Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 206

Chapter 206: Bodyguard

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After getting rid of the python, Chen Fan ducked into the capsule, ready to go out and make a phone call. At present, his identity was not clear, and he had to find a way to make two identification documents. Otherwise, he would always be in the blacklist, which made it inconvenient to go anywhere.

If he wanted to get identity documents, he would ask the pirates to help. Because, in Somalia, their will was equal to the will of the government. When the electric eel returns, it could take it back from there.

Mr. Abadi’s translator, when he got a call from Chen Fan, estimated that he was sleeping, and that he had been speaking in gibberish for half a day, before he realized that he should change into speaking Chinese.

“Help me to make contact with Somalia, and to obtain the identity of two countries nearby, with a passport, I will pay you $50,000 for one.”

He certainly wouldn’t turn down such a big amount of money, and Somalia doesn’t need a dime. Even if he got an ID with Obama’s picture on it, it would not be a problem. As they all looked similar, in his mind. As for the other two countries, they only needed to pay the middleman, and even then, only just a little workman money for the amount.

“What about Ethiopia and Kenya? The two countries are close to us,” the translator said warmly. “We have close business dealings with each other. We don’t have to worry about what’s wrong with our documents, and we could fill in the details simply.”

“No problem. I’ll send you the photo. Age is 23 years old, the name and place of residence, you can settle for yourself.” When Chen Fan wrote down the email, he said, “Can these things be done in two days? I’ll have a boat passing by then, and I’ll take it.”

“The Somalia side would be done in a day. I’ll contact them when I receive the photos. It should be ok in two days.”

“Done!” After hanging up, Chen Fan hurried back to the cave, sent him the electronic photos of his last fake ID, and then controlled the electric eel to go to Libya.

Libya is about nine thousand miles from the Zhongyun, so he would reach it in two days at the current pace. In a blink of an eye, two days of a boring sea trip passed by. The electric eel made his way through the strait of Gibraltar and reached the Mediterranean in about an hour, arriving at 11:05 a.m. local time.

The Mediterranean Sea, with its rich oil and natural gas reserves, has mostly contracted to developers around the world, charging large amounts of mining fees. And just fifty-three nautical miles north of Libya, in the Graff area, is a collection of offshore drilling platforms from six countries and seventeen different companies. Among them are the famous Shell Oil and Sinopec. The annual cost of mining alone gives the Libyan government more than $10 billion in revenue.

When the sun was tilted to a 45-degree angle in the sky, the electric eel finally reached the location of the seven offshore drilling platforms that were introduced by the company. This was a large drilling rig, which was painted with bright yellow paint and had a white background with a red sun flag on top. At the side was painted the “Ida Maru assignment three” logo, which was consistent to the introduction on the website.

Seven oil wells stood in the 50-square-kilometer exclusive sea area, four of which were working, leaving the remaining three in a flameout state. After a few laps of uncertainty, Chen Fan made sure that he still controlled the electric eel, then turned around and left.

“Let’s make you happy for a while, since there’s no place to cry!”

By this time, the pirates had finished their identifications, and Chen Fan let them wrap it up with something waterproof and throw it into the sea. The money didn’t come with it, and the pirates didn’t want to transfer the money to the bank. So, after he got the money, Chen Fan sent him an email, saying that the money would be brought to him next time.

“Dear Sir, there is no need to charge for this little thing.” The translator thought that the other party was not going to pay, so he had to admit his bad luck and say a few words to show his magnanimity.

When he saw this message, Chen Fan laughed, as this guy, in only 15 words, wrote wrong six of those words!

It took another two days to return to the cave, which was four and a half days since they’d left, and two and a half days before the oil bid. There were three identification cards now, all of which were small, like ID cards. The passports were two blue books, and one brown book, and the name was not known.

Luckily, the translator listed a piece of paper written in Chinese characters. It explained that the one in Mali was called Lance Camden, the one in Kenya was Kate Rozanne, and the one in Ethiopia was Nadine Aviv. The background was all fabricated, depicting Chinese descendants living in big cities.

With legal documents, the only thing left was to go to Japan and attend the bidding meeting. The absence of a visa for Japan’s entry and exit administration was not a reason for him to travel to Japan, and if the police found him, he would not be admitted and repatriate.

This trip to Japan would certainly not be able to take the deep-sea submersible, otherwise, he would be suffocated in about half an hour, so he only could ride the 30-meter long luxury submarine. Thinking of waiting two and a half days was torture, as Chen Fan was ready to start tomorrow. Yet to get there, he needed to find a translator to find out the details of the bid.

If he wanted to look for a translation, he could contact the translation company from the domestic business English translation company, and let them contact the translators or overseas students from Japan. There was a translation company in Zhongyun, but Chen Fan, for the sake of caution, still went to the nearby coastal city to make contact.


