Survival in Akame ga kill

Chapter: 7 Experimentation



In the heart of the laboratory, amidst a luminous array of gleaming stainless steel equipment and humming machinery,

a sterile chamber lined with rows of glass tanks, each containing human children subjected to twisted experiments.

The air is heavy with the acrid scent of disinfectant and chemical fumes, mingling with the metallic tang of blood and sweat.

Fluorescent lights flicker overhead, casting harsh shadows that dance across the stark white walls, giving the chamber an eerie, otherworldly glow.

Behind a thick glass shield, a tall and slim young man was observing the ongoing experiment with a cold, calculating look.

The man had black hair and a small, white streak of hair on the left side and blue eyes. He wore glasses, a yellow suit with a blue shirt, a tie, and a white lab coat.

But the most decorative attribute in his attire was his gloves, which were a mix of blue and metallic colours.

His eyes glittering with a manic intensity as he charts their every move and reaction. His narcissistic personality is evident in the way he holds himself, with an air of superiority and arrogance that borders on the sociopathic.

The children within the tanks were pale and emaciated, their small bodies adorned with wires and tubes that snake their way into their veins and organs.

Some lay motionless, their eyes vacant and hollow, while some had features of various beasts.

Around the chamber, monitors and screens flicker to life, displaying a dizzying array of data and readouts.

Charts and graphs scroll endlessly across the screens, documenting the children's vital signs and physiological responses to the doctor's experiments.

In another corner of the chamber, a row of cages houses a menagerie of

‘Danger beasts’ are all subjected to the same cruel fate as their human counterparts.

Their frantic squeals and cries create a cacophony of suffering that fills the chamber with an oppressive sense of dread and despair.

To Dr.Stylish, they are nothing more than disposable pawns in his quest for scientific glory, their pain and suffering mere fodder for his insatiable curiosity.

Suddenly, a scream of a child echoes through the chamber, a haunting reminder of the monstrous depths to which humanity can sink in the name of science.



[Dr. Stylish POV]

“Damn! Yet another disappointment that lacks any beauty. Getting futher research data from these worthless failures is pointless."

I said as my eyes went to the worthless pieces of flesh and bloodied remains.

I had been experimenting on these worthless peasants for months and have not succeeded till now.


Here goes another worthless test subject who could not be able to contain my ‘HOT’ and divine serum.

“I should have not accepted that fat a*s's offer. Despite his inability to find a suitable test subject, he still wants to develop a healing drug that has fewer side effects and can instantly heal injuries."

I said, my voice contained a hint of indignation.

“I should have just rejected him and spent some time with some handsome men but I can't even do that because he gave me my cool and beautiful ‘perfector’ and even helps me secure funds from time to time to make my divine ambition come true.” I said with a yawn, my voice carrying tiredness.

Honest has given me this divine tool, which can increase the speed and precision of the user's fingers by several hundredfold,

All he had asked me in return was to make some drugs for his men with the help of this divine teigu. And I had completed my tasks flawlessly, but even the ‘GREAT ME’ could not do anything on this matter.

As much as ‘GREAT AND STYLISH’ I am, I can't do anything if I can not perform any genetic transfer of cells because of incompatible subjects that can hold the blood of the special class beast ‘HYDRA’.

This dangerous beast named Hydra was a special class beast that literally killed six of the Empire's battalions and was particularly hard to subjugate because of its ability to recover from any injuries,

The Hydra's demise came at the cost of half the battalion and the sacrifice of five powerful Teigu users, who coordinated a simultaneous assault to eliminate seven of its hearts and heads at once.

The Hydra's menace was akin to a natural disaster, striking fear into the hearts of the Empire's imperial forces.

Considering the creature's potential with enhanced attacks, reminiscent of those exhibited by other super-class danger beasts chronicled in historical accounts, is enough to send chills down anyone's spine and piss themselves out of sheer terror.

I had to exercise extreme caution, ensuring not to even approach the Hydra's blood without adequate protection. 

Through previous tests, I confirmed that my blood had no compatibility whatsoever with it. Any contact with its blood would result in a gruesome demise, given its poisonous nature.

I had to calculate ratio in how much amount of special class danger beast's blood can a human body can contain this and after months of experiments I came to a conclusion,

That a grown-up person cannot contain the blood because his body cannot adapt to the changes that will occur in his anatomy and will die instantly.

I had to change my subjects from mature humans to children because only children are able to adapt to the dangerous beast's blood….. but even they die just in one or two minutes.

If this project succeeds, I will become one step closer to achieving my goal, that is to make a creation that is comparable to the 48 Teigus created by the order of ‘FIRST EMPEROR’.

For now, I have to find a suitable host that can adapt to Hydra's blood and use him as a source to produce blood that will be less toxic and less harmful for consumption.

I can even make a device or a formula that can make his blood safe within some limits.


Hmm, It seems like another failure. I can not even find a better test subject in this batch that can hold Hydra's blood even for one minute.

“Bring me the next batch of test subjects,” I said to my lab assistant.

After a minute, he appeared with only one child, and it was evident that the child had been brutally beaten, with multiple scars, a bloodied, broken nose, and blood had seeped from his ears.

It seems that the soldiers have subjected this child to cruel torture for their own entertainment, but it's baffling why he is still unconscious even after one whole day.

“What the hell is this thing!, can't you bring me more suitable for children as the test subject” I asked angrily at my lab assistant as the child seemed so broken that I don't think he has the will to be able to fight the changes in his body.

“Mr. Stylish, all the children have already been used and this child was the only one that was kept in the basement as he was severely injured, and it seems it will take a few days to get another batch of test subjects.” The assistant said hurriedly in order to escape from my wrath.

I took a few breaths in order to calm my anger. It will not be stylish at all if I lose my composure at this moment.

Realizing that I had no other option, I reluctantly decided to utilize the trash for gathering research data and instructed my assistant to prepare the child for serum injection.


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