Stray Cat Strut

Chapter Thirty-Four – Thump


Chapter Thirty-Four - Thump

“For a period of time, it was common practice to think of the human element as the weakest link in any security system.

That changed when technology grew complex enough that no one could predict the exact loyalties of their own devices.

As it turns out, humans might be a weak link, but they’re one that is understandable and predictable.”

--Anonymous during a virtual hacker conference, 2054


“You know what I want?” I asked as I weaved through a line that cut across a corridor. It ended at one of those corporate soup kitchens. People filled out forms on some tablets at the end of the line, then got their vouchers for a free meal.

I can only guess.

“Well, I need a new jacket for one,” I said. “Something... like my last one, maybe? A bit cooler? Maybe semi-armoured? But yeah, I need that. But what I really want is a grenade launcher.”

You want a grenade launcher. Somehow, that wasn’t in the top percentile of things I expected to hear, but I suppose it makes sense. You are aware that you are essentially on a stealth mission?

“Do you expect this mission to not involve high explosives at some point?” I asked.

That is a very fair point. I have a few questions to narrow down exactly what sort of launcher you need. How accurate do you want the weapon to be? What are your tolerances for size? Are there any particular things you want this weapon to do?

I thought for a second. “I want something that makes that cool thump sound. Maybe some rapid-ish fire? And something that’s easy to reload?”

I see. I think you may need to purchase a new catalogue for that. Might I suggest the rather generic Explosive Launchers class? The first tier costs seventy-five points.

“Alright, fine.”

Class I Explosive Launchers Unlocked!
Points reduced to... 7790

Now, as for an actual weapon. I suggest the Icarus Mark II. It’s a one-hundred point grenade-launching rifle. Rather slim, with a titanium chassis. The magazine holds eighteen rounds, which can be fired in single shot, or in three-round bursts.

“That’s a lot of grenades,” I said.

They pack just as much punch as larger ones. I think you’ll find the weapon enjoyable. It has a rather high skill-ceiling, but you’ll learn. And there are special ammunitions that you can purchase that have multiple uses. More standard explosive rounds are significantly more expensive, of course, and you can use any kind of explosive from your Class one Esoteric Single-Use Explosive Devices catalogue.

I paused for a moment and glanced at the wire-map of the area to make sure I was heading the right way. “Does it look cool? No cat stuff on it?”

... Certain changes can be made to remove any such decorations.

Snorting, I moved over to an elevator bank, then waited for one to come down. “Sure then.”

New Purchase: Icarus Grenade Launcher Platform
Points reduced to... 7690

A box appeared by my feet, startling a beggar lounging against a nearby wall. I opened it to find the Icarus within. It was about two feet long, with a bullpup sort of configuration and a very boxy frame. The top had a rather tall but narrow scope, and there was a grip under the squarish front. It looked a little stubby for a rifle.

Picking it up, I found it rather rear-heavy. It made sense when I pulled at the magazine tucked into the top of the stock, then shoved it back in.

The gun connects to your augs, but it also listens to your voice. Saying one of the following will change the way the ammunition acts: High Explosive. Knockout Gas. Flashbang. EMP or Fragmentation.

I pulled the gun up, then found the strap on its side and looped it over my shoulder. “Nice,” I said just as the elevator dinged. “Now, I need a cool coat, and some sort of additional protection stuff.”

I see. Perhaps something that meets both goals. The Mark III Neo is a long coat that has a system of projectors built into it. It can mimic light sources, like your previous coat, and this one can also displace carbon wafers into the path of any oncoming projectile.

“Carbon wafers?” I asked.

The physics required to explain how to use quantum tunnelling to displace an object from one location to another, then lock that object in space would require an order of magnitude more education than what you have.

“As long as it looks cool,” I said. “And will stop me from getting dead.”

