Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 90: I Embarrassing Bath

"So, I suppose you're the kid in the story, right?" Elijah asked as he drank his tea.

"Yes, as for the Divine Body manual you found on your family's library, was the one I used to cultivate in my youth. During the last 1000 years, I have been watching your family closely, but from all your ancestors, you are the only one who truly caught my attention."

"What do you mean with this?"

"It's very simple, your master may have noticed, you have an aura about you very similar to the eight real families of the Abyss, as for your cultivation technique. Now that I've answered your questions, I'd like you to tell me what is the black vortex that appeared in the middle of the ocean." After telling his past to Elijah, Damian remembered about what he wanted to ask, but before Elijah could say anything.

They heard Sif's voice coming from the kitchen: "Oh, right, little Ell had said that before. It is true that the black vortex is one of the Prime King's nine tombs?"

Elijah looked to the kitchen and asked, with surprise in his voice: "What? I thought you knew about were the 'tombs' are located but now are you saying you didn't know?"

"Wait, you two are talking about the nine tombs of the Prime King? Are you saying that one of them was here?" This time even Damian could not understand.

"Yes, the reason I came here was to determine whether there is someone wanting to resurrect the Prime King back and if there really someone wanting to bring him back, I would need to travel between the Worlds Celestial looking for help to prevent the Prime King from returning."

"So it's this, I remember that when the Gods from the Universe and the Royal Families from the Abyss allied to stop the Prime King, part of the agreement was that we all erased our memories about where we would seal his body parts so no one could bring him back. But when I thought nothing could be worse after Asgard destruction but who would want to resurrect someone who brought so much fear upon us?"

"The Palace Spirit told me it is some sort of Organization spread across many galaxies. I also known that they are hiding everywhere and that even some smaller gods have been corrupted by them..."

"...Oh, I remembered a important thing. I found this when I was in the tomb. I heard from my master that this thing is quite good, but she does not know much about Divinity Cores. So I would like your opinion about it."

Sif entered the room and said curiously, "Did you find something in the tomb? Let me have a look."

Elijah picked up three small crystals, each with a different color and give them to Sif and she grabbed the crystals and analyzed closely. As she studied the crystals, Elijah continued. "At first I thought it was just one, but when I looked closer it was divided into three."

After a few hours, her calmly eyes suddenly became bright and Sif yelled in joy: "The bit of laws is unexpectedly still intact! And it is Concealment Laws! Ell, do you have a artifact you would like to enchant? because one of the fragments still has a small part of law inside it and you could use to make one of your artifacts even stronger. As for the other two, they could only be used as source of energy."

Elijah the mask he found on the Prime King Palace and gave it to her.

"Good, I will take you four days to prepare the mask to be enchanted. You could go through the city and rest while you wait. You can use your smartphone to access the city map so you don't get lost "

Just as Elijah was leaving, he heard Sif shout. "Wait! You need to change your clothes, you can't walk on the streets wearing a tattered armor and full of dirt or people will think you are strange. I will take some clothes for you to wear while you take a shower."

Truth be told, this was the first Elijah took a shower and he nearly jumped out of the bathroom when water fell from above. On the other side, Shadow was crying from how much she has laughed seeing Elijah scared of water, then a portal opened in the bathroom and her avatar walked out of it just to make him go back to the bath.

"No! I'm not going to take a shower here"

"Boy it's just a bit of hot water, there is no need to be so scared." Shadow put her arms around his body and pulled him into the shower.

"See, there is nothing to worry about." Shadow comforted him, but when she realized he was not responding, she moved her gaze downward only to find a red-faced Elijah staring at the floor with hazy eyes as he realized that their bodies were glued to each other under the shower while he was naked.

In a matter of seconds, Shadow's face grew redder and redder when her body suddenly dissipated.

Elijah tried to call her several times but she was not responding.

After Elijah washed up his body and changed into clean clothes, he headed downstairs, but he could not stop thinking about what just happened.

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