Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 50: The Decision

If an outsider got given this choice they would probably think the choice was easy. Magic crystals are temporary and so is a magic array blueprint. But they would be wrong. Getting a bunch of magic crystals would mean they would be able to get better equipment, they would be able to constantly use them increasing the speed at which they grow stronger and even hire some higher grade students for lessons.

Magic crystals were used for almost everything, they could get dozens of spell blueprints and Villin even thought it might be possible to hire a different magus to test out derivatory spells that might be dangerous.

As for the magic array blueprint, it was a massive blind card. Both of their knowledge on magic arrays were still pretty limited, all that they knew was that magic arrays were essential. The school was surrounded by many magic arrays hiding its location and strengthening its defenses. Hell, one of their teachers, Richard, could only teach them thanks to a certain magic array.

A magic array could be great or insignificant but it really depended. The only reason Villin believed the number of magic crystals would be insane and the magic array blueprint would be very rare was because they were laid out against the dark arts.

Villin had read things about this form of magic here and there. When someone with the dark arts kills another magus they would go over and retrieve a part of the victim's web. This would directly enhance their magic and it was even possible for those that know the dark arts to dual cast. But the negative was immense. Not only would the webs you picked up begin to rot, your original web will too. You will have to keep killing and stealing other people's webs for the rest of your life.

An accomplished magus with this technique would have to kill at least one person every year, hence most people who had this secret technique had a job that required them to kill others.

In the end, Villin made his choice first. He was very happy with the fact he was now able to connect with his web, allowing it to help him recover magical energy, he didn't want to risk ruining it so he decided not to go with the Dark Arts.

"I would like the valuable magic array blueprint."

Villin said these words through gritted teeth, it was very hard to decide on something that might be useless to him but he found it necessary, he didn't want to risk everything.

"Very well," the contracted said as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a scroll, the scroll kept coming out until it was over three meters tall, this contracted also seemed to have gotten a spacial item similar to their bags in order to transport the valuable items. The scroll barely fit into the bag so Villin put it away swiftly, he would look at it later.

"The scroll has been specifically selected for yourself. The academy asked both professor Crumb and professor Richard what type of magic array blueprint you should be given."

Next up it was Kayley's turn to decide, she also hesitated for a while but she ended up deciding on the magic crystals. She was more interested in pill-making than magic arrays and the dark arts were simply too risky. She was a student at the Academy, she had absolutely no intention to kill anyone.

The contracted took out a crystal holder and gave it to her, she then quickly stored the object.

"The academy is very proud of you all, let me be the first to properly congratulate you on your achievements," the contracted said which made the trio frown a little, they felt something odd about the contracted's words but they didn't push as the contracted pointed back to the door they came from.

The trio grabbed their new bags, put their old bags inside of it, and went toward the door. When they arrived, the desk with the teachers seemed to have been turned around as all the teachers were staring at them. They seemed to be looking for something and when they saw the bags they were carrying a few of them seemed to be disappointed they didn't get to see what they got.

Villin felt slightly surprised as this reaction meant these people weren't the ones that decided the rewards but didn't care too much about it. After a moment professor Crumb stood up, he had a slightly worried expression as he began speaking.

"Kids, the situation has changed a bit. You three are invited to join the second grade this instant if you wish to, there will be more knowledge to gain there, and other than the headmaster himself you would be the first magus' ever to skip a grade in The Academy."

The teachers' curiosity vanished as they now all carried slightly grim expressions, they all stared at Villin first awaiting his reply. He was seen as the most skilled student here the most skilled in both combat and enchanting.

Villin ignored the teachers' expressions as he thought about the offer sincerely, then after about a minute, just when the teachers were getting a little impatient, he answered.

"I am sorry professor Crumb, professors, but I do not feel it is the right time for me to move on. There are still many things I have to learn here. My pill-making, enchanting, and magic arrays are not yet where I want them to be when I enter the second grade. I value some of the professors I have here greatly and there are still many spells in the first-grade library I want to learn before moving on. I apologize if my reply angers you, I do not mean any disrespect."

He told no lies as he clearly stated why he still wanted to stay, the only part he didn't mention was that he wanted to continue learning 'Gene Solutions' something he probably wouldn't have the equipment for if he moved to the second grade.

Nonetheless, his main reasons were the professors and the spells he had yet to learn. He greatly valued Professor Crumb and Pompei in particular and as for the spells, the second-grade library would have a number of spells with eleven or twelve nodes but a lot less of the more basic spells that were quick to cast.

"A pity, miss Alius?" professor Crumb asked, looking at Kayley."

Kayley didn't hesitate in the least right now as she quickly replied "My apologies professor but I do not yet feel ready to move on to the second grade. I have only been here for a couple of weeks and would not be able to keep up with the second-grade's classes. But I must thank you for the offer."

Professor Crumb sighed and before he could ask the final boy he already saw Rein shake his head. "If those stronger and smarter than me say they are not ready to move on to the second grade, then how can I say different. But I must thank you for the offer professor."

Now that all of them had declined the teachers' expressions were even grimmer than before, with the exception of the enchanting teacher that is, Villin could swear he saw a hint of a smile on his lips.

Pompei looked like he wanted to tell them something really badly but professor Messen who sat next to him stopped him and shook his head gently.

Professor Crumb knew he should let it go with this and so he spoke a few last sentences to them.

"I wish you all good luck children. There will be no classes tomorrow as we have somewhere to be but I have heard a rumor that the magic array classroom is a good one to visit these days around. Now you may all take your leave."

When the professor said the bit about the magic array classroom Crystal and professor Messen looked at him sternly for a moment, all three of them picked up on this and quickly left through the door professor Crumb guided them. It was a simple hallway with a golden door at the end. They all knew what this was and quickly went into the teleportation array hidden behind the door.

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