Summoned by Monster Girls

Chapter 21

I’m going to need to ask Cerebaton about more or different drills I can do. I thought while wiping the sweat from my forehead with a towel.

The early Sunday morning light streamed in through the window and filled my living room. I’d pushed the furniture back to make space earlier in the week and hadn’t bothered to return it to the normal spots since then. This gave me barely enough room to swing the weighted wooden sword that I used to do the drills without hitting a wall. Practicing had fallen seamlessly into my routine already and it had quickly become something to fill my idle time with when I had energy.

Need to keep practicing. Building muscle memory takes time after all. Wish I had the ability to spar with someone though. Would make this even quicker. I resumed my ready stance with the sword held above my head and parallel with the ground. I’d work with the faux shield next, it was something I was still learning to use but didn’t prefer. I liked having my off hand open to be able to shift if needed. Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly and began the drill once more, working through the strikes and focusing on moving the weapon smoothly through the strikes.

I’d gotten most of the way through the drill when the edges of my vision flashed and bright words raced into view. While this wasn’t unfamiliar, since it happened several times a week when I was summoned to the other world, I was surprised to see them today.

Rieka Coldeye has sent a non-urgent request for your presence.

Transit? View Summoning?

“Rieka? Wasn’t she visiting her mum for family business?” I muttered before mentally tapping the ‘View Summoning’ option to see if it would shed any light on the situation.

The image that popped up was of Rieka, dressed in a smart looking top with full sleeves and a high neck as well as a skirt that fell to mid-calf. Since the color was washed out in the image, I didn’t know what the shades of the outfit were but she appeared to be standing in the middle of a large reception room and was alone.

“Well, at least she’s okay. Might as well check on her.” I set my gear to one side, no reason to drop it on the floor, and gave my hair and face a quick swipe with the towel before toggling the Transit option.

A surging sensation of movement and whirl of colors had me landing in that same room and directly across from Rieka. This time though, a strange taste ran across my tongue in addition to the light and movement. It turned out that her outfit was a brilliant sky-blue in color with a wide belt of white leather. The room that we were in had tall windows that opened onto an elaborate garden that was full of life. I could see a few gardeners tending to it even now. The temperature in the room was actually rather warm, considering I’d been working a sweat up in my air-conditioned apartment.

“Liam, I hope I didn’t interrupt anything…What are you wearing?” Rieka’s words brought me back to the moment and I glanced down at my baggy workout shorts and the tanktop that I’d been exercising in. The top was nearly soaked through with sweat and the shorts clung tightly in that way only the lycra or satin could.

“Exercise clothes from my world. I was working on sword drills since Kassandra said she had homework to do. What about you? Are you doing okay? I thought you’d be meeting with your family today.” It only took another quick glance around for me to realize the opulence of the room we were in. While the dorm and Kassandra’s rooms had been nice, this place screamed the kind of subdued wealth that made me think of colonial magnates and aristocracy. Even the chairs and couches in the room looked to be covered with either fine leather or soft cloth and edged in immaculate looking hardwood.

“Oh, that would explain your…um…state.” Rieka blushed slightly as her eyes darted all around the room before settling onto me again. I got the feeling she was eying my arms and the scars there, exposed by the tanktop like they were. She bit her lip lightly and I could see the white flash of her tail stirring behind her excitedly.

“Yea, sorry about that. I didn’t think either of you would be needing me today and didn’t want to make you wait while I changed.” I peeled my sweat-sticky shirt away from my chest with a grimace. Surrounded by all this finery, the fact my shirt was clinging to me like I’d just gotten hit with the garden hose was actually making me self-conscious. Wafting the cloth allowed some airflow and the muggy air helped cool the sweat a bit.

“So…what's up?” I said after another few moments of awkward silence. Rieka jumped in surprise and the slight blush that had been coloring her cheeks darkened.

“Ah, I am so sorry, Liam. I was just…I mean…I am so sorry about that.” She stuttered rapid fire. The combination of her ears flicking wildly and the blush gave her the image of a dog that had been chasing its tail before smacking firmly into a piece of furniture and now it didn’t know what to do.

“No worries, Rieka. I told you that I’d come when you called and you called for me. What did you need?” I said gently. Part of me wanted to give the worried girl a hug, but I didn’t think she’d want a sweaty hug from me right now, especially not in a dress that beautiful.

“I…uh…” Rieka shook herself and then cleared her throat before nodding. “Come with me, Liam. I need to go outside so I can focus.”

