Syrilblia: I Reincarnated as a Doomed Noble Villainess Girl, so I Will Seduce my Mother to Survive!

Chapter 21: Not Sexual!!! And… Marriage.


Chapter 21: Not Sexual!!! And… Marriage.

(Syrilblia’s POV)

In the massage room, there were a few beds. Most were small, so that the one giving the massage would have a far easier time of getting around. But there were a few big ones as well.

Marina was on a big one, as we had planned on having sex. But that plan changed, so she moved to a smaller one. It wasn’t really needed, perhaps it was to show that she agreed with my no sex plan? Who knows…

Marina: “Do have fun playing with my body, Syrilblia.” She said with a smug expression.

Syrilblia: “I will not be playing at all. Now I will give you a massage like a professional. No matter how much you tempt me, sex will not happen.” I say with a serious tone.

Marina: “What if I do this?” She replied.

Before, Marina was lying on her stomach, but she flipped over. Spreading her legs, she used her fingers to do the same to her flower petals… Swallowing my saliva and shaking my head, Marina laughed and went back to her previous position.

With a sigh, I went back to her feet. Even now, the tension in them was insane. It must hurt like a bitch for her to walk. Her most likely future attempts at… uh… tempting me were all forgotten about. As she now recalled how I was relieving her pain.

Marina: “Syrilblia… I have never acted like this before with anyone but… If you keep giving me such relief, I will be a good girl and not try to tempt you.” She said with an embarrassed tone and expression.

Syrilblia: “…”

My heart was aroused… Marina looked so damn cute right now… I wanted to fuck her so much, but I used every ounce of my will and sanity to stay my kitten’s neediness…

Swallowing my saliva once more, I focused as hard as I could on massaging her feet. Moans and whimpers came from Marina’s mouth, and even tears flowed from her eyes.

She was embarrassed about letting herself cry, but I didn’t shame her for it at all. Clearly, Marina has been dealing with practically crippling pain for years. I need to ask Serena to brew up some kind of potion that helps with her pain…

It’s not like her pain won’t come back, as it obviously will. But that is something for the future. For now, I must focus on relieving my wife’s aching body!… I don’t mean sexually!!!

Many, Many Hours Later.

Marina: “…”

Syrilblia: “…”

There wasn’t any more tension left in her body, I had massaged it all away with great skill and effort. Marina had a radiant smile on her face. She seemed happy about my actions. That’s good! As the saying goes, happy wife, happy life.

As expected, regardless of me not trying to pleasure her, pleasure met Marina. She was wet, and she had some small orgasms here and there. Luckily, as you need to use oil to have a proper massage, there was a bath connected to the massage room.

Marina: “Let’s take a bath together.” She proposed.

Before I could reply, Marina ran up to me and pulled me into a hug. After she finished hugging me, she held my arm like she was my lover, and then she pulled me into the bath.

Ironically, doing what I did for Serena a while ago, Marina bathe my entire body with great care. Like it was some kind of payment for my massage, she tried to pleasure me, but I stopped her.

Marina: “Syrilblia… the more you resist me, the more and more that I want to do sexual things with you.” She said with a raspy tone.

Syrilblia: “No sex until at least tomorrow. I don’t want to undo my work.” I reply with a stern tone.

Marina: “How will me using my hands to pleasure you, undo it?” She asked with a pout.

With a smile, and as she had already finished washing me and herself, I guided her to the bath. Sitting down, side by side, I grabbed her hand. It wasn’t needed, but I guess that I could give her one last massage.

Marina: “…”

With great care, I massaged her hands, getting out the small micro tensions in them. Since she uses her hands so often, doing a massage like this is probably useless. But it should feel very nice.

Once I was done, I kissed the back of both of her hands before letting them go. Wrapping my arm around her, I leaned my head on her shoulder and breathed a deep breath.

Syrilblia: “?”

Marina took my free hand, and kissed it as well. Then she pressed it against her face. It was cute, and this was extremely romantic. I was falling in love with her all over again…

Marina: “Once day… I will put a ring on your finger, Syrilblia. Even if I have to burn this kingdom… or even this world down, to do so.” She said with a serious but romantic tone.

Syrilblia: “I know. I look forward to the day where I can tell others that you’re my wife.” I reply with a bright smile before giving her a small kiss.

My heart… I can feel it healing. It feels broken, useless, almost nonexistent most of the time. But… when I am with her… my wife… my heart beats. In a sense, my dead heart was revived, and now beats solely for her. In this bath, I solidified my love and trust in her.

Marina will be my wife, she will be my salivation, and she will be what has, and will continue to, save me. If some higher power did this, as some way to make up for the horrible life that I had to endure… I thank them with my very soul.

Marina: “…What’s wrong?” She asked with a concerned tone.

Syrilblia: “I love you… I love you so much. So much… that I can deal with and move on from my trauma and pain. I… can I tell you what happened to me?” I reply with a nervous tone.

Marina: “Of course… but let’s do it in bed.” She proposed with a warm tone and expression.

Getting out of the bath, Marina dried my body, and then did the same to hers. Hand in hand, not even caring if anyone could see us, we walked to her room.

Calmly, we got dressed in nightgowns. The humor of her nightgowns being slightly too big, as her breasts were bigger than mine, wasn’t lost on me. But such a thing wasn’t something that I was going to laugh about right now.

Marina: “Come, let’s cuddle while you tell me everything.” She said, spreading her arms wide, inviting me into a hug.

Accepting her invitation, I huddled my head into her breasts, and laid down on the bed with her. With a deep breath, I swallowed any doubt I had, and I started to reveal everything to Marina. I wanted… I guess I wanted her pity. Or rather, perhaps I wanted her to console me…

Hours Later.

My mind and emotional state wasn’t one where I could get an answer to that previous question of mine. Instead, I kept pouring my heart out to her. I was a fool…

Why wouldn’t she accept me? Just because my family raped me my entire life? That was a major disrespect to Marina's and my love for each other. One that I won’t make again…

With each consolement from Marina, the more my heart beat and fell in love with her. I was never going to escape this woman for the rest of my life. And the truth is… this is exactly what I wanted. It’s not official, but this night… For me, this is will always be the night that I married Marina.

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