Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: You Belonged to the Lobster

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the late afternoon, Chen Fan saw that the ground powder had been piled up into two compartments, so he patted his hand that was filled with ginseng flavor powder, and got ready to hit the road home. Woof…Woof…Woof… Xiao Xue, who had grown into the size of an adult Tibetan mastiff, heard that familiar car sound in the distance, then immediately climbed up from the ground and cheerfully barked.

“If you bark again, I’ll spay you!” Chen Fan kicked it in its bum, thinking how this guy was good at everything, but barks too loud! It was as noisy as firecrackers buzzing in his ears!

Yunmeng needed to study at night, so Chen Fan usually came home after having dinner at the gate of the garden. But, there were some exceptions today, because he was going to take Xiao Xue to get a shot.

There were two kinds of inoculation shots: one is the DA2L vaccine and the other is the CPV vaccine, both of which improve immunity and prevent canine infectious diseases.
When he first bought the canine, Chen Fan just wanted it to be a “drug tester”. But now, he has grown to have some affection for it.

Then again, the Tibetan mastiff had a strong protective instinct for its home, and any stranger who came in, was not allowed to pass unless he stepped on its dead body! So, if Chen Fan was not at home, the Tibetan mastiff could also act as a guardian.

“I say, young man, do you want to spay this Tibetan mastiff?”

At a company called the “smart animal clinic”, the chubby veterinarian prepared the vaccine with a syringe, while saying in a calm manner to Chen Fan, “Your dog is big now, and if it enters puberty without getting spayed, you will suffer. It would want to mate whenever it sees a bitch! Also, it would be particularly prone to depression and grumpy endocrine disorder.”

“Wouldn’t it be a eunuch, if I had it spayed? I could find a bitch for it to mate, right?” Chen Fan shook his head and drove Xiao Xue into a cage that was used to hold large dogs.

“It’s okay, as the sexual ability of Tibetan mastiff is very strong, so you can find a few big bitches then.” The fat vet came to the cage and looked at it carefully. “Pull the hair away from its forehead, young man, and cover its eyes.”

When Chen Fan did so, the fat vet saw that the head of the mastiff was covered with long hair. “I’m afraid you spent more than 200,000 RMB on this Tibetan mastiff. Such a good Tibetan mastiff really cannot be castrated, so it should be kept as a breeding dog. When it comes to puberty, you bring it over, and I’ll help you to mate it, when that time comes. You could earn at least three thousand dollars at a time!”

“Good mastiff! Not only does it have an orthodox ‘lion face’, but it is still a small mastiff. When it grows up, it will be like an emperor, all the bitches will be crazy for it.”

“Is it that valuable”? Chen Fan couldn’t help but wonder. It only cost 30,000RMB when it was first bought. Could the Taisui breeding liquid have improved the breed of the dog?

“Two hundred thousand is just the present price. It would grow more in two years, if you look at it.” The fat vet skillfully and quickly pricked two needles under Xiao Xue’s ear, then dropped the syringe as he spoke, using a confident tone.

“Doctor, what’s wrong with my Alaskan Malamute? He has become more and more irritable recently. He likes to bite things, without barking or anything.” When Chen Fan was paying, the glass door of the clinic was pushed open, revealing another new client and pup.

Chen Fan’s eyes lit up.

It was a young girl of about twenty-four, with her hair tied up. A tea – blue scarf was tied to the collar of her long pink dress, revealing only a beautiful oval face. And on her nose, she wore a pair of gold silk rimless spectacles, which immediately let this slender girl add two points, due to her intellectuality, quiet beauty.

“Grumpy?” The fat doctor in his thirties swallowed his spittle, and when he had just taken two steps in front of the girl, the sled dog, a meter long and with his ears erect, began to howl.


The Tibetan mastiff in the cage immediately returned to him, looking down at the the sled dog, which suddenly seemed to have seen a ghost, its limbs rigid and fixed to the spot. Two seconds later, he laid on the ground and pretended to be dead, and would not even respond to the girl’s teasing. These Alaskan Malamutes were a breed of dog native to northern Siberia, whose ancestors were used to hunt deer, wolves, and pull sleds.

