Suddenly A Succubus

Chapter 1

Amara paced back and forth in her room, her hands repeatedly clenching as she tried to steady her breathing. Thoughts raced through her head, each one trying to find meaning before another pushed it away. Her long brown hair, so perfectly curled the night before, now sat in a tangled mess. It bounced around with each frantic turn before she finally crashed back to her bed.

"Amara you idiot!" Her voice echoed through her room, her eyes absent-mindedly tracing cracks in the ceiling. Grabbing a nearby pillow, she used it to muffle a scream, then an angry sigh.

A few minutes later, she reluctantly pulled it off her face and tossed it to the floor. She sat up to look around, her cluttered room suddenly feeling wrong.

Standing up, she moved to the window to let in the morning sun. Wincing slightly as the light hit her face, she opened her laundry basket and started picking through the piles on the floor.

Her pajamas could stay on, it was Sunday. She grabbed loose clothes from Friday's classes, throwing them into the hamper, and kept moving. Various shoes went back in the closet, as did a few outfits that had been put together but ultimately rejected. Her backpack was slumped in a corner, papers haphazardly pushed in without rhyme or reason.

Amara rolled her eyes before dumping the backpack's contents on her bed. There was no doubt one of her friends had 'borrowed' some of the answers for the week's assignments while everyone else had been doing their makeup.

Spreading the papers out on her bed, she sat in the middle of them and pieced together which assignment went in which folder. It was nice to have mindless labor, paying just enough attention to her tasks to avoid thinking about more pressing issues. Her breathing had calmed, and by the time she'd zipped her backpack closed, she already felt exponentially better about the state of her room. She went to place it on the chair in the corner, and that's when she saw it - the dress from last night.

Last night.

Memories rushed into her head, replaying the start of her evening. After more than a year of classes, the stress of college had finally gotten to Amara. Her friends had convinced her to go to a party - her first ever. They picked out outfits, pointed out which guys were single, and helped her do something special with her makeup.

My makeup! Fuck!

Amara checked her pillow, finding it covered in foundation. After another loud groan, she headed for the bathroom. She started putting her hair up, hip checking the bathroom door open before starting the sink. She paused, then turned the shower on too; as much as she loved her apartment, it took forever for the hot water to kick in. Makeup wipes in hand, she pulled together the courage to look in the mirror.

Golden-brown eyes stared back at her, almost unrecognizable through the heavy eyeliner. They seemed exceptionally vibrant today, as if they were glowing. She loved their color, how they perfectly matched her darker complexion. The eyeliner came off quickly, and the rest of her face did the same.

Her eyes trailed down and lingered on her lips, healthy traces of lipstick still present, though some had certainly gone missing. She wondered if the rest of it was still on his--

Stop. Stay focused Amara.

Pulling her eyes away from the stranger in the mirror, she washed her face with unusual vigor. Slowly but surely her own face returned to her, and looking in the mirror felt easier. Her eyes still seemed unusually bright, but that hardly seemed to matter. By now the shower was ready, and she quickly stripped down before stepping in.

Hot water poured over her, and she could already feel a sense of calm returning. She nudged the faucet warmer, then started her routine. There was barely room in the shower for all her products, but thankfully she had no roommates to battle for space. The steam surrounded her, fragrances mixing together to help her relax.

Start at the beginning, Amara - The party was a good idea! I should have let Tessa talk me into it earlier... no doubt she'll be rubbing that in my face for weeks. Assuming she remembers last night at all.

Amara laughed, now remembering she'd lost count of how many drinks her friends had finished. She had been tempted to join them, but decided to play it safe, a decision Nick had supported.

Nick. Is he just as stressed as I am? Will we still be friends after this?

They had been best friends for years, always there for each other when times got tough. Though people loved to joke they were secretly in love, there had never been any truth to those rumors. In fact, Nick and Amara had talked about dating several times, but it never felt right. They worked best as friends, and they were happy to keep it that way.

So how did last night happen?

More memories surfaced, replaying the night once she arrived at the party. Dancing with friends in the basement, guy after guy trying to make a move. None succeeded, as usual, but the attention had certainly excited her. Surrounded by hormones, she might as well have been drunk; An itch had appeared, one normally satiated by toys and vibrators. Before she could question herself, she had dragged Nick upstairs, locking them both in an empty bedroom.

Don't re-open that door, Amara. Just... not now. Think about something else, anything. Is your homework done?

Her thoughts drifted back to her classes, thinking about the assignments she'd packed away earlier, mostly finished but still needing some final touches. As eager as she'd been to step away from the world of studying last night, there was no denying she loved school. Her classes kept her excited and engaged, and she'd never once regretted coming to college.