New Purchase: Mark III Neo
Points reduced to... 7540

Another box by my feet. I idly wondered if anyone would use the darned things I kept leaving around all over. When I popped it open it revealed a long trench-coat, folded neatly into the box.

I pulled it out, admiring the cool shoulder pads and the split back. The material was super dark, some sort of light-absorbing cloth I guessed, and the armoured plates here and there really looked great.

What didn’t was the cat-head-shaped pauldrons, and the big image of a grinning cheshire cat on the back under the stenciled words ‘Stray Cat.’

“Seriously?” I asked.

You didn’t say not to.

I sighed. “Myalis, you bitch.”

I still slipped the jacket on. It might have been a bit cat-like, but the damned thing was cool. I tugged the lapels forward and felt it settling over my shoulders just right. A glance into the chromed elevator doors had me looking my reflection up and down.

“Cat pauldrons are still a bit much,” I said. “But the rest looks nice enough, I guess. Extra preem drip. Very much on fleek”

... That was painful to process. They’re thematic. Think of it as being on-brand. And judging by the parts of your brain that just lit up, you have no reason to call it unflattering.

“Uh-huh,” I said. “Just don’t go too far.”

I would never.

She totally would. The door opened and I stepped out into a rather plain corridor. Clean floors, plaques on the walls pointing towards different businesses, and all the hallmarks of being a safehouse for mid-ranking corporate stuff.

I never liked places like these. They were way too... I supposed the word was orderly. I didn’t feel like I belonged here, not with the near-rags I usually wore, and not now in my Samurai gear. It had the same feeling as walking into a church while all those around you were in their Sunday best. I didn’t belong in the corporate cult culture.

“At the end of the next corridor, right?” I asked as I took off to my left. The new coat swished quite satisfyingly as I walked.

Indeed. Now would be a good time to test your new cloaking device.

I agreed. With a twitch of my eye, I brought up the menu for all of my gear with my augs and looked at the new icon for my cloak. It was just a floating image of the belt-buckle-like device. The menu that brought up was a long list of options. It was like looking at an extended list of halloween costumes.

“Ah,” I said. “That’s a lot of choices.”

I have access to their network. Do you want me to create a cover for you that should get you past their security?

“Sounds perfect,” I said as I flicked out of the menu. Too much choice was too much.

The entrance to Sunshine Weapon’s R&D lab was a plain lobby. A pair of sliding doors that led to a security checkpoint, then a corridor deeper into the labs. Just as I rounded the corner, I noticed my everything shifting and when I looked down, it was to see that I was wearing something different. Clothes on top of my clothes.

It looked like I was in a plain overall, with a logo-covered jacket atop it, and the gun bouncing by my side now looked like a case.

I stepped into the first room, then had to wait a moment until one of the guards by the front desk waved me in.

You already have an appointment here, and I’ve cracked their security. Just act natural and you should be fine.

Moving up to the security desk, I faced the sleepy looking guy behind it and waved. “Hey there,” I said, trying to sound friendly but professional. Just an eager young technician or whatever.

“You’re from...” he paused and looked at his screen. “SuperCat, Animal Care and Grooming Co.?”

I flinched. “Y-yup,” I said.

“What’s with the helmet?”

I glanced to the side. On the cameras behind the guy’s desk was an image of me wearing a plain white helmet, still with the cat-ears. “It’s for, uh, protection. While handling animals.”

“Really?” he asked.

“Yeah, really. Corporate protocol, you know?” I was going to drown Myalis, the fact she was in my head be damned.

“Hmm, yeah. Wanna pass through the scanner? Put your bag on the side there.” He pointed to an x-ray machine, with a walk-through scanner next to it.

I put my gun on the black threads, then stepped through the scanner. The x-ray that I saw on his screen looked nothing like a high-tech grenade launcher, and a lot more like a bag full of stuff.

“Right, you can go.”

I made it halfway down the corridor before I huffed. “I hate you.”

I sent the recording to Lucy already.

“I really hate you.”


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