The old wizard nodded, sitting down in a cushioned armchair. His bones crackled loudly with every move, yet his sharp gaze kept looking at Otto from behind his wrinkled visage.

"I have received news of the existence of a machine, a so-called train. My current knowings are incomplete, but my agents are working on getting their hands and eyes on an intact blueprint and delivering the rest as soon as possible."

"A machine, you say? Describe it to me."

Of course, because Otto never saw it in person, his characterization was a bit more grandiose than it really was, but Pascal didn't dare to take it lightly. If they did make something that could pull around more weight than an average caravan, it could also be used to move troops much quicker than marching. Not to mention, such a machine would not be hindered by the weather, allowing them to use winter to their advantage, turning its conditions into a boon that could win wars.

"What kind of magic drives it?" Pascal asked, not expecting him to know it but also baffled by Otto's following answer.

"There is no magic involved, My Emperor. It is all mechanical, driven by… water. And fire."

"Water…? And fire? What are you talking about? Is this a mill, a fireplace, or a machine?!"

"It is a construct. But it has no magic involved in its creation... I was also baffled when I first heard it and immediately thought about our secret... My Lord, does she know about our hidden weapons? Could she discover it?"

"No… She shouldn't…" Pascal mumbled, raising a hand to stop Otto from talking while he thought things through. "I am sitting above it. She could only learn of its existence if she personally came down, tore up my library, and began inspecting the foundation of the palace!"

Hearing about the train and thinking it through, Pascal soon felt that it was not a simple creation; it was an invention that didn't require magic to work. As a witch or wizard, magic was natural to the Royal Bloodline. It was part of their life, and they heavily relied on it when solving problems. This should be the same for Mirian. An Ishillian would never think about anything else but how to use their power, material resources, and control over the arcane to solve their issues.

"She is indeed unique…" Pascal mumbled to himself, realizing that her upbringing, never to be considered for the role of an Empress, probably made Mirian think outside the box and create things not powered by magic. No wonder she managed to outplay her own father, ending his dreams and life, freeing herself from every control.

There was one thing Pascal learned while ruling Ishillia. Magic can be the greatest weapon and the most significant weakness in a wizard's arsenal. Not long after his ascension to the throne, his cousin tried to eliminate him and take the crown for himself. He almost succeeded, ambushing him with a spell that made all magic disappear around them for a brief second. Pascal's reflexes and love of training with the spear were what saved his life on that day. He always believed he would one day wield the Spear of Ariana, getting ready for that moment since he could walk… Yet it never came to him... Still, it allowed him to react in time, saving his life and ending his cousin's in a swift retaliation.

That day taught him that magic is not omnipotent and that he just needs to strip them of their powers if he wants to finish off annoying mages. It took him a decade to reconstruct his cousin's secret spell, creating something that was never recorded and only a handful of people knew about. All of those people were already dead or were his most loyal subordinates.

If Pascal wanted, he could cast it with all his preparations throughout the decades and simply banish all magic for as long as he wanted. He could cover the whole capital city… and more. Many of his thralls built similar formations, hidden in major cities and essential junctions within Ishillia, where if he had willed it so, all magic would stop functioning. Be it a mage's personal spell or one powered by CC. Well, it seems Mirian had a similar thought, realizing that there could be a weapon that would nullify the most potent weapon of a country. Magic.

"Keep working." He spoke after minutes of silence, ordering Otto in a firm voice, "Record everything and inform me if more news surfaces. Building machines that work without magic is both exciting and dangerous. We can't let it leave Ishillian borders! She may release many of our inventions to the… public…" He grunted, feeling sick by mentioning it, wanting to spit out his sour saliva, "But we will get ourselves new ones then. Let her develop it, and we will take it as a penance for her transgression!"

"What about Mirian Ishillia, My Lord?" Otto asked, making Pascal chuckle and wave his hand without a care.

"She is walking on borrowed time. I can kill her whenever I wish. Let her prepare more gifts for us; when it is time, I will separate her head from her neck myself."

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