Steam filled her senses, pulling her thoughts back to her immediate surroundings. Grabbing yet another bottle, she continued her routine. This time, she focused on her body, on how good it felt to pamper herself. As she massaged her legs with fragrant body scrub, she became acutely aware of how sensitive her skin felt.

Is this because of last night?

Every part of her felt alive in a way she'd never experienced before. The connection between her mind and her body was stronger than ever, and she was determined to explore that connection. Her fingers gripped her thighs, massaging them before moving higher. Her fingers teased her waist, her chest, and finally lingered on her neck. The itch was returning, stronger than ever.

Feeling brave, Amara allowed herself to open the door.

She remembered locking herself in the room with Nick, his puzzled look turning to excitement as he realized what was happening. After pushing him to the bed, she pulled her dress off and tossed it aside, eager to feel another person against her skin.

She pushed her shower hotter still, losing herself in the sensation. Water running down her back, her chest, retracing where Nick's hands had been just hours earlier. She let her own hands wander, finding that same path. She pushed her breasts together, teased her nipples the way he had, then continued down. A gasp escaped her lips as she ran her fingers over her sex, teasing her clit with small circles.

The next few minutes were electric, the way her body responded to her hands felt incredible. She continued teasing herself, water cascading down her body as soft moans filled the shower.

Amara had been a virgin before last night, but was intimately familiar with how to get herself off. She felt her body trembling as she moved closer to her entrance, fantasizing about how good it felt to have someone else inside her. Slipping a finger inside, she could feel her toes curling as she felt the first hints of an orgasm start to build.

And then it vanished.

There was still pleasure, but it seemed further away the more she tried to reach for it. She gave herself another minute of soft exploration, hoping it would re-appear just as suddenly, but it never happened.

That's what your toys are for, Amara.

She groaned in frustration, upset she couldn't get herself off. Summoning the strength to hold her libido at bay, she resolved to finish her shower as quickly as she could. The water felt lukewarm again, but she was surprised to see it couldn't get any hotter.

Making a note to check up on this later, Amara dried herself off and eagerly left the shower. She returned to her bedroom, pulling out a shoebox from under her bed, filled with exactly what she needed. Vibrators, dildos, a few buttplugs she hadn't yet worked up the courage to play with, everything to make a woman sing. She pulled out her favorite, a relatively small vibrating dildo that hit all the right places.

Sinking back into bed, she resumed the exploration she started in the shower. Remembering what it was like to have someone touch her, kiss her, pleasure her. She bit her lip as she moved her toy between her legs, teasing her clit once more, but taking it slow. The vibrations surged through her body, and she closed her eyes, willing herself to surrender to the release she so desperately needed. Spreading her legs, she pushed the toy inside, a loud moan filling the room. Inch after inch pushing deeper inside, and she knew an orgasm couldn't be far off now. Her hips started meeting the thrusts of her hand, the toy moving in and out while the vibrations continued to build. She pushed the toy harder, increasing its power as she brought herself closer...

Until she lost it again.

Exactly like in the shower, all the pleasure that had been built up dispersed without warning. She could still feel everything, the toy, its powerful vibrations, her sensitive clit, and yet it felt like everything was... out of sync. It was as if her body was rejecting its normal forms of pleasure, searching for something else that wasn't there.

Or... someone else?

Amara shook her head, shocked she was even thinking about it. Nick was her best friend! Last night had clearly been a mistake, but she couldn't get it out of her head.

Maybe that's the problem! We need to talk, to reset everything to normal!

It was the best guess she had, and there wasn't much else to do today. Letting loose another groan of frustration, she tossed her toy aside and pulled her pajamas back on. Grabbing her phone, she pulled up Nick's contact info and froze. Their messages from last night stared back at her.

Nick: 8 PM right? Your place?

Amara: Yup! You gotta see what the girls did with me, I barely even recognize myself!

Nick: Wellll you're also willingly going to a college party, so I already don't know who you are XD

Amara: Oh shut up and text me when you're here idiot

Nick: Here!

It all seemed so... innocent now. Could things go back to the way they were? Did she want them to? There was definitely a lot to talk about, but it all had to start somewhere. She iterated a few times before deciding to keep it short and simple.

Amara: Hey, I'd like to talk about last night. Come over?

Heart pounding in her chest, she had no idea what to expect. Would he be angry? He had seemed into it, but what if she just caught him by surprise?

Stop overthinking this Amara. He's Nick! He's the most understanding guy you know, he'll get it.

Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly just as his response came in.

Nick: I think that's a good idea. Gimme ten.


