Tale of Discovery

Chapter 96: Another One ; New Angel

"Why wasn't I told anything about this before?" I demand.

In response to my inquiry, Koneko replies neutrally,

"We didn't want to waste your time."

Nevertheless, they should've at least told me that there is another peerage member.

According to Koneko, he is a little eccentric in his behavior and looks.

Well, at least, Koneko decided to tell me about this, or else I would have to go deliver punishment to a bunch of Devils.

"So, have you decided on who are the ones that are going to accompany you to the conference?", Krul asks.

I nod my head before explaining what I have in mind.

First, all the Codes apart from Siesta are going to be accompanying me. This is a precaution against any Codes that may appear, as based on my experiences so far, only Codes can harm me.

Second, all of my Angels will be coming as well. The reason for this is so that we won't be outnumbered.

Their current strength, coupled with legendary armaments, will be a lethal combination.

"So, Yuno, I need you to prepare a Sigillum that will open a remote gateway linked with our shrine-house."

"Understood," she calmly replies.

Turning my head to face Koneko, I inquire,

"They're planning to hold the conference at Kuoh Academy, right?"

As confirmation, Koneko nods her head once.

Why an academy of all places? Is there more to it than what I know of? Couldn't be, as the only thing that can be deemed unnatural in our academy is the presence of Devils.

Leaving that aside, the conference that is going to be held will have representatives from the three factions: Pure Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils.

I'm looking forward to meeting the one who will represent the Pure Angels, as now that I am taking on the identity of God, they will either have to face me or obey me. No in-between.

The conference is supposed to be held the day after tomorrow, so I have some time to mess with the Academy.

"Yuno, you will be coming with me to school tomorrow."

"Understood," she affirms.

I sure have a lot of things to do tomorrow. Early in the day, I need to head over to the principal's office and have some more of the girls transfer over.

Then, I need to establish a club for me and my underlings. Once I'm done with that, I will accompany Rias when she heads over to 'release' her peerage member.

After that matter is dealt with, I need to get Yuno to set up Sigilla in the academy.


"All-Father, there is someone that wishes to serve you," Raynare states while kneeling in front of me.

Ignoring the strange look I'm getting from most of the girls in the living room, I get up from the sofa and instruct Raynare to lead the way.

Under the moonlight, Raynare and I fly to the location where my soon-to-be Angel is supposed to be, which surprisingly turned out to be the church where I first met Raynare and the others.

We land right in front of it and walk inside the church.

I make use of my Clairvoyance to scan the whole building and its surroundings.

There is an underground. Not only that, but there is someone there. A green-haired girl who's on her knees and seems to be praying.

This would've looked much more natural if she wasn't covered in blood and there weren't numerous corpses in front of her, with most of them missing a limb or two.

"Is the one you're speaking of underground and has green hair?" I ask Raynare who's beside me.

She directly says, "Yes, All-Father."

Raynare proceeds to pull some hidden mechanism to reveal the entrance to the underground section of the church.

Now that I think about it, why does this even exist? What exactly was this church's deal in the past? No matter the perspective, this is abnormal.

Dozens of seconds later, we finally reach the bottom of the stairs.

Almost as if she has just sensed our presence, the girl jumps up from the ground and runs over to where we are with terrific speed.

"Are you my father?!" she exclaims while examining me from head to toe.

Looking over to Raynare, I wait for her to explain to me who the girl is. Understanding my intent, she begins,

"This girl is Aruru. She became a Fallen angel due to her violent tendencies."

Taking a look at the girl who seems to be no older than 13 observing me silently, I sense no malice from her.

I extend my arm and place my arm on her smooth hair before ruffling it.

Aruru gradually closes her eyes as a smile covers her face.

A few moments later, I stop ruffling her hair and ask her,

"Aruru, can you tell me why there are so many lifeless bodies here?"

It doesn't take a genius to know that she has killed them. I want to know why she did it.

In response to my words, Aruru opens her eyes before menacingly glaring at the bloody bodies and stating,

"They were disrespectful to Father. I punished them!"

Her 'punishing' shouldn't be anything to scoff at based on the look of despair on the faces of the corpses.

Nevertheless, punishing humans because of their lack of respect for her 'Father' is surely intriguing. I can only imagine how fun it will be to have her under me.

"Say, Aruru, would you like to become mine?"

My words seem to confuse her as she tilts her head and looks me in the eye without uttering a word.

"I mean, would you like to become an Angel and directly serve your Father?"

This time, she understands as she practically jumps several feet into the air while exclaiming,


I nod my head while grinning at her enthusiasm before muttering,



Taking a look at the young-looking Angel in front of me who's curiously checking her body out in front of a mirror, I take note of the changes her body went through.

The most notable thing about her is that she has three pairs of pure-white wings. After that, is her hair.

My other angels all had their hair get paler or not change in color, however, Aruru is different in that regard. Her green hair got darker.

As usual, the two red symbols appeared on the back of her palm, and a halo formed over her head.

Her eyes which were emerald-green are now blood-red which makes it look like her eyes are gleaming.

Finally, there is a snake-like symbol on her left arm.

A few seconds later, Aruru runs over to me and questions eagerly,

"Father, am I allowed to kill?"

Beaming her a smile, I say in a friendly manner,

"You can only kill those who I deem to be my enemies. So, make sure you don't hurt others, alright?"

Aruru immediately nods her head a few times and exclaims,

"I understand!"

The two of us then exit the Arena and reappear at the church's underground section.

"You don't have a place to stay, right?" I ask Aruru after some deliberation.

As expected, she replies, "No."

Just as I am about to tell her that she can live in my mansion, I sense several presences on top of the church.

Checking them out, I find a dozen or so Devils flying over the church.

"We've got company," I inform the two Angels.

Raynare immediately turns serious as she extends her wings and prepares for battle.

As for Aruru, a wide grin covers her face as she excitedly walks over to one of the dead bodies and inserts her hands into its back.

After some struggle, she finally pulls out what she wanted — the spinal cord.

"Aruru?" Raynare questions her actions.

"Devils' spines are great for fights, you know?" she states frantically.

So, there are the bodies of Devils in there? What kind of existence have I subordinated exactly?

Both of the Angels swiftly head outside the church and prepare for battle.

This should be entertaining. As I have personally trained Raynare, I know that she can effortlessly deal with these Devils.

What I'm really curious about is how well Aruru is going to perform. From what I can infer, she's not weak.

Anyway, leaving that aside, what are these Devils doing over here? Who sent them, and how did they know that we're here?

"Leave one of them alive for interrogation," I instruct the two battle-ready Angels.

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