Tanya Degurechaff’s Hogwarts Adventure

No more pencils, no more books

Long ago in a distant land of ice and snow where the midnight sun shines and the hot springs flow, a young maiden set off on a quest. A quest by boat to discover new lands, the hammer of the gods ringing in her ears driving her forwards, her oars sweeping through the water. Her only goal was a Western shore. Her feet land on soft fields of oh so green. There to meet the dark haired maiden was a cruel light haired pair. A nobleman who sought to bring all into his influence and a mischievous imp who invited the little firecracker to come and dance.

The young maiden spurred the advances of the nobleman as she danced the night away, her heels kicking and sparking against the ground to spark a blaze. The imp laughing as the maiden gathered together the serfs to join their power together to topple the nobleman. Smoke and fire and magic. Low did the nobleman fall. Giggling as she sang, the imp danced to the maiden and whispered to her that the lands were now hers, including all the curses.

With a scream of fear, and a blast of magic, the imp was bound to a serf, morphing into a loyal elf servant. Bound now to serve, the imp worked to find any fun in the work she was forced to do.

Lily Moon

Lily wasn't happy. They had performed the play they had spent months working on, and only a few people showed up. On top of that, the boat fell over, again, and Lily knew that was probably her fault somehow since she painted it and knocked it over repeatedly, several of them forgot their lines, costumes took too long to change into during dramatic moments, and the whole thing was a big old disaster!

And everyone was moping around, knowing how much of a disaster the whole thing was. Everyone except Professor Snape and Tanya who were coming back from the costume room, Tanya still with some of the imp makeup on her face, but wearing her comfortable clothes.

"Why the long faces?" Tanya asked as she noticed everyone was upset.

"The play was a disaster," Lavender shot at Tanya, sounding rather mean.

"And?" Tanya asked as she moved to where she had left bag. Everyone looked at each other for a moment in confusion before turning back to Tanya.

"What do you mean 'and'?" Lavender asked.

"We put on a play for fun. There is no competition, no money, nothing but our own personal enjoyment," Tanya said as she looked through her bag before pulling out a rag to start rubbing her face, trying to get the makeup off. "And I enjoyed myself enough. Sure, it could have gone better, but the important thing is we had fun, right?"

The Weasley twins chuckled as they got off the box they had been sitting on. "Wouldn't have thought you would be the one to point it out," one said.

"But you are right, it was fun," the other finished.

"Heh," Malfoy huffed, "I suppose it was enjoyable, but is that really all this was for? Just some fun?"

Tanya looked at Malfoy, and Lily couldn't see Tanya's face, but could imagine the small smile that sometimes appeared. "I've learned that sometimes there does not need to be anything more to life than enjoying the moment. For all the plans we may have for the future, it is important to remember the here and now. None of us may end up being professionals on the stage, but we can still have fun in the meantime."

"Yes, very motivating," Professor Snape said, drawing all the attention to him. "Now if you don't mind, I need to get ready for exams. I suggest you all do the same… after cleaning up."

Lily felt happy as she watched Professor Snape leave the room, his robes billowing out. The play was a disaster, and that was ok.

Tanya Degurechaff

Balancing studying for the finals with keeping Hermione from pushing everyone too hard and helping Lily, Gregory, and Vincent with their own studying along with all my other obligations was a challenge, but one that I found satisfying to have accomplished. The days were getting warmer and I carefully folded away the sweater Mrs. Weasley had made for me to the bottom of my trunk. I suspect that it was a heat wave of some sort as I did not expect it to get this warm in Scotland until we were in Summer properly, but there was nothing to be done currently other than to put up a weak temperature control formula under my robes.

It took a bit of calculations and adjustments that I had to work out on paper to figure out how to get it to work continuously and stick to just the inside of my robes to keep me cool as we went through the exams so that my sweat and discomfort would not distract me.

We were given quills specifically for the written portions of the exams that were, apparently, charmed with anti-cheating charms. I had no way to prove the validity and no desire to do so as I wouldn't think of impugning the honor of the exams by doing anything less than my best to demonstrate how well I understood the course material.

Then there was the practical portion of the exams, which I found rather fun. We were given simple instructions and freedom on how to approach the exam. For Charms, I was instructed to make a pineapple tapdance across the desk. While no one specific charm we were taught would accomplish that, there were a few to cause the pineapple to move and with a bit of skill and thought, one could do something resembling a dancing pineapple. I'm not sure how much the unsteady looking bouncing across the desk I did really looked like a tapdance, but I think Professor Flitwick appreciated the bow I added at the end.