Amara was thankful Nick was true to his word, but that didn't stop the ten minutes from stretching out like an eternity. By the time he texted again, she'd managed to rearrange the throw pillows on her couch dozens of times. Opening the door, she was pleased to discover she didn't have to force a smile, and his grin seemed equally genuine.

They stared at each other awkwardly for a few seconds before Amara finally threw caution to the wind and moved in for a hug. It still felt right, and Amara breathed a sigh of relief as she pulled him inside.

"You're looking well," She chimed, closing the door. "Glad you made it home safe!"

"Thanks! And, uh, you too, obviously." He laughed nervously, but the words seemed to be coming easily enough.

Amara vaulted the couch and curled into her favorite spot, patting the cushion next to her. Nick opted for the long way around, which was probably for the best.

"So. I don't want to tiptoe around this. We're adults, right?" Amara paused, waiting for a nod before continuing. "We... We had sex." Finally saying it aloud felt odd, but strangely comforting at the same time.

Nick took a breath, likely mulling over his words before speaking. "We... did, yes. I want to say that I'm sorry if things got a little out of hand; I wasn't thinking straight, I think I had a bit too much to drink, and if you want to just forget it ever happened, I'm happy to do the same."

Amara chuckled as he stumbled his way through the words, no doubt he'd been practicing them all morning. "Hey, I didn't say I wanted to forget about it. People have sex all the time! Is it a little odd that my first time was with you? Sure, but at least it was with someone I trust, right?

He laughed too, the stress in his shoulders relaxing somewhat. Amara couldn't help but notice that she felt drawn to him now. "I suppose you're right... Do we want to change anything? In the past we've agreed we weren't interested in dating, is that still true?"

Amara bit her lip as her eyes lingered on him; something was different now, she just couldn't place a finger on it. "I think my opinion hasn't changed. You're a great guy Nick, but we both know we're not cut from the same cloth."

His body relaxed further, sinking into the couch as relief took hold. "I'm glad we agree! I've been worried about... about losing you, your friendship." He looked at her again, the tension gone, only this time Amara noticed something else - the itch was back.

Amara's body started recalling memories from last night, twitching as she tried to focus on what her best friend was saying. He seemed to be on another nervous rant, maybe about something else that happened at the party? Her eyes had broken with his and were tracing down his body, wondering what kind of underwear he had on.

"--and she seemed kinda into me? But obviously the evening took a bit of a turn, so.... Amara? You alright? You're zoning out on me." Nick leaned forward, content to stop his story there.

"Y-yeah I'm... fine." She muttered unconvincingly, her legs twitching as she tried to pin them together.

"Look, I can tell when something is bugging you, and-- Hey!"

Amara cut him off, her needs bubbling to the surface. She pushed him back as she straddled him, her hands grasping his shoulders as his breathing quickened. Her instincts taking over, she leaned in and kissed his neck, biting it gently as she started grinding into him.

"Amara, what's gotten into you? Are we... Are we leaving this alone or not?" He spoke quietly, frozen with nervous energy as she kept exploring his body.

"Nick, I... I need this, I need you. I've been so pent up all morning, my toys did nothing..." Amara pleaded with him, her eyes desperate as she started playing with the bottom of his shirt. As they looked at each other, an understanding started to form.

Nick had been holding his hands out, trying not to touch Amara, and he slowly moved them to her waist as he spoke. "S-so one more time, but nothing of it, right? We're just friends having fun?"

A devilish smirk grew on Amara's face, and she didn't bother to justify Nick with an answer, instead opting to pull his shirt off and toss it away. Resting her hands on his chest, the two kissed once more. The taste of his lips excited her, but she couldn't stop herself from moving away to tease his neck. Each kiss felt new and exciting, and when she moved closer to his ear, she softly bit it, enjoying the moan Nick let out.

Finally, Amara pulled away from him, taking off her own shirt and throwing it next to his. She leaned forward, letting him explore her in return. His lips traced her neck, moving down before they found her breasts, then her nipples.

Biting her lip, she felt her breathing quicken as she played with his hair, urging him to continue. As he softly bit her, she moaned, her legs squeezing him in excitement. Finally, she tapped his neck, silently asking him to stop before she pushed herself off. She slid down to the floor, taking a pillow with her and settling on top of it.

She leaned in, her breasts pushing against the bulge in his pants, and began kissing his chest. Each kiss took her further down, and soon her fingers had hooked into his pants and were pulling them off.

Amara licked her lips as Nick's cock came into view; She knew this was what she needed. She kissed the tip before opening wide and sucking him in, both of them moaning in pleasure. Grabbing his legs, she steadied herself as she bobbed her head up and down, savoring every inch she could fit in her mouth.

