Summon the Emperor System

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Tyrant

Seeing a piece of knelt in the Jinluan Temple and hearing most people shouting ‘Long live’, Yan Gang’s face became extremely gloomy at this moment.

Six officials behind Yan Gang did not kneel, all hesitating and uncertain.

These six high-ranking and powerful people are all first-rank officials in charge of real power in the central government. They are not only the confidants of Li Tianba and Yan Gang, but also their comrades and ministers.

The six people knew in their hearts that for Zhao Hao, they were all sins that cannot be forgiven. If they kneel down, they are not surrendering, but confession and defying the law.

At this moment, Zhao Hao’s squinted eyes suddenly opened, his eyes gleaming, and he swept toward His Royal Highness, and then pointed at a military commander who was restrained by him, and shouted: “You, get out of the line.” He was about to start a sharp knife. Cut the thorns.

The person Zhao Hao referred to was Yang Lie, who was the deputy of the Wang Han who had just been struck by lightning.

Although Yang Lie was a military commander, he was not brave and militant. On the battlefield, he roared loudest and rushed to the forefront when fighting a soft battle. When fighting a tough battle, he was afraid that someone would know where he was hiding at the back, in the court. To deceive the top and the bottom, flattery, leave a sentence to meet hahaha, a typical official oilman.

This kind of person is the easiest to bluff and is easy to control.

“The emperor, the lower officials are Wang Han’s lieutenants, but they are not his accomplices. We have a very ordinary relationship, and we don’t interact in private.” Yang Lie shouted, remembering that Wang Han was smashed into scum by thunder. The scene was extremely disturbed, and he thought that Zhao Hao was going to take him.

Zhao Hao said, “Yang Lie, come forward and listen to it.”


Yang Lie was stunned for a moment, and listened to Feng. Wouldn’t Zhao Hao take him for surgery? Head full of fog, he knelt down quickly.

Zhao Hao said: “I named you the’Prince Executioner’.”


Yang Lie was stunned again, and hurriedly yelled: “Thank you, Lord Longen.” At the same time, there was a black thread, and he secretly said: Yuqian executioner, what the hell, do you have this official position? I have never heard of it before.

“The imperial executioner is my tool of murder.” Zhao Hao took the initiative to explain, without any euphemism or cover-up.

“Thank you for the emperor’s gift.” Yang Lie was full of black lines, but he could only kneel down and thank him. In fact, he refused: When your murder tool, I don’t want it! The typical face is grinning, mmp in my heart.

Zhao Hao shouted: “Go and cut down the official secretary.”

“Slaying Official Book!” Yang Lie was startled.

“Immediately, speed!”

Zhao Hao didn’t hesitate: “Otherwise, I will immediately have a new “Prince Executioner” and cut you off.”

“The emperor, don’t…”

“I go.”

Yang Lie’s heart trembled, and he could only carry his sword and walk towards the official secretary.

“Why kill me?” Of course, the official sangshu exclaimed.

Zhao Hao yelled: “In the past ten years, you have promoted all officials from Li Tianba, and those who disagree with Li Tianba have been demoted or even removed from office. Shouldn’t you be cut?”

The official secretary has nothing to tell, and can only look at Yan Gang: “The prime minister, save me…”

Huang Diewu beside Zhao Hao stared at Yan Gang with beautiful eyes.

Feeling a pressure from the bright eyes of the young **** the opposite side, straight into the bone marrow, Yan Gang couldn’t help taking three steps back.


If he didn’t do anything, the new imperial executioner was about to chop him down. Yang Lie gritted his teeth and swung his sword down.

Zhao Hao said again: “Cut off the Hubu Shangshu.”


Hubu Shangshu’s face changed drastically, and his words were not yet ready to be spoken. Zhao Hao had already rushed to say: “After the Dragon Vessel Scramble, the country was in a slump and the people were poor, but Li Tianba’s private warehouse was full of Jinshan Yinshan, you Hubu. How does Shang Shu manage the money? Shouldn’t you cut it?”


