Suddenly A Succubus

Chapter 3.2

Vee watched her friends huddle together, but she had other plans. She knew she would enjoy whatever they decided, so she took the opportunity to slide closer to Nick.

"So... furry porn? What was all that about?" Vee asked, smirking at him.

"Amara didn't know what furries were, I thought I'd... well, it doesn't matter. How's your week going?" Nick leaned back, breathing deep.

"A bit stressful, but that's college, right? I booked some tough classes this semester, and they've been wearing me out. What about yourself? You and Amara both seem a little frayed, if I'm being honest." Vee glanced back at her friends, still comparing timelines for the end of the month. She enjoyed watching them get excited, it helped remind her that school was so much more than studying.

"That's... awfully perceptive of you. The party was a little more than she was expecting, to be honest."

"She certainly seems excited to go again, so it can't have been all bad!" Vee smiled, her eyes lingering on Nick's for longer than she'd intended.

"I think it'll be easier next time, now that she's got some experience under her belt." Nick caught Vee's glance, pausing as they looked at each other. "Hopefully, I'll have more chances to mingle, spend time with... other people?"

Vee felt her cheeks redden, and she pulled her gaze away from him. "Well, lucky them, whoever it ends up being." A small smile appeared as she pushed her hair out of her eyes.

The bleachers suddenly erupted with cheers, students leaping to their feet in celebration. A casual glance towards the scoreboard showed that the home team was ahead now, though none of Amara's friends were paying much attention.

Halloween planning had given way to idle gossip, the girls eager to hear about Amara's first party. Even though she'd left early, she had been there long enough to have stories to tell. Occasionally someone would leave to get food, or to say hello to mutual acquaintances performing with the band or the cheerleaders. It was nice to spend time among friends, and the game gave them an excuse to be outside, even though none of them were heavily invested in football.

The peaceful atmosphere broke when Tessa grabbed Vee's arm, pulling her close. "Careful, Derek is on the prowl again."

The smile on Vee's face vanished, and she did her best to look small. It was too little, too late, however; Derek had seen her, and was closing the distance.

"Look who it is!" Derek moved in, resting a leg next to Vee as he leaned forward. "It's funny, if I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were avoiding me, Vee."

"It's not that, Derek, I'm just... busy. I'm taking some pretty heavy classes this semester." A fake smile crossed her lips.

"Too busy to answer a text? Weird, 'cuz you seem pretty free now. How about we lose the girl squad and find someplace quiet to talk." Derek's eyes made his intentions obvious, focusing more on Vee's body than anything else.

"Look, I promised my friends I'd spend today with them." A stern look crossed her face, "And besides, I've told you before, I'm not interested in dating right now." She did her best to stay calm, but she had no idea how this interaction would end; Derek was notoriously stubborn. Hopefully, the other people present would deter him from pushing too hard.

"Who said anything about dating? Maybe I just want to get to know you, and if we happen to hit it off... well, use your imagination. Now come on, I know the perfect spot." Derek reached for Vee's arm, and she heard Nick jump to his feet in response.

A hand suddenly grabbed Derek's wrist, holding him back. She was shocked to see that it wasn't Nick, but Amara that had intervened. Nick's hands moved to her shoulders, pulling her back as Amara moved closer.

"Hey! You heard her, she's not interested." Amara spoke with unusual confidence, given that Derek was nearly twice her size. She pushed his wrist away, standing firm as she moved in between him and Vee.

"Amara, you don't have to--" Vee was cut off by Derek's increasingly frustrated voice.

"Who the fuck are you? Does it look like I'm talking to you?" He made a show of his stature, clearly trying to intimidate Amara. "How about you sit yourself back down, before we have a problem."

Vee watched as Amara stepped even closer to Derek, matching his confidence with her own. "What kind of problem? You want to beat up a girl in front of all these people?" The crowd nearby had grown quiet, and Vee could tell that Derek was keenly aware of the extra attention on him.

After a few moments, the standoff broke, Derek huffing and turning away. "Bitch... was just leaving anyways..." Everyone watched as he sauntered off, his pride hopefully wounded as he left the bleachers.

