Survival in Akame ga kill

Chapter:15 Mysterious mentor




Inside an expansive training hall, in a vast expanse of polished stone floors and towering archways, illuminated by the glow of torches mounted along the walls.

As I stood in the empty training hall, the echo of my footsteps reverberated off the stone walls. 

The scent of sweat hung heavy in the air as a result of the intensity of my training session.

It had become a daily routine for me to practise in this hall during these past months.

Despite the late hour, I felt a sense of comfort in the solitude of the empty hall. With no one else around,

I could focus solely on my training, pushing myself to the limits without any distractions.

Unlike the other soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, I didn't need to don the full-body uniform. 

The doctor had provided me with specialized clothing with a mask that covered everything except my hands, which remained exposed, 

a stark contrast to the rest of my covered form.

At first it was uncomfortable, but as the saying goes that human beings can adapt to every situation.

My gaze then roamed towards rows of wooden training dummies standing sentinel along the periphery. 

Along the walls, armour and racks of weapons, which were obviously blunt in nature, could be seen.

Despite the emptiness of the training hall, a peculiar sensation nagged at me—a feeling of being watched, of unseen eyes fixed upon me from the shadows.

Having been at the Revolutionary Army’s headquarters for three months now, I’ve been closely monitored.

I haven’t raised any objections, understanding it’s the repercussion of my previous attempt to flee. 

Upon awakening, my emotional reaction upon seeing myself in the mirror likely triggered my rage,

and I smashed the mirror into pieces, thus this surveillance by the revolutionary army.

Considering this is the Revolutionary Army’s headquarters, 

it’s only logical that they wouldn’t allow someone freshly arrived from that chaotic slaughter house, and whose mental state is uncertain, to roam freely. 

Running such a sizable organisation necessitates through caution to prevent even the slightest oversight in surveillance. 

Failure to maintain their location secure would undoubtedly lead to dire consequences.

So as a result I have been told by the soldiers that I have to be in constant surveillance and I will not be allowed to roam free in the whole base without anyone keeping an eye on me and I will only be allowed to stay at my designated area.

Over the past months, I’ve engaged in deep self-reflection, scrutinising my actions and decisions since my arrival in this world.

My introspection revealed a streak of foolishness and ignorance, likely stemming from the comfort of my newfound life.

I realized I hadn't taken the time to investigate my surroundings thoroughly, ignoring glaring inconsistencies such as the presence of paper and pens in a medieval era. 

Similarly, the advanced state of clothing and other commodities in the market raised suspicions, as they far exceeded the expected quality during this period.

Lastly, there were guns—weapons I encountered for the first time during the assault in the slums after my arrival in this world.

Why did I didn’t encounter a single soldier with a gun in the slum’s market?

Was it because the slums didn’t have much to protect in the eyes of Empire’s higher-ups?

To get the answer, I had decided to gather information.

So just after a month of coming to the Revolutionary Army’s headquarters I had started to gather information, 

But the conclusion I reached was to mind-boggling. 

I arrived at a startling conclusion, that this world is not my original world but an alternate reality completely unfamiliar to me.

Based on my observations thus far, this world defies the conventional rules of commodity evolution.

Instead, it appears to be a fusion of various eras, cultures, and technologies present in my previous world, albeit arranged in a non-linear order of progression.

It seems I have been reincarnated in an alternate world with different power structures and magical beasts.

At times, I found myself grappling with questions that seemed to gnaw at my heart.

“Why was I so ignorant until now?” I pondered during moments of deep reflection.

‘Was it due to the sense of comfort I found in having a family?’

Or perhaps it was because there were no electrical appliances to be found in our house, nor in the surrounding slums and markets?

Could it be that my memories of my previous life were becoming increasingly hazy?

Upon introspection, I arrived at a troubling realisation.

The memories of my former life were indeed fading with each passing day, a process that appeared to be entirely natural.

and I was only able to identify the objects which were present in my previous world after observing it carefully and after pressuring my mind for minutes.

“Could my memory lapses be a consequence of my reincarnation?” I mused, feeling a sense of helplessness wash over me.

At this rate, I will forget everything about my past life in just a year or two.

Without hesitation, I had decided to jot down every recollection from my previous life in a notebook but I think I had already forgotten about many other things and was just able to jot down some basic things. 

Inscribing the entries in a language known only to me. 

As an added precaution against forgetting the language itself,

I had meticulously documented its details on a separate piece of paper, which I had then concealed in a hidden location within the Revolutionary Army’s base, where surveillance was nonexistent.

I had decided that ignorance in this world is truly dangerous and I have to learn everything in this world in order to survive and take my revenge.

So during these two months, I studied and gathered information about this world, its geographical locations, people, races, culture, religion, influential figures and current technologies that are being used.

I asked for books about these topics from the lady doctor that was checking my condition on a weekly basis and she provided me with some of the books every weekend.

After gaining books I came to know about various informations such as,

This world consists of several countries, the most prominent being the Empire and also this world spans over many climatic zones, from deserts and exotic islands to tundra, and has different landscapes - mountain ranges seemingly being very common.

And also in this world, there are fantasy creatures like dragons known as danger beasts that roam freely in different regions,

but what was so amazing about these beasts were the powers they possess.

Initially perplexed by these creatures, but already have seen various bizarre things after coming to this world, I came to accept the existence of these creatures only after some moments.

However, I had to increase my understanding of these creatures because during my time at the laboratory;

I overheard that bastard who conducted experiments on me mentioning a dangerous experiment involving hybrid beasts and humans.

So I sought clarification from the guards tasked with monitoring me.

They explained that these beings are called danger beasts, also known as Risk Species, renowned for their formidable nature and array of supernatural abilities. 

Highly territorial, they pose a significant threat to any human who crosses their path.

So after that I came to a conclusion that I am not a pure human any more but a hybrid which is an amalgamation of human and danger beast.

I don't care if I am some sort of dangerous beast-human hybrid, as long as it assists me in seeking revenge.

These creatures are categorised into various ranks, with the common class occupying the lowest tier. 

However, further details regarding higher-ranking beasts are classified and closely guarded.

As I was self-reflecting my actions and experiences during these past months, a figure draped in revolutionary Army’s attire came into my view.


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