Stray Cat Strut

Interlewd One


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Interlewd One

I trailed kisses up Lucy’s leg while my hands fumbled with the zipper of my autoloader jacket. By the time I’d reached her thigh and her hands fell onto my head and started scratching into my scalp in a most delicious way, I was tearing the coat off.

“Cat,” Lucy said.

Her voice was breathy and husky and sending shivers down my spine. “Yeah?” I asked.

“When’s the last time you took a shower?”


“You smell like... rubber and smoke,” she added.

“Yeah, I was a bit busy yesterday, with that kind of thing,” I admitted. I leaned down and gave myself a sniff and... yeah, I needed a shower. That splashed some cold water onto my libido.

“You know, the showers here are really big,” Lucy said. “And I’m already dressed for a shower.”

I looked up to see her casually slip out of her top.

“Oh,” I said. I got up a little awkwardly, then extended my hands to Lucy to help her onto her feet. She was so light that I barely felt the strain of lifting her, and the little two-step she did to slip her panties off her feet made the blood rushing to my ears sound like a pulsing waterfall.

“Let’s go?” she asked.

I nodded, bent down, then scooped her up into a bridal carry while she squeaked. “Always wanted to do that,” I said.

“Give a girl two arms and all of a sudden she’s all gallant,” she said before bending forwards to press her lips against mine.

For a moment I forgot that we were supposed to be going anywhere.

But Lucy reminded me by trailing a hand behind me and pinching my rear. “Get moving,” she said. “Your new arm is cold.” She wiggled her legs, both currently draped over my new forearm, for emphasis.

The en-suite bathroom was huge, with two sinks (why?) and a shower that was bigger than the entire bathroom back at the orphanage, with glass walls and a tiled backdrop covered in little carved flowers.

I set Lucy down only for her to push against me and seal her lips against mine. Her hands fumbled at my belt while mine slid down her back and pulled her closer.

She pulled back for a moment, then gestured at my shoulders. “You’re wearing that into the shower?” she asked.

I swallowed. “Oh, right. Uh.” I couldn’t recall how to remove the back-mounted guns, not through the haze in my mind. “Myalis, how do I get this off?”

You only had to ask.

The mounting running along my spine undid itself with faint little pops and it fell to the ground, tail and all.

Lucy looked up to me. “Is, um, Myalis... watching?”

If it reassures her, I have performed full-body scans of her already. There’s very little to hide.

“That really doesn’t help, Myalis,” I muttered.

“It’s okay,” Lucy said. “It’ll be my first threesome.”

“I really don’t think it counts,” I said.

Please inform Lucy that I’m very much not interested in procreating with a human.

“What’s that even mean?” I asked.


I feel like a third wheel here.

“She’s being a pain,” I said. With my hands now a bit more free, I tossed my pants down and bent my legs up one by one to tear my socks off. “So, uh, I don’t think I can shut her out? Is that... a problem?”

Lucy shrugged. “I guess not.”

I let my shoulders slump a bit. I was worked up enough that Lucy calling it off would have been disappointing, to say the least. “So, how good is this shower?” I asked.

She grabbed onto my hand and pulled me towards it. “Alone? It’s alright,” she said. “Shower, on. Hot.”

The shower came on behind her, its door silently sliding open. “Fancy,” I said before ducking down for another kiss. We stumbled into a dozen jets of water so hot it almost hurt. My hair plastered down around me and I had to move it out of the way.

That allowed me to take in Lucy in all her splendour, dark hair contrasting against her mocha skin, her eyelashes fluttering as water collected on them, her lips wet and twisted up in a genuinely happy smile. “Look at this,” she said. “Shower, soap!”

The water turned into a stream of warm bubbles that fell down around us and turned the world white. I laughed. “Does it do shampoo too?” I asked. The amount in the water alone... that was such a waste. A decadent sort of luxury that I couldn’t imagine getting used to.

“That’s for later,” Lucy said before she pressed herself against me, all wet and smooth and soft. “You need to scrub up first.” Her hands, just a bit cooler than the soapy water around us, pressed against my ribs, then slid around to my back while moving in little circles.

