Tale of Discovery

Chapter 67: Time Memorial

"Everything I know regarding The Heavenly War is through Infi," Yuno says once we've all regrouped, including my Angels.

"Didn't you say that Infi is sealed?", I inquire.

"Yes, she is, but she managed to somehow create a Proxy for outside of the seal," she explains.


"Juno," she replies.

Hold on a second... So, Juno is Infi and she's sealed?

"Why is she sealed?"

"I don't know much, but according to what she said, something appeared and turned the Programs against each other."

"What do you mean by that, and what is a 'Program'?"

"As I said, I don't know much. As for 'Program', it's a term that means a group of unified Codes."

I see... For some reason Juno, no... Infi has been really secretive about everything. Thinking of which, Irene mentioned something about Digits. What are they? I forward the question to Yuno to which she replies,

"Digits are a sort of classification for Codes. It determines how significant is their existence. The 'lower' the number, the higher the being and their eternality."

"What's my Digit?", I curiously ask.

"Zero," she replies seriously.

Zero? That's interesting. I do wonder what's her Digit...

"I'm already aware that your Code is Sigilla, so I now want to know your Digit," I state.

Yuno begins to fidget in place while not knowing how to respond. Finally, after a whole minute of fidgeting, she says to me in a low voice,

"I-I... um... a Three-Digit."

Huh? What's that?

{It's a category that shows generally how vital a Code is. Three-Digits are significantly weaker than Two-Digits, while Two-Digits can't even be compared to One-Digits.}

What am I then?


And what is that?

{Can't be classified.}

Yeah, that explanation is not a very helpful one...

"It's not a lie, I can use space powers!"

"They're not related to space, but rather seals," I retort her claim.

"But... if I make a seal related to space, it's spatial powers, right?" she says while looking me in the eye. Is she trying to play a game of words with me?

Hah~ I don't have the energy for that.

"Yes, yes... your powers can be very versatile if used properly. So, I want you to honestly tell me about everything from now on, alright?"

She energetically nods in response. I sure hope that she keeps her words.

"Forget about that," Sora suddenly says, "where is that thing that made 'Programs' turn against each other?"

Good question, sis.

"It's sealed alongside Infi as they are one body, according to what Infi said," Yuno replies while nibbling on her finger.

"What is this seal that you speak of?", Krul inquires.

"It's at Italia, where The Heavenly War took place," Yuno explains, "time and space in that location is sealed, keeping the Codes and everything else inside in a stable form.

"However, the seal isn't an everlasting one and could break at any given moment."

That certainly doesn't sound like good news.

Based on what is described of the Codes so far, I'm sure that there could be ridiculously strong ones. Oh right, if Yuno's Code isn't Dominion, does that Code even exist?

{It does.}


The Codes are allied with each other, right? Who am I even consoling... I'm pretty sure that other than Programs, every Code is against each other.

{That is correct.}

Ah... this is the one time that I hoped Irene would say that I'm wrong. Well, no use complaining about future pests annoying me.

I will crush their ego and existence if it comes down to it. Honestly, I really feel like becoming the strongest existence will solve almost all of my issues.

So, this is the plan, I guess:

Become the strongest, and stop an enemy which is apparently residing within a girl who created a sub-existence of herself and had sex with me, from destroying everything that I've come to enjoy. (A/N: This sounds like a Japanese light novel title for some reason.)

I will become a hero!

Yeah, no... Screw that. I just want to spend the rest of my seemingly eternal life with the girls. Might as well add Infi to that list.

"Hey, it just crossed my mind, but what's Infi's Code?" I ask as realization suddenly hits me.

Without any pause whatsoever, Yuno replies, "I don't know."

I should probably take her word for it, as she seems to be a lot more obedient compared to before. It would've been better if she knew.

"You at least know who the One-Digit Codes are, right?" I ask her apprehensively.

"No," she directly replies.

Damnit! It could've been useful information.

{Father, may I provide the answer for the question?}

My dear Irene, you are very welcome to do so.

{The ones that I have a record of so far are Dominion, Gaia, Graviton, and Lux.}

You're the best, Irene.