The next morning, at ten o’clock, in Tokyo, Japan, at a temple street near the beach, Chen Fan, who had just been wearing a diving suit, as he had just landed from the middle of the sea, after finding a big tree to hide, rapidly changed his clothes.

Tokyo is the largest city in Asia and the second largest city in the world, with most of its interior coastline being covered by artificial buildings. With that in mind, the electric eel was here for a long time, in order to find a suitable landing site.

After changing, he casually threw the diving suit to the side, then took out a GPS locator from his Armani handbag that was wrapped in plastic bag. He now had to travel three kilometers, before he arrived at a place called the public shrine primary school, to meet the business translator.

The translator was contacted by Chen Fan through the translation company, when he had gone to Tianhai yesterday. The professional business translation time was too tight, so the translation company helped to introduce him to a foreign student at the University of Tokyo, who held a certificate of Japanese grade eight and would have no problem in translating the language plagiarized from Chinese characters.

Chen Fan had now walked for an hour or so with the GPS. Arriving where he thought it should be, he looked around for the translator. As it turns out, the translation company had given him the information of a 24-year-old female graduate student, with a pair of glasses, which looked polite.

Japan is a fast-paced society. Most of the people on the road were in a hurry, so it was easy to find someone that was stationary, waiting for someone else. He was only halfway around the school gate, when he found the target, he didn’t even need to make a phone call.

“Hello, are you Dai Yu?” Comparing the two materials, Chen Fan went to the girl with the ponytail, who was dressed in a white collar shirt and a silver-grey women’s woolen suit.

“Yes, and you are Mr. Chen?” Dai Yu looked at him and asked in a friendly manner.

She looked not bad, much better than the picture, only her breasts were a little bit smaller. Chen Fan thought these things in his mind, then nodded and handed her the agreement.

“How long will Mr. Chen be staying in Japan?” Dai Yu smiled, then tilted her head, with a soft and weak look.

“Two or three days, as I will go to Shinjuku to settle something.” Chen Fan looked at the time. “Is there a Swiss international bank nearby? If so, can you take me there now?”

“They might have one in Ginza! It’s about an hour’s ride from here, and Shinjuku is close to Ginza, which is more than 20 minutes away from the subway,” Dai Yu said, as she stopped a cab.

“The subway?” Chen Fan repeatedly shook his head, as in his impression, the Japanese subway was a synonym for “terror”. It’s not that there were monsters in it, but that it was more crowded than a can of sardines.

Along the way, the two people chatted, as she told Chen Fan that she specializes in a psychology discipline. She was from Yangzhou, Jiangsu province, and signed a contract with three translation companies in China, which were responsible for some delegation business, tours, and so on, all translation work from her hometown.

A master in psychology? Chen Fan could not help but admiring, thinking how nice it was to meet such a high-level professional, and one who was working for him as a translator. He really did have a sense of achievement today!

“Do you know how to hypnotize, Miss Dai?” Sitting in the back seat of the cab, Chen Fan asked curiously. “As far as I know, the general skills of a psychology master are hypnosis, and hypnosis is a kind of psychology.”

“Hypnosis is mostly used for a psychological doctor’s treatment in patients with a certain mental disease. It is not as magical as described in films and television literaries. With such, the patients need to open their heart to cooperate, in order to really succeed.” Dai Yu smiled and didn’t answer his question directly. “If you call a person into a quiet environment, and cause them to be psychosomatically relaxed for five minutes, then hint at him to open his heart to cooperate with your words, then you whisper in his ear: ‘Your arms can’t lift, your arms can’t lift…’ then his arms would feel really heavy. But, if you tell him to strangle himself, his subconscious would immediately resist, and he might beat you up!”

“Then can you try to hypnotize me?” Chen Fan tilted his head to the window and said casually.

“Sure! You are a woman. You are a woman…” she said, shaking her finger in front of his head with a smile.

“Wow, there’s an Ultraman out there!” All of a sudden, Chen Fan made a dramatic gesture and pointed to the window.

Both of them were about the same age, and they didn’t lack a common language, so they kept chatting and laughing all the way. When the cab reached Ginza, Chen Fan realized that the time had passed quickly, for more than an hour!

“Ha Pui!” When he came out of the cab, he spat on the clean grey tile, not because there were too many travelers, but because he wanted to find a building upon which to leave an aggressive message. So, he was getting a tough image ready to go.

“Would you like me to take you to buy spray paint and give it a shot?” Dai Yu stood on the side and said in a casual manner, without any expression of disdain.

“No, it’s not fun to be caught!” Chen Fan shook his head and rejected the tempting offer.

They spent money like water here, so of course, buildings like Citi bank, Switzerland bank, Fuji bank, and a mess a lot of banks, had an architectural style that was more and more exaggerating, as if only to reveal their deep pockets. Walking into a gray, white-tipped building, which was a Swiss bank with three silver keys in the doorway, Chen Fan took out his black bank card.