I reciprocated, my flesh and blood hand touching her almost timidly at first before I recalled doing this kind of thing with her before. I reached up a little and gently grabbed at her breasts.

“Cat! I’m not the dirty one here,” she admonished. Then because she liked down there, she pinched my rear again before pulling me so close that I had to let my hand drop. Her arms wrapped themselves around my chest and she tucked her head in against me. “I was afraid, you know?”

The sudden turn left my mind spinning for traction. “Oh?” I asked.

“You left and... I guess it doesn’t matter now.” Her lips pressed down on my clavicle, then my neck while she kept rubbing little soapy circles across my back.

When her hand came around and squeezed my breast I had to hold back a little moan. “Am I clean enough yet?” I asked.

“Hrm?” she asked, turning the purr into a question. “I don’t know.”

I was about to ask something, but the question was lost when Lucy pushed me back and I encountered the cold tiles of the shower wall. I gasped at the sensation and pushed forwards only for Lucy to meet me with another kiss.

Her hands wandered down, grabbing at my hips.

“Lucy,” I said.

“Cat?” she asked as she pulled back a bit. She was still close, very close.

“I love you.”

She grinned, big and happy and a bit silly. “I love you too,” she said.

Then her hand reached down between my legs and carefully ran down between my thighs.

“So dirty,” she said.

“Lucy!” I squeaked as she started to press her thumb in small circles around me. I forgot all about the cold seeping into my back, and the warm water running between us where our skin didn’t meet.

Lucy knew me, from well-earned experience and a few too many hours spent in closets, and in showers much smaller than this one, and just cuddling in bed. She knew which buttons to press, how to play with me with just a few strokes, and when to push in so that I ended up on the top of my toes, breath coming in raspy and hard.

Climbing to my toes was a mistake, it brought her face closer to my chest. She pressed kisses down my clavicle and to my breasts, then latched on and started doing something with her tongue.

I bit my lip until it hurt to stop from making any noise. Junior had once informed me, after a rather pleasant evening, that I was very loud, and since then I’d always tried to keep a lid on it.

Then Lucy’s hand sped up and I lost that battle with a throaty noise that set her to giggling. She stopped for a moment, bending almost in double as she tried to keep the laughter in.

“Lucy,” I pleaded.

“Sorry,” she said, but her smile suggested she was anything but.

I fell back onto my feet and reached out towards her, intending to return the favour, when she pushed me back.

“I wasn’t done,” she said. “Shower, a bit warmer.”

The water turned a notch hotter, enough that it started to hurt just a little, but then she did something with her thumb and fingers and I forgot all about that.

“I really do love you,” she said a moment before a wave of heat shot through me and I felt myself shivering. “Oh, getting close?”

I made a noise that I think sounded like a yes, or something akin to that. She started laying kisses around my neck and cheeks and then captured my mouth in hers while her hands kept on doing frankly magical things.

A minute passed while our tongues slid past and around each other, and Lucy’s concentration around my core slipped a little as she focused on the kiss. I moved my hands around her, pulling her closer and bringing my real hand down to grab her ass.

She gasped into my mouth, a sensation that stole my breath in the best way, then she returned the favour by tweaking something below that had me making another embarrassing noise.

“Faster?” she asked.

I hadn’t said anything remotely like that, but she didn’t seem to care. Her fingers moved faster, a lot faster, and I felt another wave of heat passing me by and making my abdominal muscles contract and my back want to bend.

Lucy took that as some sort of challenge and started to push into me, stretching and rubbing while she peppered kisses across my upper chest.

And then the dam burst, my legs wobbled and my abs contracted. I felt Lucy’s fingers squeezing together in me before she slid them out and left me feeling empty even as my head spun a bit.

I might have fallen if she didn’t hold me up and kiss me to within an inch of my life.

“Was it good?” she asked with a knowing grin.

“You’re the best,” I said between pants. The warmth was sinking away now, leaving in little shuddering waves. I might have been sweating, but there was no way to know with the water coming down around us. “I’ll have to return the favour,” I said.

“I doubt you could manage,” she said. “I’m the best after all.”

I kissed her again and wondered how long it would take for the water to run cold here.

“H-hey, Myalis?” I asked. “You remember mentioning that catalog, with the toys?”

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