Survival in the road, I can summon the Shadow Corps

Chapter 56

But at this point of view, he opened his eyes instantly.

There are a few large characters on it: Herbal planting area!

Chapter 65 Harvest herbs and make cold medicine

Looking at the dense plants on this planting floor, Su Ran was ecstatic like weeds.

I didn’t expect this planting garden to be right!

There are about two acres of land in this area. Although the herbs above have been harvested, at least 80 % of them are left.

If all these herbs are collected, there is also a seven or eight hundred pounds, and there will be no antacysim drugs in a short period of time.

Su Ran stared at the herbal field in front of him.

“I posted it!”

When he thought of the players in the area talking about a cold, his heart was hot.

Before, he was distressed that he could not make cold medicines to harvest leeks because he had no herbs.

Now that there are so many herbs, Su Ran will naturally not let go of this good opportunity to harvest leeks.

If it is usually placed, Su Ran will be happy, but it must not be so excited today.

Because new materials will be brushed out of the material box today, he takes this opportunity to collect a new wave of new materials.

This is much faster than his own farts.

Su Ran patted his hands, and 15 ghosts and ninjas appeared behind him.


After receiving the command ninjas, they went into the plantation and buried their heads and started to pull the medicine.

After a while, a bunch of neat herbs appeared in front of Su Ran.

Su Ran signaled the ninjas to move the herbs and followed them out.

The storage box in the car was not enough, he had to go back to get more out.

Back in the car, Su Ran immediately made another 10 storage boxes, or stacked on the wall.

If the storage box on the car is brought to the fourth palace, there are already 21.

Each of a small 20 cm length and width block stacked against the wall, 4 rows of horizontal, 5 columns, like the medicine cabinet in the Chinese medicine shop.

But who can think that each of these small blocks have a huge capacity?

Su Ran put the herb in an empty storage box. After seeing the number of above, there were more than 44,000 plants!

This number of herbs can be used for a long time.

A cold medicine requires 5 herbs. Assuming that there are 1,000 people who need to have cold medicines, and then they will consume only 5,000 herbs!

Of course, this is just a rough and ideal guess.

After all, Su Ran didn’t know how many people had a cold, and they didn’t know if everyone would only buy one.

This question will not know later.

Let’s leave some time to open the box for them, accumulate more materials, and wait until the evening.

As for now, Su Ran intends to continue to explore the plantation.

This planting garden is too big, and there is a large area in it. I haven’t seen it before.

Although Su Ran can release ghosts and ninjas to help themselves, the ninjas are limited by distance, and they can only move within a kilometer centered on Su Ran.

And the planting park has at least 300 acres, almost 28 standard football fields!

Su Ran once again entered the plantation, and then began to let a few ghost ninja searches.

As for himself, he climbed to the back of a ninja.

There is no way, this place is too big. If you walk yourself, you will be abolished.

Under Su Ran’s signal, carrying his ninja also started to act.


In busy, time passed quickly.

At 6:30 in the evening, Su Ran had returned to the car.

The operation this afternoon brought back more than 200 pounds of oil wheat vegetables and more than 100 pounds of potatoes.

Although it has been tossing for a few hours, it is not busy.

Su Ran is very satisfied with the schedule of this planting park today.

More than 500 catties of sugarcane, more than 200 pounds of oil, more than 100 pounds of potatoes, and more than 800 pounds of herbs.

Today, this trip is more than opening the box.

After Su Ran ate dinner, he started making cold medicine non -stop.

“Keep a conservative point first, try 500 copies.”

Open the manufacturing table, get a cold medicine drawing, and choose to make in batches.

[Make a cold medicine X500. .

[Required materials: herbs x2500, 10 liters of water. .

[Film material, is it made? .


Su Ran’s words fell, and the drawings in his hands were shining, and the system instantly extracted the required materials from the storage box.

Soon, a lot of white pills appeared in the bags prepared by Su Ran in advance.

Put the drawing aside, Su Ran picked up a cold medicine and put it in front of him.

Very ordinary pills, about the same size as vitamin chew tablets.

[Cold medicine: It can relieve abnormal conditions such as colds and fever, and has certain effects on fever, headache, dizziness, cough, and tonsil inflammation. .


Su Ran looked at this pile of white pills, and his eyes flashed with light.

The sickle has become it, it’s time to harvest!

Su Ran first entered the regional group chat and planned to look at the situation again, so that the price is good.

“Made, I am so uncomfortable! Drustering and bloating, the hot nostrils of the nostrils hurt.”

“My throat is dumb, I can’t make a sound at all, and my head hurts.

“I’m even worse, my throat is inflamed, and eating is as uncomfortable as swallowing the needle, alas!”

“Hahahaha, please allow me to laugh, I have nothing to do, my body is strong!”

“Today, I resist the discomfort of physical discomfort. I went to open a lot of boxes. Everything has everything.

“I also think that there will be medicine in the material box. I didn’t expect to open so many boxes, but it was busy.”

It can be seen that these cold players are really uncomfortable.

However, they were uncomfortable, but Su Ran was happy.

Because cold medicine is not worried about selling!

Su Ran no longer hesitated, transferred directly to the market trading platform, and hung these 500 cold medicines.

[Cold medicine to be available for sale, the remaining quantity: 500]

[Dedicated: aggregate fiber X20, high -grade wood X20, high -level parts X20, or other new materials. .

[Remarks: Valuable drawings, car modules and other items, please talk privately. .

Su Ran set the price high, but he was not worried that others could not afford it.

Because most people who can survive to the present have some strength.

Even if there is not enough materials, there must be other good things.

Su Ran was thinking about cutting a wave of leeks fiercely before changing the map.

After the cold medicine hung on the booth, Su Ran returned to the area group chat and used the old method.

“The market is selling cold medicine! The quantity is limited. Come and see if you need it!”

Chapter 66 The little interesting thing happened when selling medicine

After Su Ran was sent out, the group was quietly quiet.

A few seconds later.


“Special! Five hundred cold medicines are gone in an instant. Is there so many people caught a cold? Is anyone having a malicious stocking?!”

“I hesitated for a second, and I could only watch the last cold medicine sold, oh oh.”

“Hahaha, I grabbed three tablets and finally had medicine. It is indeed a big man! Even a cold medicine.”

“I didn’t have a cold, but I grabbed two pieces. After all, I don’t know if I will be on the back, and I am prepared.”

“Wirling Nima! If you do n’t get sick, let’ s go and go! Save the medicine with those who are sick, you are still not a human? ”

Most people in the group are mourning because they did not grab a cold medicine.

However, a small number of people have grabbed it, and they also show off in the group. Some people have grabbed so many pieces.

As soon as Su Ran looked at this situation, he knew that someone was having a malicious stocking.

Unfortunately, they made mistakes.

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