Survival in the road, I can summon the Shadow Corps

Chapter 68

It can be said that as long as you put on this crustacean suit, you will basically not be killed in one hit!

In the face of a summoner, he couldn’t kill it as soon as possible, and it was about to face endless attacks.

As a summoner, Su Ran was naturally happy with his own security.

“keep going.”

Su Ran sat back to the co -pilot and ordered the ninja.

The car was launched and drove forward slowly.

At this time, Su Ran suddenly heard a sound of a rustle from outside, crushed, and listened to him itching.

Su Ran looked out of the car, but didn’t look at anything.

Just as he intends to turn on the mental detection, he saw a yellow beetle that slapped and drilled out of the ground on both sides of the highway.

After these bugs came out, they quickly climbed towards explosion -proof cars.

But explosion -proof cars are faster than them, so they don’t wait for them to approach, and the explosion -proof car is thrown behind them.

Su Ran didn’t care about it. These small bugs could not even bite even his explosion -proof tires, and there was nothing to worry about.

However, out of curiosity, he still gathered more and more bugs outside the car.

[Self -burst of sandworms: target lock! A small bug was stuffed with burst substances, and the explosion was exploded after 20 cm near the target. The power of the explosion was comparable to fragmented grenade. .

[Remarks: Since the target of the sandworm locks the target, it will follow all the way and cannot get rid of it until itself or the target dies. .

“My Nima!”

Su Ran was frightened and jumped directly.

He just saw that he was not a bug, but a grenade! Intersection

At this time, behind the explosion -proof body, there was a large dense self -burst of sand bugs, and there was a steady stream of self -bursting sand in front of it drilled out of the ground.

The most scary is that these self -burst of sandworms are getting faster and faster, and now there are already many self -bursting sandworms on the highway.

If the explosion -proof car is driving directly, it is equivalent to crushing through the mines. What is the consequences? Su Ran dare not think.

Su Ran quickly summoned five ninjas and let them sweep all the burst of sand on the road ahead.

But he never thought that after the burst of sandworms approached the ninja, he would explode!

Just when the ninjas were close to those self -bursting sandworms, a serial explosion occurred.


Five ninjas were instantly bombed into shadows dissipated.

However, thanks to the big bang, all the self -bursting sandworms who stopped the road exploded.

Su Ran seized the opportunity to speed up the ninja.

Now his goal is to leave here first.

As for the problems that these bugs will always follow, Su Ran has no solution.

If it doesn’t work, then run a one or two hundred kilometers a day. These bugs are specified that they cannot catch up.

The car is getting closer and closer to the exit of the cave, but there are more and more self -exploded sandworms in front.

Su Ran summoned five ninjas, but this time they asked them to take their sticks to sweep those self -burst of sandworms.

The system said that it would explode after 20 cm away from the target. If you use a stick, you should avoid explosion.

It turned out that Su Ran thought that it was right. Under the sweeping of the five ninja sticks, the self -explosive sand bugs stopped in front of the highway were swept away.

However, after these burst of sandworms were swept out, they still exploded.


In a moment, the sound of the explosion sounded one after another, and the stalactites on the top of the cave shook a lot.

At this time, three self -burst of sand was swept under a stone pillar.


The three burst of sand bugs exploded at the same time, and the stone pillars were broken.


The stone pillar fell to the ground.

The huge sound naturally attracted Su Ran’s attention.

When he looked at the past, the dust that splashed because of the stone pillars had not dispersed.


Wow ———

Large pieces of crushed rocks from the top of the cave, and then, large and small stalactites began to fall.

At the same time, a cracked crack was cracked on the top of the cave, and then quickly spread to the surroundings.

Seeing this scene, Su Ran quickly opened the oil -electric hybrid mode, and then let the ninja continue to accelerate.

Although he didn’t learn geological knowledge much, the situation in front of him knew that he was about to collapse with his buttocks.

The speed of explosion -proof cars suddenly increased.

Before the self -burst of sand bugs, it was too late to climb the road, and the explosion -proof car drove over.

The self -bursting sand bug behind was pulled and farther.

Through the rearview mirror, Su Ran saw a lot of stones that had been dropped by the dense self -bursting sandworms.

The cracks on the top of the cave are getting bigger and more and more, and the falling stones are even greater.

Su Ran was sitting on the co -pilot, listening to the sound of falling on the roof, a little worried.

He was afraid that he would be staged like some movies. When he was about to escape, a boulder smashed him down.

Fortunately, the explosion -proof car was out of the cave.

As soon as the car was opened, Su Ran heard a rumbling noise behind him.

He looked back, and the huge cave had collapsed completely.

Seeing this, Su Ran exhaled long.

He was glad that he used the hybrid power of oil and electricity.

Otherwise, he was buried in the cave with those burst of sandworms.

“It’s really good to live!”

Su Ran lay comfortably.

The feeling of escaping in the dead is so wonderful, just like playing scissors and stone cloth with King Yan Luo.

Chapter 79 Selling again

This cave is calm on the surface, but it is hidden everywhere.

First, the treasure chest monster that can be disguised, and then the self -bursting sand bugs hidden underground.

In the end, even the cave itself is a sinister sixth. Who would think that such a large cave was supported by an inconspicuous stone pillar?

Su Ran remembered these, and had to lament that he was really fate.

After the explosion -proof car passed through the cave, it continued along the tunnel.

The tunnel was dark, and it was unclear during the day and night.

If it weren’t for Su Ran, he would lose the concept of time.

At about 8:30 in the evening.

At this time, the explosion -proof vehicle has driven more than two hours along the highway, but it is still a dark tunnel in front.

Su Ran no longer expects to open the tunnel today.

He returned to the space in the car, came to the kitchen, and started making today’s dinner.

Take out two potatoes, a piece of bear meat, and a piece of oil.

Tonight, Su Ran intends to make a luxury and make two dishes.

Potato bears and fried vegetables.

Wash the food again, peel the potatoes, cut into pieces, cut into pieces, and cut oil.

After all preparations were done, Su Ran officially started cooking.

After a busy time, the two dishes were on the table.

At this point, the time has arrived at 9 o’clock in the evening.

“It is convenient to have a table.”

Su Ran sat on the table and enjoyed the food.

He pinched a piece of potatoes, and it was suitable for the soft and hard. He was sent into his mouth.

As Su Ran ate dinner, he opened area chat.

“Grassy, hot during the day, frozen shit at night, what is this ghost place! What about it!”

“Who has a thicker clothes? Lend me all night and return you tomorrow.”

“If you feel cold, turn on the heating! Don’t you be reluctant? Don’t you even have this fuel?”

“Oh, just make it hard. Today, I ran a day of the car for a day, so I will drive out 70 liters of fuel. You don’t know how difficult the fuel is here.”

“Hahahaha, laughed to death. Fortunately, I didn’t lose all of these quilts, oh, it’s warm.”

“The previous area is the brothers of Xueyuan. Can you give us some warm things? It’s really cold.”

Seeing the temperature in the group, Su Ran laughed and smiled very happily.

Leeks are mature again.

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