Supreme Super Brain System Technology

Chapter 316 Disgusting moral kidnapping

How do you say something? Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.

The official website of Universe Technology Company doesn’t dare to do it, but it still has Weibo and Tieba which have the largest audience!

Some people are just mean, and bitches are hypocritical.

Although many of the products of Universe Technology Company are epoch-making, they are not indispensable in life. Take some experts on Weibo as an example. They would rather take the risk of offending Universe Technology Company and just ignore it. Shut that mouth of his!

Take moral kidnapping as an example. This thing doesn’t happen for no reason. Someone must take the lead first.

For example, Song, a well-known commentator on Weibo, has been holding on to the prices of elixirs and elixirs since they were exposed, and vigorously criticized Universe Technology Company on Weibo.

I don’t know what kind of feud this Song has with Universe Technology Company? Still have any complaints?

Browsing through his previous Weibo posts, it is not difficult to find that since the establishment of the company, he has always been against the company.

Every blog post published is aimed at Universe Technology Company.

For example, in his recent Weibo post, although he did not name anyone, anyone with a discerning eye would know who he was talking about.

"880,000? I was confused too. Even medicine made of gold cannot be so expensive. Each medicine is only 5 ml. There is no more powerful vampire in the world."

"Hai Xin has made so much money, are you going to take it underground and spend it?"

"People who want to be immortal, please be aware that there will definitely be more serious invisible side effects waiting for you. With the current level of technology, it is impossible for a certain company's medicine to be so perfect. Be careful that you will regret it later!"

"Can the monopoly raise the price and sell it so expensively? Is it worthy of your own conscience? I strongly urge that the money be donated to poor areas, and strongly recommend that free elixirs be distributed to disabled and crippled people! @Universe Technology Company"

There are a lot of similar Weibo posts. Anyway, Song is very diligent every day, so he must post at least a few.

Although none of them were nominated, some of them were mentioned on the official Weibo of Universe Technology Company.

As a well-known blogger, he naturally has a lot of fans, but he often does things to attract trouble. There are probably not many real fans. Most of them are watching the fun or even making noises.

Just say that all of his recent Weibo posts have attracted the attention of Universe Technology Company, and he has received a lot of replies!

"thumbs up!"

"Support you!"

"I just like watching Silly Song trying to bully others."

"Song Shab, do you think you are stupid? Don't you know that the most expensive thing about a drug is not the materials, but the research and development cost?"

"Of course Song Zhuan's family knows, he is just looking for trouble!"

"Expert Song, I just want to ask, what grudges do you have with those disabled people? You said before that the elixir has huge side effects, and then you asked the Universe Technology Company to donate to the disabled. What do you mean by that?"

"I only reserve my opinions on the other Weibo posts. I firmly agree with this one about donating money to impoverished areas and giving free medicine to disabled people."

“Donate money! @Universe Technology Corporation”

“Donate medicine! @Universe Technology Company”

"Yes, you must donate. The price is so expensive. Are you embarrassed if you don't donate? @Universe Technology Company"

" @Universe Technology Company is one of the most black-hearted companies in the world. The medicines sold are so expensive. Beware of thunder and lightning! Donate medicines as soon as possible to alleviate your own sins!"

"Um, are you all trolls? Then let me join in the fun! @Universe Technology Company, please donate money and medicine!"

"Song Sha. The other Weibo contents are not authentic, but this matter has a good start, and I must take the lead!"

"Yes, we strongly demand that Universe Technology Company save the disabled! This is to do good deeds and accumulate merit."

Not to mention, Song’s other Weibo posts may be offensive to people, but he was the only one who took the lead in asking Universe Technology Company to donate money and medicine, which resonated with many netizens, and they all jumped out to express their opinions. support.

Suddenly, Song’s number of fans increased significantly!

"Hey, it seems that I made a good move. I was able to gain so many followers! If I had known, I should have done this a long time ago. It seems that if I want to gain followers, I have to make more use of the overwhelming sympathy of netizens." In a certain house in Kyoto, a person was hiding in his own small dark room, sitting in front of his desk and computer. He was Song, a well-known commentator on Weibo. When he saw that his number of Weibo followers was increasing, it was visible to the naked eye. When the speed suddenly increased, the whole person suddenly burst into laughter.

Despite his usual enthusiasm for hacking at Black Universe Technology Company, but if you take a closer look at the mobile phone he placed on the table, you will find that it is actually a Tai Chi mobile phone.

The potential of a bitch is evident!

On Weibo, many bloggers saw an opportunity to increase their followers from Song.

So, everyone followed suit, and on their Weibo, they strongly called on Universe Technology Company to donate more money and medicine to the disabled!

The results did not disappoint them. These words quickly resonated with most netizens, and the number of fans began to increase like Song.

However, the rhetoric of moral kidnapping is getting more and more intense!

It quickly became a hot search topic and even ranked among the top.

However, apart from the so-called expert bloggers who took the lead, the rest of the people making noises were all ordinary netizens.

Those certified celebrities, company bosses, wealthy people! But no one dared to agree!

The richer people are, the more they are afraid of death. This sentence is absolutely correct. Those ordinary people are making troubles, but they are different! Their Weibo posts have been authenticated by real names. What if they start a commotion and are noticed by Universe Technology Company?

Not only Weibo, but also the Tieba forum was equally lively, with everyone calling on Universe Technology Company to donate money and medicine.

However, as the protagonist of this incident, the official website of Universe Technology Company can be described as calm! A very few people who were not afraid of death came to make trouble and denounce them, and all of them were mercilessly added to the blacklist and blocked!

Soon, no one dared to make trouble anymore.

"Director Liu, how should we deal with this matter? Should we deal with it coldly? Or should we invite the navy?" Moral kidnapping is the most troublesome thing, and Zhang Lei had to ask Liu Haoyu for his opinion.

"Why do you need to treat me coldly? Why do you need to spend money to hire trolls? Aren't they going to make trouble? Moral kidnapping actually dares to be used on me. Those celebrities are afraid of them, so they will compromise, but I won't . It just so happens that our company's production can no longer keep up with sales, and all those involved in the trouble will be blacklisted!" Liu Haoyu said coldly.

"They are making trouble on Weibo, Tieba and other places. How should they be added to the blacklist?" Zhang Lei asked doubtfully.

"Leave it to me. I will find out the corresponding person behind each vest. I would rather kill by mistake than let go." Liu Haoyu said

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