Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 81: Viewing A Tournament (2)

Once Gualin won the Mashry portion, it was time for the next portion of the combat section. Soon the third grade tournament began. The difference between the second and third grade was extremely high. The third grade students knew multiple environmental spells, Villin noticed the real competition changed at this point.

It was a three versus three at this point but the students no longer seemed to be trying to take each other out with regular spells. Most of the time they did try to get an advantage here though so that they would have the time to use an environmental spell.

Still, from a spectators perspective, Villin saw a number of flaws. When the fights happened in the arena with the pillars, the students would only use these pillars to get the opportunity to complete a summon, transfiguration, or magic array. They never really used them in a fight.

Another thing he noticed was how grouped up the teams were. Every one of the teams stayed close to each other at almost every bit of the fight. Of course, this did have a number of benefits. They could have a student capable of attacking constantly while the others focused on defenses, but there were also negatives.

As soon as a student managed to cast a proper environmental spell, knocking the students to the ground or just causing them to lose their footing, the fight could be considered to be finished.

In a tournament here the meta is so reliant on environmental spells, Villin believed splitting up was a better technique. Hide behind certain columns and wait, then attack from three different angles.

Villin was also surprised that nobody used an invisibility spell or something of the like, even though this wasn't against the rules.

After thinking for a bit, Villin thought of a probable reason. The teams fighting here were probably specially taught by someone that previously did well in this tournament, they were taught according to their feedback not allowing new strategies to properly grow. The tournament had grown stagnant as nobody tried new techniques anymore, even though it was surely still enjoyable for the audience when a new spell was used or a nice combo was cast, Villin was sure a new strategy should be extremely well received.

After having decided to try to change the meta a bit in four months if he would be allowed to compete, for now, he observed the teams closely.

In the third grade, all teams got a lot stronger, but Decorus was the most noticeable. Their team could transfigure golems even bigger than the ones that had attacked Villin's group in the academy and then still continue fighting.

Using this technique, when someone fought Decorus it wasn't really a three versus three but a three versus six instead. Using the same technique as in the second grade, anyone that tried to deal with the golems would get overwhelmed by spells.

Another school that did really well was Mafoli, the school that focused on summoning. Their third grade students could summon creatures that looked like completely white goblins. The ground under the goblins' feet would turn white and the creatures had limited magical energy, being able to slightly slow down nearby enemies before stabbing them with their sharp sticks.

They managed to get third place just below The Academy. Their summons stood no chance against the golems and students from The Academy often managed to defeat them before the ice goblins even got close.

Still, Villin decided to read up on summoning a bit, even if he didn't plan to try and learn the technique, he at least wanted to know its strengths and weaknesses.

The fourth grade fights didn't change much. The only real difference was that the speed at which students were able to cast magic was a lot faster, this was most notable with students from The Academy. When others sent out two spells they already sent out three, completely overwhelming their enemies. As for Decorus, the difference between third and fourth grade wasn't very big, the golems didn't change much and even though it was still close, The Academy managed to win.

With another third of the combat portion finished, it was time for the extras. In this edition, they were Transfiguration and summoning. When it came to transfiguration, each school sent out their best student, they would have five minutes to complete their best transfiguration and then a jury would score them all. This was because transfiguration could be used in non-combative ways as well, not just in the manner Decorus often used it.

As expected Decorus won this section as the student managed to make a golem that was over ten meters tall. The behemoth was extremely impressive and the audience couldn't wait to see the student in the sixth grade's battle. As for The Academy, they only taught the course in the fifth grade and even then it wasn't taught by anyone famous. They finished eighth.

As for summoning, the tests were combative. Each school would send out one student and they would compete tournament-style. The students wouldn't battle themselves, of course, but they would have five minutes to summon a beast, then the two beasts would fight to the death. There were a few bans though, for one, you wouldn't be allowed to summon a flying beast or a beast capable of burrowing underground.

