Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 15: The plot thickens!

~Moments after Artoria left~


— P.O.V switch All Might —


As I was standing there in stunned silence after the unknown female villain left, someone's hand on my shoulder brought me back to reality.


Shota: “All Might, what the hell just happened?”


Shaking my head to clear it, I turned to look at my friend with confusion on my face.


All Might: “What do you mean, Eraserhead?”


Shota: “I mean just that! What the hell happened! Everything happened so fast that none of it makes sense! First one of the villains head fucking rolls off for no reason, then the next one bursts into green flames! Next all the low level villains are just cut in half by a random beam of light! And then you freak out and punch nothing! But you had to have punched something for the ground to be like this. Then finally, the last… thing, was cut in half!


So I ask again. WHAT. THE. FUCK. HAPPENED?!”


All Might: “You didn’t see her?”


Shota: “Her? Her who?”


All Might: “I admit, she was extremely see-through, but I could still make her out. It was a woman in a black armoured dress, with a black sword that had some sort of pattern in red on it. This woman was the one who did all of this.”


I waved my hand to the carnage that she wrought.


Shota: “Someone with multiple quirks then. But why was she kind of visible to you, and no-one else?”


I just shook my head in confusion.


All Might: “I do not know. But that isn’t the part I am worried about. I punched her, Eraserhead. It might not have been my strongest punch ever, but it was enough to crush steel with ease. I honestly don’t even know if she even registered that I had hit her…”


I look down at my hand and open and close it slowly.


All Might: “My hand actually stings, Eraserhead. It felt like I had punched something like… like… well, I don’t know honestly. It was unlike anything I have ever felt, and certainly not the flesh of a body.”


Looking up at all the dead villains and the damage to the dome behind them, I sigh.


All Might: “Add on her other powers? Immense strength, ability to emit light strong enough to easily bisect people and damage the dome, fire, ability to move in the shadows…”


Shota’s face became hard at that when a realisation came to his mind at what I was hinting at.


Shota: “You think she has All For One?”


Sighing, I shaking my head.


All Might: “I don’t know my friend, I really don’t. If she does, why did she kill only the villains and not us? But I can’t explain how she has so many quirks. Honestly, if it wasn’t for all the carnage she caused, I could be convinced I was seeing things. She had no presence in the world at all. Like she was an illusion. It’s all very troubling…”


Shota crossed his arms in thought while looking over the dead.


Shota: “I am useless as well. I can’t disable what I can’t see.”


He released a sigh and drooped a little.


Shota: “This is going to cause such a shit storm with the press. At least none of the kids were hurt. Traumatised maybe, but they should be better for it if they can move past this horror display.”


All Might: “I am sure they will. The next generation of heroes is strong! Anyway, you get the kids back to school. I am going to go ahead and inform Nezu about this new Villainess.”


Shota: “All right. I’ll see you back in the U.A.”


Nodding to my friend, I start to make my way out of the U.S.J. But as I was making my way out, the young Midoriya ran up to me with a pale face.


Izuku: “All Might! Can I speak to you for a second?”


All Might: “Of course, young Midoriya! I am in a hurry though, I need to report this to Nezu.”


Izuku: “I understand, Sir. But, please tell me you were able to see the woman too.”


My eyes widened at his statement.


All Might: “I did indeed Midoriya. But she was very transparent to me, how did she appear to you?”


A frown appeared on his face as he thought back.


Izuku: “She was transparent, but I wouldn’t exactly say it was very. I had asked the others when she was… was… killing everyone. But no-one but me could actually see her.”


All Might: “Indeed, this is strange. Of the three teachers here, only I was able to semi see her it seems. And now with you, this is most curious. Maybe it has something to do with One For All?”


Young Midoriya’s eyes widened slightly and lit up.


Izuku: “That very well could be it All Might! That is the only thing we have in common. But why?”


I just shake my head and shrug.


All Might: “I do not know, young Midoriya. I was thinking she has All For One, but her actions break that guess. I can not see a situation where the user of All For One kills villains but NOT the heroes… Anyway, please keep this under wraps for now young Midoriya. We need more information before we begin to spread anything.”


He gave me a nod with a serious look on his face.


Izuku: “You can trust me, All Might! Alright, I’ll get back to the others now. Bye!”


I waved to him as he ran off. Turning I left the building and started to sprint as fast as I could to the U.A.


‘Nezu needs to know about this. He’s much more likely to be able to solve this than I am.’


Arriving sometime later at the school, I immediately head towards Nezu’s office. Once I entered the teacher's lounge I couldn’t help but feel like something was off.


‘Where is everyone? Normally there are at least one or two people inside here, even during classes. Feels weird really.’


All Might: “Nezu, are you in your office?”


Nezu: “Ah! Toshinori-san! Perfect, just the person I needed to talk to. Please, come into my  office.”


‘Good, he’s alone since he didn’t call me All Might. I can drop my form and save some time. Really starting to feel that fire start to flicker after giving my quirk up.’


Poofing down into my true form, I go over to Nezu’s door and knock before I open it.


All Might: “Nezu, we got a prob– what is that? And what is up with your fur?”


I walked up to the table that was covered in some kind of dark water substance, and looked at it curiously.


Nezu: “Oh, don’t mind me. But I have something important I want to say before we get started.”


Looking up from the water to Nezu, I tilt my head slightly and motion him to continue.


Smiling at me, I see a worrisome glint in his eye all of a sudden.


