Suddenly A Succubus

Chapter 6.2

Amara met up with Nick outside his dorm. He was being suspiciously quiet about his plans for the night, but he had told her to wear running clothes.

"So, what did Tessa want?" He asked, starting to lead the way.

"I guess she's been investigating weird magic stuff? She wanted my help but... I kinda snapped at her."

Nick said nothing but gave her a questioning look.

"She just kept asking about what I could do, what my demon powers are, and after everything with Brandon..."

"I'm sure she understands. She's normally the hothead, right?" Nick smirked. "You'll both be back to normal before you know it."

"Doesn't mean I don't feel bad about it, but thanks." Amara pushed him affectionately. "What's the plan tonight?"

As they walked, she realized Nick was taking them further east. They weren't heading to the stadium, but this side of campus mostly existed for all the sports programs.

"So glad you asked! I've got a lot of friends from my wrestling days, and I called in a favor." Nick pulled a hand out of his pocket, holding up a small key. "I'm now the proud owner of a key to the gymnastics building."

"Gymnastics? What scheme is this?"

"Scheming? Me? I don't know the meaning of the word. I've just got a theory I want to test."

Soon enough, they made it to the gymnastics building. Nick guided her to a side entrance, checked for onlookers, then opened the door.

It was eerie being inside such a large gym with no lights, but thankfully Nick knew how to turn them on. The building hummed back to life, and Amara looked around at the equipment all around her.

She had no idea what anything was called, but she wandered around curiously as she examined everything. She recognized the balance beams, but there were also big rings hanging from the ceiling, pits filled with squishy colorful cubes, and quite a bit more.

There was also a viewing area on one side of the room. A white brick wall about 15 feet tall supported a series of built-in bleachers, with the only separation being the railing at the edge. A small staircase that connected the two areas had been tucked away in a corner.

Nick approached her, pulling off his sweatpants and sweater to reveal his gym clothes underneath. Loose-fitting blue shorts hung just past his knees, but his gray shirt was much tighter. His athletic form was on full display underneath the thin fabric, and Amara happily stole a look.

"So, not that it's a secret anymore, but I think we need to run some tests."

"For what? We're not looking for new powers, are we? That's the last thing I want to do right now."

"It's not that, I promise. Have you noticed how much your body has changed recently?"

Amara stared daggers at Nick.

"Okay, I phrased that poorly. I meant outside of the horns and the tail. Your form is more athletic, and your muscles have more definition."

Intrigued, Amara followed Nick's example and pulled off her sweats. Underneath, she was wearing deep, crimson red shorts with a matching sports bra. They both hugged her form tight, and she looked down to examine her stomach.

"Holy shit, are these abs?!" Amara pulled out her phone, setting it down and using it as a mirror as she examined herself.

"Do you just... never look at yourself in the mirror?" Nick asked, gathering their clothes and putting them aside.

"No, I do that all the time! But recently I've been pretty focused on my demon bits." Amara spun around to look at her back. "Plus, I normally judge my body by what clothes I can wear, but the tail forces me into those baggy sweaters."

With their clothing now safely out of the way, Nick moved closer and started doing some stretching. "So, I've been thinking a lot about, well, everything. Yesterday changes a lot, and we can't assume this is the last time something goes wrong."

Amara joined in, copying Nick's movements despite not fully understanding what they were doing. He continued talking as he kept warming up, moving slower so Amara could copy him.

"We need to accept that I'm not always going to be around. When this happens again, you need to know what your body is capable of."

"So, we're just here to... work out? Nick, I've never been good at this stuff."

"That's why we're starting slow, just keep copying me."

Nick started walking her through his warmup routine, explaining why each part mattered. After a half hour of stretching and cardio, he finally brought her over to some equipment.

Her first task was a balance beam. She felt silly crawling on top of it, but with Nick's help she was able to stand up without falling.

"Alright, this one's easy. Just walk to the other side." He said.

Taking a deep breath, Amara took her first steps. She raised her arms as she walked, trying to stay balanced, but each step proved more difficult than the last. Before she could make it halfway across, she lost control and slipped off the side.

"Fuck!" She fell quickly, and thankfully landed in Nick's arms. "I thought you said this was easy?"

"I also said I was testing a theory, so thank you for proving me right!" He put her down softly, a smug grin on his face.

"What did I do?" Amara asked.

"What didn't you do?" He asked in return. He moved closer, boosting her up to the beam again.

