Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #118

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Chapter 118

Technomancer in MCU

Kamar Taj, Earth


Hmm. This was going to be tough to explain to Ed but it was not as if he was going to do the explaining. The main partition would have to and it serves him right for trying to saddle him with babysitting duty. Admittedly, the people he was going to babysit were going to emerge as SS-rank powerhouses once their training was done. 

He was waiting for the aforementioned powerhouse to arrive in the ritual room of Kamar Taj. It was chosen because it had the highest levels of energy masking wards present in Kamar Taj and also because he did not feel like explaining Jane Foster’s presence to anybody in Kamar Taj. The less people know about her, the better. You never know how some ancient unknown entity might sniff out the presence of an Infinity Stone on her and try and make a move on her. 

Of course, he will be there to stop it but why go through all that hassle?

“Okay, I will bite the bullet and ask. What are we doing here?” Strange’s annoyed voice echoed into the ritual chamber. Apparently, the ritual room absorbed all sorts of stray energy, masking the internal activities completely, and yet, a simple echo was not stopped by it.


“We are waiting for someone who will be joining us for the final training,” He answered without looking back. Strange was someone who was born with an abnormally high talent for sorcery and all the academic hard work he had done on his way here only added to it. Not to mention that the hardships he had gone through, some of which might have been orchestrated, toughened his will and spirit to the point that even Mephisto’s temptation would not budge him at all. 

After arriving at Kamar Taj, Strange was, understandably, very suspicious of everything yet not as much as he was in Ed’s memories, simply because he had seen the stuff that had happened during the battle of New York and had simply categorised sorcery as advanced science. He picked up on eldritch projection and sling ring teleportation within a day and went on to master all of the basics in a week. That was unheard of and he too was surprised to see it done by a baseline human without any enhancements at all. He then wondered how Strange would fare if he was not limited by his failed enhancement body so he did something that the Ancient One would have probably disapproved of.

He completed the procedure that Stark had initiated on Strange’s body. Anyhow, once Strange was sufficiently competent in his practice he would have been able to feed his cells the necessary amount of energy and heal them but what he had done went a step further than that. Stephen Strange was now a certified superhuman but not in the conventional hitting harder-than-steel way.

Stephen Strange’s cells, before he fixed them, were in a strange state of flux wherein they were fed a certain energy to initiate their changing process but that energy had fallen short of completing their requirements, hence the cells had begun gorging on Strange’s life energy to supplement that. He had then taken neutral dimensional energy and woven it through a dozen different unclaimed dimensions and thrust it into Strange’s body, turning him into a pseudo-elemental entity.

Now, Strange can call forth the powers of Fire, Ice, Water, Kinetic Energy, and more without even casting or thinking of a spell. His experiment had worked, turning Strange into a high A-tier enhanced if he mastered all of his powers, even without taking his absurd potential for high-level sorcery into account. His training was going phenomenally well. The only thing was that they did not have much time before Hela broke out of her prison so his main partition had come up with an absurd, high-stakes plan to create two SS-class fighters out of thin air, essentially.

Apparently, the time dilation feature of the Time Stone can be used in alternate dimensions as well, provided that they are still connected to this universe. So, he was given the absurd task of creating a time-dilated bubble in an alternate dimension where time would flow at the ratio of 1:1100. He was going to train Jane Foster and Stephen Strange for what would amount to only a day in the universe but would be nearly three years in the time bubble, allowing him enough leeway to create complete monsters out of them.

Speaking of complete monsters, he felt the gaze of the one-eyed Odin on him before the space in front of him warped, leaving a very surprised Jane Foster in traditional Asgardian armour. She took one look at her surroundings at him before charging straight ahead.

Midway through, a sword made of red mist appeared in her right arm that she slashed toward them, releasing a wave of ominous red energy that seemed to warp the very air, drawing in even the surrounding light.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” He looked back and asked Strange. Strange looked at him with confusion before his face morphed into one of resignation. He then stepped forward and waved his hand, releasing a stream of blue fire that warped the very air around them. Foster’s surprised look was a delight but that soon turned into a determined face as she once again brought her sword in front of her and slashed it forward, releasing another wave of red light.

The attacks seemed to be happening in slow motion to him because of his advanced reflexes but in reality, barely a second had passed since Strange had come forward and attacked Foster.