“Sure?” I followed after Rieka as she spun about and headed through the absolutely massive oak doors set in one wall. The doors were carved all over with a scene of snow capped mountains and led into the adjoining hallway. The hall went along with the same design as in the previous room. Pristine, white walls dotted with expensive art. Hardwood floors with long carpets to pad them. Occasionally, a small table would break up the space with either a vase of flowers or a small display of some piece of art, sculpture, or pottery.

We passed two sets of guards, one male and one female in each set, in well fitted scale armor and open faced helmets. They all carried swords on their hips and a spear in one hand. The guards would bow slightly to Rieka as we walked past before eying me warily. No one challenged us as Rieka led the way, though I could feel the pointed stares of the guards digging into my back.

Probably wondering about the clothes. If Rieka was startled by them, then I’m sure these folks have no idea about lycra, spandex, or poly-cotton blends. I thought while following the still wiggling banner of Rieka’s fluffy tail. I had been worried at first, but the steady wagging of that fluffy mass was enough to reassure me she wasn’t upset.

My summoner headed through a set of open doors and out into the sunlight. Emerging behind her found us in a small courtyard that surrounded a large and ancient tree laden with red fruit each half the size of my fist. There were several wrought iron benches that were scattered around the courtyard, mixed between those sitting directly in the sun and in the shade of the tree. A slight breeze stirred the air in the courtyard, sending the smell of warm fruit and cut grass through the air.

Rieka paused halfway from the door to the tree and took a deep breath before letting it out again with a relieved sigh. The stiffness she’d been carrying during the march through the halls faded and her tail dropped limp behind her once more.

“Oh that is much better.” Rieka sighed a second time before turning around to look up at me, her hands folding behind her back as a playful smile crossed her lips.

“What’s better?”

“I just needed some fresh air, that room was so stuffy.” Rieka brushed my question off quickly. Her canine ears flicked once, the lightly blackened tips shimmering in the bright sun while her platinum blonde hair looked like a honey colored cloud around her head.

It took a minute for me to make the connection and now I was the one blushing. “Oh crud, I’m sorry. I must stink like a dumpster. I didn’t think about that, Rieka. I’m sorry.” I took a step back and glanced down at my sweat-stained clothes in a new light. I’d forgotten that my companion had far sharper senses than me. I probably stank to the woman in front of me, and she was a princess to boot. And you showed up like this in what is likely her family home. The family home of royalty. Idiot.

“What? No!” Rieka protested immediately and sprang to cover the distance between us even as I retreated. “Liam, you don’t stink! I mean, I can smell your sweat, but it’s not bad.” She had the hand of mine that had been on my shirt between her's before I could do or say anything and I wasn’t about to yank my hand out of her grip so I stopped retreating.

“Not bad?” I asked automatically, not really understanding what she meant. I’d been to enough public gyms to know that sweat was sweat and it all stank. Not to mention I knew what my laundry smelled like at the end of the week.

Rieka’s blush, which had been fading, returned with a vengeance and she shook her head. “No, it’s not bad, just distracting. Come on, let's go sit under the tree. I want to hear how Kass is doing. That’s why I called you after all. You said she was working on her coursework?”

“Yea, that’s what she told me yesterday after I helped her with her spell practice.” I let Rieka lead me over to one of the benches under the tree. The thick smell of ripe fruit was even stronger here and I recognized the dark red orbs hanging above us as some type of plum. Rieka pushed me to sit on one end of the bench before plopping down across from me, her eyes shimmering with excitement and her blush fading once more.

“Oh? You two were working on her magic yesterday? Did it go well?” Her question caused a message to flash before my eyes, informing me that I had my assignment.

Assist your contracted companion, Rieka Coldeye, by answering her questions.

Reward - 50 SP

“Huh.” I muttered and Rieka turned her head slightly to one side in curiosity, making those black tipped ears of her's flop adorably. Holding back the urge to reach out and stroke them, and reminding myself that despite her resemblances to and enjoyment of such treatment that she wasn’t a dog, I answered her question. “Sorry, System message. Anyway, you were asking about what we got up to yesterday?”

“Yes, I dislike that I had to skip two days of classes for this, but my mother insisted I make a trip out here to deal with some family business. Kass seemed fine when I left, but I had some time so I was hoping you could catch me up on what was going on? I only have an hour or two though, if you don’t mind?” Rieka’s ‘puppy-dog’ eyes should have been classed as a weapon by themselves, because I folded immediately.