Once she was steady, she sighed and looked down at Nick. "I didn't... not fall?"

"Amara, you have a tail. It was stiff and lifeless the whole time."

Amara stared at Nick, the gears in her head clicking into place. Taking a deep breath, she looked back at her tail, then started walking again.

Though her arms were still outstretched, she tried to let her tail adjust to her shifts in balance first. She realized quickly that it felt surprisingly natural to use her tail like this; She found she was able to let it correct her balance without much effort or thought.

She lowered her arms and started walking slightly faster. The steps came easier, and before she knew it, she had reached the end of the balance beam.

A smile grew on her face, and she walked back to the beginning even quicker. She moved with confidence, and she was starting to see her tail in a new light.

"Nick! You were right, that was so much easier!" She jumped for joy, forgetting she was still atop the balance beam, and felt herself start to fall. Nick ran forward, and Amara braced for impact, when suddenly she stopped.

In her panic, she had tried to reach for something. While there was nothing for her hands to grab, her tail had moved down and wrapped around the balance beam, pulling her back. She now stood at a slight angle, and it felt like she was hovering over the ground.

She looked back at her tail, then to Nick, her eyes wide. "This is SO. COOL!"

Using her tail, she pulled herself upright again, then took another few laps across the beam.

"So, now you like it? Last week you couldn't stop complaining about how in the way it was." Nick smirked, watching her prance back and forth.

"I didn't realize I could do things with it!" Amara paused, realizing how silly she sounded. "That's why you brought me here, isn't it?"

Nick jumped up into the beam, sitting down and inviting Amara to do the same. "Look, I know you're frustrated you don't have any flashy powers, but your transformation has been a physical one, not magical. The tail, the horns, the stronger musculature, they all serve to make you faster, more agile. You've never been much of an athlete, so I had a feeling you couldn't see the possibilities in front of you."

Amara leaned in, hugging Nick tight as she sat next to him. "So, what's next, teacher?"

With an excited smirk, Nick began walking Amara through a series of exercises, each designed to test or condition something new. The more she exercised, the more she began to understand just how different her body was.

She was stronger, faster, and definitely had more endurance. Nick set up a series of obstacle courses early on, and she cleared them with ease. She learned that her tail lowered her center of gravity and made an incredible counterweight; When she ran, she was able to stay closer to the ground, which kept her fast and maneuverable.

They also tried getting up off the floor using a set of uneven high bars. She started small, just checking how many pull-ups she could do. From there, she practiced swinging back and forth, testing how she could manipulate her movement with her tail.

When her arms got tired, she switched to hanging from her legs. She tested her core strength for a while before trying something a little riskier; She wrapped her tail around the bar, asked Nick to get ready, and released her legs. The two of them were pleasantly surprised to see that her tail could easily hold her up on its own. She again practiced swinging back and forth, this time managing to switch bars by grabbing the lower one with her hands.

Fresh off of that discovery, Nick decided to switch gears and stack a set of tumbling mats against a wall. He showed Amara the basics of throwing a punch, using the mats as a makeshift punching bag. He also walked her through how to navigate a close quarters fight.

Amara found that her tail gave her an advantage here as well. Not only was she able to put the extra weight behind her punches, but she also could use it to more easily dodge and reposition.

Out of curiosity, Nick moved the mats off the wall and held them up by himself. He then asked Amara to practice hitting again, this time to try and gauge how hard she could hit. In addition to practicing her punching, she also tried kicking, and striking with her tail.

The kicking felt quite natural, no doubt because of her lower center of gravity, but attacking with her tail took quite a bit of adjustment. At first, she stood still and just practiced the movement, but eventually she tried adding weight and movement to her strikes.

To her surprise, and Nick's, the tail strikes seemed to hit the hardest. When they took their first break, they theorized about how her tail might be used in a fight. They had quite a few ideas, but it was difficult to know which ones would actually hold up.

After clearing out Nick's snacks, he decided it was time for a mock fight. He set up more mats, on the floor this time, and invited Amara to join him. Together, they slowly worked through different methods of gaining advantage over an opponent, while also testing how those ideas could be adapted to suit her tail.

After nearly an hour of testing various strikes, parries, and grapples, the two of them were starting to slow down.

"So, what's next?" Amara asked. She had just gotten back into position after their last test.

"Honestly, I'm kinda running out of ideas." Nick said. "At this point, it really just boils down to practice."