Of course, he was ready to intervene at the slightest chance of any real damage being done to any of them. It was harder to damage Jane now that she was an Asgardian but Strange had more firepower on his side because the Reality Stone’s output within Jane was severely limited by Bor’s energy.

The wave of fire and two waves of Reality-altering energy clashed in the middle of the room, creating shockwaves of air. Unsurprisingly, Strange’s fire was consumed by the red wave as it continued on its path to him and Strange who looked calm about the whole exchange. Just as the wave was about to hit him, he snapped his fingers, teleporting Jane to his position, startling her.

Jane’s eyes widened as she brought the sword in front of her and absorbed the red waves back into her sword without any issue. The sword too then was absorbed back into her hand, leaving him with a very angry fuming Asgardian who all but lashed at him.

“What the fuck do you think you are doing? Where am I and who is that bozo?” She pointed at Strange who looked very much offended at the insinuation that he was a bozo.

“Wh-What, me? Excuse me, I have an MD,” Strange began defending his looks with his degree which was hilarious for him.

He then clapped his hands in front of them, releasing a shockwave that pushed Jane back and snapped Strange out of his monologue.

‘Alright, settle down, kids. While it would be very entertaining to watch both of you bicker, we don’t have much time. Now, I am sure that you have questions, which is understandable. Unfortunately, your consent for this training was never a factor, and thus,-” HE then snapped his fingers, revealing a ritual circle drawn underneath their feet.

“--Welcome to your hell for the next 3 years,” He announced, and much to his pleasure, both of them looked panicked enough for his sadistic side to enjoy it. Then the Time Stone on his neck began glowing with a green light, mirrored by the ritual lining on the ground as well.



Their pleas fell on deaf ears as with a tearing sound, the entire ritual room, down to the earth, was transported to a dimension filled with a white mist as far as eyes could see. There would be panic amongst the Masters in Kamar Taj for a moment but he was sure that Wong would be able to handle it, with the note explaining his actions and even if they didn’t manage in his absence, then it was not as if 24 hours was going to turn the world upside down.

He didn’t even flinch when a tsunami of red particles hit him out of nowhere. He turned towards his students only to see a raging Jane looking at him like she wanted to kill him. Most probably did.

Well, maybe this was the time to show them the difference in their levels. So, he adopted the most disdainful look on his face and turned his nose up at Jane. Strange strangely looked done with his life in the background.

“You are a hundred years too early to hurt me, Foster,” Saying so, he willed for the barrier to expand outwards, crushing the wave of red particulates using a light application of energy from the Time Stone. Normally, that would have been a lot harder and out of his capabilities given that he was a clone but not only was Jane incredibly inexperienced when it came to energy manipulation, Bor’s energy inside her was actively hindering the Reality Stone from flexing its full powers.

The end result was one Stephen Strange looking annoyed and one Jane Foster on her ass.

“Now, even if I wanted to leave, I can only leave after a period of three years. So, get ready for some hard work. We have a lot to do and I will not permit people to be weak, especially those who have been personally trained by me,” He declared before waving his arm, creating a beautiful cabin with a pond nearby.

Both of their attention was drawn to that cabin before he snapped his fingers and the cabin dissolved into white motes of light.

“That is your first task, Jane Foster,” Jane’s eyes snapped to him.

“You are going to need supplies to live in this place. A place to live and sleep, cook food, everything. You are the holder of something that allows you to bend the laws of reality itself. Use it. Until then, I suppose hunger, starvation, and thirst should be plenty motivators,”

Jane’s mouth opened to no doubt protest against the conditions but he just snapped his fingers and transported her to a corner of the time bubble.

“What am I supposed to do then?” Strange’s annoyed voice sounded behind him. He looked behind to see that Strange had recreated the cabin and the pond nearly perfectly using just dimensional energy in conjunction with the elemental powers granted to him.

He smiled, showing all of his teeth which seemed to unnerve Strange, “No. You are going to get special treatment. First order of business–” He said even as Strange stood up and activated the flow of dimensional energy throughout his body, causing all of the elements under his command to manifest around his body.

“--Survive,” He said that ominous word before he sent an invisible wave of cutting energy at Strange. Strangely, Strange had disappeared the moment he had heard the word “survive”, resulting in the wave just cutting at the land.

Huh. This was going to be fun. No wonder the Ancient ONe loved to bully the newcomers, especially the more arrogant ones.


Word Count - 1926

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