His hands moved to cover hers, another loud moan leaving his lips as he threw his head back. His body was already twitching, and Amara briefly worried that she might push him over the edge at this rate. Strangely, her worry disappeared as quickly as it arrived. Reading his body language felt almost natural, and a little voice in her head whispered that she could continue like this and not risk ruining her own fun later.

"So... obviously I'm pretty new to this, and last night was a little rushed." She kissed the tip as her hand massaged his shaft. "What feels good?"

Nick looked down, their eyes meeting as she continued teasing his cock. "I... like long strokes, a little slower I guess?" She nodded, her stroking matching his request. "And I like hearing things."

"Hearing things? Like, dirty talk?" Amara tilted her head, still new to this.

"Definitely dirty talk, but also anything? I like hearing moans, gagging, things like that." He shivered again as she continued licking.

"You're so bad! You want to hear your best friend gagging on your cock?" Amara teased, letting her lips surround his tip a few more times.

"W-well I didn't mean... Only if you want to!" He shifted uncomfortably as she teased him.

Amara thought about it for a second, then decided it was time to push herself in ways she hadn't last night. She took a deep breath, then pushed her head forward to take his cock deeper. She felt it brush against the entrance to her throat, and she gagged in surprise.

"Fuck, that's harder than it looks..." Amara wiped her chin as she caught her breath. After a second, she tried again, only to meet with the same results.

"Hey, no need to push yourself." Nick looked down and smiled, a hand brushing her cheek in reassurance. She let her own hand rest on his, then smiled as an idea formed. She grabbed his hand, moving it to the back of her head.

"I want to see what you like," Amara moved her hands to his hips, preparing herself, "Make me pleasure you, Nick."

With a small nod, Nick's hand grabbed some of her hair. He pushed her down, and she prepared to gag again, but he pulled back before reaching her throat. His tip now barely in her mouth, he began guiding her up and down his shaft. It was slower than she would have expected, each stroke long and sensual. After a minute, she squeezed his thigh, telling him she wanted more.

His grip tightened, and the next time he pushed her down, it was slightly deeper. Amara gagged, feeling him pull back instinctively. She squeezed again, telling him to continue, that she wanted this. Another push, another gag, and this time she heard a moan. His cock twitched in her mouth, and he started moving her slightly faster. Her head moved up and down, each time he pushed her just far enough to make her gag, but never further. She realized she could easily let him push this far, and the gagging noise alone would excite him.

Amara began to vocalize how much she was enjoying herself, her moans joining his. Each time she gagged, she played it up for his amusement.

This continued for another minute before Nick suddenly pulled her off, his breathing erratic. "Fuck, Amara I need to stop, I don't want this to be over quite yet."

"I couldn't agree more," Amara replied, her breathing just as heavy as his, "maybe... you should return the favor?"

Nick nodded, obviously enthusiastic about the idea. He helped her up, watching intently as she pulled her pants off. Amara winked at him, playfully showing off her ass before collapsing onto the couch.

"So, do you have much experience with this?" Amara slowly spread her legs, exposing herself completely.

"You know I haven't dated many people..." Nick moved to the floor, kneeling on the pillow, "but yeah, one of them really liked oral."

"Well, don't disappoint me!" She giggled as he drew closer.

She felt his lips on her thighs, her breath catching as he began exploring. Her legs grew more sensitive the higher he went, and each kiss caused her to shudder. When she finally felt his tongue on her clit, a loud moan filled the apartment.

She reached down, tracing her fingers through his hair as he teased her. Every inch his tongue explored felt divine, and her breathing quickly grew erratic in response. She pulled him closer, desperate to feel more, her hands holding his head tight.

"Nick, I... use your fingers..." Amara gasped, a shiver running through her body as she felt Nick's hands run up her legs. He teased her thighs again, his nails drawing lines on her skin before they found her pussy.

He teased her entrance, his finger massaging the edges as he continued licking her clit. Her hips pushed against him, begging for more, but he continued holding back. Amara swore she could feel him smirking, and her body was growing more insistent by the second. She thought about grabbing his hand and taking what she wanted, but her thoughts were cut short when he finally pushed into her.

She bit her lip, moaning as she felt him push deeper. He began slowly moving in and out, matching his thrusts to the rhythm of his tongue. She whimpered whenever he threatened to leave her, and each time he would pause for a moment before pushing back inside. She knew her orgasm was close, and she began thrusting her hips to try and match his rhythm. In her excitement, she accidentally pulled away too fast, his finger slipping out and breaking the spell.

