System Break

Chapter 126: Unwinnable Battle

Many old warriors grumbled and protested.

The shaman shouted, "Cowards, cowards. Why should a man lead the clan when you cannot face her in single combat? Woman are inferior? They are not strong enough? Prove it or shut your mouths." His hand reached out and pointed. "She faced the beastmen and nearly died protecting the land core. Less than a day later she is ready to fight."

"You're blind," Glum accused.

The shaman cackled and I was ready to dodge any spittle that flew my way. "I can sense more than you can know, and I sense no wounds on you. Did you hide when the beastmen attacked?"

Glum bristled and I enjoyed the shaman's words for once.

The main hall was full of the remaining warriors who were well enough to be out of bed. The news had spread of Reyas' return and the defeat of the beastmen. As more warriors filed in the mood changed. The new ones probably supported Ulfgrim and only the few who surrounded him were Glum's cronies.

Murmurs of challenge echoed through the group. 

An old warrior step forward. "Challenge," he called.

Then another, "Challenge."

The tide turned against Glum and they all called for the challenge to proceed. I wondered where they would fight and then suddenly the warriors pushed to the outside of the main hall. They formed a human circle as they squished themselves to the extremities of the room. They passed the furniture out the door or stood on top of it.

Reyas pulled her axes from her back. I smiled as I watched her swing them and loosen up. She almost died two days ago. We healed her all night and rested the next day. Then we ran here the following day and she should be wrecked. She should want to lie in bed. But she was fuelled by rage and love of her home.

Glum on the other hand looked weak. His face twisted in jealousy and hate. His entitlement was based on nothing other than his scheming mouth. I held my tongue and enjoyed the scene.

The warriors chanted and the two faced each other. Her leathers hugged her beautiful form and in comparison Glum looked like a toad. She bared her teeth in a fashion that would make Gisael proud and her axes shone in the light from the torches and firepits.

I watched her qi flow throughout her body. Her skill was a vast improvement from the innate abilities that Glum possessed. Our training did not seem to make much progress day by day, but the difference was stark when I compared to the two.

The chanting stopped and their axes swung. Reyas parried a swing from Glum and his axe flew from his hand and stuck in the ceiling. Her next swing cleaved his head in two.

"Shit that was quick," I said. The warriors in the room stood, staring with their mouths open. "Oh come on. That wasn't surprising," I said. "He was obviously all talk."

The shaman growled and said, "Anyone else? Speak now because she will be chieftain if you do not."

All of Glum's cronies were unsurprisingly silent. 

The warriors began to chant her name and she glared at them. "Quiet," she said loudly. "We will burn our dead tonight and tomorrow we unite the clans." They hesitated. "Move," she roared.

The warriors dragged out the dead body of Glum and not many were sad to see him go. The shaman cackled and settled down in the large chair next to the fireplace.

"Is this where you're going to live now?" I asked.

Reyas was busy issuing orders and asking about her father. Gisael worked her way past the warriors and stood by my side.

"I will make this the main fort of the mountainfolk. It is the best defended and the others will be hunting lodges."

I tilted my head to the side. "You can convince the other chieftains?" 

He turned his head toward Reyas. "Together we can."

"Was this your plan all along? You sent her away with me with the idea she would come back?"

He cackled. "It worked better than I thought. You are a good teacher. You surprised me. I thought it would take a year or two."

I watched Reyas and I was suddenly sad. But that was for me. That was for our sex life and it was selfish. She almost died, almost lost our baby and she'd be safer up here in the mountains. They both would. I sighed and Gisael leaned against me. She snaked her hand into mine as was her way.

The warriors were finally gone to do their duties and all that was left was the women from Bravrak and us. Reyas approached me and Gisael.

"I'm sorry," she said. "This is happening so suddenly, and you must feel abandoned."

I smiled sadly. "I will miss you terribly. But I know what you do right. It's best for your people and our baby."

She flew into my arms and wrapped hers around me. I wiped a bit of blood from her forehead and she stared at my finger.

"It was annoying me," I said and grinned.

"Visit me often," she said. "The mine is yours as promised. Build something there and I will be there."

I gasped. "I have to build something there? Why can't you build something there?"

She smiled demurely. "It is your mine now, you must look after it. I know you will do something great."

"I would trade the mine for you any day," I said.

She kissed me on the neck. "I know, but you can't have me like before. I will lead my people now. The shaman has shown me the way."

"Did this all happen because I left you alone for a day?"

She giggled. "A little. But I think it was leading to this, I just didn't know it until yesterday."

"Hmm," I said and titled my head up. "So, let me get this straight. You will lead the mountainfolk and raise our child here. And I can come visit as much as I like and bang your brains out, then leave."

She pouted. "And cuddles. I expect cuddles."

"Of course," I said. "I like them too. Just not as much as great sex."

A few elders started to file into the room and the artisans because I recognised Gleig. 

She squeezed me and said, "I knew you'd understand." She released me and approached the gathering folk.

"There will be many changes and there is much for you to do. But for now we can celebrate the death of the beastmen and know that we are all safe."

"This is …," an elder began.

"Shut up," the shaman said. "Until you hear me out."

Gisael and I retreated to a corner. We lounged in a large chair and pulled a fur over us. I pulled my helmet off and ignored the discussions of the mountainfolk.

She touched my face and held me. We rested in silence until I asked her a question. "You're not going to get pregnant too I hope."

Her hand expertly untied my leather pants and grabbed hold of my dragon. Her lips gently kissed my ear before she whispered, "We have to keep trying."

I grabbed her face with a hand either side of her head and titled it towards me. I met her gaze and said, "No, I mean. One's enough for now."

She bared her teeth at me. "If you give one to Reyas, you must give one to me as well."

I sighed. This was one battle I was not going to win.

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