Survival in Akame ga kill

Chapter : 36 Bane’s Teigu


After Bane removed Sayo’s oxygen mask, Sayo’s breathing became erratic, and her remaining life hung by a thread, barely sustained by the oxygen supply.

However, after Bane administered the red pill to Sayo, her breathing became nearly imperceptible. Just when everyone in the room thought she had passed away, her body began to convulse.

A miraculous transformation unfolded before everyone’s eyes. The once severely tortured girl’s body turned red, her torture marks vanished, and the wounds that were bandaged due to torn flesh began to heal at an unprecedented rate.

The most astonishing sight was Sayo’s amputated leg, which was crudely stitched by Lubbock, started to regenerate. The stitches came undone, the flesh near the amputated area grew and connected, and a layer of smooth skin formed over it.

Furthermore, Sayo’s torn and tattered hair began to grow back, regaining its lustrousness, stopping just above her ankles. Lastly, her pale complexion faded, replaced by a healthy glow, indicating that her blood loss issue had also been resolved.

After the healing process was done, the girl's breathing became stabilized, indicating the end of the process.


“…..Exactly what did we just witness, Sheele?” Mine asked, clearly flabbergasted, turning to her equally shocked companion Sheele.

“..…I’m not entirely sure myself,” Sheele responded to Mine’s question, her gaze shifting to the girl lying on the bed.

It wasn’t just Mine and Sheele who were taken aback by the recent events; other Night Raid members shared the same astonishment.

Najenda, Akame, and Bulat wore tense expressions, while Leone and Lubbock rubbed their eyes in disbelief, attempting to verify the reality of what they had seen.

Even Bane was taken aback, realizing that even his potent healing factor couldn’t match the rapid regeneration happening before him.

He pondered silently, “Could these pills possess such power because their effects were ‘stacked up’ using several liters of my own blood during their creation?” However, Bane quickly dismissed this train of thought as he shifted his gaze to Sayo, who lay on the bed before him.

Tatsumi rushed to Sayo’s side, checking her condition with wide-eyed astonishment. He was rendered speechless, tears streaming down his face, unable to articulate his overwhelming joy at seeing his friend survive and come back from the brink of death.

However, Tatsumi’s happiness was fleeting as his attention shifted to the next bed where Iyeasu lay. His condition was deteriorating rapidly, black spots spread across his body, and his skin grew paler by the minute.

“I’ve completed my task, boss. Show me, my room,” Bane’s voice echoed through the room, snapping Tatsumi out of his thoughts.

Tatsumi hurriedly approached Bane, pleading, “I know I’m asking for too much, but please save Ieyasu like you saved Sayo.

I’ll do anything to repay you. Please, my friend’s life is hanging by a thread.” Tatsumi bowed his head towards Bane, desperation evident in his voice.

Bane’s response was curt and unsympathetic. “This isn’t a charity. I can’t do anything for your other friend. I have only given the girl that precious pill because she reminded me of someone.”

“And that was the only regeneration pill I had, and if you are thinking that my blood could heal your friend, then just dream on.” Bane’s words shattered any illusions Tatsumi held on.

Bane paused, locking eyes with Tatsumi before explaining, “My blood is currently highly toxic. And only the mad scientist who experimented on me had developed a technology that can create the pill from my blood. If that boy consumes even a drop of my blood, his death will be far more agonizing than what he faces now.”

A heavy silence settled in the medical room after Bane’s revelation. His words, though harsh, conveyed a bitter truth. Not everyone gets a second chance, and it was already a miracle for Sayo to have survived such dire circumstances.

After delivering this stark truth to Tatsumi, Bane attempted to leave the room once more, only to be halted not by Tatsumi, but by the girl lying on the bed.

“Please... help... Ieyasu...” Sayo’s weak voice pleaded with Bane, her black eyes filling with tears as they met his blue eyes.

After a brief moment of asking for help, she succumbed to unconsciousness.


Bane stood silently for a few minutes, his expression unreadable to those in the room.


Eventually, he turned his attention to Tatsumi. “I’ll make an attempt to treat your friend, but I can’t guarantee his survival. The risk of death is higher with the method I will try to treat him, and even if he lives, he’ll remain crippled forever,” Bane stated bluntly.

After a pause, Bane said, “In exchange for saving him, you must make me a promise.” His tone lacked any emotion this time.

Tatsumi fell silent for a few moments, contemplating the implications of his decision on both his friend’s life and their shared dream of helping their village. Despite the potential consequences, he gathered his resolve and met Bane’s gaze, nodding in agreement.

“I promise to do whatever it takes. Please save Ieyasu, even if the chances are slim. I’m prepared for any outcome,” Tatsumi said, his eyes reflecting his determination to save his friend at any cost.

“Understood,” Bane replied coldly, addressing everyone in the room with his ruthless words. “Now, for my payment, you simply just have to tell this girl to stay far away from the capital and never make any attempt to approach me.” He paused for a second and said, “If she does, I’ll take matters into my own hands and end her life myself.”

