Superman’s Saiyan little brother

Chapter 111: Clark: Are You Bullying Kids Over There?

When Clark saw the impenetrable fog, he roughly understood why he couldn't find Robert's whereabouts. In the next moment, Clark decisively charged into the fog! Despite not knowing what was inside the fog, it was the most likely place where Robert could have disappeared. Naturally, Clark wanted to check it out! With a "swoosh," Clark sped through the fog and soon saw a scene he had never encountered before. He had seen many landscapes on Earth, but none as primitive and wild as this.

However, Clark did not dwell on these sights. His super vision immediately locked onto the two monsters battling in the center of the wild island...

Yes, as soon as he arrived, Clark saw a slightly larger giant ape fighting a smaller Kong.

And Clark recognized at a glance that the ferocious giant ape was his lost, foolish, and belligerent brother!

The eager fighting spirit was all too familiar to Clark! The other Kong seemed completely dazed under the punch-for-punch collision, falling behind, with the giant ape landing three or four punches before Kong could barely retaliate with one...

"Hmm? Clark?" However, when Clark saw the giant ape Robert, the fighting giant ape Robert also stopped, sensing Clark's presence.

"Roar!" Seeing the giant ape Robert stop, Kong thought it found an opportunity to counterattack and hurriedly swung a fist towards the giant ape Robert's head.

"Snap!" But in the next moment, Kong's fist was firmly caught by the giant ape Robert, who then powerfully slammed Kong's huge body to the ground.


With a loud noise, the island trembled, and Kong lay on the ground, somewhat bewilderedly staring at the sky, questioning life.

Kong couldn't understand why this suddenly appeared peer, only slightly taller than itself, was so capable of fighting, leaving itself without any power to fight back...

"You disappear and then bully kids here?" Clark's voice rang out irritably near the giant ape Robert.

"What do you mean, bullying kids? Have you ever seen such a big kid?" Giant Ape Robert rolled his eyes, slowly shrinking back to his normal size, and glanced at Kong lying on the ground, making a retort.

"Roar?" Hearing the noise, Kong got up from the ground, looked at Robert and Clark floating in mid-air, and let out a light roar, its eyes filled with puzzled light. It not only didn't understand why its peer suddenly became so small, but it also didn't grasp why its peer could fly, and if the one beside it was also its kin?

"So, what species is it? Is it related to you?" However, facing Kong's roar, Clark also couldn't understand and looked at Robert hesitantly to ask.

"How could it be related? It's just a coincidence that it's also a giant ape. Its size probably has something to do with the environment here..." Robert shook his head, looking intently at Kong, "However, having it as a reference, I think I might have a chance to further master the power of the giant ape!"

"Roar!" Seeing Robert and Clark ignoring it, Kong became a bit anxious on the side, pointing first at Robert and then at itself, starting to gesticulate something.

"Ah, I think I understand..." Clark watched Kong's gestures, raised an eyebrow, and then teasingly laughed, "It seems to be asking you how you went from being so big to so small, and if you could teach it. It looks like you don't consider it kin, but it considers you one!"

"Kin is kin, then. Anyway, I have to get along with it for now. It's easier to communicate if it's considered kin... Hmm? Wait, maybe telepathy can work for communication," Robert said and then suddenly thought of something, trying to release his mental power.

"What were you just saying?" Robert's voice resonated in Kong's mind, startling it, then it looked at Robert with a face full of joy.

"Are you my kin? Why haven't I seen you before? Why can you turn into a human? Can I turn into a human too..." Soon, Robert heard Kong's naive and incessant questions, making Robert stop him repeatedly.

"Wait! You've seen humans? When?" Robert raised an eyebrow and asked Kong back. Robert hadn't sensed any human presence on this wild island, and in such a wild environment, he thought normal humans would have difficulty surviving unless the humans here had also become larger and more ferocious like the dinosaurs.

"When? I forgot, a long, long time ago..." Kong scratched its head, muttering somewhat confusedly. On such a desolate island, there wasn't much concept of time. Kong didn't even know how old it was, considering itself still a child since it hadn't beaten the Tyrannosaurus Rex yet. Only by defeating it could it consider itself fully grown.

Thus, Robert and Kong had a brief exchange, ultimately not gaining much information, only learning that there was once a human civilization on this island. But they did not evolve and grow in size like these dinosaurs and Kong, and were eventually eliminated by nature...

The humans Kong once saw were probably the lucky survivors who didn't last long.

Indeed, for ordinary humans, this island was too dangerous. Even martial arts masters like Jackie Chan or those who gained mystical powers like Johnny Strong might not survive here due to the surrounding dangers, not only from various carnivorous dinosaurs but also from giant man-eating worms, centipedes, and spiders...

Yes, the insects here were almost as big as humans, truly making it an island of monsters, where only monsters could survive.

"What? You want to live here?!" After a while, Clark exclaimed in shock, staring at Robert irritably, "No way! This is non-negotiable. This place is blocked by the fog, completely invisible from the outside world, and I definitely can't leave you here alone!"

"And, how long have you not been home? Huh? You just got out from Diana's, and then you suddenly disappeared. Do you know how worried I... Martha and the others are?"

"I didn't mean to disappear, and I have important things to do..." Facing Clark's suddenly assertive stance, Robert shrank his neck, muttering somewhat guiltily.

Kong, learning from Robert, also shrank its neck. Although Clark had not transformed into a giant ape, at that moment Kong felt Clark's oppressive presence was even stronger, decisively choosing to submit.

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