
v2 CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE: (18+) In which incautious hunger for guilty pleasures leads to an accidental double serving.

Content Warning: M/F sex, paizuri, prejudice/discrimination, body horror

Next time, she said to herself, maybe take your panties off after you get to the guy? Maria danced her way closer to her destination, trying not to twirl more than was absolutely necessary. Every time her skirt spun up, she had to catch the hem again before anyone saw her bare pussy. The rush of flashing her goods in public combined with her growing physical excitement: she felt as if she could walk on air.

The dance floor was crowded enough that everyone moved shoulder-to-shoulder, swaying and bouncing to the beat, sometimes pressing against whoever was in their bubble. There wasn’t much room to show off any dance moves beyond hip-twisting and overhead arm-swinging, but at least she was wearing sneakers, and could follow the shifting movement of the crowd without tripping.

Every time she reached an open spot in the crowd, she took the opportunity to move her body provocatively, locking her hips from side to side and undulating her torso like a belly dancer. She heard whistles and the occasional lewd comment. Maria had always enjoyed dancing, even as a guy—but her transformation unleashed her instincts and the moves she’d practiced. At a different level of awareness, she could sense the eyes that roamed her body, and the lustful urges that followed in their wake. Her thighs grew damp with arousal, giving her another reason to wish she hadn’t left her underwear in Vahini’s possession.

Ten feet in front of her, Alexandros leaned casually against his column, chatting with another well-muscled youth. As Maria watched, a woman with a bleach-blonde undercut and an emerald-green minidress walked past him. Her eyes roamed Xander’s body as if he were a work of art in a museum, and she bit her lower lip and looked away when he caught her glance.

Alexandros smirked and shrugged at his admirer, then deliberately shifted his position, breaking eye contact. Maria could practically taste the disdain that poured from him. She knew the type: high school jock, college frat boy, New York day trader. What she wanted from him, though, she couldn’t understand. Did she just want to prove that she could have him, despite how he treated other women? Or did she feel a genuine attraction to his chiseled frame?

What am I doing? Doubts flared as she shimmied to the music. I’m not supposed to be out here. Susan would kill me. I should be back home, doing... what? Meditating? Getting myself off to control these urges?

The crowd had swelled around her; pushed by the motion of bodies, Maria found herself facing Alexandros only a few feet away. He glanced at her with a casual, unconcerned air, but his face froze, his eyes widening. She thought she recognized the subtle signs of attraction: pupils dilating, eyes roaming her body, an unintentional lick of the lips. Maria adopted a cool expression and kept dancing, swaying in a circle and rolling her hips in a serpentine motion.

They locked eyes, and Maria gave him a knowing smirk. Alexandros crossed his arms, but his jaw clenched as he attempted to play it cool. She turned her back, tossing her hair and popping her ass in ways she never had in a masculine form. If I can’t turn him on, she thought, nobody can. Except himself, maybe.

Alexandros leaned over and whispered something to his friend, who looked at Maria and nodded before replying. The two laughed, and then the friend broke away from the conversation and disappeared into the crowd.

Maria had her back turned to Xander, but she felt his eyes boring into her. With a coy gesture, she looked over her shoulder at her target. His gaze remained locked on, drinking in the sight of her long legs, slim waist, and voluptuous ass. Just as the beat dropped, and the crowd started cheering, Maria bent over for him, presenting the glistening folds of her naked pussy for an instant. Then she straightened, letting her ass bounce as she popped up.

The look on Alexandros’s face was pure hunger, and Maria knew she had won. The trick is to walk away now, she reminded herself. It’s not much different from flirting with older men when I was just a twink. Give him a little thrill, make him want—

A hand gripped her right shoulder, gentle but with unmistakable firmness, and spun her around. She found herself face to face with Alexandros. With a close look at his features, she saw he was older than she’d thought, possibly in his mid-30s. Still, Xander was classically handsome, with a square jaw, eyes so brown they appeared almost black, and the kind of nose she’d heard referred to as Greek, running in a straight line down from his forehead to the tip.

“You’ve been putting on quite a show.” The bodybuilder’s voice was smooth and confident. “Is that all you’re doing? Showing off?” He leaned down to whisper in her ear, and his breath tickled the small hairs on her neck.