Hubu Shangshu heads to the ground.

Zhao Hao said again: “Cut off the Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette.” No chance for the other party to quibble at all: “Civil officials dare to criticize the emperor, and the generals dare to use swords against the emperor. Why do you keep the Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette?”


The Book of Etiquette falls to the ground.

“The three armies inside and outside do not listen to the emperor’s orders. The Jade Seal without long legs is not in the Imperial Study Room. Instead, it ran to the Generalissimo’s Mansion. The War Department Shangshu, shouldn’t you cut it?”

“The Grand Marshal’s mansion is more magnificent than the imperial palace. The Ministry of Industry is still a book, shouldn’t you cut it?”

Zhao Hao stretched out his **** to two first-rank seniors, and as he shouted, “Swipe” twice, Yang Lie’s hand lifted the knife and dropped, and two heads fell on the ground.

“Tyrant, cruel tyrant, Zhao Hao, you tyrant.” Six Shangshu was chopped down in a blink of an eye. Only one Shangshu was left. He rolled up his sleeves and pointed at Zhao Hao in horror and indignation. stand up.

“I am a benevolent monarch, you have to respect, I am a tyrant, and you have to bear it.” Zhao Hao sneered, and said involuntarily: “I want to follow the criminal law, and the executioner of the predecessor will also cut down the Shangshu.”


As soon as the words were over, there was a sharp sound, and Shang Shu of the Xing Department fell to the ground.

Yang Lie looked at Zhao Hao with a murderous intent in his eyes, as if asking again: “The emperor, who else would you kill?” He was terrified before, but after all he was a common blood general. After a while, he was still a little bit slashed. Addicted.

“Zhao Hao, you killed six Shangshu. They are the pillars of the country and control the operation of the country.” Six Shangshu was killed and Yan Gang’s position was completely chaotic. He knew that Zhao Hao had become ruthless, but there was still nothing. Thinking that he would be so decisive.

“They are Li Tianba’s pillars, not my pillars.” Zhao Hao sneered, and all the officials in the ruling and opposition parties were Li Tianba and Yan Gang’s people. These people must be killed.

“The three armies are sealed outside, and the court officials are bloodbathed, Zhao Hao, you are subjugating the country.” Yan Gang’s eyes are blushing, his teeth cracking.

“Yes, I am subjugating the country, destroying the country of your community.” Zhao Hao still sneered, ignoring Yan Gang’s anger, waving his sleeves and shouting: “I announce that starting today, all punishments will be restored: skinning, slashing, lingering and hanging. First, torture, burial alive, broken vertebrae, lead pouring, bowel pumping, palace torture, car cracking, burnt torture, human beings, riding wooden donkeys, ear buttonholes, hot pot cooking, five horses and eight pieces…”

“…All the criminal laws prohibited in this country have been restored.”

“Oh my god……”

All the officials of His Royal Highness were chattering all over, and all of them groaned in their hearts: The little emperor is too cruel, tyrant, big tyrant!

Dragging the corpse into the hall, slashing the scholars with the sword, the general thunderbolt, shining the jade seal, killing the six books, lifting the punishment, Zhao Hao’s series of methods, like a resolute and resolute monarch, the prime minister was also shocked. Lived, I just felt unable to resist it.

Looking at the trembling officials, Zhao Hao was not over yet, and ordered: “Yang Lie, the imperial executioner, come forward and listen to the order.”

“What’s the emperor’s order?” Yang Lie hurriedly straightened his waist, feeling a little excited, a little wretched, and a bad premonition.

“I ordered you to hang the corpses of Li Tianba’s family on the midday gate, to inform the world and whip the corpses in public for three days and three nights.” Zhao Hao glanced at the chain of corpses on the ground that were tied by chains.

“Oh my god……”

Toward the official’s heart trembled again, and the hair was horrified.

Tyrant, absolute super tyrant!

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