The tournament was easily won by Mafoli, their student managed to summon an Ice Giant that stood seven meters tall. Even though it wasn't as tall as the golem they saw in the previous category, Villin actually believed the Ice Giant would win in a fight, it was more burly and most certainly capable of punching through stone.

And then it was part for the final two grades of the tournament. The five versus five tournament consisting of those from the fifth grade was won by The Academy with ease. Decorus fell behind even more at this level as the summoning school 'Mafoli' managed to beat them.

Yet at this point, the winner was already decided to be Decorus, even if The Academy also won the sixth grade as usual. But in this final tournament, something extremely surprising happened. The Academy lost against Mafoli in the first round, the black-robes students managed to summon a type of massive ground snake capable of burrowing underground. This beast had never before been summoned in the tournament and The Academy's students were all defeated. First, the ground snake got beneath them and while they were gaining the advantage in the fight, the ground beneath them gave way.

Even though four of The Academy's students managed to react in time and cast a flying spell, two students still fell down, causing them to be taken out of the game. While the other four were still disoriented, another one was taken out by a sneaky spell causing the situation to change into a three versus six...or well seven.

Yet even then The Academy's top students managed to fend off Mafoli's attacks with their superior casting speed and spells. They were only fully taken care of when they had to land because they were losing massive amounts of magic power. Working together with their summon, the Mafoli students defeated The Academy.

The entire venue went into an uproar. It had been a very, very long time since The Academy had lost in a sixth grade tournament. A few rounds later Mafoli even managed to defeat the Decorus students becoming the round's winner.

At this moment Villin was sweating bullets. He couldn't help but pretend he was standing against the summons they used here. From the giant ground snake to the partially magic-resistant giant birds they used to defeat Decorus, he had no way to combat any of them.

Villin smiled wrily at even thinking about that, just the very fact he thought he might be comparable to some of the third graders should already be extremely exciting, yet here he was stressing out.

After letting the audience discuss and calm down for a bit, the presenter came out once more, his robe was now green with the Decorus crest and even though he still had a jester's hat on, it was purple now, holding the crest of The Academy.

"Well, well, well, what an exciting day this was! First things first, this year's challenger actually managed to come in ninth place overall, allowing them to be invited again next time!" The section of the stands containing Gualin seemed to light up, their headmasters, a couple of young men were standing there smiling, they seemed to be extremely content. Even though they were expected to win the sporting bits, they did better than expected in the fights, allowing them to become tenth.

"But of course, the most exciting bit is the victory of Decorus! Coming in two whole points above The Academy. If Decorus can come in first twice more this means they would take over into first place, please give it up for our winner!" the Decorus stands were lit up as deafening applause came from the stands, the audience seemed very satisfied with the results.

"Now, it appears the headmaster of The Academy has something to say!" the presenter said as the light focused on said man. The old man pointed his own wand toward his mouth and began speaking "First of all, I wish to congratulate Decorus on their victory today, it was well deserved. Secondly, I have an announcement to make."

"As you all know I have a son and daughter who have both just turned nine years old. After using The Academy's awakening method I intend to have them study somewhere else. My daughter, Elise, Will be sent to study at Mafoli, who have shown they are extremely capable of teaching proper summoners, an area my school isn't that skilled in. My son, Ares, will be sent over to Decorus, as they have clearly shown they are extremely capable of teaching talented magus." after finishing his words the old man simply sat down again and the light faded.

"I heard there used to be a tradition where headmasters would send their offspring to other schools but this tradition hasn't been followed for dozens of years." Rein said in surprise, but before anyone else could comment a light appeared, now illuminating Decorus's headmaster. A beautiful woman in green robes.

"My daughter Elinoire has shown great talents in courses not often taught in Decorus, I have decided to transfer her over to The Academy so she may be taught at the current top school." the Decorus headmaster dropped another bomb.

The spectators were all shocked and started discussing, even the presenter seemed to be slackjawed.

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