Steel and Mana

Chapter 233 – Spy on Spy

The unlit alleyways of the city of Lothlia were sneaking left and right, mostly covered in darkness. Only the moon had enough power to break its black monotony when it finally decided to emerge from hiding behind the clouds. Just as usual, the city was buzzing with impressive energy, especially considering its location. It was far away from everything and should be nothing but a nameless speck in the Empire's registry, yet it acted as if it was one of the major hotspots for activity. Even after returning from my trip, I was still unused to it.

I was two meters above ground, cloaked in shadows, perched up on the old stone walls of the city, at a spot that was broken in the past and being renovated. With all the leftover scaffoldings from the previous day, it was easy for me to scale it and hide between the raw materials and covers, hiding me in the darkness. From my vantage point, I had a perfect view of the new train station that had risen like a magical mushroom, growing out of nothing. Even with our professional masons working on it, the speed at which they built it was unnatural. I don't know what was in the letters I delivered previously, but when I was sent back, I was given a new device… A little, strange box with an oval piece of glass affixed to it. They didn't need to tell me what it was precisely anyway. Because I could recognize a magical device if I saw one. I only hoped it wouldn't explode in my hand…

The station, a colossal iron and stone structure, stood right next to the city. That is probably why they are demolishing the wall around here, rebuilding it, enabling me to observe from much closer than trying to hide in the tall grass out in the open. I was even hopeful that I could get the chance to move closer as I surveyed the station. Its roof, arched high, supported by metal beams, was gleaming unnaturally and providing the most significant hurdle: The lights they used to make the station be illuminated even in the darkest hours of the night. It was what made me unable to get closer and explore it. It was impossible to approach it from the flatland surrounding it without enough of a distraction.

"Hopefully, when the machine arrives, it provides it itself!"

The evening air was cool as I lay on my stomach, watching, keeping a lookout with my small and retractable spectacles, helping me gaze into the distance like an eagle. I got the information that tonight was going to be different, that there would be a midnight arrival of the… machine. It was the machine that I missed because I was away with my delivery, per the order of my contact within the main unit. I would lie if I said I wasn't excited…

Then, I caught a noise—purposeful and slow footsteps echoing closer and closer. I didn't move, barely breathing, as a group of city guards marched past me, right under my spot, carrying hand-held lamps that were brighter than any torch I knew of. I will have to procure one and send back one… I don't know what kind of animal fat or what they use in it, but it's damn too bright! I watched them closely, seeing their simple, cloth and leather armor, carrying pikes and halberds; just by their stiff movements, it was evident that they were newly trained. Amateurs. Their eyes never once scanned higher up than the level of their heads, a rookie mistake, or they could have found me with those types of lamps.

I shifted my weight, ensuring my small dagger was still concealed within the folds of my dark cloak if they did raise their heads. I could move fast enough to get a jump on them, slice their throat, and retreat… I had been sent back with a straightforward order: discovering the truth about this machine. Some amateur soldiers won't stop me from achieving that! I wasn't the first to try it, though—three others had tried before me, and my contact stated it clearly. They'd either vanished or been executed publicly as traitors. I had no intention of following their fate.

After the patrolling group finally left, I let out a long sigh, returning to my observation. It only took a few minutes before a low, rumbling sound broke the stillness. I felt it before I heard it—a faint but undeniable vibration through the stone beneath my stomach as I lay there. The ground trembled slightly like some great beast had stirred deep below the earth. Without my briefing, I would have thought a beast tide was coming.

I took a deep breath, scanning the station's platform. From my position, I could observe where the few people present gathered—workers and soldiers dressed in dangerous-looking armor. What I already knew was that these were Avalonian soldiers… The ones who caught most of my partners. I just hope our people were doing well over there in the thick of it all! We have never lost so many agents like this since we got to the Frontier. They were the sharpest hunters I have ever met…

Before I could scare myself, I finally saw it—the distant glow coming from midnight's shadow. It was soon accompanied by a loud whistle, which immediately brought me out of my thoughts.

Emerging from the thick darkness beyond the city, a hulking shape appeared. It moved slowly at first, but that was nothing but an illusion. It was fast! A massive, black monster, shrouded in steam and smoke, raced along the rails. A deep, mechanical hiss cut through the night as the grand iron aberration rolled into the station, its wheels grinding against the metal tracks, making my ears hurt. I saw as fire flickered from its belly, and thick plumes of steam billowed into the night air as it was illuminated by those bright lamps pointed at the tracks…

It was beautiful… yet horrifying. I had been holding my device since I saw its blinking lights in the distance, holding my hand on the button I was told to, feeling it getting warm between my fingers. I didn't know what it was doing, but I was not in a position to ask for an explanation. I was here to do my mission, so I kept it pointing at the machine.