“Hey, aren’t you being too much of an as-,” Mine started to say, but Sheele quickly silenced her with a gesture, signaling Mine to refrain from speaking further as it was Tatsumi’s decision to make.

Najenda, Lubbock, Bulat, Leone, and Akame remained silent, waiting for Tatsumi’s response.

But they were all perplexed, wondering how Bane could attempt to cure a disease with no known treatment. And if Bane can treat diseases at this level, then they have gained an invaluable asset in their team.

Tatsumi’s fist clenched momentarily at Bane’s threat, but he composed himself, taking a deep breath before speaking. “I accept your condition. Sayo will stay away from both the capital and you. I vow on her behalf, and if I fail to keep my promise, you have my life.” His voice was steady, reflecting his determination and resolve.

Bane remained silent, his gaze locked onto Tatsumi’s resolute eyes from behind his mask. After a moment, he spoke in a subdued tone, “Alright, now you and one more person in this room come near the bed and tightly grip the boy’s hands and legs. Don’t release your hold, even if he screams in pain.”

Najenda signaled Bulat to assist, and he nodded in acknowledgment, moving towards Ieyasu’s bedside. Bulat positioned himself to hold Ieyasu’s arms from one side while Tatsumi grasped Ieyasu’s legs from the opposite corner of the bed.

As Bane came near Ieyasu, he spoke in a low voice, “Jörmungandr”.

After Bane called upon Jörmungandr, golden sparks emerged near his smooth arms, and suddenly, a metallic object materialised, covering his arms up to the elbows.

These metallic gauntlets were a striking combination of green and black hues, extending up to Bane’s elbows for optimal protection and flexibility.

Intricate patterns resembling scales adorned the surface of the gauntlets, giving them a serpentine appearance and enhancing their predatory aesthetic. 

As Bane snapped his wrist, sharp claw-like extensions protruded from the right gauntlet’s fingertips, adding a menacing touch to the design. Notably, the claws were transparent, hinting at their ability to emit poison like snakes do with their predatory fangs.

The members of Night Raid were surprised, silently processing the fact that their new team member possessed a unique type of Teigu.

They knew how difficult it was to obtain a Teigu, as many of them are already lost by the imperial forces due to civil wars in the empire. But despite their initial astonishment, everyone regained their composure, because all of them were also Teigu users.

But only Tatsumi remained in astonishment after seeing Bane summon his gauntlets.

Leone’s gaze shifted towards Bane’s claw-like gauntlets and then to his metallic white coloured belt, which exuded a palpable aura. She instantly understood where his Teigu was located.

“His Teigu’s medium is reminiscent of my Lionel, but there are distinct differences,” Leone pondered to herself, her attention returning to Bane’s claw-like gauntlets.

While Leone also used claws in combat, hers were a product of a transformation ability provided by Lionel rather than metallic gauntlets like Bane.

Najenda, intrigued by Bane’s gauntlets, turned to Bulat and asked, “What do you think, Bulat? Don’t his gauntlets resemble your Incursio’s full-body armour?”

Bulat explained to Najenda, “My Incursio primarily provides defence, with only another Teigu capable of piercing it. Additionally, it significantly enhances my physical abilities, like speed, strength, and agility. 

Lastly, Incursio grants me the ability to summon a long spear weapon called ‘Neuntote.’ However, Bane’s Teigu is different; since it’s not a full-body armour like Incursio, it likely has a different set of abilities.” Bulat finished his explanation, and Najenda nodded in understanding.

“Poison Emission,” Bane internally commanded Jörmungandr to activate its second ability.

After a month of using Jörmungandr, bane had learned its second ability, known as poison emission. This ability allows him to collect different types of poisons from danger beasts and add into his arsenal.

Everyone in the room observed as Bane’s transparent claw transformed into a shade of purple, though they couldn’t discern its significance.

Bane removed Ieyasu’s oxygen mask and grasped his arms, carefully locating a suitable blood vessel. Once he found it, he used one of his claw-like fingers to pierce the vessel and inject the poison.

After a few minutes, purple veins started to spread across Ieyasu’s body, and his eyes abruptly opened. Moments later, Ieyasu began to tremble, bewildered by the sudden changes occurring within him.

A blood-curdling scream pierced through the medical room, emanating from the person struggling to break free from the tight grasp.

Ieyasu was engulfed in unimaginable agony; his body temperature skyrocketed with each passing second. It felt as though searing hot coals had been embedded within him, scorching his insides.

Bane, witnessing Ieyasu’s torment, remained stoic, knowing well that this process entailed excruciating pain in the subject.

Tears streamed down Tatsumi’s face uncontrollably, unable to bear witnessing his best friend’s soul-rending screams. His heart ached, questioning how much more suffering his friend had to endure after enduring such brutal torture.

After enduring five minutes of agonising screams, Bane observed Ieyasu spitting out black coloured blood, choking, and teetering on the brink of unconsciousness.

