Steel and Mana

Chapter 34 – Luna

While traveling forward, my mind was stuck on thinking about the usage of CC. So, techniques that gave them different properties and made use of them were already developed. My next question was, how far did they go with it? What could I do with them? How will I get my hands on some samples to reverse-engineer it?

I discussed this with my Uncle, too, while traveling, having exciting debates with him throughout the nights, the perfect reason to ignore Yuri, who was trying to rape me. No, I'm not joking; one night, I woke up to her sneaking into my tent, all naked, trying to tie me up. It was the harshest beatdown my guards received from Oleg and me. Especially from my General because I made him responsible for failing to guard me, and he took it to heart. Good, because Yuri is a wild card, and what if she decides that she wants to relive her old habits? I had a feeling that it all happened with my Father's blessing because I had seen him laugh, turning his back to me.

"We are getting close, My Lord!"

It was Oleg's voice that disrupted my thoughts, and he was talking to my Father. Leaning out of the carriage, I could see a massive city in the distance. It was right in the middle of a flat field, and a circle of 30-meter-high walls surrounded its central part. Before that monstrosity, I could see a secondary city and then a circular moat... no, it wasn't a moat. That was a river. I was sure it wasn't natural as it was a perfect circle where the city stood while flowing from the north and heading down south. I know of no river that does a roundabout by itself! From the land, nine bridges connected to the secondary circle, and we were on a stone road, heading towards one of them.

"Now, this is what I expected..." I whispered as this was the type of city I imagined when I realized I had been granted a new life.

"It is unique!" Father laughed, patting my shoulder, "This city has never been conquered and has been standing here for thousands of years! At least, that is the legend."

"Yeah, sure!" Yuri scoffed, her eyes more interested in the passing by caravans, and I knew she wanted to rob them. Although her scarred body was now hiding behind standard leather armor, I could see her fingers twitching on her horse's rein.

"The outer city is where 60% of the population is concentrated!" Father continued explaining, "The nine bridges are all numbered and lead to different regions of the Empire of Ishillia. Our first stop will be at the foot of the 9th bridge. They will be examining our identities, and until they are confirmed, be mindful! I am a viscount, but that means nothing here!"

"I know."

"I don't!" Yuri added, and Father looked at me, telling me with his eyes that she would be my responsibility.

"Come here! No, I will go there!" I grunted and climbed out of the carriage window, quickly hopping onto her horse and hugging her from behind.

"Oh? Are we finally fucking?"

"No," I answered, holding her waist down as she was already leaning forward, ready to press her bottom against my crotch. "I am here to tell you what you need to know, and you will listen to me! I am saying it directly into your ear, so you can't say you didn't hear it!"

"Tsk! Go on." She grunted, sitting back properly.

"First. You and Oleg are my personal guards. Only speak when I permit it!"

"Heh, are you playing the role of the owner of my leash?"

"I am your owner." I replied coldly, and I could see her shiver a little. "Should I choke you out again?"

"Yeah... that made me cum so hard!" When I heard what she said, somehow, I didn't doubt Yuri.

"Listen to me!" I raised my voice before she went into a degenerate ranting once again, "We are a viscount! Above us here are still Counts, who rule the neighboring land, and Earls, who oversee certain parts of the city! They are more or less equivalent here, but they are above us! Even if an Earl here has as much land under him as a village in our region, he is still above me in rank!"

"Okay, okay. Don't piss off my boss's boss! Got it!"

"Not just that! There are still the ranks of Marquess and Duke above them! Piss off the wrong people, and I will toss you to the wolves! Want to be powerful?"

"Yeah...?" She nodded, grinding her crotch against the saddle.

"Powerful enough to piss on the current Emperor's head?"

"Oh FUCK yeah!" She moaned even louder, shuddering.

"Then follow every word I say while here, and you can get closer to that power! Screw this up, and I abandon you without fucking you once! Got it?!"

"Geez, you know how to speak to a woman! I'm wet!"

"No, you are fucking crazy!" I shrugged, turning her head away as she wanted to kiss. Or bite my face. I couldn't really tell. "Focus on the road, got it?"

"Yeah, my Master! Ahhh... Shit! Talk to me like this next time, too! If you spark my fantasies this hard, I will get pregnant from your voice alone!"


"Hm?" I turned towards the carriage, seeing my Father flash a thumbs up at me.

"Keep her in line, just like that! Don't worry; a few concubines are normal for an Emperor!"

"Thanks, Daddy!" Yuri cheerfully shouted back at him while I couldn't help but shrug. This was building up to be a disaster...


The stop at the bridge went smoother than I first expected. The structure itself was around 20 or 30 meters wide and had two lanes, separated in the middle by a waist-height wall. The left one was for the regular people and merchants to use, coming and going in great quantity, while the right side was for nobles.