When he just wanted to go the VIP room, a sharp-eyed man in a black suit, came forward in enthusiasm, and bowed ninety degrees, saying, “Dear guests, what can I do for you?”

The expression of Dai Yu was a bit surprised, to think that Chen Fan could let a manager be so attentive, just proved that the card in his hand was not simple. In less than twenty seconds, the manager bowed 90 degrees, then took Chen Fan to the second floor VIP room.

Opening the scarlet hand-carved doors, and stepping on the German branded thick carpet, Chen Fan handed his card over, saying, “Help me prepare ten thousand Yen in cash, then register a Japanese bank card, and transfer ten million Yen inside.”

There was no need of translation from Dai Yu, as there were many present, who were all proficient in the language of professional financial translation. Even on the top floor, there were different styles of rooms for distinguished guests of different nationalities.

“Oh, ya!” Chen Fan seemed to recall something, while sipping green tea, and said, “The last time I got more information from the bank on the net, it said I can change to an A card, so what is that?”

“Ah!” The hand of the female staff, who was working on the computer, suddenly shook, and then her eyes looked at him with some amorous expression, where even the foundation of her makeup could not hide her blushing feeling of favor toward him. “This is a credit card that we make specifically for customers with deposits over billions of dollars in the Swiss bank. Holding this card, you can enjoy maximum convenience provided for you, and we not only can summon a professional financial personnel to help you at any time, but we also can supply a professional bodyguard from the bank to anywhere, to provide security for you.”

The A membership card that Chen Fan spoke of, when it was heard being discussed, it was like a bombshell released into the water. Not only did all the female employees now have their eyes flirting at him, but even the golden haired, big nosed key customer manager held his laptop and ran personally to Chen Fan like a fawning sycophant.

What was worth mentioning is that Chen Fan’s B class membership card was a black color, and was printed with three silver safety deposit box keys. The big client manager from Switzerland told him that he now could choose any color and pattern he liked, to make the A-level membership card distinct.

Also, the card was made of a zero-magnetic wear-resistant metal, so one would not have to worry about the metal’s magnetic impact on the chip. This card could not be bulletproof, or explosion-proof, but anyway, it was indeed very strong, and very durable. It was obviously made by professional manufacturing equipment in Switzerland, so one needed to wait three days, before the card was ready, and sent by air express mail. The pattern style Chen Fan still chose was black, then he added a few white auspicious cloud patterns, so it still looked good.

“By the way, do you have a hotel? I came in a hurry, and did not even make a hotel reservation.” Chen Fan, sitting on a white calf leather sofa, was playing with his new Japanese bank card, and asked this question of the key customer manager next to him.

“I’m sorry, we don’t have a holding hotel, but we do have a partnership with Intercontinental, Accor, Shangri-la, Hilton, and so on. We can order ahead for you and provide a prefabricated consumption mechanism. If you are staying in a hotel that does not support the international bank card, we can pay for you first, then you can only go to UBS Swiss bank website, and then you can pay it.”

“What a very considerable method!” Chen Fan smiled and said, “Please help me book the Shangri-la! What about applying for private security? How do I do that?”

“This is a service that was launched two years ago, and is made for guests who are constantly traveling to different countries.” The blue-eyed key customer manager tapped his laptop to switch to another document, pointing to the fierce-faced, abnormal muscled uplifted black and white man and said, “All of these bodyguards participated in the six months of rigorous training at a private security firm named Blackwater in the USA. Thus, they are proficient in driving, fighting, shooting and so on. And, many of them are recruiting veterans, generally responsible for the security and escort work of the bank, so if there is a customer in need, they can be called on. In privacy and credibility, we could ensure it in the name of the Swiss Bank. You just need to pay them 500 USD each per day, and you can get the most professional private security for your exclusive use.”

“Then find me four black men, the strong ones.” Chen Fan touched his chin, thinking about the $500 a day, which was several times more expensive than a domestic private bodyguard. But now, in a foreign country, there were four professional and safe black bodyguards for him, which could be used as a token to make him appear much more glamorous!

After choosing a few photos of the bodyguards, he was satisfied, and Chen Fan turned to Dai Yu and said, “Do you know English? The black men probably couldn’t speak Mandarin.”

Dai Yu for a long time did not say a word, thinking that using “enigmatic” or “unpredictable” would be suitable words to describe this man. She was lost in thought, wondering about this mysterious foreigner.

“Hello, hello, wake up!” Chen Fan touched her with his arm, waking her from her daydream state.

“Ah, normal communication is fine, but I might not be able to translate, if it’s a technical term.” In retrospect, Dai Yu looked at him with a look that seemed to say: “I have underestimated you”.

“Private security here can speak Japanese, English, and the language of their hometowns!” a translator standing next to the customer manager smiled and said.

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