Take the Red Police to Marvel

Chapter 5 The Innocents

"This is indeed a very important breakthrough, as long as it is slightly improved, it can even be used now."

Dr. Zola stayed up late to read the research report and told Schmidt his opinion the next day.

"The purpose of this technology is to strengthen the nerve reflex speed through drugs. You need to ask them more specifically, but I can confirm that part of the pharmacology of this drug is on the nerve myelin."

As the boss of Hydra, Schmidt's knowledge reserve is far less than that of a professional scientist, but it is still somewhat ink.

However, he really didn't know what nerve myelin was, and Zola dutifully explained it slowly.

"Myelin is a type of oligodendrocytes that wrap around neuronal axons to form a composite membrane."

After a pause, Zola organized his language and continued, "In short, in addition to relying on continuous training to form subconscious muscle memory, our reaction speed is actually determined by the nerve myelin sheath. The thicker the myelin sheath is, the more developed it is. The faster the response speed."

"So, this drug makes the nerve myelin sheath thicker and more developed?"

"No, it's not. It's just that in theory, people's nerve reflex speed can be strengthened in a short period of time through drug stimulation. They should not know the specific strengthening data, because there is no experiment yet."

Hearing this, Schmidt's eyes moved slightly, and then he said to the adjutant next to him, "Go find some volunteers, men, women and children, and call Miss Rhine to the test site by the way."

The adjutant moved very quickly, and Rhine looked at him in a daze. He didn't know what kind of plane Schmidt was going to build. Didn't he agree that everything was business as usual? Why did he call her over again.

"What's the matter? I have other things to do."

Rhine crossed her arms in dissatisfaction and looked at the adjutant. Now she not only has to start researching the human body strengthening plan, but also analyzes the technology related to the study of the Rubik's Cube in the universe. She is really busy.

Regarding this, the adjutant could only smile wryly and wave his hands, saying that he didn't know, saying that it was all arranged by Schmidt.

Rhine didn't make it difficult for the adjutant, but she was a little annoyed by being called around all day. When she turned her head, no, the person who annoyed her came.

"Schmidt, if you don't have anything urgent, I suggest not to bother me, because I'm really busy."

Hearing this, the adjutant stood at the door and clicked his tongue secretly. The entire Hydra might only dare to talk to Schmidt like Miss Rhine.

Schmidt shrugged and said he was indeed on business.

"Of course it's a very important matter. Didn't you say that there was a lack of experimental materials before? I happened to go out for a trip and brought the materials back by the way."

The girl looked at him suspiciously and felt a little strange. Chimpanzees are not so easy to find, and the efficiency of finding the experimental materials just the next day is really high enough.

Now that it’s all here, let’s just finish the second stage of the experiment, and then proceed to the next stage after some optimization.

"Okay, let me go to the laboratory to get some things first."

He trotted to get a small black leather case, which contained the six potions of the second stage. The reason why he didn't make more was because this thing could only be prepared manually.

Many of the chemical reagents in it are not available now. Things like modafinil and amphetamine can only be prepared slowly by yourself, which is very troublesome.

Walking on the way to the test site, Rhine, who was about to start the next stage of research, became in a better mood.

She watched Schmidt occasionally look at the box in her hand and said, "This is the reagent. It is currently a neurosynthetic drug that can strengthen brain metabolism and improve circulation, and it also has a certain cognitive enhancement effect."

"Hmm, that sounds great."

Unconsciously nodded, Schmidt stepped forward to push the door of the test field for Rhine, and made a gesture of inviting him in.

Rhine was amused by Schmidt's action. At this time, she felt that if Schmidt was not so cruel, the two of them might be good friends.

When she arrived at the test site, what she saw was not a chimpanzee in a cage, but a group of men, women and children.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Rhine's face gradually faded.

"Schmidt, what's going on?"

"Don't you want experimental materials? These are."

Walking around in front of the one-way glass, Schmidt pointed to the chaotic crowd inside and said, "They are all volunteers, and I have also given their families a generous compensation."


With an angry shout, Rhine rushed in front of him, his face flushed and his eyes rounded, "What I want is a chimpanzee, do you understand the chimpanzee?! It's not a human, and a human is not an experiment!"

"Of course they are not experimental subjects, they are volunteers... Now, dear Miss Rhine, it's time to carry out your experiment."

Schmidt was unmoved. If the person in front of him was a strong and strong man, he might dodge to some extent, but even if such a little girl gets angry, she doesn't pose much threat.

"You, huh... I'm not playing word games with you, I won't let them participate in the experiment."

Exhaling a breath to calm down her emotions, Rhine hugged the suitcase and turned to sit next to her, and she was not in a hurry. Anyway, she was not the one who was in a hurry to delay the experiment.

"Then listen to you."


What's the situation, has this guy changed his mind?But what Schmidt said next made him scold the shamelessness of this person in his heart.

"Since they can't participate in the experiment, let's get rid of them all. This is a highly confidential place. Anyone who has nothing to do with it will be shot for espionage."


Lainten stood up and glared at Schmidt, who still went his own way, and now she had a headache.

Synthetic drugs are still immature. Although she is sure, she can't guarantee that the drug is completely harmless to the human body. But if they don't experiment, these people will go to see God now.

In the end, she was still to blame, if only she had discussed this matter with Dr. Erskine in private at that time, why did the trouble get to this point, and innocent ordinary people were involved.

This made her feel very guilty, but now there is no other way but to ensure the stability of the drug as much as possible to avoid negative effects.

"Okay, I agree to the experiment, but it must be carried out strictly according to my requirements and procedures."

"No problem, I can satisfy you with any cooperation you need."

The girl's reaction seems to have been expected by Schmidt. It seems that she has grasped Rhine's character. The latter also knows this, but she has no idea to deal with this move.

In desperation, she could only concentrate on directing the people on the scene to prepare for the experiment, hoping that there would be no accidents by then.

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