“It’s honest!” The fat doctor laughed.

Tibetan mastiffs were ferocious by nature, and there were only three ways to see any dog that dares to run wild in front of it. It would either be dragged away by his master, or the enemy would surrender, or it was seriously injured when provoked by a strong opponent.

Of course, the Tibetan mastiff was held by the legend, like the ground dog fighter! But it still depends on the breed. Only those who live on the Tibetan plateau, and who live a life of eating and drinking good food and have pure blood in their bodies are truly invincible Kings.

The girl was also frightened by the fierce appearance of Xiao Xue’s calf-like body, even if it was hairy, and not the good kind of hairy! When Chen Fan dragged Xiao Xue’s long white hair away and passed the girl, she, with an exclamation of surprise, jumped behind the desk and covered her mouth with a nervous expression.

The sled dog’s reaction was worse than her owner’s, as the canine swished from the ground, knocking over plastic tubs and shivering beneath the shelves.

“Hey, sorry, sorry!” Chen Fan nodded shyly and dragged Xiao Xue, the gamer, out of the vet clinic.


At 10:05 p.m., Chen Fan laid leisurely on the sofa, watching the news. On the screen was news of an argument with the Japanese that were overfishing the islands. It started when two young men somehow slipped into the island in a fishing boat, then left a flag there that was strongly offensive and insulting. Both of them were college graduates, and the creative ideas they came up with for the flag were hilarious.

It turned out to be a Mickey Mouse, holding a yellow and white object in his hand, in the mouth of the exaggerated red sun, making an “I’m going to throw it” gesture. This red sun cartoon head unexpectedly was excited to open up its mouth, apparently, depicting the facial expression of expectation.

The two young men, both wearing a headgear that only showed their eyes, noses and mouths, uploaded the video via satellite, then fled in a boat. Now the Japanese side wanted to extradite the perpetrators, while the Chinese side pushed back on the matter and rejected this unreasonable demand.

Just then, the door lock in the corridor sounded slightly, and Yunmeng came out of the misty bathroom, wiping her wet hair with a towel. Under the white cotton bathrobe, a pair of long white legs were still letting out of the steam fog, her curves looked flawless, and her collarbone and neck were as graceful as a swan.

When she saw Chen Fan staring at her, Yunmeng stuck out her small tongue at him quickly. Then, she stepped on the wool carpet with her bare feet, like a dancing spirit, and flashed into her bedroom. About three minutes later, Yunmeng, who had now changed, ran out of the bedroom and curled up beside Chen Fan.

“Why are you running around barefooted?” Chen Fan tapped fondly on her forehead a few times.

“En..! (in a coy manner)” Yunmeng pouted and shook off his fingers. Her cheeks had not completely dissipated the glow from the mist.

The wide and comfortable leather sofa made Chen Fan sink in. He then got up to touch the air conditioning remote control on the tea table, and after increasing the temperature two degrees, he fell back into the sofa again.

Yunmeng pulled back her legs and waited for Chen Fan to turn to her, then blinked cunningly and smiled,”Brother Chen Fan, our teacher notified us that tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock, the class would hold a parents meeting!”

“What? Parents…Meeting!” Chen Fan suddenly jumped up and stared with exaggerated eyes. “Such a backwards and unscientific way of interaction, why has it not been banned by the government yet?”

Yunmeng was shocked by Chen Fan at first, and then held the small pillow next to her, hugging it, as she curled closer up on the sofa and laughed. She had long suspected that Chen Fan was afraid of such things, but she did not expect him to react like a mouse seeing a cat!

She smiled, however, and suddenly felt a weight on her body. Then, two big hands were on her back and tickling her. Few people can resist the itch of a tickle…

“Ah!” Yunmeng shouted and ran away from Chen Fan’s hands.

“Tell the teacher I am ill and have a fever.” Chen Fan returned to his seat, still teasing.

Yunmeng straightened up the messy corners of her shirt. The laughter had made her neck, ears, and cheeks blush.

