Strawberry Devil in a Fantasy World

Chapter 19 – Traits (2)

There were three more traits to go. I kind of wished I could sleep because as much as I wanted to understand them, I lost a sense of joy from discovering what they did. Smoothie really was like a guidebook to a game.

God, is this your way of helping me conquer the game? Did you finally know the errors of your ways? Well, it's too late! I bet some disaster is just waiting to happen. 

|Gourmet| was a very simple trait. I could use [absorption] and take in nutrients and energies as much as I could without ever feeling bloated. Frankly, it was no different from a storage device.

However, Smoothie gave me a stern warning, "If you keep using it excessively, the trait may eventually evolve into something like |glutton|. You'll have insatiable hunger. Should that ever happen, I fear for the world."

"Oh, I've never seen such a trait, only [devourer] came to mind. Is it related?"

"That's a soul eating ability, not a trait."

"Oops. I'll try not to overuse [absorption]."

The trait I most wanted to know more about was |reaper|. I was all excited and whatnot when she started explanation. However, the explanation was fairly straightforward but vague. Basically, whenever someone consumed any part of me, an exchange would take place the moment that part went into their system. In return, I would collect any debt owing to me via "spiritual" stats. If there weren't enough "spiritual" stats, physical stats would be exchanged. Too bad I wouldn't actually gain the stats they lost. They just all become part of the imaginary "experience" stat.

Somehow, my strawberries had become a devil's fruit.

"How does it work exactly? Would the debt be cancelled if they paid me in cash before eating?" I knew for a fact I didn't deal in cash. Those simply didn't exist in the vast wilderness.

"They just have to offer you something in exchange. For example, a contract of service, or maybe fertilizers, or even prayers. They just had to be equal."

Ah, that demon rabbit, he must have knew about it somehow! How unfortunate it wouldn't work on him.

"How are values calculated?"


"Sorry, I didn't understand that."

"Feelings, meaning it just had to feel right to both parties involved. The kobolds who are doing a service in exchange for your strawberries wouldn't be harmed unless they took more than their fair share."

"By your explanation, what's there to worry about?"

"Not everyone can have an equal exchange meaning the weaker ones could die instantly if they didn't pay enough. Given that there was no set value, who would risk their life to eat your strawberries, not to mention they are addictive?"

"True, I'm not a fan of killing. Wait, then how could there be an antidote?"

"Simple! The antidote would either have to be something of equal harm stored in the strawberries or a trait or ability that countered |reaper|."

"You're basically asking me to add poison in there."

In the first place, charm effect should be a minus. However if I increased the charm level, the addiction would go through the roof.


Suddenly, an idea came to me.

"I have an idea. What if I increase the natural alcohol content? Alcohol is bad, right?"

"Again, who wants to eat that? I believe you should go for a flavorless poison that drains stats."

"Did you take me for a chemist? I can't do that and my 'synthesis' doesn't let me go that far."

"What's a chemist?"

Oh, could it be? It's my time to shine! It's odd that she knew about alcohol but not the term "chemist".

"A chemist is someone who plays with chemicals," I explained while puffing out my chest.

"I already understood the gist of it. Mother, please don't ever be a teacher. I'll take over the job of teaching Haelley the common language," she gazed at me with a bored expression.

"Wait, that's my job! I'm teaching her properly."

Last but not least, |progenitor|, this trait not only allowed memory sharing with those who had |bond| while also being a descendent, but it also allowed abilities to be shared in one way direction. The catch was that we had to be in physical contact for it to work and permission had to be granted first.

"So that was why you hugged me. To think I was deceived so easily..."

"I can read you like a book!"

"You brat, touting such non-sense. I have a question. How come it didn't appear in my status sooner?"

"[Soothsayer] doesn't tell me everything. That being said, |progenitor| is likely a special ability that activated when you first touched my plant body. Before then, I didn't have |bond|. If my guess is correct, you are the first strawberry plant in this world."

"That's messed up. I'm the first? There are no other strawberry plants?"

"I don't think so."

"I'm an invasive species?"


"Is that why I have the |devious| trait?"

"I doubted it. It's your personality that gave you that trait."

"You are ruthless! Smoothie, why do you like to hurt my feelings?"

"Because it's fun?"

This brat. I want to smack her so bad.

Then she patted my head, "There, there. Feeling better?"

"I'm not a kid!"

"Who said anything about being a kid? Patting your head feels nice, no?"

"You win," as I curled up next to a gigantic tree.

I was getting a bit drowsy after that long talk. Despite the fact I didn't need to sleep nor could I sleep, that feeling of sleepiness would sometime allude itself to me at nights. To me, the inability to sleep was a curse. The feeling of a beautiful rest was something I truly missed from my previous life. It was something I never gave a second thought before. Crying over spilt milk was pointless.

"I wish I could sleep."

"Mother, would you like me to grant your wish?"

"You're just teasing me. I know that much."

She just smiled innocently and laid down next to me.

A thought came to me. It had to do with my next goal of communication with the mortal races. I felt like if I kept roaming around without a proper sense of direction, I would forever wander without accomplishing anything noteworthy.  

"Smoothie, one day I would like to interact with the mortal races."

"You want a map?"

"Yes. I don't think I'll be able to get close to them looking like this. Is there a transformation ability I can acquire to make me look like a human?"

I was especially conscious of these huge colorful wings. No way would any mortal race have something like these. Nonetheless I needed to hide or remove these wings if I wished to even approach those cities. Obviously, I wasn't going to rip them off, not a chance. I was not a masochist.

"I explained it earlier, didn't I? The |bewitching| trait allows for changes in appearance. Since you have [synthesis], you can alter your form as you re-emerge from your plant body if you borrow my [producer] ability."

"I see. Are there no faster ways to instantly transform? If you saw all my memories, that fox lady was able to transform at will."

"If you practice changing your form for long enough, you may be granted that ability the next time you evolve."

"Neat! I'm close to leveling up so let's get practising!"

"Mother, if someone was to inspect you, how will you hide your status? I suggest we travel around the world first to level up and evolve while we gain new traits and abilities. The last thing you wanted is to be captured and experimented on, no?"

She's really level headed. Maybe I should learn something from her.

"Hmm. Okay. What about my Strawberry Empire?"

"It's not realistic."

My dream was shot down before it even took off.

"Then why would I even bother doing all this? I might as well sit somewhere for the rest of my life. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't mate. There's no entertainment here, none at all. Without any ambition, I'm empty! I have nothing!" I cried out in desperation. I had nothing going on for me in this life, nothing at all. I wanted to avoid being a nobody at any cost.  

"You have me. I'll try to fulfill your wishes. I'll try to entertain you. So please, Mother, don't go that route. The Strawberry Empire will only lead you to countless hardships. Is that really your wish?"


Somehow the story is turning a little serious. Also, no post for the next 1-2 days.

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