This… train was larger than I had imagined—more monstrous, more alive-looking. As it came to a halt, it sometimes hissed like a horse, tired from the running, pulling a dozen carriages behind itself. And oh boy, those were not even small ones! "The Train…" It was a mechanical serpent forged from iron and brass and breathed steam like a mythical creature. Its cylindrical body gleamed in the light while intricate gears and pistons worked with smooth precision, almost making me dizzy. I could smell the burning coal just by looking at it… No wonder they wanted to get their hands on the Black Region. If this invention is going to spread, that unwanted piece of land would be the most desired region in the whole Empire!

I felt myself in awe for a moment, but then I remembered why I was here…

My eyes darted back to the side of the platform. A man in a long robe stood amid the throng of soldiers and workers, gesturing toward the train with a proud smile. I recognized him instantly—Baron Elliot, the lord of the city. He had been the one rumored to have disposed of his own brother, removing every opposition he had, including all the local, minor nobles, and now he was ruling as the sole voice of Goldengrove… What I learned so far was that it was only possible because of his frightening support: his nephew, the mind behind this mechanical abomination. He stood taller than most around him except those heavily armored soldiers. As I was looking at him, one of his guards turned his head, looking towards me… No. That couldn't be. It had to be a coincidence! No way that through his helmet, he could have noticed me in the dark… Calm down, my heart, I am just being paranoid because of the difficulty of this mission. Focus…

I had my target. No, it wasn't the Baron… it was the train.

As the crowd's attention remained fixated on the train, I slipped from the shadows, landing silently on the grass and moving closer to the edge of the station. The noise of the train's engine drowned out any sound I might have made, and the veil of smoke provided just enough cover for me the moment I entered the light of their lamps. I didn't have much time…

I had to act swiftly.

The people on the platform surged forward slightly, eager to start unloading whatever cargo it brought with it. It was then I heard… doors opening and footsteps. They were not unloading cargo; they were putting people on it! I was holding the magical device in my hand, doing as my order briefed me… get close, aim it at the train, for as long and as close as possible.

"Their overconfidence is my greatest asset!"

I couldn't help but smirk with glee because right now, their view of me was blocked by the train, the secondary platform, and by the fact they were busily coordinating their people onto the carts this machine was dragging behind it. Up close, it was even more unsettling to witness it. While making sure I held the device right, I could finally make it out that the carts attached to it were fitted with seats, now being occupied by men. Workers? Or soldiers? Probably both… I saw them hauling bags and sacks onto some of the more empty-looking carts at the back. It could be anything, such as tools, weapons, or armor.

"Carrying soldiers and their weapons… This metal monster could replace caravans in a snap of a finger!" I gawked in my mind, finally understanding why it was so essential to discover everything about it!

..A little bit earlier..


"Soon, the train will arrive. I wonder if it will happen this time…" Elliot asked, sighing while standing between two soldiers from his nephew's army.

"If not, we must still send these men for annual military training." The booming voice of the hulking soldier to his left answered him.

"It's just that this is the fourth time, yet nobody tried–"

"There is a magic reaction." Spoke the second soldier, making Elliot flinch, feeling that it was an excellent choice to be flanked by the most competent warriors he knew about.

"Confirmed." The first one agreed, pressing his fingers together, and Elliot could hear a static noise coming from within his helmet. "Be advised, magic reaction from Site D, over." Elliot tried to listen if he heard the answer from the helmet, but there was only another faint crackle before the soldier spoke again, "Acknowledged, over."

"Are we stopping?" Elliot questioned after a moment of hesitation.

"No. The target has been under watch since arrival. Lady Yuri's agents are on him. We are to proceed as usual and send the soldiers to Avalon for their training in the summer."

"I really hope that guy won't blow up the train… And me."

"The risk is there, " the second soldier answered, and Elliot could swear he was smiling under his helmet, which only showed his steeled, blue eyes. "But we are talking about spies. Sabotage of that magnitude would cause their work to become impossible going forward."

"I just hope you are right…"



"Finally!" Number 3, one of Yuri's soldiers moaned, lying on a rooftop, aiming her crossbow at the 'hidden' figure 100 meters away from them.

"Keep him in your crosshair." Number 2 answered, holding a radio device in her hands, "If he is dangerous, we move in to kill. If we let Baron Elliot be injured, we will be in deep shit."

"Number 1 and 4 are within the station; it should be fine. We created four entry spots, and he chose the best one. For us, that is!"



They watched as regular local militia members arrived, doing their regular patrolling routine. Luckily, they didn't move their heads upwards even a little, missing the man in the shadows and probably also saving their lives in the process.

"Oh? What's that?" Number 3 asked, watching their target switch out his dagger for something else. The moment he did, their radio came to life as the report arrived that a magic device had been detected.

"Roger. We have eyes on the boogey. Guard Baron Elliot, stay on full alert but continue as planned, over." Number 2 spoke back into the radio before turning towards her partner. "Magic device. We will shadow that bastard! If he is too dangerous, we eliminate him! Ready your anti-magic slips."

"They are always ready."

"We tail him… Things just got interesting!"

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