{I'm happy to be praised by Father.}

Her voice at the end sounded a little too happy, but I'll leave her be, cause she's cute.

"This reminds me," Yuno suddenly says, "Infi told me that she left you something."

She did? I wonder what it is...

"She said that it's in the Familiar Forest. Upon entering, you will be naturally attracted to it."

Isn't that great? It coincides with my plan of subduing the giant lizard.

"Now then," I say while letting out a sigh, "where the heck are we going to stay? I honestly, don't have much energy left to create anything."

Hold on,


The next moment, I find myself in the same city I was in before, however, I now know where it is - Dubai.

Hey Irene, is there a limit to how long someone can stay in the Arena?

{Affirmative. The max amount of days an individual can stay for is three. In order for this to be reset, the individual must remain outside for 24 hours.}

Of course, there would be some kind of limitation. Forget it,


Immediately after I said so, all those that I willed to appear within the Arena appeared out of thin air right in front of me.

The fact that I can forcefully pull others into the Arena without their knowledge is truly a broken option.

{If an individual is capable enough, they'll probably be able to resist it.}

Makes complete sense. If you're weak and pathetic, you'll be played around by others. That's just how it works.

Their character and personality don't matter either, as I would indiscriminately squash them.

I shake my head and look at the girls who're confused over what's happening. Excluding my Angels, of course.

Now that I think about it, I haven't trained Koneko yet...

"Welcome," I announce, "this place is where I train my Angels as well as my future sla- *cough*, I mean helpers."

They look at me a little weirdly, but I decide to ignore them and just explain how the place works.

"So this is another one of God's worlds?", Asia asks me once I'm done explaining.

What the hell happened to all of what I just said?! Ah, forget it,

"Yes. It is a place where only those I deem worthy can come to."

Asia has stars in her irises as she clasps her hands together and begins to pray,

[Oh Great Lord, -]

For some weird reason, Asia's voice resounds within my head the same way Irene's and the Angels' voices do.

{That's because she is a devout believer.}

Huh? What's that?

{Father can check the status board for that.}

Alright then,


Right after that, the familiar window appears once again, and I notice that very little has changed since the last time I saw it.

For my parameters:

Agi: 64>>66 (15)

Def: 57>>58 (15)

Other than that, there are no other noticeable changes, apart from one thing.


Asia Argento (Human) | Raynare Victorianul (Angel) | Mittelt Victorianul (Angel) | Kalawarner Victorianul (Angel) | ???? (??) | ???? (??) | etc.


I focus on the "etc" and right after I do so, the list expands, showing numerous question marks. Does this mean that I have more worshippers than I thought? Why are they marked like that, though?

{Can't answer Father's inquiry due to lack of information.}

It's fine. All will be revealed in the future... probably.

"Asia, it turns out that you are able to speak to me through your thoughts," I tell the devoted girl.

"Eh?", she looks at me, confused.

"Since you are considered to be a devout believer, you are able to speak to me whenever you pray," I continue.

Upon taking in the new information that she just received, Asia practically bursts with happiness as she clasps her hands together much stronger than before and begins to pray like there is no tomorrow.

This is getting out of hand...

Hopefully, she won't be praying a lot, every day.


"Oh, you're finally here. Good afternoon," I say to the bunch that entered the clubroom.

"Of course. Good afternoon," Sona calmly responds.

Good. From the looks of it, I can go get myself a giant lizard without being disturbed today, as it seems like I've won the gamble I made.

"Let's get going then, ladies and monkies," I say with a delighted expression.

I'm looking forward to what Infi has left me, as it is surely going to be useful in one way or another.

~~~Bonus Extra Non-canon Material~~~

As the foreign force crossed through the crack in space it began to evolve. In the end, it became the most chaotic force.

After going all around dimensions, it finally came upon a planet filled with life.

The force focused on one creature and took over it, forcing the evil to spread within its body.

"Congratulations, it's a boy," a woman says while holding a newborn baby.

A man with a stocky build approaches her, gently takes the baby into his arms and says,

"Your name is going to be Dio. I'll be sure to teach you the ways of life..."

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