As Amara turned back to the group, Vee looked up at her in awe. "Amara, that... that was incredible!" She stood, wrapping her arms around her friend's shoulders to say thanks. "You truly didn't have to do that, but... thank you." As she pulled back, she noticed that Amara's breathing was erratic, her body stiff and her knuckles white.

"I... I'm glad you're safe, Vee." Amara's eyes met Vee's, though they were unfocused. For a moment, Vee wondered if she had started wearing contacts; Her eyes seemed to catch the light differently today. "I'm not... I think I need to leave."

Vee pulled back, letting Amara go as Nick stepped in. They whispered a few words to each other, then Nick turned to the group.

"We need to head out, sorry. Vee, I'm happy you're safe, it was great seeing everyone." As he finished talking, Amara grabbed his hand and pulled him away. The two disappeared from view quickly, leaving Vee, Chloé, and Tessa to themselves.

"Well, that... was certainly something." Tessa mumbled, breaking the silence. "I don't think I've ever seen her that worked up."

"Can you blame her? I could never stand up to Derek like that, I can't imagine how scary that would be." Vee sat back down, pulling out her phone. "I never thought he would be this bold..."

"He's been getting worse, actually." Chloé adjusted her glasses. "I've heard from quite a few student leaders that his behavior has grown increasingly... erratic, to put it mildly."

"As long as we're all okay, I won't complain. Thankfully she's got Nick, he'll get her home safe." Vee sent a quick text, then leaned back and sighed.

Tessa sat next to her, pulling her into a hug. "I wish I had a friend like that... I still can't believe they're not a thing."

The three girls laughed, settling in as they waited for the game to finish.


Amara grabbed Nick's jacket, pushing him hard against the wall. He seemed surprised at her strength, but before he could say anything, Amara's lips had found his. He pulled his jacket off, which prompted Amara to do the same. As their kiss broke, Nick took a moment to try and catch his bearings.

"Should we talk about this first? You seem different, and I can't tell if that's good or not." Nick asked as he kicked his shoes off.

"Did you see the way he looked at her? Like she was just some prize to win?" Her breath was still erratic, and she continued fuming as she walked past Nick towards her bedroom. "Fucking asshole!"

"Look, I'm glad you stepped in, but what if something had happened?" He followed her to the bedroom, and by the time he got there, her shirt was already on the floor. "Guys like that tend to be the first to call a bluff, you should have let me handle it."

Amara fell backwards on her bed, her feet in the air as she wrestled with her pants. "You don't understand, Nick, I wanted him to. I was itching for an excuse to hurt him."

"Did you see how jacked he was? He would've torn you apart!" Nick's belt fell to the floor, along with his pants.

"I didn't say I understood it! I just... it's like something inside me snapped." She stood, grabbing Nick's arm and throwing him to the bed. "And now I can barely think straight, so you're gonna fuck some sense into me, and we can talk later!"

Amara straddled him, pinning his shoulders to the mattress as she leaned in, her lips finding his neck. She inhaled his scent, eagerly reaching down to massage his cock through his boxers. Soon she replaced her hand with her pussy, moaning as he started meeting her thrusts with his own. Baring her teeth, she bit down on Nick's neck, eliciting a moan louder than she expected.

"Fuck! No marks, okay?" Nick gasped, his hands eagerly massaging her ass.

Hearing that, Amara pulled back, her eyes brighter than ever as she glared at Nick. "Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" She continued grinding against him as she bit her lip.

Curiosity on his face, Nick moved a hand to her neck, testing the waters. "There's a lot I could do, honestly..."

Amara pulled his hand away from her neck, her other hand meeting his, and pinned his arms above his head. "Didn't you hear me earlier, idiot?" She leaned in, whispering into his ear, "I said I wanted a fight."