Not sure what she was doing, but propelled by instinct, Maria leaned in towards him. She grabbed the short hairs at the back of his crew cut and pulled his head close to her mouth. “No,” she breathed into his ear, “I’m here to fuck you senseless,” she whispered.

This earned a sharp intake of breath, and she felt the big man’s erection grow, pressing through the fabric of his pants against the side of her stomach. For a split second, Maria imagined herself trapped between his powerful thighs, helpless as he had his way with her. The thought was both terrifying and arousing.

Xander regarded her with an amused look. “You’re very forward,” he said, his lips curling upward in a hint of a smile. “I can respect that, but how do I know I’m not just another notch on your belt?”

Maria smirked. “What if you are? I’d be a notch on yours, wouldn’t I?” She eyed his chest. “I don’t mind getting notched a little...”

Xander let out a short back of laughter. Fair enough,” he said, and led her by the hand, out of the crowd, towards an inconspicuous door marked “Staff Only.” A bouncer stood next to it, but Alexandros flashed a roll of bills from his pocket, and the man nodded them through. Her skin tingled with excitement; swept up in the moment she’d created, every thought of what she shouldn’t be doing slipped away.

A few minutes later, Alexandros had Maria pinned against the wall of a bottle-lined storage room, his face buried between her thighs. The man was so strong that he’d lifted her by the hips to the perfect height, and the sight of his muscled back flexing had Maria entranced. That, and the way he used his tongue, lapping at her folds like a man who’d found the only oasis in the Sahara.

“Fuck!” Maria swore as he licked the hood of her clit, the touch driving her crazy. “Goddamnit, you muscle-bound motherfucker, don’t stop...”

She’d never had her pussy eaten like this, with such total, all-consuming energy and enthusiasm. Xander’s mouth seemed to be everywhere at once, teasing her from the bottom of her labia to the top of her mons. The big, meaty hands on her ass cheeks clenched as his tongue drove deeper, penetrating her with surprising skill. Distracted by the delicious assault, she barely noticed that he’d placed her legs over his shoulders.

Suddenly he had her suspended in the air, her shoulders against the wall and the rest of her weight supported by Xander’s incredible strength. Maria gasped, surprised but too far gone to protest. Her hips rocked against his mouth as she gave in to her mounting pleasure, surrendering to the moment. A thick finger pushed against the entrance to her ass, and she went limp with her arms dangling behind her, clutching his head.

Alexandros paused his oral frenzy, his finger working her ass as his thumb circled her clit. He looked up at her with a gleam in his eye, his face slathered in her juices. “You will cum for me soon, Maria.” he informed her. “Begin counting down from ten.”

Maria’s eyebrows raised. “Counting?” she said in disbelief. But Xander was already lowering his face to her cunt again, his finger sliding inside her anus.

“Ten,” Maria counted, her voice hesitant. The big man’s finger worked its way deeper, and he started sucking on her clit. “Nine.” She groaned as a fresh wave of pleasure radiated outward from her groin, and the finger in her ass hooked forward, tapping a spot of ecstasy deep in her core. “Oh... oh shit! Eight, seven, six!”

Maria felt herself approaching the point of no return. Her breathing grew heavy, and her nipples stiffened as she tensed, anticipating the arrival of climax.

“Five, four... nnngh!” she grunted as her pelvic muscles contracted and the world behind her eyelids exploded in a field of static. Xander’s tongue and finger continued their onslaught as she rode out her orgasm. When the waves of pleasure died down, Maria opened her eyes.

To her shock, the Greek god looked smugger than ever, smirking as he lowered her to the ground and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “I win,” he said matter-of-factly. “You came in under eight.”

Maria stared at him. “This is all a game to you, huh?” She couldn’t keep the note of anger out of her voice. “Some kind of competition? Well, I think it’s your turn to cum, big shot.” She pushed him against the wall and noted that he barely resisted.

Alexandros shrugged, but his dick tensed under his pants. “Have at it,” he said, crossing his arms and regarding her with a challenging expression. His erection was truly impressive, and Maria felt a little intimidated as she kneeled, eyeing his bulge. “But I don’t have a condom. You’re a twist, aren’t you?”

