Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the Mercenary king

Chapter 50: Entering the city(4)

Chapter 50: Entering the city(4)

Her features were delicately sculpted, with a symmetrical visage . Framing her face was a cascade of long, ebony-black hair that were falling in soft waves around her shoulders.

Her eyes, were 'covered' by a transparent veil. They were the color of dark emeralds, green like the seas of the Empire ,deep and enchanting. Her lips, painted with a subtle rosy hue, curved into a gentle smile in response to Alpheo's own smile .

Drifting down from her shoulders, the girl wore a simple yet elegant brown silk dress that draped gracefully around her slender frame. She was still young, no more than seventeen , her curves were light as they were hidden by her dress.The other girl was no more than eight, she too had black hair, a veil covering her eyes and a silk dress.She looked around with curiosity probably wondering who their guest were.

Alpheo looked around but saw no man standing near the prince.'Does he have no son? Maybe he has only daughters'Alpheo wondered before putting the tought on the back of his head,deciding instead to snoop around later on

Now if Prince Arzalatt saw the smile between the two , he acted as he did not .

''I have been told that you have in your service 510 fighting men, all armored and equipped, was I informed wrong?''The prince spoke his hand resting on the side of his face, holding his real ear.

Alpheo met the prince's gaze with a steady one of his own . "You have been informed correctly, your grace. A quarter of them are equipped with breastplates, while the rest use simple chainmail. They are well-trained and ready for battle, should you require their service under your name.I can assure you , they will make short work of all your enemies"

The prince's lips curled into a faint smile at Alpheo's acknowledgment. "I hope that your men are worth the price I am paying, mercenary.Talks are cheap" he remarked casually, his tone betraying no hint of warmth.

'My name is Alpheo you bloody cunt'

Alpheo's facade slipped for a moment as he bit back the retort, but quickly regained his composure. "Of course, your grace," he replied with a respectful nod, though his thoughts were far from reverent.

"Preparations are being made. No more than a month before we shall take our steel to those bastards of Oizen," he informed Alpheo, his voice tinged with anticipation. "I can't wait to repay them with the same coin." His eyes then met with the mercenary captain once again ''And of course to you will go the other coin''

Alpheo's mind raced with skepticism at the prince's timeline. 'Right before winter? Is he a fool?' he mused inwardly, his expression carefully neutral. 'Either they have had a bountiful year's harvest, or the prince is losing his wits.' And little did he know that it was the former, as this year's harvest has been great for the south

"Your enemies shall tremble at the sight of your banners," Alpheo replied smoothly, his words dripping with flattery.

Apparently the prince liked the flattery as he rolled in it like a pig in his feces .

''Yes that they will, I eagerly await to see it with my own eyes . In the meantime , you shall stay here in my court as guest, honored and welcomed as one should''

''What about my men your grace?''

The prince went thinking a bit , his hand moving from his ear to his chin, as he pondered ''They will be allowed to make a camp outside the walls, the food shall be covered by me. ''

''I understand your grace'' Alpheo responded 'At least he is not stupid enough to have 500 men live inside his walls' And certainly Alpheo was not so inexperience as to demand for his men to stay inside the walls

''This evening a feast shall be commenced, as my guest, you are invited to it''

Alpheo bowed once more ''If it please your grace. '' Alpheo continued, maintaining his posture of respect. "We shall eagerly anticipate the feast this evening. May it be a celebration of our future victories together."

Prince Arzalatt nodded, a glimmer of satisfaction crossing his features. "Indeed, may it be so," he replied "But before we part ways for now, there is one more matter I wish to address."

"I have heard whispers of dissent among my courtiers regarding your presence here," the prince stated, as he watched around the court "Some question the wisdom of enlisting mercenaries, and there are those who doubt your loyalty"

Alpheo's jaw tensed slightly, why the hell would he say that in front of the same mercenary the insults are referred to?

''Well your grace, if I were to betray you , who by the way is my first employer, my life as a mercenary captain would be short-lived, without a doubt.After all who would employ a free-company that betrayed his previous master?Let me assure you , that I shall respect my side of the contract as long your grace, respect his.With the gods as my witness I swear'' freewebno(v)el

Suddenly, a voice pierced through the crowd, its source obscured by the sea of bodies. "What are oaths for sell-swords?" the voice challenged, its tone dripping with skepticism.

Alpheo's gaze swept across the assembly, searching for the speaker.He did not find him, but it was better like that , insults worked better when the other could not respond "Who is that spoke?" he inquired, his voice calm and steady as the water of a lake . When no one stepped forward, he chuckled softly. "Ah, a craven. Seems like wherever I go I find them pointing fingers to their betters while hiding in shadows " he remarked with a wry smile. "If you had the courage to face me, I would gladly oblige your curiosity. But I suspect I would find more cowardice than conviction within your gut.I have half a mind to open the stomach and see if I find it.''

He smiled '' And I think that my companions would gladly bet that I would have an easier time finding a virgin in a brothel "

A ripple of laughter spread through the crowd, save for one man whose stern expression betrayed his disapproval.

"As for your inquiry, craven, am I not man?" he challenged, his eyes narrowing. "When my time comes to pass into the next realm, shall I not be judged by the same gods as any other? Whether my deeds merit punishment or reward, they will be judged by the same divine hand that has guided the fates of countless others before and after me.Just like me also you shall face the gods, and it will also be far sooner than you expect, if you don't get your mouth checked. You may have a sharp tongue, but my sword is sharper and I have no qualm in using it "

The crowd tensed at the threat this time , yet the prince laughed,and soon all the courtier followed like sheep, though Alpheo could see it was a forced one "Well spoken," he declared, casting a pointed glance at the silent dissenter, almost as if an admonition . "Let us hope your skill with a sword matches your eloquence. No more insults to my guests,bring ale and bread for them " he commanded, his tone firm as he searched to put an end to the meeting before swords were drawn .

He knew they were close to that.

As he spoke some servants entered the room , bringing the offerings . Alpheo was the first to take the bread , break it and then pass it to the others. Then he took the ale and sipped from it , as it too like the other passed hand to hand.Reaching then to Asag that seemed in deep thought for a bit.

The prince raised an highbrow, Asag saw that and forced himself to drink it .He emptied the cup and gagged. Men laughed, the prince chuckled .

Alpheo's group tensed, but did nothing, it would have not been wise to raise protest directly to their employer, especially when they were sorrounded by his soldiers.

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