For Transfiguration, I was to turn a mouse into a snuff box, something we had not specifically covered but similar to other transfigurations we had done, with extra points awarded for how attractive the box turned out and points subtracted for any mousey qualities it still had. I had to clarify what, precisely, a snuff box was before I began, but after a quick explanation of what snuff was and how it was to be stored while being carried around, along with Professor McGonagall's amusement at how I didn't like the idea of shoving tobacco up my nose any more than the idea of smoking it, I decided to go with a wooden box with geometric designs carved into the surface, a brass latch closure, and an inlay mosaic design on the top. I choked a little and just went with a mouse as the mosaic on the top instead of something more creative, but Professor McGonagall seemed pleased with the result anyways.

Potions was to brew a forgetfulness potion from memory. A rather clever joke on Professor Snape's part as one of the most common issues in exams is forgetting something, so having us brew something focused on forgetting was a reminder of what we might end up doing during the exam. It was actually a very simple recipe with many ways to prepare the main ingredients and a few optional ingredients to adjust the potency. I tried to brew a slightly more advanced version with an extra ingredient that would adjust how long the effects would last depending on how it was prepared, with me aiming for a week long effect which required a fine dice. My dice was not as even as I would have liked, but I felt I still made a good potion.

The four other classes were all written tests this year, though Defense Against the Dark Arts would have practical exams starting next year. This year was more focused on getting a base of knowledge for the following years to build on. History of magic was the final final exam we took and then it was a week free from classes as the exams were graded.

With time to relax, I decided to visit Rebecca, the school's new dragon under the care of Hagrid and the Care of Magical Creatures class. She had been growing rather swiftly in the weeks she had been here and would have difficulty fitting through most doors. Harry, Ron, and Hermione joined me as we headed to Hagrid's hut first to get him as approved adult supervision before approaching the dragon enclosure. While we were heading there, Harry mentioned his scar was hurting and Hermione suggested he go see Madam Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing.

Harry tried to refuse, but I wouldn't hear it. "Hermione is right. After we are done visiting the dragon, we will take you to the hospital wing. Even if it is nothing, you said it has been a few days and at the very least, she should have something to help with the pain. And if it is something more serious, she would be the one to know how to check for it."

Harry simply nodded his head as I knocked on the hut's door.

"Comin'!" Hagrid called as his dog, Fang, barked loudly. He greets us with a warm smile behind his massive beard, "Wha' can I do fer yeh? Your tests all finished up?"

"Yes," I say with a nod. "We were wanting to see Rebecca with the tests over and nothing being an immediate priority."

"O' course. I was jus abou' ter go feed her."

We helped Hagrid carry the buckets of blood and brandy soaked chicken, Rebecca having graduated at some point to solid foods. She was lazing on a warm rock in the sun as we approached, perking up at Hagrid's voice and the sight of the bloody buckets.

The feeding consisted of reaching in, grabbing a chunk of meat, and tossing it at Rebecca, who snapped the flying meat out of the air. Harry was the only one to join me in helping Hagrid feed Rebecca, Ron and Hermione content to watch and just enjoy the moment.

A lovely moment that had to end as we escorted Harry to the hospital wing. Passing the house point hourglasses showed a close competition as Professor Flitwick began to place black tarps over the points for the final days before the End of Year Feast.


Quirinus Quirrell

A year. It had taken most of a year to find out the methods to get past each of the challenges protecting the Philosopher's Stone and its Elixir of Life. Every challenge except the damn mirror. Quirrell's master, the Dark Lord Voldemort, had been displeased at Quirrell's inability to get the stone from the mirror, if it was even in there.

With no time in the year left, and the narrow time Dumbledore was away from the school shrinking rapidly, the pair had to make a decision. A hard decision to abandon this path towards returning Voldemort to life. There were other options. Options Quirrell had looked up during the year.

One possibility that Quirrell managed to convince his master was viable would require a long trip, so the pair snuck into the Forbidden Forest to stock up on unicorn blood. Before leaving for the Colonies.


Lee Jordan

"HELLO HOGWARTS! Are we excited for the last match of the year!? I said, are we excited!? Great! This match will determine who takes home the Quidditch House Cup this year. Currently, Gryffindor is primed to win it all as they sit with two wins and no losses, if they win this match, they take the cup. Hufflepuff is out of the running entirely, Slytherin is currently sitting pretty with two wins, one loss. Ravenclaw has one win and one loss. If Ravenclaw wins, we will have to go to the point totals for the year to see who takes the cup, and Ravenclaw is a fair bit behind Slytherin in the points and will need to rack up the points to secure total victory, but watch out Ravenclaw as Gryffindor can still take the cup in overall standings if you let them score too many goals.