All hesitation vanished from Nick as he fought back, reversing Amara's grip on his hands. Combined with a quick hip thrust, he managed to push Amara onto her side, her tail hitting the wall with a soft thud. From there, he moved behind her, wrapping his legs behind hers to stop her from gaining leverage. With the advantage now his, he moved on top of her, flipping her onto her stomach, her hands pinned just like his were earlier.

Amara grunted as they wrestled, well aware that she'd never overpowered Nick before. Her hips writhed and twisted as she tried to break free, but it was no use. He was bigger, stronger, and her teasing had stripped away all pleasantries between the two of them.

She only had one advantage over him-- an extra limb. Her tail was still free, and it moved to his hands to try and break his grip. Nick flinched as her tail found his wrist, and his grip loosened more from surprise than anything else. She bought herself a moment of freedom, planting a hand on the bed to try and push him off.

With one hand, he pulled Amara's wrist behind her back, then the other hand slipped out of her tail. He grabbed her loose wrist and pulled it to meet the other, able to hold both with a single grip. He pinned them tight while his other hand grabbed at her tail. It thrashed wildly, but soon he was able to wrap it around his arm, his hand holding the base.

Amara was now completely immobilized, and she craned her neck to look at Nick. "Please... I need it..." Her pussy had soaked through her panties, and her hips were twitching.

It was Nick's turn to lean in, "You need what?" He whispered.

"I need your fucking cock!" Amara's grunts of frustration turned to pitiful moans, her body begging for release.

He pulled Amara back, positioning her on her knees, her face still on the bed. A smile crossed his face as he spoke. "Be good, and I'll give it to you."

Nick moved his hand off Amara's tail, leaving it wrapped around his arm as he reached between the two of them. He pushed her panties aside and slowly teased her folds with his finger, a loud moan escaping her lips. Pulling away, he freed his cock and lined himself up, eager to give Amara what she wanted.

"The safe word is fursuit, by the way." Nick smirked as he spoke.

"Really? That's the best you've go-- FUCK!" Amara screamed in surprise as Nick pushed into her, bottoming out in one quick motion.

Her body lit up, every nerve firing as pleasure surged through her. She had no idea why confronting that asshole had turned her on so much, but right now she didn't care. Nick's cock felt amazing, she was shocked she hadn't cum when he entered her. She twitched and moaned, still held tight in his hands.

She felt him pull back slowly, and he stopped just before leaving completely. He paused there, holding perfectly still, letting Amara struggle to try and push herself against him. Her efforts were in vain, as his grip refused to budge.

"Nick... please..." Amara pleaded, her voice muffled by the bedsheets around her.

He finally took pity, giving her another powerful thrust. Her moans grew more guttural this time, reveling in the experience. Another thrust, another deep moan filled her chest, and soon Nick was fucking her in long, hard strokes.

She still couldn't move herself, but Nick's strong grip continued to pull her back and forth. As he picked up speed, he made her do the same, and soon his moaning joined hers. She did everything she could to fuck him back, her tail squeezing his arm tight. She pushed her face into the bed, biting the sheets as their fucking grew more intense.

"You love being bent over, don't you?" Nick asked, punctuating his words with his hips. "Being pinned down while I fuck you senseless?"

Amara tried to respond, but each time she had something to say, another thrust would pull a moan from her instead. She'd never felt this powerless before, especially around Nick, and the feeling was intoxicating.

She felt his hand leave the base of her tail, moving to her head and gathering her hair. He pulled back again, this time his grip causing her shoulders to leave the bed. The sound of fabric ripping filled the room, but neither of them cared.

Amara's body shook with pleasure, and she cried out as her orgasm started. Her tail, now freed, wrapped around Nick's torso and held him close as her hips twitched. Wave after wave of ecstasy flooded through her, overpowering the anger that had built up earlier. For a moment, she swore she felt her orgasm transcend her body, but the feeling faded as quickly as it arrived.

As her pleasure started to fade, Nick's body picked up momentum. With another powerful thrust, he pushed Amara to the bed, her tail pulling him with her. He continued fucking her, his movements growing erratic, and soon she felt him succumb. His cock throbbed inside of her, shooting thick loads of cum deep into her body.

