Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #16

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 16

Technomancer in MCU


Until we can find some sort of weakness in that guy, we have to lay low.

I initiated a meeting of the heads for that purpose.

Palming my face with a sigh, I prepared myself for another meeting of treachery and subterfuge.



–Alexander Pierce

One by one, all the members logged in to the meeting from their respective bunkers.

A bunch of cowards, I thought.

None of them, not even Gideon Malick had the balls to go out confront the Avengers and get the Cube and the sceptre.

“Pierce, the fact you have called us so soon, I suppose you had problems regarding the retrieval?”, asked Strucker.

“You would be correct. I encountered fierce resistance from Fury and Banner, as was expected.”

“I was under the assumption that we had already solved the pesky problem that was Fury and were well underway in replacing him with one of our compatriots.”, interjected Whitehall.

I nodded solemnly, “You would be correct but the variable has turned out to be even more dangerous than we thought.”

“I suppose the news hasn’t reached you but using my authority as the temporary supreme leader of all H.Y.D.R.A. bases around the world, I have ordered all of them to enter a state of high emergency and to expect heavy hitter attacks from the variable’s organisation as of two hours ago.”

“What?!!”, came a collective surprise shout from all of them.

“What would possess you to do this madness”, Whitehall added.

“Do you have any idea how many years the procedures for doing that would set me back?”, thundered Strucker.

“Silence!”, I shouted back and the meeting calmed down.

They had never seen me this outraged in such a short period of time.

That was for good reason as even though we were allies, they wouldn’t hesitate to get rid of me at the first sign of weakness.

“Pierce, what exactly happened out there? And for god’s sake, can we just call off this lockdown we have initiated for ourselves?”, asked Whitehall in a serious voice.

“The thing I could have never imagined happened and yes, you can get out of your bunkers now.”

“The alien threat is resolved and this Ed person won’t be targeting us for a while, if the absence of attacks on all our bases is any indication.”

“You are making no sense here and what is this about an attack on all of our bases.”

Nobody knows about all of our bases. I thought that was the whole point. Compartmentalization to the point that even the leader doesn’t truly know the whole truth.”, said Whitehall.

With a sigh, I replied,” I wasn’t supposed to but over the years, combing through the reports I had access to, I had the rough locations to the majority of our bases, even the ones under your supervision, Whitehall.”


“Does the word ‘Jiaying’ mean anything to you?” I smirked at him.

“How..How do you know that name?”

“That is not the point, Pierce, and you know it. This was not supposed to be the standard operating procedure.”

“I know, I know. I have violated all of your trust but that is not of primary importance here.”

“Somehow, they have the completed list of all of our bases throughout the world.”

“And before you ask, no, they were not leaked since they were not on a digital database to begin with. They only existed in my memory.”

“I was about to formally declare Fury a terrorist when that damn man’s pet A.I. projected a screen showing the location of our bases directly in front of my eyes.”

I could feel the sheer disbelief pouring out of every member’s fear along with overwhelming fear.

“Yes, We have confirmation now that they know.”

“For some reason, the AI didn’t show any of that to Fury, even upon his insistence so I believe that they have a plan ahead for us.”

“We need to be out of their radars before they begin commencing whatever they have in their minds for us.”

“Am I clear?” I asked them with a grave countenance.

“Yes”, they replied in unison.

“Make sure all of your important projects are shipped out of your bases ASAP. Don’t rely on your established backup bases. Create new ones so that they cannot be tracked by them.”

They all nodded.

“Hail H.Y.D.R.A!”, I shouted.

“Hail H.Y.D.R.A!”

“Hail H.Y.D.R.A!”

“Hail H.Y.D.R.A!”

One by one, they dropped out of the meeting until only I remained.

Closing the laptop, I dialed Rumlow’s number.


“Any updates on Fury’s movements?”

“He has an appointment with POTUS tomorrow, sir.”

“Other than that, he has ordered an autopsy on the pilot. I have already made sure that our people are the only ones who operate on him.”

“And the Jet’s black box?”

“Already disposed of, sir.”

“Hmm..Good work, Rumlow. Keep updating me.”

“Roger that, sir.”

I tossed the phone on the mahogany table in front of me.

Opening the bottle, I poured myself a glass of my favorite Whiskey.

Resting it on my forehead, I thought of any way I could minimize the damages that were going to be inflicted on our many ongoing projects with this drastic movement.

Not finding any, I input a task for all Level 7 and above H.Y.D.R.A. operatives in S.H.I.E.L.D.

It is to find any and all weaknesses on the members of the Avengers and if possible, the new variable, this Ed and his organisation.


On the screen of my phone, I could see Rumlow’s name.

Leaning over the table, I picked it up.

“Sorry to disturb you so soon, sir.”

“But I have some important information for you.”

“What is it?” I lean forward in anticipation.

“There have been reports of one Dr.Jemma Simmons being in possession of the CHI healing technology that was used by them during the Central Park complex.”

My eyes shine in greed at that.

“Any special reason she was given that over all the others?”

“She was S.H.I.E.L.D.’s liaison at the Central Park complex, worked with the doctors already present there.”

“Apparently, she tried multiple times to acquire a piece of their technology but was unsuccessful due to their AI’s watchful eye.”

“Towards the end, however, he gave her one of the smallest units of their healing tech.”

“So? Any reason why we are having this conversation without her already being taken?”, I asked him with a cold voice.

“Sir, we have credible reports stating that the tech only works in her hands. Some sort of biometric lock.”

“Outside of her, it just seems to be a paperweight in anybody’s hands.”

“There also seems to be heavy security surrounding her, probably Fury’s men.”

“We don’t have a certain shot at extracting her without killing her so we are waiting for an opportune moment.”

“Make one if you can’t do it soon. I want their tech as soon as possible.” I ordered him.

“Roger that, sir.”

I sat on the chair, eyes gleaming in anticipation of finally getting some good news from this whole fiasco.

The addition of that healing tech, even in a rudimentary form, will boost the capabilities of our agents and our experimental weapons by a significant amount.


Word Count - 1259


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