Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 54: Hopeless Situation

When Villin turned around to throw the fireball he could clearly see the two golems. Both of them were shining brightly with white light. Just when he turned around he saw Amelia cast a spell toward the left Golem, it was a dark purple streak, the same spell she had used to pierce a girl's abdomen earlier.

It hit one of the stones on the golem's head and as it did Villin could see a formation on the stone brighten up. The spell that should've been able to pierce through half of the brick only managed to pierce through two centimeters, and the light simply brightened further.

It looked like the bricks the school was made from had a partial magic absorption magic array, which then changed that absorbed energy into light.

Nonetheless, Villin threw his fireball at the head or the right golem, he already knew the stones couldn't absorb all sorts of magic otherwise the creation of this golem would've been impossible.

The fireball in Villin's hand was a perfect size to throw short distances and so his throw was powerful and arrived very fast. The golem couldn't react in time and his head was engulfed in flames for a few seconds.

When the flames went out it was clear no damage was done, this wasn't a surprise since using flames to attack a golem wasn't the smartest move, he only did it because he had already cast the spell anyway.

Behind them, Villin's two other spells had been blocked and the students were prepared to retaliate, so Villin quickly decided to change plans.

"Amelia, you take care of the students, I got these stoney bastards."

There was no time to discuss anything and so Amelia simply nodded before turning around and taking a few steps forward, she was limping but since she couldn't block anyway with Villin behind her, this didn't make much of a difference.

Villin looked at the two stoney bastards in front of him, there were three big reasons he decided to switch positions with Amelia. The first was her hurt leg, even though it wouldn't matter all that much in a magic fight, fighting golems was something entirely different, you would be forced to dodge in that situation.

The second reason he wanted to switch was because of gene solutions, he knew Amelia should've already taken a fair few and one of them was an endurance gene solution which, in truth, would help a lot when fighting golems. But Villin had taken a strength solution that seemed to be made by professor Messen himself. It wasn't a solution someone like Amelia could make yet and he believed it would give him a better way to fight the magic resistant golems.

The third and final reason was spells. Villin didn't have any spells that could disturb or split up a group but this didn't mean Amelia didn't. She had a lot more spells compared to him and might have a way to ignore four people's defenses. Villin on the other hand, had a spell he believed might be effective against the golems. The rooting spell 'Vinea Tenura', he just had to find a way to buy himself three seconds so he could cast the newly learned spell. He had practiced it a bit the previous night but there were too many new spells to practice making it so that he hadn't mastered any of them.

Villin looked at the two two-meter tall golems before him ignoring the sound of spells hitting behind him. The left golem was the first to attack. Even though they looked slow they most certainly weren't, the golem punched forward at the same speed a human would, immediately letting him know it wasn't an easy fight.

Villin sidestepped and punched toward the now extended arm that was nearly half a meter thick. He expected that with his increased strength he would be able to break a large part of the golem's arm but he was very much wrong. When his fist hit the stone arm two things happened. A small bit of stone broke off and fell down and his fist hurt like hell.

With the result being so different then what he had expected, he got slightly dazed, it was then that the golem who he had just punched decided to use its arm to sweep instead of pulling it back. The arm landed hard against his side knocking him to the floor right in front of the other golem.


Villin cursed as he had to roll away in order to avoid the second golem's stomp, causing him to get closer to the position where Amelia was doing her best fighting, but when he glanced in that direction, he saw something worrying, two more new green-robed students had appeared. Both of them reached into there robes and pulled out little metal pixie statues. They used their wands to point at them and six metal pixies started making their way toward Amelia.

"Villin I'm not sure how you're doing but I'm not going to be able to hang on much longer."

Amelia was slightly pale as she said this, Villin barely dodged another strike from one of the golems before responding.

"I'm also not doing all that great, you have any decent saved spells left?"

He asked as he moved forward sending an icy pike into one of the golems' heads, something that didn't do all that much.

"Just one, but it'd only be enough to disrupt this group for a few seconds."

Villin cursed again as he ducked under one of the golems' arms before kicking it in the kneecap, again this didn't have the desired effect.

"Alright Amelia, I have an incredibly stupid and dangerous plan but it might just work if we're lucky."

He heard Amelia gasp for air as one of the spells that got sent out got through her defenses after which she responded: "To be honest, at this point I'll go with any plan even if the chances are minimum."

"Alright, we'll ignore the golems and run toward the other enemies until we get to the magic array classroom, if we can get in there then at the very least we'll have an easily defendable room. Cast your spell on three. One, two, three!"

When the countdown ended Amelia cast two spells, the first was the dark purple piercing spell again that would normally easily be blocked but for her saved spell she pointed at the ground below the group of enemies, then the ground beneath their feet suddenly started to shake and most of the enemies lost their footing or stumbled about. This allowed Amelia's piercing spell to hit one of the green-robed students in the shoulder, directly piercing it.

The duo started sprinting toward them, they were fifty meters away from the door. The two golems behind them were about as fast as them but since they were also running they couldn't attack with their arms.

Villin was a little concerned about Amelia though, she was still limping at this time, so he pointed his want toward it and used his second saved spell 'Healium Paulatim'. Within a few seconds, Amelia felt a lot less pain in her leg. But as the enemies were recovering by now Villin pointed his wand forward, it was a lot harder to cast spells while running but there was a spell Villin was familiar enough with to use it in such a situation.

The blue 'Drowse' spell shot out causing the enemy to become wary and block it properly. In the three seconds that had passed, they had managed to get halfway, making it so that the doorway was only twenty-five meters away and their enemies seventy-five meters. But it was then that everything properly went to shit.

The enemies had now fully recovered and all shot out their own spells, even though Villin could dodge most, there were still two spells that managed to hit him right in the chest. The first one was actually still blocked and sent back by reverto but the second one broke through. When it hit him on the chest part of the spell's power was absorbed by Sheldium but it was still more than enough to stop him in his tracks and take his breath away.

Next to him, Amelia was even worse off, she had a large laceration on her arm, this also caused her wand to fall out of her hand, unarming her.

This had only just happened when the metal pixies arrived, even though they were small their teeth looked incredibly sharp, the first two headed for Amelia's legs, successfully biting into them, it was only now that Amelia understood the true purpose of these things, the small pixies that the green-robes students had thrown out casually now felt like extremely heavy shackles, she would barely even be able to walk with these things on her legs.

Villin saw this but was powerless to do anything. The golems behind them had caught up and he was about to get punched while nearly all of the spells of their human enemies were now headed for him.

Finally, there were two more pixies that seemed ready to lunge toward his wand-arm. It really seemed like all hope was lost.

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