"C'mon, you've got nothing? I'm having so much fun!" Amara jumped around, punching the air excitedly.

"It's pretty late, Amara, we should probably think about turning in for the night."

"Ugh, you're no fun." Amara sighed dramatically, then leaned back as her tail supported her weight. She stretched her arms over her head, breathing deep as she did. When she looked back at Nick, she caught him quickly averting his eyes from her body. She also noticed that his aura had started pulsing.

"Actually," Amara started, "I know one thing we haven't tried yet!" She moved closer to Nick, a smile on her face.

"Yeah? I guess I've got time for one more test." Nick moved back in front of her, bracing himself once more. "What are you thinking?"

Amara turned away, pretending to walk to her starting spot, but instead lashed out with her tail. It wrapped around Nick's ankle, pulling hard and sending him crashing to the floor.

"Fuck!" Nick managed to catch himself, and he shot Amara a look of surprise. "What the hell?"

She moved in, not letting him recover as she pushed him down. With her hands on his shoulders, she held tight as she sat on top of him, her crotch grinding against his.

"Nick, I can read auras, remember? You can't hide what you're thinking anymore." Amara bit her lip as she moved her hands off his shoulders, instead letting them trace up her own curves. "I guess that's my fault, though, I did wear a pretty revealing outfit..."

Nick's eyes grew wide in recognition, then a smile appeared on his face. He let himself stare at her body again, now that the cat was out of the bag. "It was pretty rude of you. You're lucky I was able to stay on task this long." His hands gripped her legs, moving higher until he was massaging her ass.

"What can I say? I guess I'm a terrible influence!" Amara leaned forward, gently biting Nick's neck as her hands pushed under his shirt.

"Lucky me, I actually get to fuck the devil on my shoulder." Nick let out a deep moan as she kissed further down, her hips still grinding against him.

She sat up again, pulling her bra over her head before tossing it aside. Her chest felt chilly in the open air, a thin layer of sweat causing her breasts to glisten. Nick moved his hands to them, pinching her nipples and causing her to moan.

He took advantage of her distraction to turn the tables, flipping her onto her back. Leaning in, he bit her ear softly before whispering to her.

"Our second time in public already, I'm starting to think you have a new kink."

Amara eagerly pulled his shirt off. "Please, I hardly think this counts, there's basically no risk of getting caught."

Reaching into his shorts, she found his bulging underwear and massaged it, feeling it harden in her grasp. His moans were intoxicating, and he returned the favor by sliding his hand into her shorts. His fingers pushed against her clit, and she twitched as he started rubbing. It had been so long ago they last fucked, her body had nearly forgotten how good another person's touch could be.

Nick moved down, his cock pulling out of her grasp, and he began pulling her shorts off. She lifted her hips, eager to expose herself, and soon she was spreading her legs wide.

His mouth kissed her legs, then her thighs, inching closer to her pussy. She felt his breath first, then finally his tongue started teasing her entrance. She wrapped a hand in his hair as she pushed him down, his tongue pushing into her pussy.

"Fuck!" Amara moved her other hand down, holding Nick tighter. "If you ever leave again, you have to find a replacement. I'm not giving this up anymore."

She felt Nick grin as he kept eating her out, and they continued like this for another minute before he stood up. He pulled his shorts down, his cock already hard as he started stroking it.

Amara stood as well, wrapping her hand around his as she moved in to kiss him. She thought about sinking to her knees to return the favor, but another thought crossed her mind.

"This way, teacher, I've got an idea!" Grabbing Nick's hands, she pulled him over to the high bars they'd been practicing on earlier.

With his help, she jumped up to the lower bar, then flipped upside down. At first, her legs were holding her up, but then she curled her tail around the bar and released them. Her tail was dexterous enough that she could slowly lower herself down, and soon she had matched Nick's height exactly.

She grabbed his hips, pulling him closer, then kissed the tip of his cock. Her tongue explored the head, then up and down the shaft, and finally she pulled him into her mouth.

His moans were brief, as they were stifled by her legs finding his head. As her mouth started pleasuring his cock, her legs pulled his tongue back onto her pussy. They both pleasured each other now, their tongues moving in tandem as their moans echoed through their bodies.

Nick's hands began exploring Amara's body again, pinching her nipples again before moving up to her waist. He grabbed her ass, squeezing tight as he pulled her closer, his tongue pushing deeper into her sex. Moving even further, he felt the base of her tail, slowly tracing up its length.