“Sure, I’m happy to fill you in. So it started with Kass doing her usual attempt to knock me on my ass…” While I started to catch Rieka up, I noticed that two of the guards that had been staring at us in the hall earlier had come to stand on either side of the open door that led back into the large home. They kept their distance so I just focused on my companion. I was here for her after all.


“So she said that the name of the woman was Josephine? And she didn’t do anything, did she?” Rieka’s expression was a mixture of irritation, scorn, concern, and thoughtful all at once. She’d shifted in her seat so she was facing me more directly and her tail had curled around her to settle into her lap, letting her slowly finger-comb the fluffy mass. I had respected Kassandra’s previous request to not tell Rieka outright that Josephine’s crowd had been harassing her, but the event was public enough that she’d hear about this part eventually, so I chose my words carefully.

“That’s what Kassandra told me. It might have gotten rough but the city guard were quick to step in and the vendor was good enough to testify on our behalf. Kass. She thought that they might have been the ones to soak her, but wasn’t entirely sure.” It took me the better part of an hour to tell the whole story because Rieka would peel off on a tangent with a few questions on occasion and got into a fit of giggles at the idea of Kassandra literally curling around me like a warm rock while she practiced. She’d been impressed when I showed her the claws that I’d lifted from Lady Valda and agreed that it was a good call and kept coming back to that thoughtfully.

“Valda’s people are actually one of the country's staunchest allies. They guard the eastern passes that lead out to the wild plains. Their clan keeps the others from raiding our people. In return, we supply them with food and armor. They are adept warriors, though some say they are only a step above the savages themselves.” The distaste on Rieka’s face and in her voice made her stance on that obvious as well.

“She seemed like an honorable and polite person to me, though we only talked for a moment. Unlike the others who were teasing Kassandra. Hope she’s doing okay.” I looked upwards, watching the small snippets of sun that made it through the tree branches as they danced over the ripe, red fruit above us.

“It’s cute how much you worry about Kass.” Rieka’s words brought me back to earth and her wicked grin encouraged me she was just teasing.

“I worry about both of you, I’m supposed to protect you after all.” I returned and Rieka nodded quickly.

“And you do a good job of it, and are improving every time we take you out. My only concern is that your abilities will soon grow to the point that we might not be able to afford to summon you as often as we’d like. As you grow in power, the cost to call you will increase too. And I’m sure that Kass would be disappointed if her favorite heater wasn’t able to spend as much time with her as she wanted.” The last comment was said with such wicked confidence that I couldn’t really argue it.

“I’m sure she’d find a way. And if it starts getting too expensive, I’ll find a way to lower the costs. I’ve had more fun with you and Kassandra in the last few weeks than I have in years. Plus, these powers are super interesting to use. I feel more fulfilled being you and Kass’ guardian than I ever did at my current job.”

“That is gratifying to hear.” The regal voice that interrupted made all playfulness drop off of Rieka immediately and she launched herself to her feet immediately. I was also in motion as soon as the concern showed on her face, but thankfully Rieka said something before I did anything foolish.

“Mother, I didn’t hear you approach!”

“That was my intention, my daughter. I heard that you were sitting in one of the secluded courtyards with an unidentified man who was clad in revealing clothes. I came to check on you.” The woman who spoke was obviously Rieka’s mother, which made her the Queen of this area and it was obvious she was a queen that ruled by far more than just circumstances of her birth.

She was a few inches taller than Rieka, but still a bit shorter than me. Like her daughter though, she was slender and athletic but with more refined features and the wisdom that comes from age and hard choices showing in her bright blue eyes. She was dressed in a close fitting gown of gray silk that made me think of a winter stormcloud that was set with pearls and sapphires along the bodice and waist. A thick iron scepter that was almost the same length as the spell rod that Rieka carried at her hip hung from the woman’s waist on a jeweled chain. It had the sturdy look of something that could be used to club someone if they irritated the serious woman, as well as likely having the ability to channel magic too. The aura of competence was further enforced by the small handful of hair-thin scars on her hands and muscled forearms. Unlike her daughter, her long and fluffy tail was entirely blonde, an even lighter shade than Rieka’s, and there was no black tipping to her ears either.

“Mother! This is my guardian companion, Liam. I summoned him so that I could get a report on his other partner and my friend, Kassandra Silverscale.” Rieka was blushing furiously at her mother's implication that she was ‘spending time with a man’. From the carefully hidden mirth I could see in the older woman’s eyes, I had a feeling that this was a mother teasing her daughter as well as checking up on her. That mirth faded as she glanced in my direction.