The moment lost, Amara looked down at Nick, and they locked eyes. "Fuck, sorry, I didn't mean to... I was so close!" She groaned in frustration as she fell back against the couch.

"Hey, nobody said sex had to be perfect." Nick leaned forward, grabbing her hands. "Besides, it's not like I'm going anywhere, I still haven't cum either. Here, I've got an idea." He helped Amara up, the two now standing. They traded places, Nick now taking the spot on the couch as Amara stood over him.

"Oh, I see where this is going..." Amara whispered, her excitement returning. "Want me back in control?"

"Honestly, I just think you should call the shots so we can get you to cum... but yes, I also want to watch you ride me." Nick laughed.

She moved closer, straddling him before falling onto her knees. She was able to reach underneath her and feel Nick's hard cock, still aching for more. Feeling it twitch, she lined it up with her pussy and slowly teased the tip. She sank down, gasping as his cock pushed into her, inch by inch.

The feelings from last night returned, the thrill of having someone else deep inside her. She tensed her legs, trying to find her balance as she started bouncing up and down on Nick. He noticed her efforts, and his hands moved to her waist to help steady her. She lifted up, savoring the feel of his cock moving inside of her, then pushed down. It took a few minutes to get used to the motion, but soon she was picking up speed. She moved faster, her clit throbbing with each hard thrust, and her breathing picking up in turn.

Amara grabbed his shoulders, using him as leverage as she fucked him harder. She could feel her orgasm approaching, and she had waited far too long for it.

Strangely, as she looked down on Nick, she began to sense that he was close to cumming too, maybe even closer than she was. His cock was pulsing, eager to unload in her, and she was desperate to feel it. She remembered his words from earlier, and she knew what would push him over the edge.

"Nick," She leaned in, whispering into his ear, "I want to feel you cum! I want you to fill my pussy!"

Her words clearly got to him, and his body shuddered with excitement. Amara continued to fuck him, riding him hard as she kept whispering to him. Finally, it proved to be too much for Nick, and his body tensed.

"Fuck! Amara, I--" Nick couldn't finish his thought, his words stuck in his throat as his cock erupted.

The feeling of his cock pulsing, cum pushing into her, set her off too. Her moans filled the apartment, joining Nick's as they rode their orgasms together. Her body twitched, the pleasure overwhelming her senses, and it felt like every nerve in her body was firing. What she was feeling now put every orgasm from her past to shame; her toys seemed like shallow imitations of the real thing.

It took a while for her to finish cumming, another first, but eventually the pleasure started to fade from her body. Her chest still pounding from the exertion, she forced herself to take several large breaths to try and pull herself back together.

After a few minutes, when their breathing had evened out, she relaxed her grip on his shoulders. She leaned back, a huge sigh of relief leaving her lips as she realized her itch had completely vanished.

Amara stood up, her legs still a little unwieldy, and she stretched her arms high above her head.

"That was exactly what I needed!" When she looked back at Nick, he still seemed to be putting himself back together.

"I... that was certainly unexpected." He shifted on the couch as he spoke.

"Look, with how good this was, I don't know if I can give this up just yet!" Amara spun around in glee, letting herself imagine all the devious things she wanted to try.

"Amara, I think you--" He tried to start a thought, but she was too giddy to let him finish it.

"I mean, think about it, we're both single! What's wrong with friends blowing off steam, right?"

"Amara I really think--"

"It's good exercise, and I imagine we can only get better with practice!" She turned towards Nick as he stood, wondering why he didn't seem as ecstatic as she did.

"Amara!!" Nick stood and grabbed her shoulders, holding her still, "You need to look in the mirror, now!"

Caught off guard by the sudden shift in tone, she wanted to be upset with him, but deep down she knew he wasn't the type to overreact. His concern spread to her, and she moved to her bedroom, something tapping her ankle as she did. She jumped a little, and soon she was standing in front of her tall mirror, her freshly pleasured body on full display.

"Nick, I don't see anything. I guess my eyes are still weirdly bright?" She looked back at her friend, who's eyes were still frozen in concern. He held up a finger and spun it, wordlessly telling her to turn around. As she did, her expression changed to mirror his, the shock more than apparent.

In the middle of her low back, a long, red appendage had suddenly taken root; it was thick at the base, and grew slightly thinner as it extended, the end of it flared into a sharp point, almost like a spade. It curled near her ankles, and when she flinched in surprise, so too did this new part of her. With another thought, she envisioned it moving, then watched as it did exactly what she told it to.

"Nick," Amara turned to her best friend, her voice shaking, "Why do I have a tail?"

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.