"And here comes our players. Captain Hoganis leading the Ravenclaw team, followed by his fellow chasers Lambkins and Kettles. Then we have the beaters Badgers and Barrows, keeper Filly, seeker Gerble. And coming on the rear we got the reserves for Ravenclaw! Chang, Davies, and Page!

"And out of the other end of the pitch is Gryffindor! Captain Wood, chasers Johnson, Spinnet, and Bell, the terrible twosome of beaters Fred and George Weasley, the nimblest seeker Potter, and reserve Degurechaff!"

"Thank goodness."

"What was that Prof?"

"Don't you worry about that Jordan."

"Whatever you say Prof. The captains have reached center pitch and shaken hands. Players are in position and They! Are! Off! Lambkins with the quaffle, pass to Kettles. A nice dodge by kettles before passing to Hoganis to Lambkins. A clever pass off the bludger back to Hoganis. AND WE HAVE A STEAL! Bell passes to Spinnet passes to Johnson. It is a race down the pitch. Pass to Bell to Spinnet back to bell and… Filly catches the shot! That's ok Spinnet you almost had it!"

"Jordan, neutral."

"Sorry Prof. Kettles has the quaffle and is off down the pitch, passing to Hoganis. AND GEORGE COMES OUT OF THE SKY! Like the bludgers he has stopped Hoganis' advancement long enough for the Gryffindor chasers to catch back up and Hoganis passes the quaffle to Lambkins, who takes a bludger! Ooh, that has to hurt. Bell recovers the quaffle, but her pass is intercepted by Kettles! Pass to Davies who is subbing in for the injured Lambkins. Pass to Hoganis.

"AND THE SEEKERS ARE OFF! Looks Potter has spotted something! Gerble hot on his trail, heading looking around not seeing what Potter sees. A bludger comes in, nearly hitting Potter, but Fred is able to get in the way in time, taking the blow for his teammate! AND POTTER CATCHES THE SNITCH!

"THERE WE HAVE IT! Gryffindor wins! Gryffindor takes the match and the cup! I can tell you that the common room is going to be celebrating well into the night."


Lily Moon

Lily was scared. Everyone got envelopes with their grades and she was scared about failing. Tanya has helped her so much and would be sad if Lily didn't pass because of the wasted effort. So Lily had climbed up the wall that was there into the space behind the wall that wasn't there, but looked like it was there to hide as she stared at the scary letter. Lily was curled up staring at the letter on the dirty stone ground of the hole in the wall that looked like a wall but wasn't a wall even though it was above a wall that was there.

Biting her lip, Lily snatched up the envelope and ripped it open and looked at her grades, heart pounding hard, breath quick, and eyes dilated. Her worried frown slowly turned into a wide smile.

She passed! She passed! She got Acceptable in almost every class except for Transfiguration where she got Exceeds Expectations! Professor Guard Kitty thought she exceeded expectations!

Lily liked Professor Guard Kitty!

She needed to write her parents! Lily jumped out of the wall that wasn't really a wall, but looked like a wall and was above a wall that really was a wall. She jumped out as Professor Guard Kitty passed by and hugged her favorite professor.

"I passed!" Lily excitedly yelled at her favorite professor. "IpassedIpassedIpassed!"

Before Professor Guard Kitty could say anything, Lily was excitedly running off. Professor Guard Kitty just shook her head, a soft smile on her lips.


Tanya Degurechaff

The second to last day at Hogwarts for my first year of a rather comprehensive magical education saw me making sure all my things were packed away safely in my school trunk. Clothes folded with care, books neatly organized, and equipment clean and orderly. My broom was in Professor McGonagal's care for the summer as it would be difficult to store in my trunk safely and I would have no time to use it during the summer break anyways at the Orphanage.

"Hey Tanya!" The bright voice of Lily called out from behind me.

"Hmm?" I turned an ear towards her as I continued packing my trunk.

"I told my parents that you helped me pass my tests and would be going home to an Orphanage and wouldn't be able to have a lot of fun, so they wanted me to ask you if you wanted to go on vacation with us!"