"Fuck!" Amara pulled back, spit dripping onto her face. "That's really fucking hot, but I think my tail might be ticklish, so watch yourself! If I fall, I'm taking you with me." She sucked Nick's cock into her mouth again as his hands moved away from the sensitive spots.

"You think I can't hold you up?" Nick dug his nails into Amara's thighs, teasing her.

She returned the favor, but instead of nails, she leaned in and bit his thigh. "Don't you fucking dare! You'll leave here with blue balls, mister!"

Nick wrapped his arms around her waist, then carefully tickled the base of Amara's tail. She began laughing and her tail twitched, losing its grip on the bar. Her laughter turned into a playful shriek as she plummeted an inch, but Nick was able to hold her up.

He teased her pussy again, licking her clit before carefully setting her down. She glared at him, her eyes incredibly bright as she summoned all the mock anger she could manage.

"You asshole! I'll call your bluff!" Amara watched as Nick laid down, no longer upside down compared to her. He traced a finger down her cheek before grabbing her chin, pushing her face to the side.

"I know you won't." He whispered into her ear, "Because I can go much longer without sex than you can."

Amara groaned in frustration. "Ugh, you're the worst!" She grabbed his cock and started stroking it, eager to feel him again. "If you're done pushing all my buttons, can we please get back to the fucking?"

Without saying anything, he pulled Amara's chin closer and kissed her. He climbed between her legs and positioned himself, then entered her. As he pushed into her pussy, inch by inch, her moans filled the gym.

It took a minute to fully adjust to the angle, as her tail made laying on her back slightly awkward. Once she was comfortable, she ran her hands behind Nick's back and held him tight, urging him to fuck her harder.

His cock bottomed out, and soon he started fucking her in long, purposeful strides. He grabbed her waist, holding her down as he picked up his pace. She could feel his body growing tense, and had a feeling his orgasm was close. Moving her hands to his hair, she pulled him close and whispered to him.

"Give me your fucking cum, Nick. I want to feel your cock explode inside me!"

She felt him shudder, and his aura continued glowing brighter. It was strong enough now that she was able to connect with it, and she could feel Nick's sexual energy feeding her. It flowed through her, eliminating every ache and dispelling her exhaustion.

With one last powerful thrust, Nick's orgasm took over. He pulled Amara close, his body tensing as his cock emptied inside of her. While she had already been feeding on his arousal, that connection suddenly exploded tenfold, catching her off guard. She'd never felt this much energy before, and had no idea what her body would do with it.

With this sudden burst of strength, she used her tail to push up, flipping Nick onto his back. He kept cumming, his cock twitching as Amara now sat on top of him. His load pushed into her, and she moaned out in pleasure. She started bouncing up and down, fucking him hard to get herself off.

It didn't take long, and soon she was screaming with pleasure. Her voice echoed through the building as she came, and her orgasm shook her body to its core. Every vein in her body felt like it was burning with passion, and it was intoxicating. She could feel her eyes flaring, stronger than ever, and she planted her hands on Nick's chest as she continued to ride out her orgasm.

She focused on her pleasure, feeling it course through her, when a familiar feeling appeared. Just like the last time she fucked Nick, she could feel her own orgasm expand itself, and she briefly felt like she could connect with the world around her, as if it were just an extension of her body.

Warm lights appeared behind her, washing over her body, accompanied by a burst of warmth pulsing out from her. She couldn't see the light directly, but she saw her shadow briefly grow stronger as she continued fucking Nick. It took several minutes for her to calm down, but soon enough her breathing grew quiet.

"Fuck, Nick... That was incredible!" She smiled as she leaned back, running her hands over her horns and through her hair.

Nick had been staring at the ceiling the whole time, likely lost in his own orgasm, and finally pulled together the strength to prop himself up on his elbows. As he collected his thoughts, and pulled his focus back to Amara, his eyes went wide.

"Holy shit, Amara." He said.

"Was it as good for you? I hope so, I fucking lost it!" She smirked as she leaned in briefly to kiss him.

"No, I mean yes, but that's not... You'd think I would be used to this by now."

"Used to this? Wait! Did something happen?!" Amara's voice rose in excitement.

Nick was unable to respond, but she noticed that his eyes were moving from side to side, seemingly looking at something behind her. Before she could turn her head, she noticed two large shadows on the floor next to him. They were extending out from her back, and she was able to move them up and down.

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