Survival in Akame ga kill

Chapter : 30 Tatsumi’s story

[Tatsumi’s Pov]

Life in the village has always been challenging, with residents working tirelessly to put food on their tables.

My hometown was nestled in such a rugged area, where chilly winters prevailed for most of the year and I was a resident of such a harsh place.

Orphaned at the tender age of eight, I relied on the villagers’ generosity for my survival, and it was their support that saw me through my challenging childhood.

I longed to repay their kindness, but as a child surviving on donated meals and shelter, the task appeared daunting. 

However, an opportunity presented itself when news of a retired soldier seeking solace in our village emerged, offering me a chance to strengthen myself and reciprocate the support I had received.

Despite numerous rejections, I eventually persuaded the retired soldier, Seron, to train me. Under his guidance, I delved into the realms of swordsmanship, hand-to-hand combat, and blacksmithing through years of rigorous training.

During those years, I formed friendships with others who shared similar circumstances. Ieyasu, an orphan like myself, sought Seron’s guidance to learn combat skills. However, he wasn’t alone in his pursuit; there was also a girl who joined us during that time.

I was familiar with the girl, Sayo, whose mother had passed away recently. With no other relatives to turn to, as her aunt had moved to another region years ago and her whereabouts were unknown to Sayo, 

Sayo took it upon herself to learn archery from Seron for hunting purposes and to be able to feed herself.

The three of us trained, hunted, and spent our days together in the village. We also assisted the villagers by providing them with hunted game.

However, due to the harsh climate, we often struggled to catch enough prey to meet the needs of everyone in the village.

Initially, the situation was manageable for us, but as time passed, prey became scarce, crop yields decreased, and tax rates rose, leading to widespread starvation and increased deaths in the village.

Unable to bear the suffering of our people, the three of us had decided to join the imperial army to secure better-paying jobs and send financial support back to the village.

With the village chief’s blessing, we set out on our journey to the capital, united in our determination to secure a better future for our village. 

However, a bandit raid disrupted our plans, leading to an unexpected separation from Ieyasu and Sayo.

Despite the setback, I held onto the hope that we would reunite in the capital. I pressed on with unwavering determination, encountering challenges along the way. 

One such challenge arose when I stumbled upon an earth-dragon attacking a caravan. Without hesitation, I intervened to save the caravan and its passengers from the ferocious creature.

Grateful for my help, the caravan people warned me about the dangers of the capital, describing it as a place where the real monsters were the people themselves.

Despite the warnings and cautionary words from others, my determination to join the imperial army and secure funds for my village remained unshaken. The people of my village were relying on us, and I couldn’t afford to waver or hesitate in pursuing our mission.

And after two days of relentless travel, I finally arrived at the Empire’s capital. It was a stark contrast to our humble village, bustling with diverse people clad in various attires. 

The architecture of the buildings was awe-inspiring, towering high above like works of art. The bustling stalls offered a variety of tempting foods, but I had to resist the temptation and focus on saving money to enlist in the army.

Due to this realisation, I had to snap out of my daze and then I headed straight to the registration office, requesting to be enlisted as a captain-class soldier commensurate with my strength. 

The receptionist handed me a foot soldier form, which essentially meant being designated as cannon fodder with minimal pay and a distant placement. 

Unwilling to settle for such a position, I voiced my discontent, and when I attempted to showcase my sword skills, the receptionist swiftly kicked me out from the hall while hurling curses at me.

Just as I felt dejected upon my failed attempt, a young woman came in front of me. She had short, blonde hair with striking golden eyes. Her attire was revealing, but what stood out the most were her ample assets. 

The young woman approached me and explained that joining the army required more than just skill. I instantly asked what it was that would help me join the army at a good enough rank? 

She offered a solution only if I treated her to a meal at a dining inn,to which I agreed. And after indulging in food and drink, she answered my question and said joining the army requires connections and money.

I instantly became dejected as my hope of joining the army in the capital was shattered, as none of the three of us had any connections.

But the woman gave me hope by confirming that she could leverage her connections for me in order to get inside the imperial army, but emphasised that it would require a significant amount of cash.

I instantly gave her all of my money that I had collected after hunting danger beast on my way towards the capital. That was a significant amount of money, but I could get a suitable position in the army then it would not be a waste.

The woman took my money, promising to use her connections to secure a military position for me. However, as hours passed and night fell, she failed to return to the inn. 

Realising I had been deceived, the innkeeper harshly informed me of the scam, blaming me for trusting the woman.

Left with no money or shelter, I wandered the streets bitterly, cursing the busty woman who had swindled me. Determined to spend the night outside, a carriage unexpectedly pulled up beside me.

A guard and a beautiful girl emerged, and she kindly offered me a place to stay at her house for the night.

I Was initially suspicious of the offer and remained on guard due to my previous encounter with the deceitful busty woman.

However, after listening to the guard and the kind girl’s assurances, I decided to accept their offer and spend the night at the girl’s luxurious mansion.

The grandeur of the mansion immediately struck me, indicating the wealth and status of the girl’s family.

Upon meeting her parents, who were incredibly kind, her father even promised to use his connections to assist me in securing a favourable position in the military.

Feeling grateful and content after a satisfying meal, I retired to bed with a full stomach, reflecting on how fortunate I was to have stumbled upon such a good-hearted family.

As I prepared to drift off to sleep, I sensed an ominous aura of bloodlust emanating from outside the mansion. Reacting swiftly, I drew my sword and cautiously approached the windows to investigate.

Peering outside, I witnessed five ominous black figures hovering in the moonlight. Before I could fully comprehend the situation, they vanished into thin air. 

And moments later, chaos erupted as the guards stationed outside the mansion were brutally slaughtered by the mysterious assailants.

The speed and precision with which the group of five dispatched the guards left me in shock. Some were impaled or slashed, while others fell to gunfire, their cries silenced in an instant. 

It became clear to me that confronting these assailants would mean certain death, as I was no match for their overwhelming power and skill.

A shiver ran down my spine as I realised the gravity of the situation and the danger that now lurked outside the mansion.

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