Super Study God

Chapter 83 - Golden piggy!

   “Brother, there is meat to eat at night.” Su Xi pulled the corner of La Suhang’s clothes, deliberately diverted the topic.

  Of course, Su Hang knows what she means. If nothing unexpected happens, one of these bamboo chickens will only appear on his dinner table tonight.

   took down the shotgun and handed it to Su Xi.

   “I don’t know how to use a gun.” Su Xi froze for a moment and said quickly.

   “I let you hold it for me.” Su Hang sweated.


Su Xi paused, and then took the shotgun in his hand. His eyes fell on Su Hang. I saw Su Hang crept forward a few steps. Su Xi couldn’t help but have some doubts in his heart. Does this brother want to use it directly? Can’t catch it? You know that this pheasant is no more than a domestic chicken, but the reaction is very sensitive, so it is very difficult to catch.

The shotgun was too powerful, and the sound was loud again. Su Hang did not want to use it. He took two steps forward, squatted down, picked up a sharp stone from the ground, and his eyes fell on the group of bamboo chickens. Only the fatter, with luck in his hand, the stone came out.

   The group of bamboo chickens didn’t feel the danger approaching at all, and they continued to eat on the ground.


   The wind blew through, bringing a **** light, and a fat chicken fell to the ground suddenly, without even screaming, and he was out of breath, but the remaining nerve tissue still controlled his body’s twitching.


   The flock was disturbed and ran away in a flash.

   “Wow, brother, you are awesome!” Su Xi exclaimed, the whole person jumped up, actually picked a stone and hit a chicken, this is simply a master in martial arts novels.

   “Go pick it up.”

   Su Hang clapped his hands, and the appearance of a master was inevitable in front of the little girl.

He is now a martial artist of the state of Wusheng. The strengthening of his body is stronger than ordinary people no matter his eyesight, hand strength or accuracy. The strength alone is at least ten times higher than that of ordinary people. He picks a stone to fight a chicken. The close distance is simply too simple for him.


  Su Xi responded and immediately ran to the dead chicken.


   ran two steps, Su Xi stopped at once, there seemed to be a golden light and shadow passing by, and the pheasant on the ground disappeared so out of thin air.


   is really weird. Su Xi rubbed his eyes and looked back at Su Hang, but he saw that Su Hang had come behind him, twisting his eyebrows, and the expression on his face was quite dignified.

   “Brother, it’s gone, the chicken is gone.” Su Xi hid behind Su Hang, remembering what his dad and third uncle said last night, Mo Yilai shivered in his heart, the mountain ghost is coming out?

   “No mountain ghosts.”

Su Hang raised his hand and motioned for Su Xi to mute his voice. With his refined glasses, his enhanced eyesight, and the nerve reaction far beyond ordinary people, although it was just a blink of an eye, he also saw a rough idea, but that thing made He was a little unbelievable.

It was a small beast. When Su Xi just stepped out, he suddenly rushed out of the forest and took the pheasant away. It was so unbelievably fast that it was difficult for ordinary people to catch it. The figure can only leave a golden trajectory on the retina. Rao is Su Hang, and he barely sees it.

   “This little thing is really cheap.” Su Hang twisted his eyebrows, took Su Xi’s hand, and walked to the depth of the golden forest hidden by the golden light.


Su Xi didn’t dare. She had entered the mountain with Su Hang early in the morning, but she had a heart of adventure. When she really met her, she was only afraid, and she squeezed Su Hang’s hand tightly, and her palms were sweating. .

   “Not afraid.” Su Hang delivered a soothing smile, “Where is there a mountain ghost in this world, even if there is, it is just a mountain gun in front of your brother.”


   Su Xi listened, temporarily forgot the fear, could not help laughing.

Nothing was found, the little golden thing didn’t know where to go, there was a rusty front, a few pheasants that had just been beaten by Su Hang, then gathered together at this time, it seemed to completely forget the companion who had just died , And worked hard to eat in the field.

   Su Hang put down his back basket, loosened Su Xi’s hand, and picked up a small pebble from the ground. His wrist was vigorous, the pebble flew out, the blood rose from the chicken, and a dead chicken was left on the ground.

   There is no free lunch in the world, nor is it cheap to pick up. If a chicken is thrown away in vain, Su Hang will not let it go so easily, and beat the chicken again, just to make bait to attract the little thing out.

   Yesterday, what Dad said was supposed to be true. They played all the way, and the little thing was picked up all the way. It can be seen that the little thing is definitely a foodie. Su Hang is not afraid that it will not be hooked.

  Su Xi also understood Su Hang’s intention, clutching the long shotgun tightly with both hands, and looked nervously at the pheasant on the ground not far away.


   Sure enough, within a moment, the golden light came back, and with a swish, Su Hang had already prepared, but this time he saw the original face of the golden light very clearly.

   A pig!

   A golden suckling pig!

It is covered with golden hair, and its size is only the size of a puppy. No matter which part of the body it is, it is exactly the same as an ordinary baby pig. The only difference is that its body hair is Pure golden, just like It is as brilliant as gold.

The four little hoofs spread out, and the speed was terribly fast, but just swiftly smoked and rushed in front of the dead chicken, and opened the mouth to bite the dead chicken. It is unimaginable that a little piggy would have this speed. .

   “Small things, grab my chicken, come back.”

   Seeing that the little piggy was about to sip the dead chicken away, Su Hang sipped, and immediately performed a variety of magical acts, instantly shooting like ghosts.

“Hum hum……”

   The little piggy did not react slowly, felt danger, and immediately turned around, and the chicken was no longer needed. Once he turned his head, he ran away with his legs, just like the same gust of wind.


Seeing this scene, Su Xi was completely dumbfounded, rubbing her eyes vigorously, and couldn’t believe everything she saw. Su Hang’s ghostly figure brought a residual image that made her like Falling into the clouds.

   Suhang chased out of the 100 meters and stopped. Although he still has the power, he dare not continue to chase, not because he was afraid, but because the little girl was alone in the forest.

   “Let’s count how fast you run.” Shaking his head unwillingly, Su Hang turned back to the bamboo forest just now.

   “Brother, you, what are you?” Su Xi looked at him stupidly when he saw Su Hang coming back. He hadn’t recovered from the shock just now.

   “Qinggong.” Since being seen by the younger sister, Su Hang did not intend to hide her.

   “Light power?” Su Xi whispered, and the whole person’s eyes lit up, “Is that light power in TV series?”

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