“But, you are not ill!” Yunmeng approached him and put her chin between her knees with both hands.” The teacher said it would be best for the parents of each student to come… ”

“Sigh… “Chen Fan rubbed his head painfully. He had never told his parents to go to a parents’ meeting, not since the fifth grade. But now it’s my turn to go to the parents’ meeting, and for his future wife, too! It’s a bit too close to science fiction!

“Let’s make it so. You kiss me, and I’ll go!” Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and laughed.

When Yunmeng heard these words, a delicate pink spread out from her neck, immediately reaching to the eyelids. What a blush she had!

Muack! Yunmeng raised her thin lips and pecked him on the left side of his face. Then, she quickly drew back and put her hands on her shins again, as if nothing had happened. It was only her shy eyes that betrayed her.

“Not bad, but a little too short!” Chen Fan laughed, which provoked Yunmeng to punch him in the arm.


The next morning, at eight o ‘clock, the chill had quietly come to the land, through the glass, one could see a layer of mist, nearby lakes, sparse patches of dead leaves flying in the sky, and a gust of wind, which swirled a ripple in the water.

“My name is MT. I am the indestructible body. I stand, I dodge, I defend you with my body, so don’t be afraid, as I haven’t fallen down… ”

Longbottom’s scroll was interrupted by a mobile phone alarm, and then Chen Fan opened his eyes lazily and turned off the alarm. He stayed in bed for a while before getting up and putting on a pair of flat shorts.

If he went to bed at twelve o’clock at night, without any restrictions, he could sleep until twelve o’clock before he would wake faintly. This was a huge waste of time for Chen Fan, who was currently earning hundreds of RMB in a minute. So, he would set an alarm if he stayed up late the night before.

To get everything done, Chen Fan shifted his mind to the electric eel next to the tower. Swimming fast to the eastern cliffs of the lake, the electric eel stuck its head out and looked over the jagged rocks below.

Don’t get him wrong, as he was not thinking of the python, but instead, he missed the taste of the milky white fish it had brought him yesterday! These milky white fish were a kind that electric eels found none of in the lake behind them, as there is only the unique creature in the cliffs below probably. So, Chen Fan was ready to control the electric eel, as he climbed down the cliff and grabbed a few of these favored fish to feed its hunger.

At just three hundred meters deep, traversing the straight cliffs to the electric eel, which was now bursting with power, shouldn’t be a big obstacle. Finding a spot where there were more bumps in the rock, the electric eel’s tail went down, its hind paw catching the bump and allowing it to keep moving down little by little.


After climbing more than 50 meters, a stone under its claw broke off. After two hundred and fifty meters of acceleration, the stone the size of a water tank fell into the water, causing a huge wave.

“Hu, fortunately, never loses his mind and dashes down like the python. Otherwise, if he wanted to come up, it could really take some time!” Using the other three claws to hold the electric eel in place, the heart palpitated.

The python was able to climb rocks quickly, because it was as swift as the wind, and the electric eel on the land could best be described as bloated. At another point of strength, the electric eel had just climbed more than a hundred meters, when suddenly, an explosion came in its ears, and when it twisted its head to look down, it saw that the white python was half out of the water, roaring furiously at the electric eel.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

As if the python’s guts had been plucked out of its snakeskin, the head the size of a scalper swung back and forth, refusing to let the electric eel down.

“You yellow dog!” Chen Fan said, not able to control his anger. He could only simply control the electric eel’s limbs enough to give a push, and then jump to the cliff.

How heavy is the 90-meter-long electric eel, one had to wonder, as it could be seen from the huge splash of water that hit hard on the shore.

Ho! At the sight of the electric eel, that had jumped down regardless of its own resistance, the python’s eyes were twice more wild than before. It suddenly sprang its S-shaped body and dashed through the wave, intent on biting the electric eel.


A flash of blue light from the electric eel’s body transformed the frantic roar into a shrill scream. The python, however, had been buffeted like a magician with a bloodthirsty spell, striking the center of the current. If Chen Fan had not deliberately lowered the voltage output, it would have been electrocuted long ago.

Ten seconds later … a proclamation was heard…

“You are a lobster, and there is a lot of excrement in the skull!”

Looking at its pitiful appearance, the electric eel simply stopped its voltage output and swam up to the rocky ledge in front of the cliff.

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