Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the Mercenary king

Chapter 57: Feast(3)

Chapter 57: Feast(3)


The Great Hall of Yarzat was hazy with smoke and heavy with the smell of roasted meat and fresh-baked bread. Its grey stone walls were draped with the banner of the prince. A singer was playing the high harp and reciting a ballad, but down at this end of the hall his voice could scarcely be heard above the roar of the fire, the clangor of pewter plates and cups, and the low mutter of drunken people. If the truth was to be said Jarza enjoyed his position,he was not high enough to take decisions, but still not low enough for his words to have no weight. It has been years since he had a proper meal , the supper made after a long march, barely counted as one .

He was happy where he was , with the tail of his eye he observed Alpheo. He stood there alone looking at the plates.He did not understand why he did not partake in the meal.Was he not hungry? He seemed to skip the meals and instead go for the wine, it was the third cup he had taken, Jarza had counted. And yet they barely had an effect on him.That surprised him a lot, he had never seen him drink, not even bring a whore in the bed, if he was to say the truth.Maybe he swung the other way?

He was the leader of the group, the one to take the decisions that would decide where the company would go, nonetheless he never saw him wash himself over riches, women or good foods.He was a strange man.He knew he was one in a thousand and the gods had delivered Jarza to him for a reason , or at least he thought so .

Jarza was happy he was not the leader, he had no taste to manage things.It was enough that he had the opportunity to fuck, eat and drink. And he was finding that he had two- men's thirst, to the raucous delight of the people around him, who urged him on every time he drained a glass. They were fine company, and Jarza relished the reactions to the stories he was telling them , tales of battle and bedding and the hunt.He knew Alpheo had ordered them not to drink, but the wine was so close, and his mouth opened on his own.Was it his fault?Surely not.

Whenever he drained a cup he turned around and watched out, for Alpheo. Then after the fourth cup he noticed him, thanks to the gods , , Alpheo did not see him as he was too busy talking to someone.Jarza squinted his eyes to observe better

"Lucky bastard," Jarza muttered under his breath, a wry smile curling his lips as he nudged Laedio, who sat nearby, his mouth filled to the brim with food. Laedio's eyes widened in surprise as he turned to follow Jarza's gaze, his cheeks bulging with the remnants of his meal. With a knowing look he gave too a smile, the food coming out in pieces towards the ground

"For him, it's acceptable to seek out a bedmate and one of royal blood no less, yet for me, it's forbidden?" Egil asked his forehead furrowed as he too saw the show

Hearing his words Jarza's patience waned, but he refrained from resorting to physical reprimand. "Alpheo is no fool," he retorted firmly. "He understands the boundaries of his station. He wouldn't jeopardize his future for a fleeting moment of pleasure. That would be utter folly."

Egil's laughter echoed through the hall "I'd do it," he confessed with a smirk. "A final night of glory before facing death with empty balls and full pride."

"That's precisely why Alpheo leads and you follow," Jarza retorted, his tone laced with exasperation.

Egil shrugged nonchalantly, returning his attention to his meal. "Leadership was never my aim," he muttered between mouthfuls.

''Gods be praised for that ''

That made Egil chuckle a bit "Give me a horse and I'll find contentment for half my life. Give me a target to raid, burn, and rape , and I'll find fulfillment until death."

"A death in one's youth is often considered a curse," he mused.

''Half the men that take the steel then are cursed, maybe it is true for you land-hoarders.But not in my tribe," Egil countered, his tone defiant as he patted hic chest . "For us, it's an honor. My father always said that any man who lived to see his forties was a good for nothing."

''What was he when he died ?''

'' 37.He stayed true to his words'' That he did at least, Egil thought as he resumed his supper.

Jarza meanwhile moved his eyes to where he had last seen his boss, only to see Alpheo walking towards them.He stopped as he observed the group

"Seems like you're enjoying yourself," Clio remarked casually, taking a bite of oiled bread.

"Not as much as you. I can't bring myself to stomach the slop they're devouring," Jarza replied with a grimace, casting a disdainful glance at the lavish spread laid out before the noble guests, though he too took a piece of bread .

"It's not all bad, you just have to find the right one," Clio countered optimistically.

"Maybe you can do that," Alpheo interjected, his gaze fixed on Jarza, "Listen up, I'm temporarily leaving the feast. In my absence, Jarza, you're in charge. Keep an eye on Laedio and Egil, particularly the latter."

''What am I, a child?"The latter in question asked

"Worse, you're a liability. If you're left to your own devices, you'll get us all killed," Alpheo shot back, his tone firm and unwavering.

Egil's response was a dismissive snort, but Jarza nodded in understanding. "Very well, I'll keep a close watch on him," he assured Alpheo. ''Just make sure to keep your pants up , the same talk you have Egil is standing also for you ''He quipped with a joke

''I am aware.Don't worry I know my standing ''

''I knew you did.Well then have fun'' Jarza bid him goodbye with a pat on his shoulder as he walked back to the feast.

With that Alpheo nodded and left them on their own .As by now he had to accompany a princess on a walk.

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