Taming The Villainesses

Episode 298.1

(EP-298.1) Master #2

298 – Master of the Forest #2

I heard from the spiders.

There’s a very beautiful pond in this eastern forest.

But none dare approach it because it’s guarded by a massive and malevolent centipede.

They said its poison and bizarre magic were so tricky and vile that even Kubilai, the master of this forest, wouldn’t dare challenge it.

I wondered how strong such a being could be.

To be honest, I was a little scared and nervous.

When I finally faced the creature, it far exceeded anything I had imagined, and for a moment, I lost my resolve.

Rustle, rustle, rustle.

As the fog cleared, a giant centipede came into view.

Its head rose to a height similar to that of the ogre Dordor. Its vicious fangs were spread wide, and its long antennae waved menacingly.

It was terrifying.

Regardless of my ability to cast Rank 6 magic, I couldn’t shake off the biological fear of a giant insect.

━Mind your language, child. Even Solomon paid me respect…!


The centipede’s enormous head, as large as an elephant’s body, drew close to my face. This wasn’t a centipede, it’s an imoogi or a dragon, or something like that. Or did it have some spirit bead?


I froze, stiff as a stone, like a mouse caught in the gaze of a snake. It was strong.

I thought it was just a beast, but it felt like something more like…, a spirit or mystical being. Could I defeat it if I poured all my magic into the fight?

Of course, there were a lot of things about combat that’s different from the numbers and simulations in my head. I didn’t really want to fight this guy.

It was incredibly powerful.

It felt like it had lived for an incomprehensibly long time, far beyond what I could fathom… Even checking its status window was difficult.

As I stood there lost in thought, the centipede spoke again.

━Child, you seem to understand what I’m saying. Let’s try it again. Who am I? And who are you?


Calm Thinking kicked in when it asked that question. It was true that I froze for a moment, overwhelmed by its shocking and intimidating visuals.

But now it was clear—it was asking for a conversation. And naturally, if we could talk, it would make resolving this situation much easier.

“I…, great centipede Angala, my name is Theo Gospel from beyond the wall. It’s an honor to meet you, Angala-nim.”

━Theo Gospel from beyond the wall. A name I’ve never heard. But the scent… that, I have encountered before. You reek of that loathsome mage’s stench.


The sound of countless legs skittering on the ground all at once sent chills through me. Though I felt goosebumps rising, I remained composed lest I get devoured by showing fear.

“You probably smell a mage because I am a mage.”

Just as I answered confidently—.

Clatter, clatter!

The centipede’s legs circled around me, pounding the ground with a loud, forceful noise.

━I despise mages. Solomon… Even now, my wounds throb when I think of what he did. Because of him, I lost a few of my beautiful legs.

Looking closer, I noticed that the smooth, seemingly flawless body had a large scar. It looked as though a powerful magic had struck it, leaving a part without legs.

“Oh… I’m very sorry to hear that. It’s a shame that your beautiful legs were scarred.”

━Indeed. After centuries of molting, I finally cultivated this elegant form. That brute Solomon had no eyes for beauty.

“Well, I think you’re still quite beautiful as you are.”

The massive body trembled slightly at my words. Then I vaguely realized that it was ‘laughing.’

━A blatant flattery. But even after a long life, praise of beauty never grows tiresome. Theo Gospel from beyond the wall, you have a tongue as swift as the wind.

Has flattery, honed from my time with Aira, actually come in handy? It seems that having a variety of experiences in life really does pay off.

“It’s not just flattery. Your surface really does sparkle, like a gem.”

━Indeed, my body is like a gem. In fact, spirits and great beasts from faraway lands used to come just to admire it. But then Solomon marred it with scars!


━My once perfectly paired legs… have become odd in number! Can you comprehend the pain, the sheer despair of that, child?

“I understand. If I lost an arm or leg and was left with an odd number, I’d be incredibly sad.”

━You’re quite a clever child.

Through this brief exchange, I managed to gather some valuable information.

This massive being, Angala, had some connection to the Demon King Solomon. Moreover, it harbored deep resentment toward him.

I should definitely keep the fact that I’m his grandson a secret.

━So, Theo Gospel, the half-fairy mage. Why have you come to my pond? Do you wish to be eaten?

“No, not at all. I need the evening primrose in bloom over there. One of my companions was bitten by a centipede, and I need them to treat the poison.”

━Ah, centipede venom. These days, the younger ones bite without any manners. On behalf of my brethren, I apologize.


It was more polite than expected. Unlike its terrifying appearance, it was a cultured being that knew how to resolve issues through conversation.


“… However?”

A sense of unease crept over me.



The words that usually follow these tend to be the ones that disturb my peace of mind.

━However, I can’t just give you my possession for free. That’s not how the world works. Since that massive, hateful wall appeared, there are fewer evening primroses.

“Are you saying…?”

━I’ll need something in exchange. Offer me something you have that’s worth trading for the evening primrose. I’m being quite generous with this deal.

I see.

A barter, huh?

It was something I hadn’t considered, but it was a reasonable and understandable proposition.

Still, I suddenly wondered if this giant poisonous centipede, Angala, might be trying to deceive me, so I asked cautiously.

“You’re not going to ask for my life or anything like that, right?”

At my question, Angala’s body began to tremble as it laughed.

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