Survival in Akame ga kill

Chapter: 11 Time skip after 5 years

[Dr.stylish pov]

As I am standing in the midst of among the hum of machineries while surrounded by various scents of serums which are in different colours and temperatures,

I recalled several events that happened during these past five years.

These five years were full of struggles for me as I had to test and research countless hours in order to solve the mysteries surrounding Hydra's blood cells and DNA research.

I also had several hundred tests of Hydra's blood cells on other test subjects, but the results were not as good as the boy.

Certain specimens exploded, some perished during cell transfer, and others transformed into grotesque beings and ultimately died, consumed and corroded by Hydra's blood.

I think there were several mysteries surrounding the boy and the blood that the boy possessed before his transformation,

but I had made a grave mistake by not collecting the specimen’s blood when he was a human.

But anyone with even a little brain cell would have not blamed me and the reason for that is simple.

who the hell would have thought that the boy who was beaten in a miserable state and was obviously a peasant would be so special!!

In the midst of thousands of test specimens, he alone emerged as the sole survivor of the brutal and horrific process.

Is it possible that the child's previous human blood holds the key to developing a tool capable of harnessing the powers of a beast?

without becoming a ‘Danger beast’ a person could only obtain a danger beast's powers by something like the ‘FROST DEMON'S EXTRACT’ that was made by countless generations of genius researchers and scientists.

But the ‘FROST DEMON'S EXTRACT’ was created using the lifeblood of a ‘super-class beast’ that lived in the Northern parts of the Empire.

It was sealed off from all other Teigu due to the danger it posed to its potential users, as all who drank it went insane afterward.

Although The Hydra is one class lower than Frost demon, Hydra was only placed in lower position than Frost demon because Hydra did not have calamity class attacks in his arsenal like other super class beasts and its speciality was regeneration based powers.

I can't procure the technology of that era as the ‘First Emperor’ had ordered to destroy all the equipments and burn all files in order to keep the existence of forty-eight Teigus special and have a monopoly over them.

As much as I hate to say, I am countless years far from reaching a point where I can say that my research and creations comes near the original ‘48 Teigus’

During these five years, I have also found out about someone who could be a possessor of a natural half human and half danger beast bloodline.

There is a religion known as ‘THE PATH OF PEACE’ which is slowly spreading itself inside the eastern territory of the Empire, but my attention is towards the leader of the said religion,

My informants have gathered information about the leader and they wrote in their report that the said leader can see the future visions and cure wounds,

I quickly dispatched my subordinates to collect the cult leader's blood, and I also reached out to 'Honest' to ask for assistance from his team in exchange for a few favors from me.

My gay sense is tingling and saying to me that something is wrong with the leader and he could be potentially connected to a ‘Danger beast’ bloodline somehow.

‘Ahh! I didn't have to do these things if I just quietly collected the child's blood earlier, like other specimens, for reference purposes.

Now I can't even research anything about his blood because it is already contaminated by Hydra's blood essence’

I thought in frustration about my foolishness at that time.

‘No, I don't have the time to think and cry over spilled milk. I have to focus on my other projects and make my path towards greatness’

I thought as my eyes wandered around a small pill which had a deep blood red colour with a golden tint around the edges.

Through 5 years of dedication, I've created 10 hyper regenerative pills capable of resurrecting those on the verge of death.

Shame I can't produce more because the specimen’s condition is deteriorating day by day.”

I mumbled as I made my way towards a white lab chamber.

I had wasted the first two years for studying the specimen, his changes, his blood properties.

the ratio in which to dilute specimen’s blood to make regenerative pills, why did the specimen had his hands not mutated and why did the specimen’s vocal chords changed to a melodious tune?

After conducting various vigorous scientific experiments, I eventually discovered the perfect ratio that would allow me to easily dilute the specimen's blood and produce regenerative pills.

But there was a new problem.

The time needed to make equipments.

And it would have taken me decades if I hadn't had my very ‘Stylish and cool’ teigu ‘PERFECTOR’, which did my decades worth work easily in few months.

But the process of making the regenerative pill was still very lengthy and arduous.

As I lit up the lights of the lab chamber, my eyes wandered towards the area where the specimen was kept.

Extraction pipes and cables were connected to a tank containing a sedated figure, his eyes closed, appearing gaunt and malnourished. Blood was constantly being extracted through the pipes.

If one could go near that figure, one could see a figure resembles a creature from the depths of hell.

His bald head is marred by grotesque red spots that dot his skin like a pox, but eerie thing that one could instantly notice was the person's hands were smooth and milky white.

‘Hmm, the Life estimation of this specimen I calculated was around fifteen years but his health is now all-time low and l can't judge his life span now.

Because only one pill requires several liters of blood, I had to extract subject’s blood for months in order to make only one pill and due to subject’s declining health,

the extraction of blood became more and more slow.

I had given this specimen enough nutrients to sustain himself, but it’s like his body is rejecting the source of energy.

Is this a matter of will to survive? Has the subject's mind had broken so much from my response about his parent's death so much that he has lost all his will to live?

I realize now that I should have ignored the kid's question, as it would have given him hope of seeing his parents again.

I had no idea that my answers would produce this kind of bad result.

'However, once words are spoken, they cannot be taken back; I must take more blood from the child to meet Honest's demand, regardless of whether the child survives or not.'

I thought as I switched off the lights inside the lab chamber and made my way towards preparing for a meeting I had to attend for one weeks at the capital.


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