Amara gasped as she felt his teeth on her shoulder, biting down hard as his cock emptied itself. Feeling him cum was incredible, the warmth of his seed radiated throughout her body. She felt full, not just because of the thick shaft buried in her pussy, but also as if she'd just finished an amazing meal.

As Nick's pace slowed, then eventually stopped, Amara felt both their breathing calm. His body collapsed on her, his cock growing soft before he pulled out. He released her hair, then her wrists, and finally collapsed off to one side.

"Fucking hell, Amara!" He gasped.

"You can say that again!" Amara chuckled as she turned to face him. "Where on earth did that come from?"

Her tail moved to his chest, drawing little circles as they talked.

"Maybe we both have anger issues to work out?" He laughed as he watched her tail dance across him.

The two of them lay there together, slowly catching their breath as the minutes passed. Nick took advantage of this time to pull her tail closer, looking it over and satiating his curiosity. Occasionally, Amara would pull away and smack him with it, mostly to gauge if her control was improving.

"Oh! Quick!" Amara bolted upright, jumping off the bed and spinning around slowly. "Limb check! Anything new?"

Nick moved to the edge of the bed, carefully examining her. "Hmm... not seeing anything this time. How do you feel?" He held out a hand, motioning for Amara to sit next to him again.

"Fine? The anger is definitely gone, which is good." She leaned into Nick as she started fidgeting with her tail. "I'm wondering if protecting Vee activated some kind of... demonic fight or flight instinct. But, since I'm a succubus, my instincts are also sexual? I'll need to be careful about getting angry in public again, that's for sure."

"Well, I doubt it's a fight or flight instinct." Nick said, holding his chin as he thought about it. Amara leaned in, wondering where he was going with this. "It's probably closer to a... fight or fuck instinct."

His serious face gave way to a mischievous smirk before he chuckled quietly to himself.

"Oh, grow up!" Amara pushed him back on the bed, then moved over to her dresser to grab some fresh clothes. She pulled out new panties, slipping them on, then quickly piled her old clothes in the hamper.

As she closed it, her heartbeat quickened, and she felt her eyes flare. A powerful feeling swelled inside her, and in that moment she knew there was something she needed to do. She spun around, eyes darting around the room.

"Nick, something's... off." She moved out to her living room as she tried to explore the feeling.

"What do you mean? Like, you feel something?' Nick was quickly following her, his pants half on as he walked.

"I don't entirely know, I think... I need to do something. Or go somewhere?" She reached for her front door, her hand twisting the knob.

"Wait!" Nick leapt in front of her, his hand pushing the door, preventing it from opening. "You're still not dressed! What if someone saw you?" His breathing quieted as she moved away from the door.

Amara looked around one last time, realizing the feeling had vanished. "Weird, it's...gone now." She slowly began walking back to her bedroom, retracing her steps. "Plus, I know what would've happened; My neighbors would have been too distracted by my tits to even notice my tail!

Nick followed her again, finally buckling his pants. "Now who needs to grow up?" He chuckled, catching his shirt as she threw it at him.

Amara slowly got dressed, her lips pursed and her brow furrowed as she mulled over that strange sensation. Where had it come from? Why had she been so desperate to follow it? She reached for her bra, then noticed that it was caught on her bedding. When she went to untangle them, she found a large hole in her sheets.

"Fuck! We ripped my sheets!" She groaned as she threw it down, looking at Nick.

"Oh, yeah, it may have gotten caught on your horns..." He mumbled, diverting his eyes as he finished buttoning his shirt.

Amara flicked her tail at him, hitting his thigh as she moved past. She grabbed a spare set of sheets, then returned to the bedroom and tossed half the linens to Nick.

"New rule- If we break anything during sex you have to help me fix it, okay?" She began pulling her old sheets off.

"That's more than fair," Nick smirked as he helped make her bed, "but if you try to milk a new TV out of me, I'm signing up for that Religious Studies class!"

The two spent the rest of the evening together, getting dinner, doing laundry, and studying, before finally calling it a night.

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