Maria’s eyes widened. She’d heard the word as an umbrella term for supernatural beings, usually when some ordinary type didn’t know what kind of entity they were dealing with. The way people said it almost always had a nasty edge to it, mixing uncertainty with fear and disgust. This was the first time she’d heard someone refer to her that way, and it left a sour taste in her mouth. Especially since he’s implying I’m diseased! Fuck him. Maria nearly stood and left.

Still, if I’m part-succubus now, then he’s technically right. She stared up at him with a defiant gaze. “Is it any of your business? Besides, you just ate out my pussy, didn’t you?”

The bodybuilder looked amused. “I can take care of my own mouth, babe. But I think it is my business.” He leaned down and tugged at Maria’s headband before she could react, revealing the budding horns on her forehead.

“There they are,” he said with a smug look. “I knew I was right about you, twist. You’re not the only person around here with a little magic.” He pointed to a silver ring on his right pinkie, bearing a stone that glowed with a faint violet light.

Alexandros grabbed her by the chin and tilted her head up. “This ring protects me from curses, so I’m guessing whatever kind you are, I’ll be all right. Still, I don’t want you to pop fangs on me with your mouth full.” The outline of his cock was visible in his pants, inches from Maria’s face, taunting her.

“That’s fine,” she said, adopting a cool tone. “You have some lube? I have another idea.” Without further explanation, she pulled off her crop top and freed her breasts, letting them sway like heavy fruit.

Xander quirked an eyebrow. “I see. You gonna titfuck me, then? I have some coconut oil... looks great on my pecs.” He reached into his bag and extracted a jar, then gestured to her with one hand. “Get those bad girls ready while I take this off.”

Maria scooped out a handful of the fragrant oil, letting the oily fluid drip down onto her cleavage, and spread it through the valley between her breasts. She watched with keen interest as Xander shed his pants, and the prize underneath sprang free. It was easily eight inches, thick and uncut, and the girth... Maria suppressed the urge to bite her lip and instead spread oil on her hands, coating her palms thoroughly.

Sit on the edge of that crate,” she ordered. Xander obliged, looking eager despite his attempts at maintaining a mask of indifference. His cock bobbed at the level of Maria’s chin when she moved in front of him. She stroked it with an oiled hand, gliding along the smooth, taut skin. She ran her hands up and down its length, listening for a telltale hitch of breath, then gripped it more firmly with one hand while reaching down to cradle his balls with the other.

Maria looked up at him. Xander’s face was flushed, and he was sweating despite the coolness of the storage room. He stared back down at her, his dark eyes searching hers for signs of emotion or desire.

Maria held his gaze, then smiled wickedly, showing her teeth. She moved forward to envelop his shaft between her breasts, feeling his weight and warmth against her sternum. She pressed them together and tested with a single pump, causing Alex’s hips to jerk. Then she licked her lips and allowed a long string of saliva to fall onto the tip of his cock, adding a little of her own lube.

Slowly, tortuously, she slid her breasts up and down, taking care to vary her rhythm and pressure. The great thing about a titfuck, she thought, is the amount of conscious control you can exercise. She wanted to give Alexandros something he wouldn’t forget in a hurry—something to rival the way his mouth had destroyed her just moments ago.

As her pace picked up, so did the effect on the man sitting in front of her. His breathing became deeper, and he gripped the edges of the crate with such force that Maria thought it might splinter. She nestled his cock deeper in her cleavage, squeezing harder to increase the friction of her flesh against his. His hips moved faster, matching the rhythm of her body, until their two rhythms merged into a single driving force.

Now do you mind if I use my mouth?” Maria’s voice was husky with lust, and she could feel her own wetness soaking her inner thighs. She was horny as hell, and desperate to feel his cock pumping into her. First things first: I’m gonna make sure he never forgets me.

“Do it,” he gasped, his voice hoarse. Maria ducked her head down, keeping her breasts squeezed tight around his shaft, and took his head between her lips. It tasted of coconut and salt and something musky that lit her up like a firecracker.

Her hips jerked forward, and she felt a dribble of her own juice spill out between her thighs. The man in front of her grunted, and Maria’s body responded with a sympathetic spasm. Her mouth filled with pre-cum, and she sucked hard, gulping it greedily.