“Ah, that would explain how he got inside an interior courtyard without the gate guards seeing him or recording his entrance…” The queen said coolly and I gave my best bow and charming smile while Rieka finished the introductions through her blush. There was iron behind those eyes that made me think that Rieka’s mother still had suspicions about my being here.

“Liam, this is my mother, Queen Gemma Coldeye.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you.” I tried to make my response as genteel as possible. Gemma gave me a regal half-nod in greeting that felt well rehearsed. Rieka remained stiffly standing at attention, her eyes darting between us in concern, though she relaxed some when her mother nodded to me.

“So you were conferring with your summoned guardian…rather than meeting an illicit boyfriend for a romantic chat? That is good to hear.” Gemma’s sharp gaze danced over her daughter and Rieka stiffened again, her ears lying flat in irritation.

“Yes, mother. Liam is a human. There was a bit of an accident at Juneau during the summoning ritual and he was called by mistake. He graciously agreed to bond with Kassandra and I anyway and has been an immense help in protecting us while we trained at the academy and left the grounds for different tasks. I have mentioned this to you before, mother. He is not my boyfriend.” Rieka explained stiffly. Her mother sniffed, obviously still suspicious. So I decided to weigh in on the side of my companion. I was supposed to protect her after all, and that wasn’t just against kobolds or monsters. I suppose nosy mothers counted too, even if they were queens.

“I’m known as a ‘Traveler’, Queen Gemma. Whenever your daughter or my other bond summons me, it helps my powers grow. Even if that was not the case, I would still happily fulfill the role they asked of me.” To make an example of said power, I held up my right hand with my palm facing back towards me and focused. The same claws that I’d been showing Rieka earlier sprouted from my fingertips before vanishing into normal fingers once more. After a moment, I sent a ripple of the red-brown scales that matched Kassandra’s down my arm as well. “We work together to look after each other. She called and I came earlier, to discuss future plans as well as update her on the status of her friend.”

The display seemed to ease some of the Queen’s concerns and her gaze turned speculative before studying her daughter again, her arms crossed over her front and cupping her cheek with one hand.

“That is quite interesting. I’m glad that my daughter has someone to look after her as well. I’d like to hear more about your work together…but I must have a private word with my daughter, so it will have to wait. Family business.”

“Mother?” Rieka gave her a confused look, which had me guessing that this must have been different from the ‘family business’ that had been the reason she’d been called back to speak to her mother. I remained quiet for now, just observing the byplay between the two of them.

“Call it a test as well then.” Rieka’s mother’s eyes hardened slightly. “If this is your summoned companion, I would also like to see proof. Since you have already summoned him, send him home. That will serve as all the proof I need to confirm your claims and ensure that I don’t need to punish any guards for letting a man sneak into the private apartments of the royal family.” Rieka’s face fell at her mother's words but she nodded once before turning back to me, clearly understanding what her mother was saying and also what she wasn’t. I could tell she was going to apologize but I spoke first to reassure Rieka.

“I have no problem proving your daughter’s claims, Queen Coldeye.” I used her family name to add more formality to the statement before turning to my summoner. “Rieka, it was good having a chance to speak with you like this. I hope the rest of your day is pleasant and your trip back to Juneau is safe. Call me if any of that changes. Kassandra and I did some shopping and planning for our next outing, but we hadn’t decided on anything firmly because we wanted to include you in that. I look forward to speaking with you later in the week to finalize plans.” The look of worry on Rieka’s face dissolved into a smile when she realized I wasn’t upset at being dismissed by her mother like this and she nodded.

“Thank you, Liam. You always look out for us, so I know that it will go well. You have answered all the questions I had at this time, so your mission is complete.” Her words caused glowing letters to flash over my vision for a moment before clearing.

Assist your contracted companion Rieka Coldeye by answering her questions.

Reward - 50 SP


“I could do no less.” I replied formally. Rieka had her spell rod out a moment later and used the incantation to send me back. I watched her mother’s eyes widen in surprise moments before the surge of travel and movement yanked me away into the maelstrom of colors. Again, I felt a strange taste run over my tongue that was impossible to describe beyond that I somehow was able to taste the color mauve.

Landing back in my living room, I glanced around for a moment before shrugging. Might as well keep going, then get a shower. Was a good break. First some water though, because that flavor thing was super weird…

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