Hermione mentioned that her parents usually went to France for summer holidays, Parvati said her family was going to India for a few weeks to visit extended family, and Lavender was going to Italy. I, on the other hand was resigned to spending time going to church, helping the nuns take care of the children, and spending most of the summer working. The idea of getting out of all that and having fun was attractive.

"I'll have to ask Abbess Jane first, but I would like that," I said, carefully hedging if I was told no. Considering Lily practically tackled me in a hug after my tentative agreement, she seemed to take it as a complete agreement.

Lily was beaming as she began telling me all about all the fun things we were going to do, I only needed to occasionally ask a question to keep the conversation going all the way to the End of Year Feast where the hourglasses were uncovered and the Great Hall was decorated in Red and Gold. A brief perception enhancement formula showed me before any end of term announcements were made that Gryffindor had won the cup by a single point over Slytherin.

"Another year give," The Headmaster said, standing up from his seat and gesturing wildly. "And what a wonderful way to end the year, with the closest scores in decades. In fourth place, Hufflepuff with three hundred and seventy eight points; in third, Ravenclaw with four hundred and forty two; and just missing out this year by but a single point is Slytherin with four hundred ninety nine to Gryffindor's five hundred!"

Surprisingly, it wasn't just Gryffindor celebrating as Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff joined in cheering that Slytherin's winning streak had finally come to an end. I could see Professor Snape seemed a bit upset by this, along with a few Seventh Year Slytherins who just missed out on being able to go their entire Hogwarts life as House Cup winners.

The hall slowly quieted down as Dumbledore calmly held up his hands.

"Yes, well done Gryffindor. Congratulations for your narrow victory. I also must sadly announce that Professor Quirrell has chosen to leave our school, as some of you may have already noticed."

Indeed, his seat was empty. Curious that he wouldn't at least stay for the end of year feast, but I suppose it was a rather emotional situation for him and he didn't want to deal with it. I could sympathize with the desire to make a quiet exit.

Regardless, the feast and following celebrations lasted long into the night and soon enough we were on the Hogwarts Express heading back to London, a final chance to laugh, joke, share candy, and talk with friends made during the year till September.

It was a long, slow process for everyone to get off the platform and I was happy to see Abbess Jane had come personally to pick me up. She was standing next to a family with a father and son that were… broad in build and a mother that looked like she made lemonade, she left out the sugar. Or, I suppose lemon drink would be more apt, though I had not had the drink since being reborn in Britain.

Before heading over, I gave my thanks to Mrs. Weasley in person for the sweater she has knitted me before joining Harry in walking over to the Abbess and the family. The family must be the Dursley's, Harry's Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin.

"Hello Abbess," I sat politely with a slight bow.

"Tanya," She greets in turn, a bit stiffly. "I trust you did well with your studies."

"Of course Abbess, though one class would benefit from me getting better in the kitchen."

"I am sure your help cooking could be arranged."

"Also, one of the other girls invited me to vacation with her family for having tutored her in several of the classes, if that is alright with you."

The Abbess was quiet for a moment, eyes unfocused as she thought about it. "That is fine, just make sure you let me know when they are planning to pick you up and when they will be dropping you off. And write to me about what you are doing."

I give the Abbess a reassuring smile. "Of course."

Turning to the Dursleys, I see they are about to leave, but I step up to them and hold out a hand.

"You must be Mr. Dursley," I say, managing to get him into a firm handshake while maintaining eye contact. "Harry has told me that you are a rather successful salesman. It is great that you are able to take time out of your undoubtedly busy schedule to spend time with your family to pick up your nephew."

"Of course," He stammers out, looking between me and the Abbess in her habit.

"I believe it is Timothy three five that states 'If someone does not know how to manage their own household, how will he care for God's church?'" I may not be personally religious, but growing up in a Catholic Orphanage with little else to do, I had very carefully read the Bible and memorized any lines that were useful in dealing with hypocritical Christians or their God if he ever decided to try bothering me again. If what Harry mentioned about his family's desire to appear normal was accurate, then they would want to appear to be good Christians, and a gentle reminder of his own hypocrisy could help there and give Harry either an annoying summer as he is taken to Church, or a better holiday as his family thinks on what their previous deity had to say about family. "I'm sure you know how to manage a household in a properly Christian manner though." I let go of his hand and turn back towards the crowd to look for Lily to let her know I would be able to go with her.

A nice relaxing vacation sounded wonderful. Especially with… a friend. I would need to remember to not forget to do these things when I grew up again.

—- End of Book 1 of Tanya Degurechaff's Hogwarts Adventure: Tanya Degurechaff and the Philosopher's Stone —-

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