His hands moved to her head, gripping her hair with his fists. Determined to keep control, Maria relaxed her grip on the base of his cock, allowing him to push forward into her mouth. As she took him deeper, she felt the ridge of his head against her palate, then the thickness of his shaft stretching her throat. He was so deep that her gag reflex would have kicked in—except she had none. Una had stripped that away in her transformation.

It feels... good? Maria wondered at herself, unable to make sense of it. Wait, is this dangerous? What if my power goes off again? Earlier, every thought of what she’d done to Cesar had fled her mind, suppressed by her hunger for sex—but now those thoughts returned like an overdue train. Her lust mingled with anxiety, and she pulled back on Xander’s cock, gasping for air. He didn’t seem to understand, or was too far gone; his grip on her head tightened. He thrust forward, burying himself to the hilt in her throat.

Ride it out, relax, don’t lose control! She concentrated on breathing, letting the bodybuilder fuck her throat. Each stroke was a wild explosion of sensation, and the thick veins on his shaft rubbed against her lips and tongue, bringing her closer to the edge of her own wild ecstasy.

“Gonna cum!” Alex growled and pulled his cock from her face. She gripped it in both hands, staring at the tip, now swollen and red like a ripe berry. The man’s face screwed up in concentration, and his whole body tensed. With a final, primal grunt, the first spurts of semen arced out, landing in a hot spray across her cheeks and forehead.

Maria felt the droplets hit her skin, then dribble down to her chest and neck. Her tits glistened with man-seed and coconut oil; she could feel it dripping over her collarbone, sliding between her breasts. She panted, the weight of her own desire settling on her shoulders.

Maria steadied herself against a shelf of liquor bottles. She could feel it happening again, part of herself reaching out towards the build-up of orgasmic energy that swirled around Alexandros. That concentration of psychic pleasure, created through her own actions, begged to be absorbed. The force of her need was irresistible, like trying to stop an avalanche by throwing a snowball at it.

No, she thought. This is it! I can prove I have control; I don’t want to drain him! Let him keep the energy! With an effort of will, she closed her eyes and pushed the flow of energy away, sending it back towards Xander. The effort of doing so caused her body to shudder and her knees to buckle; she almost fell over.

Maria felt spent, almost empty. Alexandros still panted, but then groaned, a long sound that rose in pitch. “You fucking twist bitch, what have you done?” He held up his hand, brandishing the ring on his finger. The stone embedded in was dark and looked cracked, as if struck by a hammer. Xander’s entire body tensed, looking like an awkward parody of a bodybuilding pose, then began shaking.

The demi-succubus’s stomach sank as the reality of her situation came crashing down. Instead of taking his energy, I pushed it back into him. And now... something’s happening?

Alexandros clutched at his head, grunting without words. With a crack, a fissure appeared in his forehead. Maria screamed, fearing the worst—but the large man remained upright. New flesh bubbled and grew at the divide, even as the deepening split forced the two sides of his head apart.

In the crevice between the two separated hemispheres, new organic shapes sprouted and grew. Another eyeball on either side, brain tissue blooming, and hair growing at time-lapse speed on a rapidly inflating scalp. As the split widened, more details emerged. Xander’s nose and mouth had cloven in twain, but each half sprouted a new, mirrored other half. His tongue had separated as well, each piece growing and moving independently in its own half-mouth.

The division between his left and right sides cracked the bodybuilder apart further, cleaving down through his neck and sternum. His animalistic grunts dwindled into squelching, bubbling croaks.

Maria remained frozen and huddled against the shelves, watching in mute terror as Xander’s body tore itself apart. What had started as a mere fissure became a full-blown rift, exposing the slick red muscle and bone beneath. His flesh peeled back like the layers of a flower, revealing newly grown fiber and nerves beneath.

Spasming with pain, two brawny arms reached to the center of Xander’s chest, gripped his own ribcage, and tore it open. Inch by inch, he forced himself in two, each half of the original body developing new organs, additional limbs, and raw, glistening skin. Bone thrust out of rent joints and fractured ribs, followed by spirals of sinew and muscle. At some point, Maria’s overwhelmed senses rebelled, and her eyes rolled up into her skull.

When she came to—had it been moments, minutes, or hours?—she beheld two muscular men standing naked and looming above her. They were mirror images of each other, down to the tattoos on their pectorals, their dyed blonde hair, and the satisfied smirks on their faces.

