Superman’s Saiyan little brother

Chapter 95: Diana: You Grew Up So Fast? (Part 4)

"The exhibition is pretty crowded, just like last time. Let's observe the situation first and talk after the crowd disperses…" A while later, Robert and the others arrived at the exhibition, and Jackie Chan frowned at the surrounding people, lowering his voice.

"Hmm?" Robert wasn't listening to Jackie Chan because his eyes lit up, and he quickly walked towards a woman whose ordinary loose work clothes couldn't hide her graceful figure.

Robert wasn't attracted by her appearance but by the fact that although the woman's Qi was weak, it was exactly like Diana's! Faces can be similar, Qi can also be similar, but it's impossible to be exactly the same because Qi is unique to each living being, and each living being's Qi is different.

Therefore, Robert was certain this was Diana! "Phew! Good thing I didn't let Kara go, not needing Diana to run to London later, she's directly in London now, even right at the art exhibition…" Clark let out a sigh of relief in the Kent farm, muttering to himself, then glanced at the oblivious Kara beside him, Clark's heart filled with new worries.

Kara was still young now, her sunbathing time was short, and her observation range was much smaller than his.

But if one day Kara grew to a height where she could observe the entire Earth, then he wouldn't be able to hide it from Kara anymore.

"Robert, now I can help you hide it, but in the future, you'll have to rely on yourself. If you get beaten up, remember to stay far from home, don't tear down the house and farm…" Clark sighed softly, somewhat unable to bear seeing such a scene.

"Diana?" In the exhibition, Robert excitedly lowered his voice and called out from behind Diana.

"Hmm?" Diana turned around, puzzled. She didn't expect anyone to recognize her here, but when she saw Robert, she didn't recognize him at first glance, only when she noticed Robert's distinctive hairstyle did Diana's eyes flash with hesitation, asking softly, "Robert? You… grew up so fast? And… you look different than before?"

Truthfully, Diana didn't expect Robert to grow up so quickly. Based on the last time she saw Robert, she thought it would take at least three or four years for him to grow up, but it had only been half a year…

"This isn't my appearance, just a little trick to disguise myself…" Robert explained softly.

"Qi magic?" Diana's eyes shone, she looked around and whispered with Robert.

"Eh? You actually know about Qi magic?" Robert looked at Diana in surprise.

"Yes, I didn't know originally, but after meeting you, I went home and looked up some information. However, Qi magic is what I found, the closest ability to your power, but it seems to have some differences…" Diana shook her head slightly, explaining a bit.

"No wonder I couldn't find you last time at the Athens Temple and the Louvre!" Robert nodded, understanding why Diana disappeared last time.

"Who knew you would go looking for me so quickly?" Diana smiled charmingly, her eyes flickering with a fighting spirit, "Does that mean you're confident you can beat me now?"

"I can't be sure of that, but I thought exchanging a few more blows would help improve our strength…" Robert finally felt the familiar warrior spirit in Diana's eyes, he grinned, his body also surging with excitement, heading towards the enemies.

"However, your appearance just now, I'm not quite used to it, too gentle and elegant. If it weren't for the same Qi, I wouldn't have believed it was you before!"

"Which style do you prefer?" Diana teased, looking at Robert.

The normal answer would probably be I like whichever style you are, but unfortunately, Robert's thought process wasn't quite normal…

"Definitely the valiant, battle-ready you from that night!" Robert didn't hesitate to give his answer.

"You're really cute!" Diana was stunned by his answer but was satisfied with it, her gaze slightly flickering as she mused, "Yes, I also wish to maintain that state at all times, but to blend into normal society, I have to put on some disguises, just like you are now, right?"

"That's also true!" Robert agreed, then looked at Diana curiously, asking, "How come you're here? Are you here for the talisman too?"

"The talisman? I think I've heard of it somewhere, right, it was in the Qi magic records, I brought that book from home, it's in my new home. After the exhibition ends, you can come with me to get it. I just came to see Steve's work, nothing special…" Diana pondered for a moment.

"So, you're here for the talisman? You're not going to start a fight here, are you?"

"Don't worry, as long as the enemy doesn't show up, I won't make a move in a place like this!" Robert waved his hand, his gaze falling on Steve, who was painting, saying, "Speaking of which, this old man's strength isn't bad, his Qi is even stronger than Uncle Long's…"

"Huh? He's not an ordinary person? I didn't notice…" Diana looked at Steve in surprise, but didn't dwell on it, her gaze falling on Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu, who had been staring here but hadn't approached, asking, "Are they with you?"

"Uncle Long was there when we fought last time…" Robert scratched his head, reminding her.

"Ah… I didn't pay much attention last time." Diana's face flashed with embarrassment, last time her fighting spirit was ignited by Robert, all her attention was on him, and since Jackie Chan and the cow warrior were a bit far, Diana naturally didn't pay much attention.

At this moment, Xiaoyu was making faces at Robert, as if she wanted to communicate with Robert telepathically, but unfortunately, Xiaoyu hadn't learned this skill yet.

Robert shook his head, greeted Diana, Jackie Chan, and Xiaoyu, quietly waiting for the exhibition to end before talking to Steve properly.

However, Robert didn't forget Diana's combative nature, he specifically instructed Diana, if enemies attacked, Diana was responsible for evacuating the surrounding people, she couldn't compete with him for opponents...

Diana looked at Robert with a smile that wasn't quite a smile, but didn't give a clear response, leaving Robert unsure whether she agreed or not.

"Hmm? They're coming! Several strong Qis are approaching!" Before Robert could continue questioning, he sensed several enemies approaching, his expression becoming serious as he warned.

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