Nezu: “Have a wonderful dip.”


All Might: “Eh?”


All of a sudden, I felt someone push me forward harshly. As I was falling towards the water I turned to look at who shoved me, and what I saw shocked me.


It was young Mirio Togata! But he looked very different, wrong even. His skin was very pale, and he had red lines going up his neck onto his face. His hair was also very faded from its normal yellow, while his eyes were a dull yellow now as well. Worst of all was the cruelty I could see in them now, and in the smile on his face.


I quickly felt myself hit the water, but much to my surprise and horror, I kept going down. Soon, I was totally submerged in the black water, and I could feel something pulling me even further down. Eventually, black was all I knew as I went unconscious.


— P.O.V switch Artoria —


‘Damn, Nezu works hella fast.’


I was currently still chilling in Nezu’s shadow as I watched the whole thing. Them getting All Might so soon, and so easily was kind of a shock. But if I really thought about it, I shouldn’t be surprised.


‘He’s not the brightest person ever, and he was in what he thought was a safe place with his friend and boss. So, yeah, it makes sense I guess.’


Looking on as Nezu was talking with Mirio, it didn’t take long for All Might to resurface from the water.


Gasping for air as Mirio helped All Might out and onto the floor Nezu asked him a question.


Nezu: “So, how are you feeling Toshinori-san?”


Looking over him, his change is much the same as the others so far. Pale skin, lighter hair, red corruption lines, and yellow eyes.


All Might: “I. I feel…”


He suddenly stood up, and turned into his hero form and flexed.


All Might: “Amazing! Like how I felt in my prime! I feel as if all my burdens are gone! But also like an idiot for how many villains I let get away.”


Nezu: “You don’t need to worry about that. I have come up with a plan. The world needs to change, Toshinori. And I think it’s us who will do it. This dark water frees us, and gives us clarity. It’s about time the world experiences true peace.”


All Might: “Agreed. We could do so much more if it wasn’t for the laws that limit our actions. The villains don’t care about laws, and I think it’s time the heroes don’t either.”


Mirio: “The world should be free from villains, and be at peace. Even if we have to drag it kicking and screaming to the utopia Nezu has planned.”


All Might: “Ah, right. Nezu, I originally came here to inform you about a new villainess. But after receiving the clarity from the water, I think maybe she is a kindred spirit instead.”


'Hah. A kindred spirit indeed, All Might.'


Nezu: “Oh?”


All Might then went on to describe his encounter with myself, and a talk with Izuku after I had left.


‘Huh, so even Izuku could see me, and better than All Might? Yea, I am thinking it’s the soul slivers in One For All giving him some help. I wonder how he and that quirk will react to the waters of AWE?’


Soon All Might had finished his recap, and both Nezu and Mirio had their arms crossed and were in thinking poses. Nezu was the first one to speak up.


Nezu: “I think you’re right, in that she is a kindred spirit All Might. The fact that she only killed the villains, and didn’t even retaliate against you has led me to that conclusion. But having all those powers… I don’t know. But I find it very unlikely she has AFO. No way would he raise someone who would blatantly go against his idea of Evil like that.”


Mirio: “I agree. While I don’t really know anything about AFO, it’s clear to me that this woman doesn’t want to harm you. By the way you said she handled all the villains and took a punch from you like it was nothing, I think she could have easily killed everyone in that dome if she chose too.”


All Might: “I am inclined to agree. What do you think we should do about her, Nezu?”


Nezu: “I will think about it. Maybe we could recruit her? Time will tell. Let’s shelve the topic of her for now, and focus on the school. In the few hours that you’ve been gone All Might, I’ve managed to get quite a few people into the water's depths. But the trick will be to get all the students.


As you can see, there are visible changes to people who are submerged. It will raise questions.”


Mirio: “Too bad we can not just use the sprinkler system.”


Everyone, including me, froze at that statement.


‘Holy shit, would that actually work?’


I peer into the waters with that question in my mind, and as if to answer me the water rippled.


‘I suddenly feel like the answer is a yes…”


Going along with this feeling, I commanded the water to gather, and moved it over and into Nezu’s coffee thermos.


Mirio: “Uhh…”


All Might: “I think… the water is saying it will work? Wait, is that water sentient?”


Nezu: “I don’t think so. It’s not normal for sure but I don’t think it can, well think. Maybe it’s reacting to our desire to spread it?”


The other two just shrug their shoulders.


All Might: “Well, even if we use the sprinkler system it won’t get everyone.”


Mirio: “True, but we can just throw everyone that the sprinklers miss into the waters ourselves after. I don’t think the water can double affect us or anything. Watch.”


He walked over to the filled coffee thermos and poured a little onto his hand. All the water did was just sit there, like normal water.


Nezu: “Noted. We, the ones that are already changed, can move unimpeded with the water going off in the sprinklers then. Good.”


‘I’ll help them from the shadows, heh literally it seems, and place a barrier around the school to prevent anyone from leaving. But not entering…’


I was liking this sprinkler idea more and more. This will corrupt the entire next generation of heroes, and help spread Nezu’s plan farther.


Satisfied with the plan they were all coming up with, I intended to try and catch the Reincarnator outside the school tomorrow before they even enter it. My goal was still to kill them, not corrupt, after all.


A cruel and satisfied smile crept its way up my face.


Artoria: “It’s all coming together.”


Early chapter~! Hope you enjoyed the PoV change and the scheming~. Have a good night everyone~!

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