Both spoke at once, with the same voice in stereo: “Shit, that was weird as hell.”

The twin Alexandrites looked at each other and laughed, with a manic edge redoubled by their identical voices.

“Two of me is twice as good,” said the man to her left.

“I told you she was trouble, but worth the trouble,” said the one to her right.

Maria, stunned, looked back and forth between them. Her head swam as she tried to reconcile the horror of what she’d witnessed with the strange nonchalance of the twins in front of her. Then, a nagging thought crept to the surface of her mind: Both of them are horny as hell, after all that. I can feel their desire reaching out to me... and towards each other.

Maria got to her feet, dripping with cum and coconut oil. “Did you... is this something you wanted?” She kept looking back and forth between the two men, then shook her head. “Am I high right now?” she wondered aloud. “Why are you... not like, freaking out?”

“Freaking out isn’t how we do things.” The man on her left snorted, then shot a glance at his double for confirmation.

Damn straight,” said the other. “We knew some twist shit could happen, and we were counting on that ring to make sure it was something good.”

The right Alexandros reached over and stroked his twin’s biceps. “Seems pretty good to me, bro.”

His counterpart nodded eagerly. “You’ve always wanted to tap this ass, haven’t you?” He slapped his own firm, round ass cheek as he spoke.

“Of course I have! Now we have twice as much to go around.” As if coordinated by instinct, they wrapped their arms around each other’s shoulders, leaned their heads close together, and kissed. Their lips met and parted, their tongues danced and intertwined, their moans filled the small room. The sound sent shivers of arousal down Maria’s spine, and she felt a quiver between her sore thighs.

“Well damn,” she said, finding her voice. “I guess you two have things figured out.”

The Alexandrites turned to regard her. “Oh, we’re not done with you yet.” They broke their embrace and stepped towards her in unison, each lifting her by one arm. “You wanted some of this...” said the man to her right as he cupped his twin’s cock in his palm.

“...and now you can have some of this with it,” the left Alexandros said, resting his hand on his brother’s shaft. Maria’s heart raced, and her cheeks flushed at the sheer audacity of the situation. What have I gotten myself into now?

“Can I at least call you different names?” Maria asked, tapping the man on her left on his pectoral. “Like... you can be Alex.” She glanced at the other twin. “And you’re Xander?”

The two men shrugged in unison, but both appeared happy with the idea. “I’m fine with that,” said Alex. “People call us by both of those names already.”

“Hey bro,” said Xander. “Let’s fuck in the shower, yeah? They got that big one in the employee break room.” Both men were still slathered in blood, sweat and copious other fluids, and Maria could hardly disagree with the plan. As one, the Alexandrites hoisted her onto their shoulders, each clasping an ankle in one hand, and carried her into the back hallway.

“You thinking what I’m thinking, bro?” Xander winked at Alex.

“Eiffel Tower, yeah?” Alex nodded.

“Eiffel Tower?” asked Maria, looking down to either side in confusion. The two identical men high-fived, then winked at her.

Next time: Ripple effects continue shudder through minds and bodies.

We don't usually post quite so many 18+ chapters in short succession, with two last week, one the week before and two this week... I hope you're enjoying the visceral action, but give us your thoughts! The especially unusual results of this chapter's sexual encounter are based on part of a request/dare from a reader, who asked to remain nameless... but you can tell us if it was everything you expected after the next chapter!

It's summertime and the comments are slow, so we appreciate every single one, including your cute little blob emojis. (We see you, SugarAddict and Riggy!) The rest of you: let us know if you're out there reading! As usual, we'd love to hear your thoughts or questions about what's happening in the story, what you'd like to see, things that don't make sense or whatever other thoughts you have. As long as we know there are readers out there who truly want more chapters, we'll keep posting! (Even a little emoji comment helps!)

Want more? If you haven't already read them, check out our side-stories from the same universe, New York City after Portal Day!

  • Parturient, a story by The Wolf Among the Woods. A different and motherly form of demonic possession...
  • SYNCHRONY::OVERRIDE, a strange tale of body and identity in a pocket dimension of soul-driven automata...
  • Redraw Me, a slice-of-life relationship tale about a trans woman whose girlfriend draws her dreams to life...
  • Samira's Curse, a smutty romp about two friends whose relationship is transformed...

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