With a flick of his finger, Bane’s claw nails turned a deep white, and he injected Ieyasu again with his claw.

Within a minute, Ieyasu lost consciousness, but his body began exhibiting abnormalities. A sticky black substance started oozing from his skin, covering his entire body from head to toe in a repulsive coating.

Bane grabbed a bottle of water from a nearby stool and poured it over Ieyasu’s face and chest. He then retracted the long claw from his gauntlet and checked Ieyasu’s eyelids for any signs of response.

After confirming Ieyasu’s eyelids returned to normal, Bane turned to Tatsumi and spoke, “He’s no longer in immediate danger and is free from the Lubora disease.

However, the poisons I injected only served dual purposes: the first targeted the disease cells, while the second was to neutralise the initial poison, leading to the excretion of both the poison and dead disease cells from his body.”

He paused briefly before continuing, “Despite being cured of the disease, he will forever remain in a weakened state while his life span has also significantly deteriorated. My poisons can’t repair the internal damage caused by the disease.”

With that, Bane mentally commanded Jörmungandr to retract his gauntlets, causing them to disappear. He then turned his attention back to Sayo, who remained unconscious but had stable breathing, and the tear marks on her face had dried up.

“Keep your end of the deal,” Bane stated as he headed towards the exit. Passing by Najenda, he spoke in a low tone, “Boss, I’m feeling tired, so I’ll step out for a drag of my dose.”

Najenda nodded in acknowledgment, observing Bane slowly making his way outside, while the other members of the room watched him depart.

Najenda was currently thinking about the potential uses of Bane's ability to use different types of poison, that he had shown just now, but her thoughts were interrupted by Lubbock.

“Hey Boss, could it be that our new member is actually a girl pretending to be a boy?” Lubbock remarked after Bane left the room.


Najenda swiftly smacked Lubbock’s head upon hearing his comment. “He’s a boy, so don’t entertain any lewd thoughts. And you’ll be joining Leone for punishment, as you were caught trying to peek at her while she was bathing,” she scolded him.

Rubbing the back of his head, Lubbock stammered, “Ouch! You didn’t have to hit me so hard, boss. I was just admiring Leone’s beauty. It’s a man’s duty to appreciate a woman’s beauty, especially if she’s bathing.” His lewd expression was evident, but quickly suppressed, as he addressed everyone in the room.

He was met with the gaze of everyone in the room, who regarded him as a worthless bug. Even Akame, like everyone else, was staring at him, showing her agreement with this matter.

“Come on, everyone, you have to at least agree with me that our new member is a girl. I mean, haven’t you all heard that melodious voice and those milky white delicate arms? Bane is definitely a beautiful girl hiding behind that mask.” Lubbock tried to justify himself.

“Lubbock, enough with your nonsense,” Najenda interjected firmly. “Bane is a boy, and that’s final. Focus on the task at hand and leave such frivolous speculations aside.”

The other members of Night Raid nodded in agreement, dismissing Lubbock’s attempt to stir up gossip about Bane’s gender.

“I have told you so many times in Lubbock, you should just stay away from these petty activities and should do manly exercises with me in your free time.” Bulat said to Lubbock while resting his hands on Lubbock's shoulders. Bulat's eyes were burning with passion.

But Lubbock, who was the recipient of that passion, was shuddering while he tried to move away from Bulat, but he was unable to move away from his place because of Bulat’s incredible strength.

“Ah, I am feeling a bit off today, so I think I’ll head outside for some fresh air,” said Lubbock as he fled the medical room, abandoning his jacket and leaving it for Bulat as he made a hasty escape.

Bulat, as if unaffected by Lubbock’s escape, just cleaned his hands on Lubbock’s jacket. He cleaned off the earlier black substance that got on his hands while holding Ieyasu.

Tatsumi, feeling relieved after seeing his friends came out from death’s door commented, “So you were simply teasing him to achieve this.”

Bulat, after cleaning his hands thoroughly, moved his gaze onto Tatsumi and said seriously, “No, I was serious earlier.”

“Ha ha, nice joke……” Tatsumi initially laughed, thinking Bulat was making a joke, but his laughter abruptly ceased upon noticing Bulat’s serious expression that remained unchanged.

Tatsumi then glanced at everyone else, seeking confirmation that it was a joke, but they simply shook their heads in response.

‘Please, tell me it is a joke!!!!’ Tatsumi internally screamed.


Resting on a cliff, Bane accessed a cigarette from his spatial storage contraption, lighting it and inhaling deeply.

As the smoke filled his lungs, his nerves calmed, and his mind found serenity. He tossed the remaining cigarette over the cliff’s edge and reclined, using his arm as a makeshift pillow.

Gazing at the drifting white clouds, he saw fleeting images of Liya’s and Ron’s faces, but when he reached out to touch them, they vanished into the ether.

“What a mess,” Bane muttered softly as fatigue overtook him, and he drifted into sleep amidst the tranquil setting of the cliff.

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