TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 14: Why am I seeing two?

*clank* *boom* *crash*

Hearing those familiar sounds, I get up out of bed and start doing light stretches. I may not be athletic, but this is the least I can do so that my body lasts longer, after all, I need my body to be healthy so that I can still perform experiments and do my research. After my "exercise", I exit my room to see my blonde assistant, or in this case, my "cook" attempting to fix up some breakfast for us. 

"Good morning sensei!" (Mel)

"I told you to stop the entire sensei thing Byron-san." (Lime)

"And I told you to stop with the Byron-san. It's Mel-chan!!!" (Mel)

"Fine, so stop pouting Melanie-san." (Lime)

"Ok then, Lime-san." (Mel)

And such is our normal everyday conversation.

"So I see that today is yet another fail." (Lime)

"Unfortunately so." (Mel)

The failure we are taking about has to do something with that ominous looking sludge on the frying pan.

"Still, you are at least improving." (Lime)

"Hee~, come to think about it, you are right!" (Mel)

Yes, in truth, she has improved quite dramatically. However, it wasn't in terms of the outcome, but rather the process. If we were to judge solely on the resulting "dish", then we would assess that her skills haven't changed since she started. But when we look at her surroundings, it could be said to be a heaven defying achievement. 

There are barely any new scratches on the pan itself, and there aren't any new scorch marks on the floor. Back when she started cooking for me a few months ago, it looked like what I would assume to be the appearance of a warzone. It was so terrifying that when paired up with my demon look, it would truly feel as if someone had summoned the demon lord on earth. But regardless, it was still a much better result than if I had cooked.

About 3 months after she became my assistant, I had tried cooking for her as some sort of a welcoming present. I was aware that it was overdue, but I still felt like I should give her one. I hadn't cooked before, but I figured it would be nice to give her something handmade since both Nii-san and my parents when they were alive had told me that the greatest gift you can give someone is something you've made yourself. As I didn't know how to make anything else other than potions which I considered to be of bad taste as a present, I thought that a homemade meal would suffice. I was wrong.

I don't ever want to recall what happened so I'll just skip to the end result. The lab almost burnt down. The only reason why the lab is still intact is because I was lucky to have a spare ice-type potion that quickly extinguishes flames. After that incident, I promised to never touch cooking utensils ever again. So in that case where the only damages that were inflicted were scorch marks on the floor and multiple broken cooking utensils, her cooking was still a much more safe alternative to mine.

With that being said, she decided to practice cooking everyday in attempts to make breakfast for us. This is because she knows that I'd rather not go out in public and eat at the academy's cafeteria. However, it always ends up that way everyday. 

We then go to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast and then bring our food back to the lab. During our meal, she asks me about what happened between me and Nii-san last night.

"So, what did you and Lyle-san talk about?" (Mel)

"Well, Nii-san asked me a favour." (Lime)

"Really? What is it? Lyle-san never really asks anything from you so it might be a big deal." (Mel)

"He asked me to teach his son, my nephew." (Lime)

"Hee~, judging from the fact that he asked you, maybe he wants to send his son to one of the big academies. Judging by the fact that he asked for you, he might be asking you to teach your nephew about magic. I mean, considering your research topic, he must have figured that you should be fit for the job, right? That must mean he plans to send him to Aerith Academy." (Mel)

"I guess that does make sense. But as you've expected, I rejected his request." (Lime)

"But why! That was a really good opportunity! If you taught your nephew well enough to pass Aerith Academy's standards, then surely they'll approve of you becoming a teacher!" (Mel)

"But I really don't want to inconvenience them. I don't want them to hate Nii-san because of me." (Lime)

After I said that, I felt a slap across my face.

"Don't you dare say that ever again." (Mel)

I felt a bit flustered since I didn't know what I did wrong.

"S-sorry." (Lime)

"N-no, I'm sorry. I don't know what had gotten over me." (Mel)

After a bit of an awkward pause, she started speaking again.

"But you shouldn't say those kinds of things again." (Mel)

"G-got it." (Lime)

I didn't get it. But this should appease her anger for now.

"Anyways, you should go with the request. It's a really good opportunity for you. Plus, you can finally repay some of the debts you owe to Lyle-san. That should get rid of some of your burdens." (Mel)

"But you know me, I'll probably end up making his kids cry. Heck, with a face like this, I might just end up making even his wife cry." (Lime)

"Then how about we do this, you spend a week teaching him as a trial period, and if it doesn't end up well, then you can come back and tell me that I was wrong." (Mel)

"Well even if you tell me that, I still don't want to go." (Lime)

"Then how about this, I, Melanie Byron, second daughter of Viscount Byron, order you to accept the request. Failure to do so will result in the kingdom revoking you of your position as a researcher and will blacklist you from other Xerxes branches and other research institutions. I'm sorry to do this to you, but this is for your own good. I promise on my name that if it doesn't go well, I will permit you to return to the lab and I will never bug you about those kinds of things again, deal?" (Mel)

W-woah, that's some serious stuff. I didn't expect that from her considering she had never used her title nor her authority and instead insisted that I tret her as my subordinate. I feel moved though, because I know that she means no harm and that she just wants me to at the very least, attempt to fix my problem. 

"F-fine. I'll go." (Lime)

"Yes!!!" (Mel)

She said as she made a guts pose. After that, we decided to relax and do nothing until night came. When night came, we went to the inn that Nii-san was staying at. 

"So what's your answer?" (Lyle)

"I'll try. But on one condition." (Lime)

"What is it?" (Lyle)

"If ever they start crying from how scary my face is, I'm immediately leaving and coming back to my lab. And you also have to promise that you'll never bring this up again." (Lime)

"Sure." (Lyle)

As soon as he said that, I saw him make a guts pose. I then glanced at Melanie-san but then saw her give a thumbs up to Nii-san. When I glanced back, Nii-san was doing the same. Wait a minute, did they plan this together?

"Hey, just for confirmation, did you guys actually plan this together?" (Lime)


"You guys!!!" (Lime)

It was then that I confirmed, they really do have similar personalities.


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