Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 90: The Third Dream

Today he wasn't quite as casual as usual, focussing on his magic and students, no he awaiting an important piece of news, good news he suspected.

A woman in black clothes entered the throne room. There was blood on her clothes, probably her own from before she was healed.

Her silver hair looked less lustrous compared to the previous day but that was to be expected. She would have had to use a massive amount of magic power to finish her mission. But as she got closer he felt her unease, when she stood just a few meters from the throne she didn't look him in the eyes either, she felt pressured and looked at his feet instead before speaking nervously.

"We- we failed in our mission. She escaped, her power was much greater than we anticipate- URGH"

The woman fell to the ground with blood leaking out of her mouth as the man sitting on the throne before her lost control of his magic power due to his anger. She already had internal injuries when she came here, that combined with the effect this location had caused her to be severely wounded just because of the magic power the man on the throne emitted.

She barely managed to get on her knees "I am sorry, I will make sure we succeed, we failed you please have mercy!" she said in a panic.

The man on the throne reeled his magic back in and controlled it, something that became harder and harder as time passed.

"No." His now cold voice spoke "It is I that must apologize." he gently guided his magic power to help hr stand and heal the wounds he had caused. "I lost control of my magic power, I apologize." His vertical pupils thinned further as he looked at a place beyond the castle "I underestimated the abilities of the red-haired vixen, I shall go deal with her myself."

The silver-haired woman nodded as she hurriedly stepped aside, even though the man was usually kind to everyone that worked with him he still induced terror, even more so now that he occasionally lost control of his powers.

The man slowly got up out of the throne, in the corner of his eyes he saw a statue on either side of him walk forward as he did so but he didn't pay any attention to it as it was a normal occurrence.

The woman standing by the side suddenly felt the man's magic power all around the room, the walls almost seemed to be alive, at the same time everyone in the massive castle heard a vice in their minds "Students, this time I will have to personally step in to deal with a dangerous individual who threatens the very existence of this school. In order to help you with your studies, I will take you all with me to witness this fight."

After giving this announcement the man waved his hand and the entire castle began to move at rapid speeds underground, going toward the location of their enemies.


Villin woke up in a flash, his eyes widened as he came out of the dream. This dream was different compared to the others he had before. It was as if he was the man in the throne. But it was also blurry, it was hard for him to really recall the details such as the face of the woman that he saw.

He shook his head as he tried to get his bearing better before walking out of bed. The others were still sleeping, it should only be five in the morning now so it did make quite a bit of sense, even so, he wasn't willing to go to bed again. He was getting seriously tired of this.

The first dream possibly saved his life, in the second dream he saw a man in an extremely complicated magic array, he still remembered recognizing a few runes used for tracking at the time hence he had suspicions it was either a Decorus magus in a red robe that managed to track down The Academy shortly before the attack or an Academy magus in a red robe managing to track Decorus in the future. Either that or something with absolutely no relationship to him as he thought at first.

And now he felt like he was the man on the throne, he felt like he recognized the woman as well but just couldn't recall the face clearly. He only knew a few silver-haired people though so he thought about it. He knew Silver, Elinoire, and Ruby the girl who made her own guild. Then again it might also be that he simply thought he recognized her because the man on the throne knew her, he wasn't sure.

No matter what, it was time to get some answers, the library was one of the services that were open at all times and it was also where he was heading. He thought of what the dreams might actually be and so when he arrived he asked about books having to do with prophetic dreams.

When the contracted said those kinds of books are only available in the fourth grade he changed his approach trying to go less specific. When he asked for books about magical dreams the contracted apparently did know of a book on the topic. Even though it wasn't written by a famous magus making it slightly unreliable, it was also more formatted to be a fiction book making its contents even more doubtful.

Because of these things the book was in the restricted section, one needed fifty personal reputation if they wished to read it.

With a resigned sigh, Villin started heading toward the training grounds. Rein and Kayley mentioned the training grounds had training dummies even though they seemed to be monopolized by the bigger guilds or famous students for training most of the time.

Since it was still extremely early and almost nobody was awake, he might as well have a look. Even though he didn't see much use in actually using the training dummy right now, studying the enchantments behind its capabilities might prove useful. After all, he did assume they could take a lot of punishment.

Little did he know someone had been tailing him from the moment he left his room. And they were preparing to make their move.

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