Thanks to this, we didn't have to wait for long. A handful of soldiers appeared at a moment's notice and conducted the inspection of our identities from a thick codex. Watching their armor, it was clean, new looking. It consisted of black cloth undergarments with shiny, silver plates strapped to their arms, chest, and legs, giving the feeling of a knight... but not one that would be useful in battle. Mainly because these were highly decorated and way thinner than they should have been, with golden accents and the image of a sun plastered everywhere on it. You don't use armor like this for battle, not when the soldier would drag it through mud and guts.

"Showoffs." I murmured as silently as I could, but Yuri next to me clearly heard it because she let out a small chuckle.

Luckily, it didn't bother anyone, and after Father proved who we were, including my Uncle, before we were let into the city. My follow-up surprise came from being assigned a whole courtyard to stay in, with a fully supplied stable and maids waiting for us. It wasn't as big as my newly built palace, but it was still impressive! At least being a noble had its advantages.

While we entered, I tried scanning the outer city, and I could tell that most buildings here were made out of stone, and people were well dressed. Most important of all, nothing smelled like piss and shit. Which meant the Frontier Region was just that. A shithole. Well... not anymore! Hah! I will trump this city with mine!

"What are you grinning for?" Yuri asked, but before she could poke my sides, Oleg grabbed her wrist with full force, making her moan. "You are gonna break my wrist, big guy! How will I jack off my prince then?!"

"Don't. Touch. Him."

I wasn't in the mood to interact with the two, so I left them there and began exploring our temporary home. Since my scolding, Oleg has become hypersensitive. The best course of action was to let him cool down. As for Yuri? Probably, euthanasia would be the only solution.

As nobles, my Father, my Uncle, and I had a different wing to ourselves in the mansion that reminded me of a Renaissance-era chateau. My room was on the first floor, and opening its heavy, thick wooden door greeted me with a lovely view.

It was pretty spacious, having my own huge bed, a separate garden that was only accessible through my room, and a fireplace with a wide couch before it... And right on it slept a young girl. A teenager? She was totally out and defenseless, and she was wearing maid clothing on top of it. Walking closer, I got a better view as she was lying on her back, a half-grin on her face, drooling a little.

"Mmm... A gift for the nobles?" I asked myself, examining her heart-shaped face that was ripe for placing it between my palms and mushing it a little. Damn, she was cute! Like a little kitten.

She was compact. That was the best way to describe her, as she wasn't tall, nor was she thick. But she wasn't as thin as Sasha when I first met her. Although, I couldn't really tell her three sizes, not with this many clothes on. Damn it! Yuri's effect has been poisoning my mind! While I was leaning over her, it seemed my presence disturbed her sleep because it made her wake up and open her mismatched eyes.

"Oh..." We both said, but hers was frightened while mine was amused. Her left eye was green as a polished emerald, while her right eye was the deepest amethyst I have ever seen. A unique beauty. "Good morning, sleepyhead."


With a scream, she scrambled to her feet, climbed over the couch, and fell onto her head, giving me a perfect look at her blue-striped panties. This city has better clothing stores and a proper fashion sense, unlike mine, huh? I already guessed so because of how the people were dressing here. Now I felt like a hillbilly coming to town... My home was centuries behind the capital city! Is this a joke?

"Are you okay?" With a chuckle, I walked over, helping her up, fixing her clothes and messy, long black hair while using the occasion to get a quick, subtle feel. She was soft.

"Y-y-yes, um... I was cleaning the room and... who are you?"

"My name is Leon, and I am here on official business with my family."

"Which family?" She asked, looking confused, trying to figure it out, but I looked out of place with my red hair. Since coming here, I have seen nobody else having it.

"My Father is Kalash, Lion of the Frontier."

"Hyaaaa?! The barbarians?! AH!"

I couldn't help but stand still, feeling my eyelids twitch, watching her get teary-eyed and begin trembling. What she did was probably worthy of flogging.

"Name?" I asked, trying to sound unbothered, but now I finally had a first-hand experience of what the others think about my home, and it made me sound irritated. Because I was.

"Luna, my lord!" She answered, bowing with elegance, "I won't bother-" She wanted to leave, but I reached out with a hand, stopping her physically.

"Good. I need a personal maid who follows me around and does what I say while staying here."

"I will notify the-"

"Thank you for volunteering, Luna."

"I... I did... didn't... I..." She sounded like she was on the verge of a mental breakdown, but I wasn't budging.

"You did. Just right now. So, Luna!" I smiled and probably looked like some kind of cliche evil noble from a soap opera. "Please! Show me around the place!"

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