Steel and Mana

Codex Chapter 8 – Skyships & Shipslaves

About Magic


Origin and Design1All the information below is from unconfirmed sources and could be wrong.

  • Created by the Emperor of Magic: Skyships, also known as flying ships, were conceived by one of the most famous emperors of Ishillia. These majestic vessels represent a fusion of traditional shipbuilding methods with state-of-the-art magical engineering, creating a truly awe-inspiring sight and solidifying Ishillia's might.2Skyships are designed based on regular, existing sea vessels, particularly a mix between the ships utilized by the Tentian Theocracy and the Sar Empire.

Structural and Functional Features

  • Hull and Structure: The hulls of skyships are meticulously crafted from a combination of lightweight but sturdy wood, enhanced with strategically placed metal rivets and plating. This construction method not only ensures durability but also empowers the hull to effectively endure the various stresses encountered during flight.
  • Sails and Rigging: Skyships, like their traditional counterparts, are equipped with sails crafted from specialized fabrics designed to efficiently catch and harness the power of the wind. These sails are meticulously engineered and can be skillfully adjusted to navigate through diverse altitudes and complex air currents. Furthermore, they work in harmony with the skyship's magical core, enhancing their overall performance and maneuverability.
  • Propulsion: The ship's propulsion system relies on a sophisticated combination of magical formations intricately etched into the keel and hull, which work in unison to generate both lift and thrust. These runes are carefully powered by CC crystals under the management of the skilled shipslaves. At the heart of the ship's hull lies a closely guarded central core. Due to its unparalleled complexity and being a closely held national secret, we know nothing more about it. It is rumored to be one of the most complex formations available in the world.3

Command and Control

  • Bridge and Helm: The bridge of a skyship is equipped with advanced magical instruments for navigation and control. The helm, often an intricately carved wheel, is linked to the ship’s magical systems, allowing precise maneuverability.
  • Crew and Shipslaves: The crew consists of both human sailors and shipslaves. The human crew performs traditional roles, while shipslaves handle complex magical operations and maintenance.

Defensive and Offensive Capabilities

  • Defensive Measures: Skyships are equipped with magical shields powered by CC crystals, capable of deflecting physical and magical attacks. These shields are maintained by the shipslaves, and their function and limitations are unknown.
  • Offensive Armaments: Armed with ballistae and cannons enhanced with magical properties, skyships can engage in aerial combat. These weapons can launch enchanted projectiles capable of devastating enemy vessels and ground troops alike. Their range is overpowering most kingdoms and empires' current capabilities.4

Operational Roles and Usage

  • Exploration and Trade: Skyships were used for exploration, some accounts say they were used for mapping the Pass, leading into the beasts' land. Later on, in more peaceful years in Ishillian history, they were establishing trade routes between distant 'allies.'
  • Military Engagements: In times of conflict, skyships serve as formidable warships, leveraging their speed, maneuverability, and firepower to dominate their enemy. They are rapid response vessels, capable of arriving at the battlefield before any conventional army could.
  • Diplomatic Missions: Skyships are also employed for diplomatic missions, showcasing the power and reach of Ishillia and the noble family that commands them.

Maintenance and Upkeep

  • Routine Maintenance: Regular maintenance is crucial for the optimal performance of skyships. Shipslaves perform continuous diagnostics and repairs, ensuring the ship’s systems remain in peak condition.
  • Docking and Refitting: Skyships dock at specialized ports for major repairs and refitting. These facilities are equipped with the necessary tools and resources to handle the unique needs of flying vessels.5All known ports are located in the capital city of Ishillia.


Origin and Purpose6All the information below is from unconfirmed sources and could be wrong.

  • Creation by Later Emperors: Shipslaves were created by powerful mages of later Emperors, who came to power after the death of Merlin VIII. They were to serve as the ultimate operators of magical flying ships, as nobody was powerful enough to do so without them. They were designed to be created from individuals with minimal magical talent; their abilities are harnessed and enhanced through a rigorous process that robs them of their humanity.7
  • Hivemind Integration: These individuals are branded with magical tattoos that strip them of their free will and merge them into a single, hivemind-like entity. This transformation allows them to function as a collective, capable of immense computing power and autonomous decision-making within given parameters.8It is speculated that all shipslaves are prisoners of their own bodies, fully aware of what happened to them but unable to refuse their orders and magically forced to accept their new existence.

Physical and Functional Modifications

  • Immortality with Vulnerabilities: Shipslaves are rendered functionally immortal; they do not age, fall ill, or decay. However, they remain susceptible to physical injuries similar to ordinary humans.
  • Operational Efficiency: Their primary existence revolves around maintaining the magical flying ship’s operations at peak performance. They follow the captain’s orders unconditionally but can override commands to protect the ship’s integrity and existence, prioritizing the ship over the crew.

Replacement and Expansion

  • Transformation Process: When a shipslave is lost, suitable individuals with magical sensitivity are transformed into new shipslaves by the existing ones, ensuring a continuous workforce.
  • Appearance and Modifications: Shipslaves are gaunt, with hollow eyes and vacant expressions. They lack all body hair and possess an androgynous appearance. Their bodies are covered in magical tattoos and mechanical parts, with some having complete organs and bones replaced by mechanical counterparts. Core shipslaves feature slots in their heads to receive CC crystals for secondary functions or direct control of the human crew.9

Detailed Properties

  • Hivemind Intelligence: The hivemind grants shipslaves unparalleled processing power, allowing them to manage complex ship operations seamlessly. This collective intelligence surpasses that of any single human or mage.
  • Magical Tattoos: The tattoos serve multiple purposes, including stripping free will, enhancing physical durability, and enabling the hivemind connection. They also act as conduits for magical energy.
  • Mechanical Enhancements: Shipslaves have various mechanical augmentations, such as reinforced limbs, enhanced sensory organs, and mechanical organs. These modifications are designed to maximize their efficiency and durability.
  • CC Crystal Integration: Core shipslaves have head slots for CC crystals, which enhance their capabilities and allow for direct control over the ship’s magical systems. These crystals can also be used to interface with and control human crew members if necessary.
This Codex excerpt was written by Authorya Cortyn, your humble historian.

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