Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 65: Abandoning Amelia

Seeing the other two looking at him Villin nodded. It would be a lot easier to move if they were united. He saw two paths they could take. The first was to break through the wall perhaps directly make their way out. But they didn't know where they were and it might get them directly killed if they were in a military compound. Also, it would mean leaving behind Amelia.

The other option was to blindly make their way through the 'facility', look for Amelia, and restrategize since she surely had more spells compared to them.

Villin decided to take the second option and started making his way forward through the corridor. Nobody took the gun since they weren't familiar with it. They surely wouldn't be able to compare with the actual soldiers if they used it, and it was surely very loud.

The corridor didn't look all that modern, the floor and walls were all made out of wooden planks. There were no decorations, the only thing they saw was that there was a door at the end of the corridor.

Instead of opening the door, Villin stayed quiet and tried looking through the small cracks in between the wooden boards used to make the door.

When he looked through he saw a warehouse. There were wooden boxes all over stacked atop of each other.

Villin notified the others of what he saw using 'Mentallage' before they prepared to burst through the door.

The decision to burst through instead of entering silently was Villin's. The area they came from was obviously a containment area, where they kept their 'prisoners'. Since this was so it seemed likely there would be guards posted just outside of this area of the building. If they went quietly and opened the door slowly the potential guards would have time to react so he decided to go for a quick breach.

They all breathed in a few times to properly calm down before Villin took a few steps back. Then, he sprinted toward the door with full speed putting his shoulder forward.

With his increased strength, there was no way Villin would fail at breaching open a door of this quality. A loud crack could be heard as the door came off of its plastic hinges and flew forward another meter.

Villin heard a surprised yelp from both his left and right and immediately decided to turn to the left.

There he saw another one of the soldiers. He had stumbled back a few steps and seemed to be in a state of shock as he didn't immediately reach for his gun. His hesitation didn't last long though, as soon as he noticed Villin was focusing on him he reached for the rifle that was strapped on his chest.

Sadly for the soldier, Villin wouldn't give him the chance. The soldier was only a meter away from Villin so this distance wasn't enough for the soldier to get his bearing and grab his gun.

Villin jumped forward, bashing his shoulder against the soldier. And a second later they both fell to the ground atop of each other.

The soldier immediately reached for the knife that was strapped on his own soldier, in a normal situation he would be able to do so and probably successfully kill the person atop of him who didn't have a lot of actual combat experience but sadly he was up against someone who had strength far beyond him.

All Villin really did when they fell to the ground was punch the soldier in the chest repeatedly but it was enough. The first punch already broke a few ribs and the third punch caused one of these ribs to puncture the heart, killing the soldier.

Just when he finished off the soldier on his side, Villin heard a loud bang from behind him. Afraid one of his companions got shot Villin quickly turned around, only to see the soldier slump down with a hole in his neck. As for the gun, it was in the soldier's hand but pointing toward the ceiling, both Rein and Kayley looked pale, but not hurt.

That being said, the situation was now a lot worse compared to earlier. The gunshot was loud, very loud. There was no doubt the other people in this building would've heard it.

"Shit, quickly head that way!"

Villin pointed toward the area they came from. At the very least they knew there would be no soldiers coming from there and they would only hand to defend a single corridor.

The trio rushed in and kept running all the way until they got back to the 'cell' they came from. "Kayley, use your spell to change the floor so it blocks the door somewhat, making it harder for people to enter."

Kayley looked confused for a second before understanding what Villin meant. She pointed at the floor in front of the door with her wand and some spikes were made that would stop the door from opening.

After this Villin looked at the room they were in. Other than the corpse of the soldier who they had killed there were only the ropes and metal pipes that were connected to the walls.

"We're breaching the wall. If you have any spell capable of tearing through wood please use them." Villin said in a determined voice, he could hear some people yelling behind them, some of the other soldiers had arrived at the two corpses they had left in the warehouse.

"What about your friend?" Kayley asked as she thought about Amelia.

"We can only save her if we're alive, we're not strong enough to fight prepared soldiers."

His reply sounded cold but was realistic enough for the other two to listen to him. They both started using spells to try and make a hole big enough for all of them in the wall. Meanwhile, Villin pointed at the door with his glove, he could now hear footsteps, the soldiers had arrived at the door.

Then Villin used his saved spell 'Vinea Tenura' and vines burst through the floorboards within the second, Villin felt he had some control over them and so the thick vines kept the door closed, making it a lot harder to breach through.

Soon after this, the hold in the wall was big enough for them all to go through and so they jumped through the hole before running.

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